Tora Akurei ([info]tora) wrote,
@ 2004-05-04 19:30:00
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Current mood: angry

You know what? I give up.
I'm not doing anything else today. The world is out to destroy me today.

So I'm angry and brooding and stressed out beyond compare (see last post). I look over the fine print of the contract for getting personal training sessions and realize that I still have 2 days to rescind it, thus not pay a dime. I already missed one appointment and given my current state, I'm heavily considering that option. All I need to do is go in tomorrow, give notice, and get back my deposit slips. Now I'll have a wonderful gym membership that's doing me little good. If I could, I'd back out of that too at this point, but unfortunately I'm stuck with it for a year and can't weasel my way out of it at this point.

Fine. I'm still angry and brooding. I decide to try and relax and pick up my violin. It's horridly out of tune. I get out the trusty digital metronome and set it to play A 440. Play the A sting. Flat. Fine tune. Still way too flat. I go to adjust the peg and the second it moves, the string breaks.

I just can't win today.

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2004-05-04 16:48 (link)
Meep. Poor tiger. I'm here for you; you can't break me. *hugs tightly*

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2004-05-04 16:55 (link)
Your have a couple of really crap days. *Hugs ya* Sorry bro.

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2004-05-04 17:54 (link)
*snugs* I know those days. Hang in there, things will be better tomorrow.

*desperately tries to not sing anything from "Annie: The Musical"*


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2004-05-05 02:10 (link)
how long has the violin been left without being played?

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2004-05-05 10:44 (link)
About 6 months I bet. Not to mention I've never changed the strings since I bought it like 5 years ago or so, so they've probably stretched right out and need to be replaced anyhow.

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