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Tuesday, December 21st, 2004
1:38 am - It's YULE time!!! Happy Solstice!!!

Blessed Yule everyone!!! I hope your Yule brings you tidings of love, joy, hope, and peace. May your day be full of light!
Blessed be! *grin*

*hugs for everyone!* :)

current mood: excited
current music: The Highwayman - Loreena McKennitt

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Thursday, December 2nd, 2004
7:12 pm

Does anyone here know any good markets for Pagan song lyrics/poetry?

current mood: artistic

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Wednesday, December 1st, 2004
9:33 pm - New Yahoo Group

If this is not allowed, mods, feel free to delete. X-posted a few places.

A good friend of mine (who's not on lj) has started a new Yahoo Group for Maryland Pagans to network and discuss things. It is a budding group.

The address here. We would love for you to join.

Brightest Blessings,

Luna Rose

current mood: cheerful

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Tuesday, November 30th, 2004
9:04 pm - Just a random question that popped into my head...

Alright. This might be a ridiculous question, but I'm curious what others think.

If you pick a craft name and then later in life decide you'd like to name a child by the same name, would you have reservations? Would you decide against it completely? Would you name your child said name, and change your craft name? Why/why not?

For argument's sake, its a private craft name, not a public one.

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Tuesday, November 23rd, 2004
11:03 am - School!

I found a cool site for exactly that I wanted in learning about paganism..

Thought I'd share!

X-posted alot!

current mood: cheerful

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6:30 am - The Llewellyn Books

Can anyone help me determine which Llewellyn books/authors are good sources of information, versus which ones are a load of horse dung? Some seem obviously to be crap, such as "21 Lessons of Merlyn" or "Witta". The Scott Cunningham books looks very good, and he seems to be well-regarded. I see mixed reviews on the writings of Silver Ravenwolf or Patricia Telseco. And what about the others? I am too unfamiliar to make a good decision!!


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Monday, November 22nd, 2004
11:13 pm - Need Help Identifying a Symbol..

I am posting this is multiple places so if you have seen this before, I am sorry.

I have been practicing for years and know most of the symbols associated with wicca/witchcraft, but this one has me puzzled. I was in a cementary last night doing some ghost hunting, when we saw this grave stone with an upside down pentacle with things inscribed into both the points and center. The symbols didn't look gaelic in nature. The only symbold I could truly recognize was in the center of the star looked like a shelter/house. It was a rectangle with a half-circle on top of it.

It looks similiar to something my friend wears, which she was told by her grandmother that it's a "witch's ring" but the wear of it has rubbed down the detail of it. Her ring has a different color on each point and a white center. with little golden inlays.

Any help would be great. Thanks.

current mood: frustrated

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Friday, November 19th, 2004
12:26 am - Weaving Spiders
awedawake I figured out why Im a bad poet today, but I also realized what makes me a good person. (By good I dont mean kind or charitable, any idiot can manage that, I mean that Iam a functioning,whole human being.) I lack a passion for poetry because the art itself is nothing more then he ability to express who Iam. A broad statement I know, but the most frightening thing to do is look down into your own abyss and pull yourself out, to know yourself is the first, the last, and most difficult step to become a poet. My better consciousness is not getting the better of me and the numbness, the falling will continue until I dive in with the intent of coming back up. Iam a good person becuase I recognize this, all attempts before this had been a fight for this discovery, this illumination of myself. I have always had it but was too afraid to hold it.


I think life is a long nad hard road, by experience and incident alone, but to walk it with a sense of self, with a sense of who you are and a genuine reaction and insight only obtained by isntrospection...its the best of the worst and the only true way of living.

I dont know how to start,or where, and my sense of when is even allusive but its coming, or maybe its already come, and I need to sign for the package. I dont know who Iam, as long as I can admit this Iam getting somewhere. Its not the knowledge thats important, its the urge to find it.

Maybe I wont. But thats the way it usually goes isn't it?

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Wednesday, November 17th, 2004
6:08 pm - Renaissance Clothing

Wondering if anyone has any links to some quality renaissance garb. I'm interested in going to Faires come this summer but will only go if I can dress up! Thanks in advance.


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Wednesday, November 10th, 2004
2:38 pm - categorizing types of magick

What would you say is the difference between a "spell" and a "magic(k)al working"?

If someone was making an archive of spells, would you include ceremonial workings like Goetic magick? Why/why not?

Would you include shamanic journeys under a list of divination methods?

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Thursday, November 4th, 2004
12:11 pm - Spells on/for others

I'm kind of a greenhorn when it comes to paganism, but I thought you were never supposed to cast a spell on or for someone without their permission? What if it backfires? Then you've gone against the Wiccan Rede. Or is that rule just limited to Wiccans, because I understand that "All Wiccans are Witches, but not all Witches are Wiccans".
Aren't spells primarily for improving oneself?

I see those kinds of questions occasionally in this community and just wondered about it. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, or just embellish on my simple mind. :)

current mood: curious

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Wednesday, November 3rd, 2004
11:23 am - Hello all =)

Just would like to introduce myself since I'm a new member.

My name is Nicole, I'm 18 and I'm currently attending college (bleh!). I've been studying/reading about Wicca and Witchcraft since I was about 12. Reading was all I could do for the first stint of my "Omigosh! They have a NAME for it?!" period - I didn't roll up my spiritual sleeves and dig in until about 2 years ago and am still enjoying my learning experience! I follow a very ecclectic path with Celtic and Greek influences.

I look forward to getting to know everyone!

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10:18 am
sfcitygrl Does anyone know a spell to make some one nicer? for that mangr at work...he's a nice guy, I know he can be nice and he's stressed and power struggling and trying to be attoratative..and being a meany...
SO is there anything to do magickly to bring out his nicer side?

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Thursday, October 28th, 2004
8:06 pm - Dennis Miller Blasts Entire Religion For One Group's Actions

Dennis Miller went on a rant about Wiccan's being "unfair" today on the newest episode of his show on nbc. This was over a movement that had 100 schools decide not to issue Halloween celebrations due to the negative connonation of the stereotypical Witch. He called Wiccans delusional, and used language like "old hag" and "witchy poo". Regaudless of how you feel of the actions of that one pagan group, bashing us an entire belief system as a whole was wrong of him.

You can let nbc know how you feel about this by emailing: or calling

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Saturday, October 23rd, 2004
10:16 am

Hello everyone. I was wondering if anyone could tell me the ACTUAL date of Samhain. I have heard people say that it is anywhere from October 31 to November 7. Thanks alot and Happy Holiday!

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Friday, October 22nd, 2004
8:35 pm - Tattoo art

My husband is looking to create a tattoo for himself.
He would like it to reflect his pagan path as well as be meaningful as a spell.
So he is looking for examples or symbols to include. His main concern at the moment seems to be protection, especially against water or drowning as he is also in the Navy. He is open to other suggestions though.
Anyone have any suggestions to help us create this thing?
Has anyone else done something similar?
Sorry for the x-post but I wanted to make sure I could reach as many as possible for some help.

current mood: curious

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Wednesday, October 13th, 2004
7:36 pm

ohh...not in a good mood.
i got the news that my great aunt is dieing. saw in her in the hospital this weekend when i found she had ovarian cancer, which i might add is much worse than breast cancer. my family has been frikin covering this up and now THIS, damnit. She's not supposed to live another year. She's not eating and she's throwing up daily. She's as skinny as a toothpick and kemo is taking her hair away.

if anyone knows a good spell for health, please post!! I am currently praying to the death crone and casting a few of my own, but I am afraid that isn't enough. I don't want her to die, not now. Ever since I moved from my hometown, she's always been there for me. She's like a shepardess, always watching over my family in times of need. I'm going throigh depression, I have a therpist, my freinds are abonding me, and know she's passing to the other relam. Please help me!!!!

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Friday, October 8th, 2004
9:32 pm

Okay this thing is going to be posted a couple of other places, too.

Last night I had an incredibly odd dream. I had never had a dream quite like it.
The dream took place in Egypt in modern day. A group consistig of myself, my friends, and my family were all there. There was a white marble building that we were hanging out in front of. All of the sudden, we started fighting all of these strange demonic things. Inside of each one was a feather that we had to remove to kill the thing. Yet there was the distinct sense that these feathers were not real, were artificial, and would not serve their purpose unless there was a multitude of them. Now, odd thing is, the me in my dream had something like these feathers in my chest but it /was/ real and right. I dunno what else to say about it. My brother took up his knife and tried to first slash open my left hand, for that was the hand of my power in this dream. He then tried to cut the feather out of my chest. The battle went on for a while, and i managed to get my brother to back off. I think my husband was there as well, fighting somewhere nearby to protect me.

Well, I was wandering in this dream and walked about near the Nile coast. But I knew it was not the water I was supposed to be at. I looked about further and managed to find this smaller stream/river. It was underground, I think, and the tunnel had all kinds of vines in it. A small dock led down to it and there was a woman with a girl child at the end of the dock just staring at me. This river, i knew, was called the Gaet River. something told me that all the fighting in the world would not defeat the beasts we were fighting, and the ony way to do so was to dive into this river. But as I began running toward it, my friends held me back. The woman turned away ad there was now a gate barring my path.

I do not know what any of this means. Any ideas?

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5:34 pm

Hi. Most people just call me Tough Cookie or TC instead of my full user name. I just wanted to be polite and introduce myself.

A little introduction )
I know this group loaction is American, but do you mind members from the international arena? I currently live in the UK.

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Wednesday, October 6th, 2004
3:55 pm

hey everyone, just joined. and i need help. being a witch in middle school is hell, and a lot of my freinds are angry at me for practicing witchcraft, and i dont want to bewitch them to understand because, well, they are untitled to thier own opinion. and on top of my depression, this whole thing is seriously getting to me. any advice for avioding that question, "why are you wearing a pentagram?"
I'm tired of being called a satanist!!!!

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