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October 09, 2003 So Long, Fritz

My Fox column is up.

It's a loving tribute to retiring Senator Ernest "Fritz" Hollings.

I wonder, do you think he got the nickname "Fritz" because no one could call him "Ernest" with a straight face?

Posted by Radley Balko on October 09, 2003 | TrackBack


I never understood why civil "servants" make so much money. I think they should get minimum wage.

Posted by: Dani-girl on October 9, 2003 09:26 AM

I have had the opportunity to attend a showing, you might say, or presentation of this porn rock, as they call it. In the test of pornography, one of the things to look at is whether or not it has any redeeming social value. There could be an exception here, because having attended that presentation, the redeeming social value that I find is inaudible.

I have a hard time understanding it. Paul, since I traveled the country for 3 years, they said they could not understand me. Maybe I could make a good rock star. I do not know.

But in all candor, I would tell you it is outrageous filth, and we have got to do something about it. I take the tempered approach, of our distinguished chairman, and commend it. Yet, I would make the statement that if I could find some way constitutionally to do away with it, I would.

Posted by: Aaron on October 9, 2003 10:23 AM

Funny, I read MSNBC everyday and I don't remember seeing your article on the retirement of Strom Thurmon and Jesse Helms and their contributions to our entre into a service on the sterling record on civil rights or human rights or anything else.

Perhaps conservative writers should stick to writing about how great everything is for the wealthy and at least, let old men retire in peace.

Posted by: Gyle Baker on October 9, 2003 10:42 AM

Perhaps old men should just retire as soon as they become irrelevant, instead of making a career out of setting back technology twenty years. good riddance

Posted by: Joanne McNeil on October 9, 2003 10:52 AM

Why is every one so kind to jerks like Fritz the ass hole? They are not civil "severants' they are self "Severants"...

Posted by: Frank Paganelli on October 9, 2003 11:23 AM

Your "so long fritz" is right on target.
However,this truth is going to piss off the fleas on that old dog.So be agitator,keep on shouting the truth and watch the fleas jump.

Posted by: j l tobey on October 9, 2003 11:30 AM

Your "so long fritz" is right on target.
However,this truth is going to piss off the fleas on that old dog.So be agitator,keep on shouting the truth and watch the fleas jump.

Posted by: j l tobey on October 9, 2003 11:30 AM

Great article. Can't wait till that other old bag of wind retires.(can't think of his name but he used to be in the KKK)

Posted by: Dan on October 9, 2003 12:51 PM

With the passing of several Senate embarrassments, ranging from Hollings to Nichols, there is yet hope for the Republic. Oddly enough, most of these Senators hail from the South, where elections are more like coronations. Unfortunately, a once very capable Senator who has slipped downhill precipitiously recently probably will run and win again..Bob Graham.

Posted by: SD. Potter on October 9, 2003 01:05 PM

Well said, Radley. Except I think you were entirely too civil. I hope the old sonuvabitch dies before drawing too much of his pension.

Posted by: on October 9, 2003 01:46 PM

Well stated, Mr. Balko. Men like Hollings should make it abundantly clear that term limits should become the rule of the land, at any level of political service. His is a prime example of how, if given ample time and opportunity, any so-called “political leader” can acquire inordinate sums of money and absolute power to establish his personal “beachhead” (Agenda), for as long as he wishes. An honestly elected official’s duty is to answer to his constituency, no the reverse. Again, Well said.

Posted by: C.J. Puhala on October 9, 2003 01:46 PM

I disagree with your lack of concern about the disappearance of blue collar jobs. It was just the 1st salvo of the export of the economy. What is happening is that white collar jobs - IT professionals, backoffice people - are next to be exported. And for every person in direct manufacturing you find another several people who support manufacturing. I believe that you ought to reexamine your statements about manufacturing!

Posted by: America 1st on October 9, 2003 07:35 PM

Faux News? You were unable to get a gig with a real news outlet?

Sorry to hear that.

Posted by: raj on October 10, 2003 07:38 AM

I disagree with your lack of concern about the disappearance of blue collar jobs. - posted by America 1st on October 9, 2003 07:35 PM.

Just a better example of how Government does a poor job in educating the masses while in High School in the case of this previous poster.

Much of the manufacturing jobs have been lost to technology in robotic assembly lines, and due to poor legislation such as that developed by Senator Hollings.

The increase in White Collar jobs is a natural shift, as Computers have not made the need for jobs less, but rather greater. You need someone who can write the code, the updates, and research better mechanized manufacturing processes, as well as the lowly Computer Operators who simply babysit and maintain the sytems, sometimes called Desktop Help or Support.

The General Populous has too long been duped and fooled by the Liberal Media which itself, was slow to embrace the Internet, and needed much of the X Generation to get them up to speed. The obvious ignorance of most news anchors in the IT Sector is obvious to those of us who have worked there. Not to mention at my last job with the State of TN, I had a Manager, whose attitude was much like that of Hollings. He created more work for us, so we would look busy, rather than letting the robotics do the efficient work it was supposed to in Tape Operations of our Mainframe System. His opinion of the Mainframe Computer Technicians in production control is that all they did was "sit on their asses all day." Fortunately, Gene retired, but not before exacting his revenge, but getting his dumb blonde replacement to fire the only worker she had who possessed 5 years experience in working most all technical aspects in a Magnetic Tape Library Operations. I was the only one well versed in fixing most glitches with LSM's and their controllers and the Tape Drive's controllers, without having to have Storage Tek Vendors on site for anything other than Hardware replacement.

Elaine, the dumb blonde, fired me over excess absences which she created by either working me double shifts over the years, rather than higher new employees, or by not letting me have a week off for vacation time in over two years. The real reason for firing me, was because the manager who took her place wanted me to train her in disaster recovery, which Elaine herself hadn't ever taken the time to learn. Elaine had never been a Mainframe Computer Technician like the State's policy stated you had to be in order to be in management. She had simply been a Computer Operator who kissed the right people in management. I was going to appeal my firing on 9/6/01 on 9/18/01, but then 9/11/01 happened, and I didn't desire to work at a Data Center with a direct connection to the US Treasury and found work instead in my BA degree in Religion. Pay has been a lot less, but the work far more rewarding. I work with fellow coworkers who understand and need my expertise. Not ignorant old Farts like Fritz, Gene, or Elaine. Gene and Elaine were always stingy with earned vacation time, because they new if all the right people took off at the right time, they couldn't do our job, and they were our managers. Gave me a first hand look at incompetence on the State Level, which I always believed must extend to the Federal Level, and Fritz is only proof positive of my initial suspicions.

Posted by: George Bratcher on October 10, 2003 11:50 PM

How Dare You!

How dare you forget to mention that Ole' Fritz was nearly arrested by the SC Law Enforcement Division when he moved out of the Governor's house and attempted to pull a Clinton with the furnishings.

How dare you fail to mention Ole' Fritz has sided with the likes of Teddy Kennedy, Burch Bayh, Frank Church and every other liberal coming down the pike to try and pull down America.

How dare you fail to mention Ole' Fritz's $2000 hand made Italian suits and $250 dollar a pair foreign made shoes. No wonder the textile jobs disappeared.

How dare you fail to mention that stupid falsetto accent he uses.

How dare you fail to mention the blight he has been on the State of SC since 1968, and how if it weren't for the people of the "Holy City", we could have been rid of him decades ago.

How dare you not mention these things!

Posted by: Dick from SC on October 12, 2003 12:07 AM

Finally! Someone tells the truth about Hollings. He's a disgrace to my state and is a blathering fool. Your article on FOXNEWS.com was refreshing. He lies almost everytime he opens his mouth, especially when he's speaking about Bush and he gets away with it. Great article!

Posted by: moliz on October 14, 2003 04:59 PM

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