Dear Fellow Conservative:What do you need to win in the political arena? How can you compete more effectively on the ideological battlefront? One absolutely essential answer -- ideas.
Today's political battles are being fought with tomorrow's technology. E-mail and the Internet are taking on ever-greater roles in politics, and liberals understand this all too well. That's why, as conservatives, we need to not only keep up with the latest technology, but use it effectively.
So, here's an invitation: if you have E-mail, take us up on our offer to help provide you with instant political ammunition; the information you'll need in to build and expand the conservative majority. You'll receive our online magazine, memos, published commentaries and essays by ACU's leaders, news releases, letters to Congress on key legislation, and other timely information.
It's free and it's easy. Simply fill out the form below, provide us with your E-mail address (in confidence) and we'll do the rest by including you on our exclusive ACU E-mail ActionNet. You won't be inundated, I assure you -- a few times a month you'll receive top-notch material that I know you'll find very useful.
Help yourself and help the cause. Get on the ACU ActionNet today.
David Keene, Chairman