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Sand Sculpture Tips and Tricks

Welcome to the ever-expanding collection of "how to build a better sand sculpture" articles.

We think the world would be a better place if more people were having fun in the sand. Seeing a completed work by a polished professional may make you think there is a certain amount of magic involved... how do they make the sand stand like that?

Well here is your invitation to peek behind the wizard's curtain. All we ask in return is that you get out there and move some sand and make sure you have fun while you are at it.

First - a few words about "what makes sand stand." The secret to throwing sand up in the air and convincing it to stay there long enough to be carved into something spectacular is compaction. There are two ways to compact sand: the handstacking method enourages water and gravity to do the hard work for you; if you prefer to use brute force, then you will want to go with using forms. Serious sand sculptors often use a combination of the two methods. Read on...

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Hand-Stacking Tips for Beginners

Leave the cheesy plastic molds behind and see why we say "stacked sand is happy sand!"

"Sandstackers" Plastic Forms

Sand Sculptor Anne DeMarzo has brought light-weight, self fastening forms to market.

sand stackers

Rad Forms 101

Formed sand comes to the masses! Sculptor Kirk Rademaker has discovered a light-weight, inexpensive alternative to massively heavy wooden boxes and above ground pool siding*.

rad forms in action

* want to try the pool siding? Here is where you can get some: John at the General Foam Plastics Corp, in Virginia Beach, Va. (757)857-0153


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