Democracy or Quagmire?
Thursday, June 17, 2004 at the Independent Institute Conference Center in Oakland, California. Featuring George Bisharat, Ivan Eland, James H. Noyes, and Robert Scheer
Although the June 30th deadline for the United States to hand over sovereignty to the Iraqis is fast approaching, the violence in Iraq (including the prison-torture scandal) continues to escalate far beyond U.S. expectations. Given the deterioration of the security situation, what U.S. course of action would have the greatest chance of giving Iraq peace, self-governance, and economic well-being?
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Tenet Now, Rummy and Wolfie Soon, by Ivan Eland
Courting Disaster: Bushs Real Strategy in Iraq, by Ivan Eland
Mr. President, What Planet Are You On?, by Ivan Eland
Has the U.S. Government Committed War Crimes in Afghanistan and Iraq?, by Robert Higgs
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CENTER: Center on Peace & Liberty, directed by Ivan Eland
As the U.S. has launched a pre-emptive war in Iraq and Washington officials have created new protectionism, corporate welfare, federalizations, pork, and abuses of the Bill of Rights, the Independent Institute has launched the Center on Peace & Liberty, directed by national security expert Ivan Eland.
The Center on Peace & Liberty is an integrated program of publications, events, research, and media projects to boldly advance understanding of government war crises and their impact on the institutions of free societies. No issue is more central to the debate over public policy and more crucial to the cause of achieving peace, open markets, individual liberty, and the rule of law.
WEB SITE: OnPower.org
While the nature and use of power by some over others in human affairs has been analyzed and debated for millennia, confusion, discord, and conflict remain commonplace in international and domestic affairs. This is evident in the U.S.s post-9/11 pursuit of preemptive, international interventionism and domestic surveillance, pork, protectionism, and corporate welfare. What is the nature of such power, and what are its effects regarding individual liberty, war and peace, the rule of law, and economic and social welfare? As part of its series of special, public-policy web sites, The Independent Institute has created OnPower.org, a one-stop Internet resource featuring a bibliographic compendium of both scholarly and popular works and commentary on the domestic and international effects of national crises, including preventative, interventionist wars around the world to create a U.S. empire.
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New Internet Site on Government Power: OnPower.org