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User:arien (59116) arien
Name:Guiding the Sun
Location:Florida, United States
Bio:There will be time, there will be time
To prepare a face to meet the faces that you meet;
There will be time to murder and create,
And time for all the works and days of hands
That lift and drop a question on your plate;
Time for you and time for me,
And time yet for a hundred indecisions,
And for a hundred visions and revisions,
Before the taking of a toast and tea.

~ T.S. Eliot, "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock"

The world stands out on either side
No wider than the heart is wide;
Above the world is stretched the sky,
No higher than the soul is high.
The heart can push the sea and land
Farther away on either hand;
The soul can split the sky in two,
And let the face of God shine through.
But East and West will pinch the heart
That cannot keep them pushed apart;
And he whose soul is flat -- the sky
Will cave in on him by and by.

~ Edna St. Vincent Millay, "Renascence"

About me:
Twenty-one years old. World literature/creative writing major at New College of Florida. Attempted poet in love with the physicality of the world. Rather eccentric and can become alarmed when confronted with normalcy. Possessor of strange sense of humor. Late bloomer. Lord of the Rings fanfiction writer (don't fear, it's family-safe). Enamoured of the semicolon and dash. Bearer of hidden scars. Daydreamer.

Likes: how Marc Chagall paintings make her feel, sandwiches with Boar's Head deli meats, tummies, the way new books smell.
Hates: the phrase "the new millennium," trying to fasten on bracelets, people who say "boi" instead of "boy," getting her feet dirty.

I am an INTJ.
Memories:22 entries
Interests:150: 12 monkeys, 1984, 80s music, a clockwork orange, adrienne rich, alfons mucha, amélie, anne sexton, anything box, archetypes, assemblage 23, b! machine, bauhaus, bjork, book of love, boots, boys in eyeliner, brazil, brendan perry, britpop, bt, clinic, clubbing, cocteau twins, coil, college bowl, corsets, cosmicity, covenant, crying, dancing, darkwave, daydreams, de/vision, dead can dance, depeche mode, diorama, doc martens, dorks, e.e. cummings, ebm, eddie izzard, edna st. vincent millay, einsturzende neubauten, electro, electronic, elizabeth frasier, enigma, epics, erasure, ethereal music, everything is illuminated, farscape, fashion, filmmaking, fishnets, flowers for algernon, frodo baggins, geeks, genesis, george orwell, gomez, graveyards, harry potter, heavenly creatures, henrich heine, his dark materials, hobbits, homer, i and thou, indie pop, interpol, j.r.r. tolkien, jacob's ladder, jeff buckley, joy division, kate bush, leiahdorus, leonard cohen, lisa gerrard, lord of the rings, lotr, marc chagall, meaningful conversation, middle-earth, monty python, morrissey, my anima, nerds, neuroticfish, new college of florida, new order, new wave, office space, old souls, orgazmo, paulo coelho, pet shop boys, peter gabriel, peter jackson, peter murphy, photography, poetry, portishead, possibility, project pitchfork, quantum leap, ranier maria rilke, reading, remixes, retro, rita dove, samwise gamgee, seabound, sinead o'connor, siouxie and the banshees, skinny puppy, smashing pumpkins, soulmates, stars (the band), synthpop, t.s. eliot, tarot, tattoos, terry gilliam, the alchemist, the cure, the fisher king, the postal service, the shawshank redemption, the silmarillion, the sisters of mercy, the smiths, the strokes, the sundays, this mortal coil, thrifting, transcendental experiences, valinor, vast, vintage, vnv nation, w.b. yeats, william blake, william shakespeare, wings of desire, wolfsheim, wonder boys, world literature, writing. [Modify yours]
People115:addledgirl, albee, angstslashhope, anneheart, annlarimer, asmoron, auralonde, azraela, black_widow1417, blakeh, bluebird179, boxinghelena, brassyn, broin, cascini7, celticfortitude, circletofroses, claudia603, clipdude, confutatis, corvar, cozmicity, daeva, danachan, danbigler, darkdiadem, deepdarkmonkey, deictic, detroitangel, disappear, dizfactor, djfemmina, djpekky, djstrangeways, donna_c_punk, donwaughesq, dreagonfli, elbereth1368, epsilonminus, esorlehcar, everjaime, febobe, fleurette, forgotenlove, freakflag, frosted_flakes, fuseji, fuuh, galadriel007, gilneas, greyspongeamp, gypsyjr, hallucinateme, her_holiness, hobbitgal, hopeful_fiction, hopelense, hugsnkisses_, iblis_kukl, indyonaro, jacinthsong, jadedmachine, jisms, katakanadian, katblaze, kittehkat, kyburg, laurelamanda, ldygabilan, lemonlye, lisaofdoom, lissar, lothie, makinguphermind, metaldave, mikkali, minushuman, mister_pills, moniek, monkeycrackmary, moose_y, oliveoyl, othergoose, ozzdo, paperphoenix, plasticspy, pressed_flowers, privateerkev, rakshi, sacredsin, secretagentspan, serene23, shadowdealer, shirebound, silverowl86, silverwraith, stepliana, stool, storyofmylife, sweaterfiend03, table4glasses, taelonmahal, tangelian, tax, tekmagika, terriblethought, thelichen, theshallowend, vastdays, venusvext, versaphile, vicious_vikas, vitriolicverity, waywardpath, xqx33
Communities36:angelgabriel, badfic_mainline, badmovieland, bagend, bakshi_lotr, dr_beckett, edwardgorey, hobbits, hogwarts_grads, hoom_hoom, hptheories, jordancollege, laughlorien, lordoftherings, lotr_refugees, lotranon, madbagginses, new_wave, newcollege, officespace, prettygoodyear, readthebook, ringbearerfrodo, rolandofgilead, rustyspork, scapers, slashfreelotr, strangeways, synthpop_music, the_smiths, themanyperks, tngfans, tolkien, vintage_hair, vintage_sex, waterinpockets
Account type:Free Account

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