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Training and Technical Assistance Center (TTAC)

The Office for Victims of Crime Training and Technical Assistance Center (OVC TTAC) provides comprehensive, quality technical assistance and training resources to victim service providers and allied professionals. Read the OVC TTAC fact sheet for more details.

Visit the OVC TTAC Web site for training and technical assistance resources, including OVC's continuing education opportunities, the Professional Development Scholarships, for those who work with victims of crime.

OVC training and technical assistance initiatives include the following:

  • OVC Training Calendar, which offers current, action-oriented training about topics relevant to crime victim services. Workshops for 2004 are designed to help service providers build technical skills and enhance their knowledge of victim service issues. Register online.

  • State Victim Assistance Academies (SVAAs). Modeled after the National Victim Assistance Academy, SVAAs provide state-specific training in victim issues. TTAC offers information about SVAAs and OVC TTAC can help with establishing them.

Do you have any questions? TTAC staff can be reached at 1-866-OVC-TTAC or via e-mail at

This document was last updated on May 24, 2004