
Pacifica Reporters Against Censorship

Free Speech Radio News

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•Iraqi Police and US Forces
•White House Judicial Nominee Oversaw DOJ Memo on Torture
•G8 Summit Update
•Street Children in the Congo
•Report Says Power Plant Pollution Kills

Memorial Day Special Documentary;
Iraq One Year of Occupation and Resistance

More than 700 US Troops have died on Iraqi soil since George Bush made his speech declaring major combat over on May 1st 2003. During that same time, soldiers in America's "Coalition of the Willing" have killed more than 7,000 Iraqis. ... Photographs have surfaced showing severe torture in the US-operated Abu Grahib prison, where occupation forces hold some 15,000 prisoners for supporting the resistance. In this special edition of Free Speech Radio News, we'll take a look at how US occupation forces succeeded in alienating the majority of Iraq's 25 million people-- a people who overwelmingly supported the United States after the removal of Saddam Hussein. Our correspondent on the ground is Aaron Glantz:

photos from the documentary

2004 Election Project

Cost: $500 per reporter kit

Free Speech Radio News (FSRN) is gearing up for the November U.S. election with strategic training and collaborative work in the swing states. Our three-part goal is 1) to enrich democracy in the U.S, 2) to provide radio production tools to individuals in low income and people of color communities, and 3) long-term development of our U.S. reporter pool. Thirty-four of FSRN's 75 affiliate stations broadcast in battleground states for Presidential electoral college votes and/or contested Senate seats. We are developing station partners who want to improve their local news coverage of the election season, especially in communities of low income people and people of color. We intend to help them train and equip as many reporters as possible. Each reporter will be given 1) Mini-disc audio recorder-editor, microphone and headset; 2) Copy of FSRN's 43 page Training Manual with writing, editing, interviewing and technical guidelines; 3) Personal mentoring with a professional in their area; and 4) On-the-job training by the FSRN staff in story production.

This election season, FSRN is determined to help educate and motivate voters about critical national, international and local concerns that will be altered forever, in one way or another, by the outcome of this election. You can help.

Make a tax deductable donation to this project: non-profit organization: Pacifica Reporters Against Censorship (PRAC):

1. Click the Paypal button above.

2. Mail a check payable to PRAC (our non-profit organization: Pacifica Reporters Against Censorship) PRAC c/o KPFA Radio
1929 Martin Luther King Jr. Way, Box 73
Berkeley, California 94704

3. Make a special bequest to PRAC or ask your guests at special occasions to make donations to PRAC/FSRN in lieu of presents.

4. Write us at

Free Speech Radio News KU Feeds
Free Speech Radio News is available on Pacifica's band on the KU satellite at 4pm EST on the LEFT channel, with re-feeds available on the left Channel at 4:45 EST, 5:30 EST, and 6pm EST. And, of course, the newscast is available at the link on the right and via our newscast page.

FSRN training projects across the US and the world!(learn more)

For more information on the history of the Pacifica and FSRN, please see our history archive.