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Saturday, July 28th, 2001
1:13 am - I really keep up with this thing....don't I??
Oh well, you can't be asking for too much. It is summer and too nice to be inside. Anyways, today (Fri) was a good day. I celebrated my brother's birthday early, by only about 4 months. But there was some method to my madness. Since my little bro is going to be 16 this November, I thought it would be nice if we attended a Cubs Game together.

What a great idea that was! We got up around 9, left for the "L" around 10, got to Wrigley about a quarter to 11 (where we were first in line), then waited for about an hour and half until they opened up the bleacher seats for inhabitance. Got to sit through BP and almost caught a ball, although I backed off and let some lady next to me get it. As for the game, it was scary, it seemed like all St. Louis could do was hit home-runs, but that was quickly put to an end. Then the amazing Cubbie offense came alive to bring a 4-3 victory to the Friendly Confines in a hard-fought emotional contest.

Then I treated my bro to a dinner at Bennigans'. It might not sound like much, but it's on the corner looking out towards the Art Institute - what a great view. We decided to then retire back to school, where we watched some Snatch.

That's my ever-so-busy, yet refreshing, day. Tomorrow involves a little worky, worky, then I'm supposed to tutor some guy in C++. I sure hope it's all easy stuff, I really don't feel like turning on the ol' brain during the weekend. Well, considering I have to be up in seven hours, I'm signing off....

current mood: jubilant
current music: Infomercials on the Tele

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Tuesday, July 17th, 2001
2:27 am - Birthday Money!
Gotta figure out what to spend it on. I was thinking about a bike for the lakeside trail, general city commuting, and possibly a off-road trip every once in a while. Anyone have any suggestions for a bike that can handle all that for under $400? I sure hope so, otherwise I have my work cut out for me looking around.

PS - I thought it was only right that I gave some of the limelight to the 'original' party girl, Asia, for being 3 hours or so older than me....grrrr. hehe Oh sooo close now to being out of our teens, huh?

current mood: peaceful

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2:22 am - WOW...lack o' update indeed.
Haven't had anything to really write about in the last two weeks. I worked, went to class, and basically hung out. This past weekend was spent at Wrigley Field, where I had front row bleachers for two very, very disappointing losses for the Cubbies. Oh well, at least I got the farmer's tan that I wanted. :oP

After the game on Saturday, my family took me out for a steak dinner - I was impressed to say the least. Sunday was work again at the ballpark, where I wished a belated birthday so many times. Looking back, I lucked out - I lounged around the bleachers while my coworkers had to deal with the hustle and bustle of a record setting crowd of 3400 (which is phenomenal, considering there's less than 3000 seats in the park).

current mood: nostalgic

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Tuesday, July 3rd, 2001
12:46 pm - Finally...
I'm back (at the frat) and happier than ever. Sure I was having fun with my family, but it's just not the same, especially when your friends will be leaving for other schools.

July should be good for me, I don't work too often (although the money won't be there either). I have tickets to two out of the three games for the Cubs-Sox Series. One of which will be on my birthday, can't complain too much about that, now can I. Then August will be filled with about three weeks of fraternity fun.

The Taste fireworks are tonight, unfortunately it's been raining lately, which will mean that the ground be nice and soggy for the show, but it is well worth the adventure to brave the million or so people and watch a great show. If you ever have a chance to make it to, I highly recommend it.

current mood: anxious

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Wednesday, June 27th, 2001
11:35 pm - All work and no play make Homer something something...
Go crazy?! Don't mind if I do!!!

Sometimes, I feel like that. I worked the last six nights. The problem is that when I get off, it's either too late or I'm too tired to do anything. That should change though because next week, after worky, a bunch of us employees are heading out to hang. Should be fun.

This past week I have been staying at home, where I don't have my computer or fast net access, so I don't even bother. The only chance for LJ has been the few times I've spent at school. Oh well, it's only summer.

current mood: satisfied

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Monday, June 18th, 2001
7:17 pm - Give it a little time...
don't worry, and the Cubs show everyone who's the boss. Go winning streak!

Well, the carnival finally ended yesterday. Now I know how slave-labor feels, I was behind a grill for about 8 hours, pumping out the burgers like there is no tomorrow. But that's all behind me now, at least for another year.

Bumming around is quite an interesting thing for me, I haven't had the chance to in quite a long while. As soon as I'm done with this little post, I do have a little treat for me planned. Two Soprano episodes. One of my friends bought the first season on DVD and we've been watching them for a couple of weeks now. Oh yeah! Well, time to go, I've been itching to watch them for over a week now!

current mood: anxious

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Saturday, June 16th, 2001
2:10 am - Wow
How plans change. This morning I was awoken to one of the bros asking if I wanted to go to the dog track, decided a couple of hours against it and reverted back to the original Holy Grail plan. Getting ready to leave, we get a call from one of the guys. A band he knows is playing a carnival and wonders if we want to go. Sure. Turns out that this carnival is the one my Church puts on...I didn't know, however, that he knew the band. Go figure on that coincidence. So I spent the night at the carnival, where we met up with some other friends (who is a cousin to the lead singer). Topped the night off with a midnight run to Sub Port. What a interesting night was had.

current mood: amused

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Friday, June 15th, 2001
1:28 am - I love my job.
Although I can be frequently found complaining about my job (more specifically, management), I truly enjoy myself while there. Where else can I bullshit around between customers, catch a game of ball while hanging out with a couple of great girls, and leave work happy and aching to work again? Only here that I know of.

Now, I have a week off. What ever will I do with myself?? Hmmm...I might be wondering up to Century City Theaters tomorrow tonight to see the re-release of MP and the Holy Grail. And Saturday, I'm hitting the grad party circuit, well, it's only one, but still, its something. So I guess I'll busy enough not to notice that I won't be working again until Thursday. At least, I hope...

current mood: cheerful
current music: Limp Bizkit - My Way

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12:38 am - Wow, what has happened..
to my Cubbies?? Lose a couple to the Sox and then proceed to lose a few problem, the fans don't mind, we're actually quite used to it. Oh well, I'll be able to witness the revenge when I catch the Windy City Classic from the bleachers of the Friendly Confines on my that's a present! (Too bad I bought the tickets for myself and then instructed the family that they were going with me)

current mood: aggravated
current music: Styx - Lady

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Wednesday, June 6th, 2001
12:06 am - Nothing Special
Yesterday, I worked at the ballpark where my team proceeded to lose 13-0. woohoo. Today, worked for about 7 hours day doing the's easy work, I enjoy it. Other than that, I played a marathon of RBI Baseball games with my bud. Five back-to-back games, with the last being 15-14 (each side hit a grand slam). We figured that we would anger the baseball gods if we were to play another game. But another day, who knows... Did anyone see the Cubbies play?? A pinch-hit grand slam!!! Holy Cow!!

current mood: satisfied

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Monday, June 4th, 2001
11:17 pm - Don't ya love how life plays little tricks on me?!
Spent the morning doing a little research. Found out that Mustang at the fortress was a '69 Mach 1, just the car I always wanted. Although bad news hit me just a few minutes ago - the car is structurally in bad shape. I would have to buy another car for spare parts and talking to my dad, his boss partially restored one for about eight grand. It's almost tolerably on this poor college kid's budget. hehe Oh well, I'm gonna keep the dream alive. A plus today was the fact that summer school has finally started. I never thought I would be so excited to attend the classes again, but this time it is different. I'm taking an accounting course and was answering questions like mad today. I was asked if I ever had any classes in the subject, which I hadn't, I'm self-taught. I find all this interesting considering I'm an engineering major, maybe I found a backup, just in case this whole tech thing doesn't pan out. I'm not against changing directions and heading to a new horizon. Either way, I'll be in the business world in a few years.

current mood: content
current music: A little Frasier on TV to lighten the mood. :-)

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Sunday, June 3rd, 2001
11:33 pm - I HATE THE FLU!!
The world is playing tricks with my body. Yay, I'm, wait, you need to shiver. Brrrr. Oh well. I've been drudging through this first month - working sleeping working sleeping. So much so that I haven't had my daily recommended dose of LJ - maybe that's why I don't feel up to my usual 'perky' self. Working two jobs this summer, with a third on the back burner, but it looks like it needs to come forward soon. I'm doing a little contract work with the uncle remodeling basements which is a feat in itself considering I'm the techie in the family. I'm learning a few household tricks so I'm happy. After spending the morns there, I can be found at the ballpark where I watch night in and night out our team lose. I'm that annoying guy who asks where you want to sit - 'first base, home, or third base', then decides for you when you take too long. It works for me because I've been done working by the fourth inning. Then I help the park birthday coordinator deliver the cakes to the kids, with the help of some very cute girls. Oh the monotony of the job. *winks* The job that's on hold right now is working in the pharmacy at and hours don't sound too bad. I'm quite excited this weekend...who thought a death in the family could bring sooo much joy to one kid. My great uncle died this past week and left this little junkyard/fortress to be cleaned out. While gathering a few things, we found a '69 (or so) Mustang in fairly good condition, minimal rust in places. Wanna check it out...I might have found myself a new car...can't get much better than that! I think that's it...if not, I'll just have to be forced to express myself one more time...oh how harsh it would be.

current mood: cheerful
current music: PBS - Elton John Special

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Thursday, April 26th, 2001
12:53 am - Moving on up...
I decided that since I plan on being a computer engineer, I might as well try computery stuff. With that said, I'm gonna try my luck with linux. This should definitely be interesting.

current mood: anxious

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12:51 am - Decisions...
Finally! My parents and I finally decided that it was okay to stay at the frat house over the summer (even though I live 20 minutes away). So I'm thrilled with that, especially since the majority of the guys are staying too...gonna have a good time! And then, I'm doing a little summer school, which surprisingly is my decision. Its one of those classes which will count for both undergrad and grad, so I can't pass it up will I'm on scholarship. That'll only be two days a week, the rest of the time I figured I'll work for some cash, maybe intern, maybe bum around...either way, it'll be a cool summer and I am soooo looking forward to it. Now, if I could only talk my parents into that road trip to Miami...

current mood: relieved

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Wednesday, April 18th, 2001
1:56 pm - Self-Destruction.
Yesterday was a day that I would so love to block out. First, waking up to the news of your friend's death and then having to deal with another problem - one of your close friends on a self-destructive course. I saw a side of man that I never want to see again. Threats of killing, backed up by the reasoning that they are worthless to humanity and have nothing to lose. Seeing them drink themselves down to place only a few ever venture. He was so drunk that he couldn't pass out. He was trying to hit everything in sight and even broke my window with his head. A bunch of us held him down until we could calm him enough to go into his room. From what I hear this morning, he started up again in there. Luckily, he had friends to care for him. I'm still in shock at what I witness, but I won't let this hold me back, I have dreams to go out and accomplish. Until next time...

current mood: unhappily shocked

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1:42 pm - Morality.
It is strange how you are traveling on a paved road, sure it has potholes, but it also has a few lights that give you a small glimpse of what lies ahead, and all of a sudden, your life turns upside down and you find yourself on that dark and lonely gravel road that you have been on all too much. The road of life is not meant to be smooth, but it also shouldn't be so rough. No person deserves that. In the last 10 years, I have seen two different friends lose a parent, my mom lose her parents, my cousins lose both parents, and now this - my best friend losing the love of his life, the only girl he every loved and known for his most of his life, to a senseless tragic accident. Yes, she was a friend of mine, we went to the same grammar and high schools, but I have known tragedy and come face to face with it before, this isn't something new to me. The problem is that although I have experienced all this, I still don't know what to do. I know I need to make sure that he knows life will go on, that there is no need to end it. I will go on, reflect yes, but continue, definitely. I just have to make sure he does. If any one has any ideas, please share.

current mood: drained

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Thursday, March 29th, 2001
3:11 pm - These Are The Times That Try Men's Souls
About 5 minutes ago, I had one of those not-so-everyday moral dilemmas - a test of selflessness. As I was outside picking up the garbage that was strewn around the house, I was approached by a white male around my age. He started telling me about how he was on his way home late last night when he fell asleep, missed his transfer and when he woke up, all his belongings and money was stolen, which isn't too much of a stretch from where he said this happened.

He went on mentioning that he hasn't had anything to eat and has been visiting churches and police precincts trying to find a way home, to no avail. So I let him wait downstairs and get a little soup leftover from Lunch. I scrounged up 20 bucks and sent him on his way. He said he'd mail the money back...I'll let you know how that works out. Although, nothing will probably ever come out of it, but I'd like to think if I was in need, someone would come to my aid. Talking to my mom later in the day, she agreed with my course of action, which made me feel better as a moral human being. LIfe is what we make of it, and I plan on going to the top.

current mood: morally confused

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Tuesday, March 27th, 2001
11:46 pm - hmmm...
Today just happened, nothing new or eventful. My Big Bro is quite happy though, he now has a drum set in his room and he's holding jam sessions for everyone's listening pleasure. While this is a good thing, I'm right UNDER him!! Oh well, he's happy and that's enough for me!

current mood: calm
current music: Aerosmith - Come Together

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Monday, March 26th, 2001
7:54 pm - Two for two
Wow, I didn't think it was possible, but it happened again with the tests. This time was different, instead of knowing the concepts and not being able to apply them like the first exam, I knew everything on this test...except I ran out of time!! There was too much to write. Ahhhhh!

current mood: aggravated
current music: TV - Boston Public

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11:39 am - I should be ashamed...
I feel that I have been letting my LJ friends down, not posting any news, yet constantly reading their journals, entertained by the world that is around me. *shakes head in regret* 'For shame' Well, I do have news - I got a permanent account! I thought about it and decided it was worth it, even though I don't always post that much. There's always room for growth and I'd like to get into helping out the staff here with things, in order to practice my major, so to speak... Other than that, I have been pretty much chillin' around the house. The guys have started a renewed spirit for board games, so that definitely helps out on the quiet nights. JJ and I rock at Trivial Pursuit! It didn't hurt that we had pieces of PIE on the first turn. Oh hit hard by my calc midterm this morning, hopefully I can recover in time for my ECE midterm this evening. Hmmm...that smell means it's LUNCH! L:aterz!

current mood: mellow
current music: Q101 for a change

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Thursday, March 15th, 2001
11:39 pm - Busy Break...
Been going back and forth between here and home the last couple of's worth it though. I'm getting some cool stuff out of my parents, i.e. a new stereo. No complaining here! Saw a lot of old friends lately and was glad that we were able to pick up right where we left off. That was a big problem I had back in HS. I felt like most of my friendships were fake. I had the feeling that they didn't really care about me, that they were in it for themselves. I still think most of them were, but at least now I know that I have friends that shared the HS experience who I can still talk to. Makes me feel better about my past. I'll probably continue this at another time, I'm too tired to continue. So I'll leave you all in LJ land to your fun, gonna hang with the boys. Late-

current mood: content
current music: 101.9

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Saturday, March 3rd, 2001
9:37 pm - Gone and back
Why does the weekend signal endless fun and partying?? I was content yesterday to just sit around, watching a few movies, and going to bed, but what happens?? I get dragged into the whole party scene once again - geez, it's a tough life!! I ended up going to bed around 3:30 or maybe later (numbers not my friend last night, hurt to think). That's not really the problem, I had to be up bright and early at 6:30am, so I could wake up the other guys for the science fair. I sure am glad I borrowed someone's 'poking stick' because waking these guys up wasn't a pretty sight. The fair was cool, a lot of neat lookin' projects and even better lookin' fellow judges. *grins* We found out next week that the regional contest is coming to the school here, so we might have to show up and have some more fun. Oh, cool thing happened as my buddy and I were walking around, one of the girls we judged, kinda whispered to the kid next to her and pointed to us, saying "Those are the coolest judges." Made us feel pretty good about ourselves...after that, I didn't mind that I had to struggle forever to wake up all the guys. And I got my eight hours of sleep as soon as we got home. So all in all, a good day.

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Friday, March 2nd, 2001
3:30 am - Festivities...
I never thought this weekend was gonna come. It seemed like endless classes, then Tuesday, I get terribly sick. Luckily, it went away after some 16 hours of sleep. *Scott's home health tip #1 - Hibernate it out.* Last night, we went over to the Bog, where they actually had a good band - "Penny and the Loafers." It's a ska band who can put on one hell of a live show. It was cool seeing them again because I first saw them back in HS, at our district's Battle of the Bands...they won and went on to play the House of Blues and Hard Rock Cafe. Good stuff. Tonight is lazy night for Scotty. And Saturday, a bunch of the guys are going to judge some middle school science contest...and cause some trouble, something we haven't done in a while!

current mood: happy

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Friday, February 23rd, 2001
12:58 pm - Wow...(Part II)
I thought I would be nice and start a new entry. Last night a buddy and I stood outside in the cold for around an hour and a half, just so we could get a wristband, that could possibly allow us to buy Cubs tickets. It was a purely random thing. Luckily for us, I got a decent number, so went back again this morning to Wrigley, leaving around 6:45am, waited in line for a good 3 hours until I got the chance to purchase a few ticks. Well worth it to see my Cubbies play. I personally am going to at least four games this year, which isn't too bad, considering I'm on a student's budget. I'm going to see the White Sox get beaten at Wrigley...twice!! (A guy can hope, can't he??) So all, in all a good week This weekend is Camras, which is a scholarship interview thing and guess who gets a little runt?? You guessed it, my roommate. I'm gonna make him take care of the guy. It shouldn't be too bad, although the whole campus is dry, as a result. :-( Take care, and think about me, while you party hard this weekend!!

current mood: cheerful

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12:47 pm - Wow...
I never thought I would be the lazy, no update type...darn. Okay, since my last post I have been up to a few things. First off, last weekend. Roseball. Four Chapters, one room, and an open bar. Need I say more?? I don't 'need' to, but I will! We rented a charter bus to bring us to the banquet hall, which turned out to be in a strip mall with Dominicks on one end and Walgreens on the other. Quality, I know. Okay, back to the bus. We all get on, no extra seats left, so we think - cool, we're leaving. Not a chance, the bus couldn't start, someone had to drive from the company to jump-start the bus. We thought our little ordeal ended, but wait...somehow this guy pulled into the smallest parking lot on campus and doesn't know how to get out. While trying to get out, he's almost ramming cars and then he missed the driveway, rode the curb and hit a huge branch hanging down. There's more! He didn't know how to drive!!! I can't stress this enough, he tried shifting numerous times, but ended up putting it into 1st instead of 3rd - I've never been jerked around so much in my life. Don't we have the luck?! Somehow, we made it to the hall in one piece. The dinner was excellent and the DJ rocked the party. I found out that I need a little 'something' in me to let loose. People were saying that I was a dancing fiend out there - Hells Yeah! A couple times it was me dancing with two girls and then the occasional four girls and me. Good Stuff.

current mood: satisfied

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