...because making retarded mistakes is what I do best!! [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Brittney Siegel

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*snort* Heh, didnt see THAT coming! X3 [Jun. 8th, 2004|06:50 am]

You Are A Relationship Doormat!

Surprise, you ruin relationships. Bet you didn't see that one coming :-)

While you're a nice, understanding, and caring girlfriend - you don't put your needs first.

And deep down, it's probably because you worry about getting dumped.

So speak up for yourself, weed out the losers sooner, and you'll find a guy that *deserves* you.

Do You Ruin Relationships? Take This Quiz :-)

Find the Love of Your Life
(and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance.

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Suffering from STA [Jun. 3rd, 2004|01:01 pm]

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Owie [May. 31st, 2004|02:49 pm]
[mood | creative]
[music |A Perfect Circle - "Pet"]

I gots a really nasty sun burn on my legs... :3;;;

I guess that's what I get for fallng asleep on the hamock and forgetting sun block of my legs... I was laying in the sun for FOUR hours!! >_O;;;; Stupid me...

Oh and...

MARLA FEEL BETTER!!! <3<3<3~~~!!

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Well shit.... [May. 27th, 2004|07:34 pm]
[mood | disappointed]

Turns out Reno, Nevada is some 400 miles away from Las Vegas so I cant go to the Aaron Lewis concert on June 4... *sobs* Aw maaaan!! ;;o;;

I still may be able to go to the Aaron Lewis concert in Las Vegas in July though... *unenthusiastic smile*

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YES!! YES! YEEEEEES!!! [May. 24th, 2004|05:34 pm]
[mood | enthralled]
[music |Aaron Lewis - "Black"]


Gues which concert I'M going to on June 4?!

Aaron Lewis baby!! YOOSH!! *does a victory dance* I just purchased I think like...THE last ticket for the show in Reno, Nevada! *____* *sobs with joy*

Here's the seating chart....

My seat is.... Uh... *checks*
Section: E Row: 15

EEEEEE!! I'm so fucking excited!! WHEEE!!!!

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LMAO!!! [May. 23rd, 2004|09:44 am]
Look out for the


From Go-Quiz.com
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*yawn* [May. 22nd, 2004|05:49 pm]
[mood | amused]
[music |Presence - "Tonz Of Fun"]

Ended up not going to the Humane Society... *frowns* I wonder if they're open on sundays...


1. Who did you last get angry with?
At Jake, yesterday...
2. What is your weapon of choice?
My steel toe boots!!
3. Would you hit a member of the opposite sex?
Hitting as in...kicking them in the balls for poking my tits? Yes...I do it all the time...! X3;;
4. How about of the same sex?
I dont see why I wouldnt...if it were in self defense, I mean.
5. Who was the last person who got really angry at you?
Jake...All because I told him to grow up!! @__@;; My god, what a tantrum he had...
6. What is your pet peeve?(s)
a.) homophobes
b.) racists
c.) posers
d.) pop/rap/country/pop-punk music...
e.) rude people
f.) people who shove their religion down my throat
g.) people who say I'm going to hell for being a jew/bi-sexual/etc.
h.) people who dont understand that there's already someone in my life that I love and I dont want a relationship with anyone else (boy friend/girl friend wise)
i.) sadists
7. Do you keep grudges, or can you let them go easily?
It really depends on the situation... Most of the time, I am very forgiving, but I'm also known to hold a grudge for extreme amounts of time... beware the evil glares from 100 feet away!! *evil eye*


1. What is one thing you're supposed to do daily that you haven't done in a while?
Studying for my Japanese class, and studying for my written driver's exam...which I've failed twice now... XD;;
2. What is the latest you've ever woken up?
5:45 PM... Hahaha!! how you ask? Well... stay up for two days then go to sleep at 6:30 AM and see what time YOU wake up!!
3. Name a person you've been meaning to contact, but haven't:
V-Chan, Agra, basically my online friends... I dont like to chat... ;o;! I really have to be in the mood for it... ^-^;;
4. What is the last lame excuse you made?
"*shrug* Sorry, I forgot to care..." <~~ Said that to Mr. Swanson last week...oh it was so funny to see his face turn red!! XD
5. Have you ever watched an infomercial all the way through (one of the long ones...)?
No, my attention span wont last that long... XD
6. When was the last time you got a good workout in?
Ahaaha.... *laughs nervously*
7. How many times did you hit the snooze button on your alarm clock today?
I dont have an alarm clock... Besides...cats dont have snooze buttons... X3;;


1. What is your overpriced yuppie beverage of choice?
Water... >_O;;
2. Meat eaters: white meat or dark meat?
Dark, much tastier. White meat is dry... Although I like both... X3;;
3. What is the greatest amount of alcohol you've had in one sitting/outing/event?
Halloween -03-!! Had three screw drivers (orange juice and vodka) before going to Jessica's Halloween Party!! XD!!
5. Do you have an issue with your weight?
Yes...and I need to figure out a diet that I can work with...I'm wondering if Japanese food is the way to go... O-o;;;;
6. Do you prefer sweets, salty foods, or spicy foods?
Sweets or salty... I dont really like spicy... X3
7. Have you ever looked at a small house pet or child and thought, "LUNCH"? Whenever I look at my chihuahuas.. lmao! No, I'm just kidding!! XD


1. How many people have you seen naked (not counting movies/family)?
Just Scott, I think. @_@;;;

2. How many people have seen YOU naked (not counting physicians/family)?
I think Scott is the only one who's seen me nude...
3. Have you ever been propositioned by a prostitute?
No... O__o;;;
4. Have you ever had to get tested for an STD or pregnancy?
I've had no reason too... O__o;;;


1. How many credit cards do you own?
None, my parents dont trust me with one... HELL! I dont even trust myself with one!!! Lol!
2. What's your guilty pleasure store?
Sun Coast
3. If you had $1 million, what would you do with it?
But Vinny a first class plane ticket to California...then we'd fly first class to Seattle and stay at some ritzy 5 star hotel and get room service... X3;
4. Would you rather be rich, or famous?
Rich...because I dont like large amounts of attention by multiple people at one time... O__o;;
5. Would you accept a boring job if it meant you would make megabucks?
I guess it depends on the job... I probably would... I mean, if it were boring, then it must not be too hard, yet I can roll in the dough...! SURE! Once I feel I have enough to support myself on, I'd prolly quite and do the low wage job that I want to do! XD
6. Have you ever stolen anything?
Yes... :3;; Just from retarded stores though...Nothing expensive...
7. How many MP3s are on your hard drive?
I dont have any MP3's...


1. What's one thing have you done that you're most proud of?
Having not slept with Scott
2. What's one thing have you done that your parents are most proud of?
Uhh...living this long? lol!! XD
3. What's the one thing would you like to accomplish in your life?
A lot of things... The biggest thing is to eventually see Vinay face to face...
4. Do you get annoyed by coming in second place?
No! That means I placed!! XD
5. Have you ever entered a contest of skill, knowing you were of much higher skill than all the other competitors?
I normally dont enter in contests, because of that issue...
6. Have you ever cheated on something to get a higher score?
Tests... Particularly biology... XD
7. What did you do today that you're proud of?
Uum... I woke up again... O-o;;;

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Lalala... [May. 22nd, 2004|11:01 am]
[mood | curious]

Going to jump in the shower soon... Going to the Humane Society after that, hopefully will be bringing home something... =3!!

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[May. 22nd, 2004|10:15 am]
If there is one person you can't stop thinking about, post this same exact sentence in your journal.
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Tummy ache... :( [May. 21st, 2004|09:10 pm]
[mood | nauseated]


I wonder what color that is... O-o;

Aaanywho... Bought two "Alice In Chains" albums... I have a tummy ache, and I've been sick all day... *blows her nose*
I'm gonna go crawl into bed and sleep for the rest of this weekend... X3;;;

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Currents (swiped from i_am_not_scene) [May. 19th, 2004|04:12 pm]
[mood | bored]
[music |Pat Benatar - "Heartbreaker"]

current clothing: black boxers, flesh colored bra, silver colored satin panties aaaand, 'Batgirl' T-shirt...
current mood: Confused
current taste: Vitamin C supplement drops...citrus flavored!! *sucks on grapefruit one* They're yummy!! XD
current hair: Up in a bun
current annoyance: ingrown hair on my right leg... *glares at it*
current smell: *takes deep smell* The leather from the chair I'm in...
current thing you ought to be doing: Those projects for school... O-o;
current jewelry: like...6 rings... =3
current book: Not reading any thing right now
current refreshment: Moutain Dew
current worry: This particular situation I'm in (why do I do these things to myself?!)
current crush: *clings to Vinay*
current favorite celebrity: Hugh Jackman... *drool*
current longing: to go cause havok...lol
current music: Cinderella - "Shelter Me"
current wish: That school was over for the year... >.> And that I didnt do what I did earlier today...
current lyric in your head: "So lay down! The threat is real!!"
current makeup (if you're a girl!): Concealer, powder, and vanilla flavored lip gloss
current regret: ... >.<;;
current desktop picture: Some blue truck... *shrug*
current plans for tonight/weekend: Finish up...stuff? O-o;
current cuss word du jour: Ow!! SHIT!
current disappointment: My DDR game not being here in the mail yet...
current amusement: This survey XD
current IM/person you're talking to: Vinay
current love: Vinay! :D
current obsession: Werewolves
current avoidance: The dogs
current thing or things on your wall: a clock, phone, shelves...y'know, the good stuff...
current favorite book: Uuh...
current favorite movie: Well, since I just got back from seeing Shrek 2, I'd have to say Shrek 2! XD

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Pre) Thing <~ No, that's not a typo in there... [May. 18th, 2004|09:13 pm]
[mood | bored]
[music |Pre) Thing - "Faded Love"]

I have a hangnail... =( It hurts... Owies...

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Holy flying fuck... [May. 16th, 2004|04:28 pm]
[mood | okay]
[music |Ratt - "Lay It Down"]

Holy shit.... My dad walked in on me while I was in the shower... How? here's how...

I've been using my parent's bath room because the water pressure in the shower of my bathroom is all screwy. So anyways, I'm in the shower washing my hair when I turn around because I hear the shower door opening.
"What the hell?!" I shove myself into the corner of the shower, covering myself to see my dad, stark naked, and getting into the shower?! I quickly closed my eyes and scream, "DAAAD!!" And he goes, "Oh shit!!" He jumps out of the shower in a split mili-second and takes out of the bathroom, all while yelling, "I thought you were your mother! I'm so sorry! I thought you were your mother...!!"

I could barely finish my shower, my heart was beating so fast. I got the conditioner rinsed out of my hair and quickly got dressed. I then lean over the stair railings and call out, "There is something SERIOUSLY wrong with you people!!"

My mom starts cracking up, my dad is STILL blushing insanely, and I have black mail to use on him for the rest of his life... X3;;

Oh my god though...So incredibly on the top ten most embarressing things to have happened to me...

So has anything like this ever happened to you? Where you got walked in on, or you walked in on someone else? I cant help but laugh at the irony of this whole mess...
Oh man... ;XD;;

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Bree's day...lol X3;; [May. 14th, 2004|03:51 pm]
[mood | crazy]

Vinay: Ugh, >________. Well....at least it's Friday! I lost track of days there....thought it was Thursday. o-O!
lurver_chan: Oh god, I think I would shoot myself in the foot if it were thursday... SO glad this week is over... ONLY 19 MORE DAYS OF SCHOOL!!
lurver_chan: not like I'm counting or anything... XD;
Vinay: XD WOOOHOOOO! That....doesn't sound too bad. Although...anything can happen in that short amount of time in your school, which is...PRONE....to....strange....experiences...
lurver_chan: liiike, today? X3;
Vinay: O_O!
lurver_chan: At math class, this freshman named Jack called me a bitch (the guy doesnt even know my name, let alone know if I'm a bitch or not!!) and he calls Chanel a dick. Becka (one of the T.A's) grabs Jack by the shirt and tells him to apologize. He just calls me a bitch again.
lurver_chan: So I never really expected myself to really do this but...well
lurver_chan: "Y'know what Jack...FUCK YOU!!!"
lurver_chan: Jack: "Woah man! I was just joking!!"
lurver_chan: Me: "You think I give a RAT'S ASS?!"
lurver_chan: Then I went off to call him a no good fucker and that he's a dick to fucking everyone even though he has no clue who they are, AND he's just fucked up and an ass to those who havent done fuckin'
lurver_chan: shit to him!
lurver_chan: So, I think I offically scared him... X3;;
lurver_chan: Chanel looked so scared too! XD She told me after wards that she didnt know whether to try and stop me or to run for her life!
Vinay: Haha, well good! Jesus....he said he was joking? Goddamn, I don't see how he could possibly say something like that. Good for you, for showing him whose boss. XB
lurver_chan: *smirks*
lurver_chan: After wards, I was really giddy and had the giggles... O-o;
lurver_chan: It felt good to let out some steam...
lurver_chan: But I seriously had no idea I was going to scream like that... O_o;
Vinay: It had to be done. Or else he wouldn't have taken you seriously. You obviously knocked him off that high throne he was on. I bet he'll never say something like that again. ;p

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In World History class... *bounces* [May. 14th, 2004|10:03 am]
[mood | hot]
[music |Mrs. Kopecky talking]

I need to re-purchase Staind's "14 Shades of Gray" CD...as well at the "Tormented". I also wanna get my paws on the Family Values Tour for '98 and '99. I hope I can find those at Tower Records...

Hrm...I only have like..$27 bucks... O-o; Does anyone want to donate money to a great foundation called Me? X3;; lol just kidding!

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Hurray for 80's rock!! *dances* [May. 12th, 2004|03:13 pm]
[mood | calm]
[music |Orion The Hunter - "So You Ran"]

Aaanywho... I noticed something today. No one calls me by my real name. O_o; (which is Brittney) Everyone calls me Britt, Bree, etc. And you know what...? I LOVE IT!!! X3;;

What made me really notice was the fact that during lunch, I was sitting next to the new boy, Brandon, at lunch. Travis and Sean were being asses and were gonna throw a tennis ball at Brandon. To defend him, I sat beside him and glared over at Travis and Sean.

Sean tried to get me to move or duck, since he didnt want to hit me, but I told him no over and over. Finally, Sean threw the ball, it hit Brandon then me. It didnt hurt, but it didnt make me any less pissy.
I was gonna shout at them but Brandon stopped me and says, "No, it's okay Britt."
I dunno, I just thought it was kinda funny since I've only known him since like...Friday? And Diva says that he told her that he has a crush on me. X3;; He's really cute and nice, but again...Relationships at my school are a no go. *shrugs* Whatever.

Well...that's my random entry for today... *walks off*

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O___o;; [May. 9th, 2004|08:39 pm]
[mood | hungry]
[music |Rob Zombie - "(Go To) California"]

Are you people determined to keep me over weight?! O__O!!

There's NO food in the house, and we WERE gonna go out for sea food for dinner for Mom, but now Mom is too tired so she sent Daddy out to go pick up a pizza and cookies.
Good lord people!! Why do you make is so fucking hard to diet or at least try and just eat LESS! X3; I think I may just eat too much... I try and tone it down, but it never seems to work.

I diet, and then I start getting really sick... Dammit!! *shakes her fist* I'm never gonna be the shape I want to be, even if I do swim 3 times a week... *sighs*

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An INSANE amount of quizes... @__@ *passes out* [May. 9th, 2004|02:23 pm]
[mood | creative]
[music |Black Label Society - "House of Doom"]

SVZ...you were REALLY bored werent you?! LMAO! You did SOOO many!! So of course... I had to do them too... lol

Ready, Set, CLICK ME AND READ! )

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Van Helsing [May. 8th, 2004|10:57 pm]
[mood | amused]
[music |Ear Shot - "Ordinary Girl"]

FUCKING awesome!!! O____O!!!

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Lalalaaaaaaa! X3;; [May. 4th, 2004|08:49 pm]
[mood | I'm a zombie... *drools*]
[music |Disturbed - "Shout 2000"]

My Horoscope For Today!
You're intensely drawn to another. This is a powerful thing. Follow this path.

Go through your closet, and make sure you pull out your best, most elegant outfit. It's really the only thing that will allow your appearance to do justice to the powerful way you'll be feeling on the inside

---(My responce) Woah... Thing is...I havent read this until like...NOW and I happened to wear my favorite more justice doing outfit today. O-o;;;

Didnt go to school today... Erm...Just got home from Japanese class and dinner. Mmmm Panda Express... :P~

Anyone know of some good, RELIABLE books about Wicca? I'm just very curious about it and would like to learn more. O_o;

[Unknown LJ tag]

Yeah, here is Blender's list of the 50 worst songs of all time. Post it in your own journal, and bold the songs that you actually like.

1. We Built This City ... Starship
2. Achy Breaky Heart ... Billy Ray Cyrus
3. Everybody Have Fun Tonight ... Wang Chung
4. Rollin' ... Limp Bizkit
5. Ice Ice Baby ... Vanilla Ice
6. The Heart of Rock & Roll ... Huey Lewis and the News
7. Don't Worry, Be Happy ... Bobby McFerrin
8. Party All the Time ... Eddie Murphy It's Rick James, Bitch!
9. American Life ... Madonna
10. Ebony and Ivory ... Paul McCartney and Stevie Wonder
11. Invisible ... Clay Aiken
12. Kokomo ... The Beach Boys
13. Illegal Alien ... Genesis
14. From a Distance ... Bette Midler
15. I'll Be There for You ... The Rembrandts
16. What's Up? ... 4 Non Blondes
17. Pumps and a Bump ... Hammer
18. You're the Inspiration ... Chicago
19. Broken Wings ... Mr. Mister
20. Dancing on the Ceiling ... Lionel Richie
21. Two Princes ... Spin Doctors
22. Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue (The Angry American) ...
23. Sunglasses at Night ... Corey Hart
24. Superman ... Five for Fighting
25. I'll Be Missing You ... Puff Daddy
26. The End ... The Doors
27. The Final Countdown ... Europe \m/
28. Your Body Is a Wonderland ... John Mayer
29. Breakfast at Tiffany's ... Deep Blue Something
30. Greatest Love of All ... Whitney Houston
31. Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm ... Crash Test Dummies
32. Will 2K ... Will Smith
33. Barbie Girl ... Aqua
34. Longer ... Dan Fogelberg
35. Shiny Happy People ... R.E.M.
36. Make Em Say Uhh! ... Master P featuring Silkk, Fiend, Mia-X and Mystikal
37. Rico Suave ... Gerardo
38. Cotton Eyed Joe ... Rednex
39. She Bangs ... Ricky Martin
40. I Wanna Sex You Up ... Color Me Badd
41. We Didn't Start the Fire ... Billy Joel
42. The Sounds of Silence ... Simon & Garfunkel
43. Follow Me ... Uncle Kracker
44. I'll Do Anything for Love (But I Won't Do That) -Meatloaf
45. Mesmerize ... Ja Rule featuring Ashanti
46. Hangin' Tough ... New Kids on the Block
47. The Only Thing That Looks Good on Me Is You ... Bryan Adams
48. Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da ... The Beatles
49. I'm Too Sexy ... Right Said Fred
50. My Heart Will Go On ... Celine Dion</lj cut>

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