somehow you've managed to stumble across Quizilla! |
How about the nickle tour, eh? We have a FAQ that you may want to check out and some longer Documentation too if you want to get deeper. For some fun we've got a list of the most Popular Quizzes on the system as well as a list of the ones that are the newest made. If you already have an accout here you can log-in and if you don't you're invited to sign up.
News: |
the Search system will be appearing and disappearing throughout the next few days. I am still working on a way to have it be available and not shut down the whole site. (Sat Apr 3 13:32:53 2004) |
The layout changed, but I bet you noticed that already! The page design of the site is going to be moving away from tables to the newer CSS standards over the next few weeks/months/years. (Tue Feb 24 3:11:02 2004) |
there are a lot of errors happening all of the sudden that I'm having trouble tracking down. There is a lot of errors that say that you didn't answer something when you in fact did and that a 'quiz_id' is incorrect. These are not your fault, they are server-level bugs that were not introduced by me but that I have to fix. (Mon Feb 16 14:57:30 2004) |
I have cheese in my pockets. (Tue Feb 10 12:17:10 2004) |
The MyDoom worm has crippled the sites ability to send and recieve email, so do not be surprised if email replies are delayed or if email is not responded to. Please consider resending it when the crisis is over (Sun Feb 1 14:44:47 2004) |
..older news |
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