Tora Akurei ([info]tora) wrote,
@ 2004-05-29 10:01:00
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Current mood: amused
Current music:Thursday - Division St.

Junior Girls?
For no apparent reason, head office decided to send out some "V.I.P. coupons" out with our paycheques. These coupons can be used by anyone and get you 50% off any purchase of up to $100 (before taxes) of Junior Girl merchandise at any Le Chateau store. However, I do not know of anyone who could put these coupons to use, I have 5 of them, and they're only good until June 20th. Oh, the other catches are that you can't use them at outlet or liquidation stores and it excludes the fall 2004 collection which is currently being shipped in to stores.

So anyone who could use one is free to drop me a line. :)

lights out
black out
blow out the candle again
spin the room around
fall down
pass out
get up
i can't keep repeating

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2004-05-29 10:04 (link)
You could wear the clothes!

And then sell 'em on ebay!

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2004-06-02 15:19 (link)
I'm still tempted to get the "My boyfriend is out of town" shirt, except that the chest would be a bit saggy without breasts to fill it out.

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