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free republic quote of the week

"We stopped taking the Slime and Newsweak weekly DNC agenda posing as weekly news during Reagans first year as president.

Then we discontinued the San Francisco GayRhonicle during the 1992 election.

We haven't watched ABCNNBC BS phoney nightly news for 4 years, since we got Dish.

Like you, my news basically comes from Free Republic."

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"Does anyone think a 'diverse' group of conservative journalists would give us the news straight? I sure as hell don't."
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Credibility Problems

Do ConWeb writers even read the sites they write for? We have to wonder.

What Matters

CNSNews.com and the Media Research Center love to attack David Brock, though they have yet to prove him wrong. Plus: They go after Air America, too.

Spanning the Apologetic Globe

WorldNetDaily should take time out from slamming a Boston paper for insufficiently admitting its errors to correct the errors of one of its own authors. Plus, more WND stuff: Gloryhounding on Iraqi prisoner abuse, its idea of a "balanced" view of Democrats, and more.

Update: All The Wrong Reasons

UPDATED! Joseph Farah's columns are entertaining, though not for the reasons he hopes. Plus: a certified liar accuses another of being a certified liar, the Jon Dougherty Academy of Journalistic Balance, and more.

Defining Torture Down, Part 2: Going Cowboy on the Messenger

The ConWeb is still trying to divert attention from the Iraqi prisoner abuse scandal, which includes attacking the guy who wrote the incriminating report.

Swiftly Slanted

UPDATED! CNSNews.com won't tell its readers the full truth about the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth.

Defining Torture Down

The ConWeb would much rather be apologists or beat up on John Kerry than report on abuse allegations of Iraqi prisoners by American troops.

out there: an exhibition of conservative paranoia

Exhibit 24: Joseph Farah, Crusher of Dissent

Exhibit 25: Christians (but just the evangelical ones) 'R' Us

Exhibit 26: Meanwhile, Back on the 'Crippling Sanctions' Beat ...

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