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"Anyone who has the power to make you believe absurdities has the power to make you commit injustices."   --Voltaire

This Sunday on
Peter's Radio Shows hear:
Carl Pope, director, The Sierra Club, on his new book,
Strategic Ignorance
Click on the mic above for info on Peter's talk show and interviews on the air and on the Internet.
Also, for rebroadcast and archive information.

News about the illegal and unnecessary invasion and occupation of Iraq.

Resistance to the Empire

9/11: The questions still remain.
What did Bush know, and when did he know it?

Detroit Calendar

Click on the book for titles that drive conservatives crazy because they tell the truth.

Fifth Estate newspaper. America's longest running anti-authoritarian newspaper.

Peace and Social Justice


Michigan Peace Team

In 1964, the Artists Workshop made it happen culturally in Detroit. John and Leni Sinclair, George Tysh, Jim Semark, Lyman Woodard and others were founders.
Now, 40 years later, a reunion is planned

Past Featured Web Sites

More Detroit counter-culture history:
Tribes of the Cass Corridor

Featured InterviewsMichel Martin
Worse Than Watergate:
Interview with John Dean:
"Bush should be impeached."

House of Bush; House of Saud
Interview with author, Craig Unger

Past Interviews & Peter's Interviews

For the second year in a row, Peter's show won the Democratic Media Award

The Peter Werbe Article Database
Articles by Peter from the mid- to late-'90s



















The Reagan Legacy:  Corruption, lies, war, scandal, extension of the Cold War, attacks on labor & the poor, nuclear madness; Reagan, an empty-headed right-winger mythologized to Biblical proportions. Reagan was one of the worst presidents in US history and set the stage for the current crop of criminal lunatics.
*Reagan had nothing to do with ending the conflict with the Soviet Union.
*Greg Palast on Reagan
*William Rivers Pitt on Reagan
*"A cruel and stupid lizard"

*Reagan: Goodbye and Good Riddance
*Rating Reagan: A Bogus Legacy

Michigan Gay Weddings in Ferndale!
Congratulations to the Loving Couples
Anti-Gay Bigotry Is On the Run

Mass Gay Wedding Set for Lansing

Galapagos Under Siege!
Ecuador Appeases Fishermen Thugs Who Break Law


Is Bush Losing It?

Over 800 dead; 4700 wounded for Bush's lies and folly.
How many more?


Put this together:
Donald Rumsfeld, who issued secret orders for setting up a world-wide torture network after being wrong on every prediction about an "easy" Iraq victory,
says the war on terror is just beginning.

There's not enough troops for BushCo's insane imperial schemes, so this means

& for women as well

Chickenhawks celebrate while more than
800 GIs Dead in Iraq

Total Casualties  

AFP Photo

A Soldier Who Saw the Killing & Abuse of Iraqis and Refused to Have Anything More to Do with It, Gets the Same Punishment As A GI Torturer!
[click on pic]
[also go to Resistance page]

Only One Way
Left in Iraq, their only choice is to kill and be killed in an illegal, unnecessary war based on BushCo's lies.

(see John Dean interview in the left column)
Bush Impeachable Offenses
Impeach Central

Nader Says Impeach Bush!

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Since January 11, 2003
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Welcome to
Peter Werbe's site devoted to resistance to authoritarian rule, and putting forth visions of a new world.

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Listen Live; click on logo


The Bush Pages
[click on headline]
They tell a nightmare story of how the Bush gang stole the 2000 election and is carrying out a rightwing coup for Empire and oil, destroying the environment, attacking the rights and income of the middle- and working class,
and devastating the poor.
Be prepared to be angered, frightened, and even amused.

How about a little
rock & roll?

from www.ericblumrich.com

"Police Reaction" from
The Layabouts

"Planet of Slums"
by Mike Davis
This is a very long essay to read online, but it is an ominous look at what the future has in store as long as we allow the greedy rich and corporations to rule the world.

Click on logo to join the fight, and see  the left alternatives

Where do our tax $$s Go?

1. Shorter is better. Peter gets hundreds of emails and it is difficult to get through long messages.
2. Peter will not open messages with attachments unless he's expecting it, and will not read messages sent from re-mailers.
3. If all you have are insults, don't bother. There's nothing you can say that will hurt his feelings or make him feel badly. He's heard it all before.
Reasonable opinions welcome.
4. DON'T SEND PETER EVERY FORWARD YOU SEND TO YOUR LIST! Assume that Peter reads the same mainstream sources you do. Please DO send items you think he may not have seen or have access to. Thanks!