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Crisis In Darfur Is Of Extraordinary Gravity, International Community Warns

A Sudanese refugee arriving in Farachana camp. Upon arrival at the camp, refugees receive blankets, mattresses, jerry cans, kitchen sets, and soap from UNHCR, as well as sorghum, oil and corn-soya blend provided by WFP. Photo UNHCR/H.Caux

Describing the humanitarian and human rights crisis in Sudan's Darfur region as being "of extraordinary gravity, magnitude and urgency," the United Nations, donor countries and aid agencies wrapped up a one-day donor alert meeting in Geneva last week by appealing for at least $236 million to help an estimated 2.2 million victims of the war and forced ethnic displacement survive until the end of this year. At the same meeting, the European Commission announced its intention to commit an additional EUR 10 million in humanitarian assistance to the EUR 9.2 million aid package the European Commission already allocated to the victims of the Darfur crisis.

In a joint statement the UN, the United States and the European Union warned that the situation in Darfur, an impoverished region in Sudan's west, is so dire that donors will have to maintain their support at least until 2006. Hundreds of thousands of lives will be at risk in Darfur unless immediate protection and relief are provided, they say. Civilians still face the threat of attack from the Janjaweed militias; many people are spilling into neighbouring Chad to escape the violence. More….

Drought-Hit Northern Somalia Faces Looming Disaster
Without substantial rains in the next two weeks, northern Somalia could suffer worsening drought conditions that would overtake the current capacity of aid agencies to provide relief, the United Nations official warned this week. "All the signs indicate that the communities of large parts of northern Somalia are experiencing yet another season of inadequate rainfall," the UN Humanitarian Co-ordinator for the country, Maxwell Gaylard, said in a statement released in Nairobi, Kenya. "This situation could develop into full-blown disaster in the next couple of months." More…

Fighting Erupts Again In The DRC
The fragile security situation in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) broke down this week when rebels attacked the eastern town of Bukavu and surrounding districts. Resistance from DRC troops melted away as the soldiers fled, leaving the rebels in command of the town. The small UN peacekeeping force in the area is neither equipped nor mandated to suppress this sort of insurgency but that hasn't altered the perception among local people that the UN ought to have done more. More…

Five Aid Workers Murdered In Afghanistan
Five members of Médecins sans Frontières were murdered this week in north western Afghanistan when they were caught in what appeared to be an ambush on the road between the towns of Khairkana and Qala-I-Naw. Two of the dead were Afghans, the others came, respectively, from the Netherlands, Norway and Belgium. More…

Numbers Of Asylum Seekers Fall Again
New figures issued by the United Nations refugee agency (UNHCR) show that the number of asylum-seekers reaching the world's developed countries fell again in the first three months of this year, continuing the downward trend of the last few years. More…

Boost Bio-Energy To Ease Poverty In Developing Countries
With wood, charcoal and fuel-producing crops emerging as environmentally friendly and cost-effective sources of energy, especially for developing countries, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) this week called for the urgent inclusion of so-called bio-energy into agricultural and forestry programmes. More…

UN Nuclear Watchdog Explains Role In Safeguarding Nuclear Weaponry
Discussing how to prevent nuclear weaponry from falling into the hands of terrorists, the Vienna-based International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has stressed the role it can play in reinforcing national efforts to detect smuggling of nuclear material and equipment that could be used in crude explosive devices and so-called dirty bombs. More…

Myanmar: Continued Concern For Democracy And Human Rights
Paulo Sergio Pinheiro, the UN expert tracking the human rights situation in Myanmar has voiced disappointment with the lack of co-operation on the part of the country's authorities with his work. He has asked twice to visit Myanmar since last November, but "without much success so far". The authorities have rejected all dates he has suggested up until now. More...

UN Human Rights Experts Demand Israel Stop Razing Palestinian Homes
Two United Nations experts this week condemned Israel's systematic demolition of Palestinian homes, water sources and livelihoods in the Rafah refugee camp, describing the practice illegal and calling for international action if it continues. More…

Thousands Of Refugees Hurry Home To Sierra Leone Before UN Repatriation Programme Ends
The United Nations-sponsored return of refugees to Sierra Leone is picking up pace before the repatriation programme comes to an end on 30 June. Last week, large convoys with a total of over a thousand refugees arrived from Liberia in Gendema, on their way to the UN way station in Zimmi.. More..

Commission Allocates EUR 9.1 Million Healthcare Funding To North Korea
The European Commission has adopted a EUR 9.1 million humanitarian aid plan to boost healthcare for up to ten million people in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK). The funding, will provide much-needed equipment and medicines, and help to rehabilitate health centres, hospitals and specialist facilities. More..

Threat To Cold-Water Coral Reefs
Slow-growing cold-water corals are being damaged by heavy, deep sea fishing, waste disposal and oil and gas exploration and production, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) announced this week. More..

©EuropaWorld 2004 - Copyright Policy / About us / Endorsements / Contact us

Pascal Lamy, EU Trade Commissioner, The Role of Europe in Today’s Globalised World: Seventh Conference on Globalisation – Felix Meritis Connecting Cultures. Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 31 May 2004

En Bref

Six-month extension of UN force in Cyprus proposed while pledging a review before the mid-point aimed at adapting its mandate to the prevailing circumstances. The UN say that the situation along the ceasefire lines remains calm, while people from both sides continue regularly to pass through the crossing points. "I remain convinced that, in the absence of a comprehensive settlement, the presence of UNFICYP on the island continues to be necessary for the maintenance of the ceasefire," said Mr. Annan. The Secretary-General urged the Turkish Cypriot authorities to provide full freedom of movement for UNFICYP so that it could carry out its mandate more effectively.

Commission increases budget for democracy and human rights activities by almost EUR 27 million. New priorities have been added to the programme, including support measures for victims of human rights abuses and a pilot project for an experts' network for conflict prevention, while the budgets for supporting the development and consolidation of democracy and the rule of law, and respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, have been increased.

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