The Girl Nextdoor ([info]karly) wrote,
@ 2002-12-19 17:13:00
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Current mood: dorky

Blueberry Candy canes
So I've put some photo archives up in the visual section of my site. It was kind of fun flipping through all those old pictures.. I have a ton stacked up.

No more school for 2 weeks! I could cry, I'm so happy.

Off to babysitting in a frigid house.

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2002-12-20 00:31 (link)
Babysitting and doing Taco Time? My my, the money MUST be rolling in. It's "aboot" time, "eh"?

Merry Xmas. =)

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2002-12-20 16:15 (link)
It is aboot time.

It's not really rolling right now, actually, since I've had to buy Christmas presants.. but it should pick up a bit soon.

I plan to (hopefully) buy a computer with the money by the middle of next year.

Merry Christmas to you too!

"Now bring out the figgy pudding..."

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2002-12-20 16:17 (link)
....Fuck pudding. I want ham ;\

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2002-12-20 22:18 (link)
Both you and Mike, eh?

All about the ham.

It's all about the turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, and cranberry sauce for me...

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2002-12-20 22:35 (link)
Dude, Silks has good taste if he wants ham.

Turkey is for Thanksgiving. Potatoes are good, gravy's good, cranberry sauce is good, stuffing, and so forth and whatnot.

But fuck the Turkey, and fuck pudding :)

...Right, Silks?

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2002-12-21 11:32 (link)
Dudette, Mike is in love with ham. He adores it. I reckon he'd be happy if he could eat ham every day for the rest of his life...

Fuck the pudding is right.. I could give a shit about pudding.

But not the turkey. And not the Lady of Honour Tarts! And NEVER the shortbread! Ahhh.. I'm getting hungry just thinking of all the food...


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2002-12-21 15:51 (link)
LoL, whatever. :)

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2002-12-21 19:59 (link)
Damn straight. There's almost nothing better than to eat sliced ham cubes at work. :o~~~

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