"Distort D'Newsa" now a CNN analyst
Controversial right-wing pundit and author Dinesh D'Souza has a new title -- "CNN analyst." On June 5, during coverage of former President Ronald Reagan's death, D'Souza (known by some as "Distort D'Newsa," according to 1985 and 1991 articles in The Washington Post) appeared on a CNN breaking news segment; on June 6, D'Souza appeared on three CNN programs: Lou Dobbs Tonight, American Morning, and Anderson Cooper 360. On the latter two programs, the anchors -- Soledad O'Brien and Anderson Cooper, respectively -- identified D'Souza as a "CNN analyst."
Tuesday June 8, 2004 | more... |
Conservative media true to Republican message; revived old Kerry criticisms of Reagan
In the wake of former President Ronald Reagan's death, some of the most aggressive attempts to publicize criticism of Reagan are coming from ... Republicans. On June 7, The New York Times reported: "[I]n one sign of what may lie ahead, Republicans circulated old quotes from Mr. [Senator John] Kerry in which he criticized Mr. Reagan." Kerry's prior criticisms of Reagan found their way into conservative news outlets, including The Weekly Standard, NewsMax.com, The Washington Times, and FOX News Channel.
Tuesday June 8, 2004 | more... |
O'Reilly: Reagan "would have been appalled" by Soros, ACLU, NAACP
Host Bill O'Reilly used the death of former President Ronald Reagan to criticize groups with whom O'Reilly disagrees, insisting that Reagan "would have been appalled" by progressive financier, philanthropist and political activist George Soros, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), and "some large urban newspapers."
Tuesday June 8, 2004 | more... |
O'Reilly: ACLU is America's "most dangerous organization ... second next to Al Qaeda"
On June 2, FOX News Channel host Bill O'Reilly referred to the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) as a "fascist organization" on his TV program; earlier that day on his radio show, O'Reilly compared the ACLU to Al Qaeda and announced that the ACLU is "the most dangerous organization in the United States of America right now."
Tuesday June 8, 2004 | more... |
Savage on "Billionaire George Goebbels Soros": "a money changer in the temple of truth"
Following progressive financier, philanthropist, and political activist George Soros's June 3 speech at the Campaign for America's Future "Take Back America" conference, radio host Michael Savage dedicated the majority of the June 4 broadcast of his three-hour nationally syndicated radio show, Savage Nation, to blasting Soros.
Tuesday June 8, 2004 | more... |
Hannity asked for evidence of his false statements; challenged CAP's Podesta, attacked MMFA
On the same day that FOX News Channel host Bill O'Reilly responded to remarks critical of him by John Podesta -- formerly President Bill Clinton's chief of staff and currently the Center for American Progress' president and CEO -- and challenged Podesta to appear in person on The O'Reilly Factor to "produce some proof" of O'Reilly's lies, fellow FOX News Channel host Sean Hannity responded to remarks Podesta made that were similarly critical of Hannity. And on the June 4 radio broadcast of The Sean Hannity Show, Hannity -- like O'Reilly -- challenged Podesta "to explain one example where I said something that was so false."
Tuesday June 8, 2004 | more... |
Morris: Terrorists want Kerry victory
In a June 5 New York Post column titled "Terrorists for Kerry," author Dick Morris asserted, without citation, "It is obvious that Osama and his allies all want Bush out."
Tuesday June 8, 2004 | more... |
FOX & Friends host wrong that Reagan appointed first female Cabinet secretary
On the June 7 edition of the FOX News Channel morning show FOX & Friends, co-host E.D. Hill falsely stated that former President Ronald Reagan appointed the first female Cabinet secretary in the United States.
Monday June 7, 2004 | more... |
Hitchens's two cents: Gore "nuts"
Author Christopher Hitchens joined the chorus of right-wing pundits purporting to diagnose former Vice President Al Gore's psychiatric state following Gore's May 26 speech about U.S. policy in Iraq. Hitchens, appearing on MSNBC's Scarborough Country on June 3, said, "Al Gore's been making speeches that make him look and sound completely nuts."
Monday June 7, 2004 | more... |
O'Reilly apologized for calling Molly Ivins a socialist
More than six weeks after FOX News Channel host Bill O'Reilly falsely labeled author and syndicated columnist Molly Ivins a "socialist" during the April 20 edition of The O'Reilly Factor, as Media Matters for America reported, O'Reilly apologized to Ivins on the air.
Monday June 7, 2004 | more... |
O'Reilly wrong about black students' dropout rate
Arguing that former President Bill Clinton failed to improve secondary education for African Americans, FOX News Channel host Bill O'Reilly told a June 3 guest, "I see a worse black student dropout rate in 2000 than in '92." But the U.S. Department of Education's National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) sees it differently; NCES reported in 2003 that the dropout rate for black students ages 16 to 24 actually declined during the Clinton presidency.
Monday June 7, 2004 | more... |
Limbaugh: Liberals "soulless" because "souls come from God"
Radio host Rush Limbaugh accused the Democratic Party of being "soulless" and then charged that liberals are soulless "by definition," stating: "You know, souls come from God."
Monday June 7, 2004 | more... |
O'Reilly raised question of whether or not he's a liar; smeared CAP's Podesta
In his opening "Talking Points Memo" segment on The O'Reilly Factor on June 4, host Bill O'Reilly responded to remarks critical of O'Reilly made by John Podesta -- formerly President Bill Clinton's chief of staff and currently the Center for American Progress' president and CEO.
Monday June 7, 2004 | more... |
GOP Reagan-Bush spin echoed by the media
Within hours of the death of Ronald Reagan, the fortieth president of the United States, purported similarities between Reagan and President George W. Bush became a favored talking point of Republican political operatives and then was echoed by others, including a reporter from The Washington Post appearing on a FOX Sunday talk show.
Monday June 7, 2004 | more... |
Wall Street Journal editor: Bush opponents "slightly psycho"
In a June 4 column, Wall Street Journal editorial page deputy editor Daniel Henninger wrote that political opponents of President George W. Bush are "participants in the political paranormal [who] share a slightly psycho desire to remove George Bush from the presidency."
Monday June 7, 2004 | more... |
O'Reilly lied about Soros speech
On the same day that Media Matters for America exposed Bill O'Reilly doctoring a quotation by progressive financier, philanthropist, and political activist George Soros to make it seem as if Soros had wished his own father dead, O'Reilly distorted Soros's words again -- this time falsely claiming that Soros said the abuse of Iraqi prisoners at Abu Ghraib was "worse than 9/11."
Friday June 4, 2004 | more... |
Republicans play musical chairs with Scarborough Country host seat
On June 3, MSNBC went for the real deal, substituting Scarborough Country host Joe Scarborough, a former Republican member of Congress from Florida, with guest host John D. "J.D." Hayworth, a current Republican member of Congress from Arizona.
Friday June 4, 2004 | more... |
On FOX, Tony Blankley called Soros "a Jew who figured out a way to survive the Holocaust"
On Hannity & Colmes on June 3, Washington Times editorial page editor Tony Blankley joined the show's co-host Sean Hannity and other right-wing pundits in attacking financier, philanthropist, and political activist George Soros. Blankley's attacks on Soros included calling Soros a "left-wing crank," "a Jew who figured out a way to survive the Holocaust," "a robber baron," "a pirate capitalist," and "a reckless man." As Media Matters for America reported on June 4, attacking Soros as a means of discrediting Senator John Kerry has become a key strategy of the Republican National Committee.
Friday June 4, 2004 | more... |
CNN echoed right-wing spin on Soros
On the June 3 edition of CNN's Inside Politics, CNN congressional correspondent Ed Henry echoed right-wing media coverage of progressive financier, philanthropist, and political activist George Soros's June 3 speech at the Campaign for America's Future "Take Back America" conference, reporting as fact the right-wing talking point that Soros "equated the Iraqi prisoner abuse to the 9/11 attacks." As Media Matters for America reported on June 4, attacking Soros as a means of discrediting Kerry has become a key strategy of the Republican National Committee. Read Soros's speech here.
Friday June 4, 2004 | more... |
RNC: Attack Kerry by attacking Soros Right-wing media falls in line
As first reported by Roll Call -- and then by the New York Post in a June 3 article headlined, "GOP HAS SOROS IN ITS SIGHTS" -- the Republican National Committee has launched a campaign to discredit Senator John Kerry by attacking progressive financier, philanthropist, political activist George Soros.
Friday June 4, 2004 | more... |
RNC chair joined Hannity to issue false attacks against Soros
Republican National Committee (RNC) chairman Ed Gillespie joined Sean Hannity in issuing false attacks against financier, philanthropist, and political activist George Soros on the June 2 edition of FOX News Channel's Hannity & Colmes. In addition to grossly overstating the amount of money Soros has contributed to MoveOn.org, Gillespie affirmed Hannity's false claim that MoveOn.org "ran ads that liken the president to Adolph Hitler."
Friday June 4, 2004 | more... |
FOX's Brit Hume spins for Bush
FOX News managing editor and chief Washington correspondent Brit Hume attempted to put a pro-Bush spin on data reported by The Washington Post; the data indicates that President George W. Bush's reelection campaign is airing more attack ads than is Senator John Kerry's presidential campaign. While Hume criticized the Post for failing to include in its count the thousands of negative ads aired by the Kerry campaign during the Democratic primaries, the information the Post omitted is even less favorable to Bush.
Thursday June 3, 2004 | more... |
CNN: Defense Department defended its Limbaugh broadcasts
During a report by CNN correspondent Tom Foreman on the June 2 edition of Wolf Blitzer Reports, Deputy Assistant Defense Secretary for Internal Communications Allison Barber defended continued broadcasts of The Rush Limbaugh Show by the American Forces Radio and Television Service, stating that AFRTS programming "is based on popularity here in the states." (Part of the Defense Department, AFRTS broadcasts to U.S. service members in 177 countries and U.S. territories around the world, including Iraq.) When asked why Howard Stern's similarly popular radio talk show is not aired, Barber responded (apparently contrasting Stern's program with Limbaugh's) as follows: "Well, his [Stern's] issue is one of content that's not appropriate."
Thursday June 3, 2004 | more... |
David Bossie resurfaced on MSNBC's Scarborough Country
David N. Bossie -- the discredited former Republican congressional staffer and longtime Clinton-basher -- made his second appearance in eight days on MSNBC's Scarborough Country, this time as a guest of substitute host (and MSNBC analyst) Pat Buchanan. During his June 2 MSNBC appearance, Bossie claimed that the reemergence of former President Bill Clinton -- and the publicity surrounding Clinton's forthcoming book, My Life -- will have a negative impact on Senator John Kerry's presidential campaign: "Bill Clinton sucks all of the air out of John Kerry's parade. If I was John Kerry, I would be extremely incensed that his book is being timed in this manner."
Thursday June 3, 2004 | more... |
Media Matters for America Asks Secretary Rumsfeld to Remove Limbaugh's Radio Show from Taxpayer-Funded American Forces Radio read more here...
E-mail Bill O'Reilly
E-mail Bill O'Reilly and ask him to grant Media Matters for America President David Brock's request to appear on The O'Reilly Factor to respond to right-wing attacks on philanthropist George Soros. read more here...
LETTER from David Brock, founder of Media Matters for America |
DONATE to Media Matters for America |
Journalist-editor, experienced in fast-paced production |
Philly Inquirer runs MMFA response to Spinsanity spin |
Media Matters for America President David Brock appeared on CNN's Flipside, Tuesday June 1 |
Watch David Brock's interview with The Washington Post |
Watch David Brock on C-SPAN's Washington Journal |
Watch David Brock, president and CEO of Media Matters for America, on The Today Show. |
Media Matters for America President David Brock to host a 30-minute segment on Air America's O'Franken Factor, "We Will Brock You" every Wednesday at 1pm. |
GOPUSA: The Battle Against Right-Wing Media Bias |
The American Prospect speaks with David Brock |
Media Matters for America posts Rush Limbaugh transcripts, 5/3 to 5/14 |
Gadflyer interviews David Brock |
Salon interviews David Brock |
Salon excerpts David Brock's new book, The Republican Noise Machine |
David Brock interview reprinted on Campaign Desk, alternet.org |
Hannity & Colmes |
FOX & Friends |
Tuesday June 8, 2004 |
Savage on "Billionaire George Goebbels Soros": "a money changer in the temple of truth"
Savage on MoveOn.org: "rat-bastard Communists"
Following progressive financier, philanthropist, and political activist George Soros's June 3 speech at the Campaign for America's Future "Take Back America" conference, radio host Michael Savage dedicated the majority of the June 4 broadcast of his three-hour nationally syndicated radio show, Savage Nation, to blasting Soros.
Tuesday June 8, 2004 |
Conservative media true to Republican message; revived old Kerry criticisms of Reagan
In the wake of former President Ronald Reagan's death, some of the most aggressive attempts to publicize criticism of Reagan are coming from ... Republicans. On June 7, The New York Times reported: "[I]n one sign of what may lie ahead, Republicans circulated old quotes from Mr. [Senator John] Kerry in which he criticized Mr. Reagan." Kerry's prior criticisms of Reagan found their way into conservative news outlets, including The Weekly Standard, NewsMax.com, The Washington Times, and FOX News Channel.
Friday June 4, 2004 |
RNC: Attack Kerry by attacking Soros Right-wing media falls in line
As first reported by Roll Call -- and then by the New York Post in a June 3 article headlined, "GOP HAS SOROS IN ITS SIGHTS" -- the Republican National Committee has launched a campaign to discredit Senator John Kerry by attacking progressive financier, philanthropist, political activist George Soros.
Friday May 28, 2004 |
Right-wing pundits play doctor; diagnose Gore as "insane"
Following are some responses to former Vice President Al Gore's May 26 speech (sponsored by MoveOn.org and delivered at New York University), in which Gore called for the resignation of six top Bush administration officials.
Wednesday May 26, 2004 |
There's something about Mary: Bucking up Rush, Matalin gushed "you're my hero"
Just one week after two Republican members of Congress repudiated remarks by radio host Rush Limbaugh (Limbaugh compared U.S. guards' abuse of Iraqi prisoners to a college fraternity prank and suggested that the U.S. guards involved were "blow[ing] some steam off"), Mary Matalin -- Bush-Cheney '04 campaign adviser, former assistant to President George W. Bush, and former counselor to Vice President Dick Cheney -- spoke as a guest on the May 21 broadcast of The Rush Limbaugh Show, calling Limbaugh her "hero"; mischaracterizing coverage in The New York Times; and telling Limbaugh that, from his show, "I get all the information I need."
Monday May 24, 2004 |
It's not just the cable guys: conservative misinformation on Sunday morning
On May 23, conservative misinformation flooded the four major Sunday broadcast news shows -- NBC's Meet the Press and The Chris Matthews Show; ABC's This Week; and CBS's Face the Nation.
Friday May 21, 2004 |
Ann Coulter's slander on FOX, MSNBC: She smeared Bill Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Ted Kennedy, and Michael Moore
Ann Coulter, right-wing pundit and author of Slander: Liberal Lies About the American Right and Treason: Liberal Treachery from the Cold War to the War on Terrorism, appeared on the May 20 editions of FOX News Channel's Hannity & Colmes and MSNBC's Scarborough Country to accuse leading Democrats of rape, molestation, slander, and treason. Host Joe Scarborough asked Coulter if she thought that a letter written by documentary filmmaker and author Michael Moore is "treasonous"; before Coulter could conclude "Yes" -- which she eventually did -- Scarborough answered his own question: "I don't know how that is not treasonous."
Thursday May 20, 2004 |
David Bossie: embraced by his posse
Conservative media organizations are giving David N. Bossie -- a man whom fellow Republicans Newt Gingrich, Representative Dan Burton (R-IN), and former President George H. W. Bush have excoriated -- a forum to promote his new book, Intelligence Failure: How Clinton's National Security Policy Set the Stage for 9/11, which, according to its publisher, World Net Daily Books (WND Books), reveals, "The truth ... that the attacks of September 11, 2001 will remain Bill Clinton's legacy." On May 19, The Washington Times published an op-ed by Bossie, which the newspaper bolstered with an editorial in support of his book's conclusions. On May 20, Bossie appeared on FOX News Channel's morning show, FOX & Friends, in which co-hosts Steve Doocy and Brian Kilmeade were a receptive audience.
Wednesday May 19, 2004 |
NewsMax's Poe on O'Reilly Factor: George Soros is a "madman"
O'Reilly on Radio Factor: George Soros is "a real sleazoid"
Host Bill O'Reilly invited Richard Poe -- contributing editor for the right-wing NewsMax Magazine, a monthly publication with a history of publishing baseless conspiracy theories about Democrats -- to the May 18 edition of FOX News Channel's The O'Reilly Factor to discuss Poe's investigation of financier, philanthropist, and political activist George Soros (an investigation that Poe detailed in an article, titled "George Soros' Coup," in the May 2004 issue of NewsMax Magazine). During his O'Reilly Factor appearance, Poe called Soros "somewhat loony" and "a madman."
Friday May 14, 2004 |
Rush Brought to Tears as Right Rallies 'Round Him
A day after Media Matters for America launched a television ad campaign spotlighting radio host Rush Limbaugh's statements comparing the torture of Iraqi prisoners to a college fraternity prank and people "having a good time," Limbaugh opened his May 14 broadcast by directing listeners to National Review Washington editor Kate O'Beirne's National Review Online column, which defended Limbaugh against the ad. Limbaugh told listeners that O'Beirne e-mailed him her column the night before and urged "every journalist in America" to read it. Limbaugh was moved by the column and shared his response to O'Beirne with listeners: "I wrote her back -- I said if I could include teardrops in email, I would do it, but I can't." He also posted a link to O'Beirne's column as the lead item on his website.
Thursday May 13, 2004 |
Savage Nation: It's not just Rush
Talk radio host Michael Savage: "I commend" prisoner abuse; "we need more"
"[T]ake their deepest fear, the pig, the dog, the woman with the leash, and use it on them to break them!"
Tuesday May 11, 2004 |
Limbaugh attacked "this new website"
Decried use of his quotes "out of context"
On his May 11 nationally syndicated radio show, host Rush Limbaugh renewed his attack on the "Lib media" and appeared again to be accusing Media Matters for America of printing excerpts of his program out of context.
Monday May 10, 2004 |
Limbaugh mimicked barking in describing photo of Iraqi prisoner terrorized by guard dogs
On May 10 -- while President George W. Bush, during his visit to the Pentagon, reacted with "deep disgust and disbelief" to new photos and video clips of the abuse of Iraqi prisoners by U.S. guards -- radio host Rush Limbaugh continued to downplay the severity of the prison abuse; suggested it was "decent punishment"; and questioned the sincerity of the outrage expressed by Democrats, the media, and the public. Limbaugh also once again referred to a "new website that's supposedly chronicling" what he says -- apparently Media Matters for America -- and called it "a central clearinghouse for out-of-context quotes."
Thursday May 6, 2004 |
On May 6, New York Post Washington bureau chief Deborah Orin repeated Dr. Louis Letson's claims that Senator John Kerry got his first Purple Heart for a non-combat wound -- despite reports in The New York Times and Los Angeles Times one day earlier that, according to the Kerry campaign, Letson was not the medical official who signed Kerry's medical records for the wound.
Thursday May 6, 2004 |
Limbaugh: "I laughed myself to tears" reading Media Matters for America's report on his sexist, racist remarks
On his May 5 radio show, Rush Limbaugh commented on Media Matters for America's May 3 report "Meet the New Rush, Same as the Old Rush." Limbaugh said that the 77 comments we cited -- including his claim that women "actually wish" for sexual harassment -- were "funny."
Wednesday May 5, 2004 |
FOX exposed anti-Kerry vets' flip-flopping
As part of ongoing efforts to undermine Senator John Kerry's war record, the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, a group founded to discredit Kerry's record during and after his service in Vietnam, held its first news conference on May 4. Also on that day, Media Matters for America released a report on the group's founder, John O'Neill -- also one of Kerry's strongest critics; the report documents O'Neill's participation in Republican efforts to smear Kerry dating back to the Nixon administration. The scrutiny that cable networks directed toward Kerry's critics throughout the day varied significantly; FOX News Channel provided in-depth coverage, including revealing that some of Kerry's present-day critics have, in the past, actually praised Kerry for his Vietnam service.
Tuesday May 4, 2004 |
FOX's Linda Chavez: "I misspoke"
Appearing on Al Franken's radio show on May 4, FOX News contributor Linda Chavez admitted that she "misspoke" when she denied having called Senator John Kerry a "communist apologist." Chavez denied having called Kerry a "communist apologist" during an interview on FOX & Friends on May 2, just four days after her nationally syndicated column calling Senator John Kerry a "communist apologist" appeared in newspapers and on The Heritage Foundation's website Townhall.com. Chavez appeared on The O'Franken Factor in response to a May 3 Media Matters for America report titled "FOX's Chavez called Kerry a 'communist apologist' -- and then lied about it."
Tuesday May 4, 2004 |
Dick Morris triangulates Dick Morris:
A Media Matters for America Analysis of Rewriting History
FOX News Managing Editor and Chief Washington Correspondent Brit Hume, anchor of Special Report with Brit Hume, has said of Dick Morris -- the onetime adviser to Bill Clinton turned FOX News Channel contributor -- "[S]ometimes he says things that you think are inspired from another planet. ... If you're a political analyst, being wrong is a drawback." Larry Sabato, director of the University of Virginia's Center for Politics, has said, "He's frequently wrong." And a Boston Globe review of Morris's 1999 book, The New Prince: Machiavelli Updated for the Twenty-First Century, noted that "Morris's contradictions and factual errors too often make a hash of what is supposed to be his argument." [USA Today, 8/16/00; The Boston Globe, 7/20/99]
Tuesday May 4, 2004 |
Who is John O'Neill?
CNN's Blitzer failed to probe partisan ties of Kerry critic
The May 4 Wall Street Journal editorial page featured an op-ed by John O'Neill about Senator John Kerry under the headline "Unfit to Serve." O'Neill is identified by the paper as having "served in Coastal Division 11 in 1969-1970, winning two Bronze Stars and additional decorations for his service in Vietnam." As Joe Conason wrote in Salon.com on May 4, O'Neill has long-standing ties to the GOP establishment, and O'Neill's own p.r. adviser has described O'Neill as sounding like "a crazed extremist."
Sunday May 2, 2004 |
Plurality of Voters Say Conservatives Have More Influence in the Media Than Liberals
Findings of a National Survey Conducted for Media Matters for America
Media Matters for America recently commissioned a poll by the Garin-Hart-Yang Research Group to assess how Americans get their news about national government and politics. The poll also explores attitudes toward various media outlets and the relationship between news source choices and political and public policy awareness.
Sunday May 2, 2004 |
Meet the New Rush, Same as the Old Rush
A Media Matters for America Analysis of The Rush Limbaugh Show
Limbaugh: Women "Actually Wish" for Sexual Harassment
Limbaugh: "A Chavez is a Chavez. We've Always Had Problems with
Saturday May 1, 2004 |
Backdating the Recession: A Report by Media Matters for America
Release date: May 3, 2004
Even before President George W. Bush took office in January 2001, his surrogates began to suggest that the Bush administration was inheriting an economic recession from the Clinton administration. Over the last three and a half years, the media has been awash in false references to Bush "inheriting a recession" from Clinton. A recent Media Matters for America poll found that 62 percent of Americans hold the false belief that the recession began under Clinton.
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