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« Who's This Grasso Character? | Main | An Outsider in the Eye of the Storm » October 15, 2003 Bad Move I like the Smoking Gun and most of what they do. But publishing the name and biographical information of the Cubs fan last night who snatched the foul ball from Moises Alou was really poor judgment. The poor guy had to be escorted out of Wrigely to shouts of "kill him!" last night. If the Cubs lose tonight and the guy gets whacked, just remember, "The Smoking Gun was there." Not linking to the piece. Posted by Radley Balko on October 15, 2003 | TrackBack |
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Sun times has the info too. Posted by: Josh on October 15, 2003 01:18 PM |
pretty sad - I was waiting to hear who would be the first to put their "plame" on this one. Not cool - thanks for the heads up, Radley. If Cub fans are going to place this squarely on the back of this guy - then they're stupid - remember - tonight will be the THIRD prime-time chance the Cubs have had to get to the W/S. Posted by: djspicerack on October 15, 2003 01:20 PM |
Cubs fans - I can ALMOST understand the World Series pain you feel, as my beloved Cleveland Indians haven't won it since 1948 (long before my time) However, although that guy certainly deserves an assist in the loss, I hardly think he was responsible for the team giving up a total of 8 runs that inning. After his blunder, the team proceeded to suck the rest of the inning. Bad. Personally, I hope the Cubs get to the series and get a shot at the Yankees, which everyones knows is co-owned by Satan himself, but if they don't make it, it's because they collapsed under pressure, not because of this guy's contribution. Posted by: roger on October 15, 2003 01:27 PM |
Yahoo had it on it's site, and they got it from Reuters. Poor judgement on their part. They're putting this guy's life in danger. Posted by: Dani-girl on October 15, 2003 01:56 PM |
djspicerack - I agree 100%. They lost on Sunday. They gave up 8 runs in that inning. They still have a chance tonight. I feel really bad for the guy. If the Cubs lose tonight and don't advance, it won't be because an out-of-play ball wasn't caught for the second out of one inning. Posted by: Eric on October 15, 2003 02:49 PM |
i LIKE TSG BECAUSE they are willing to post crap like this. the entire reason their site is interesting is because it is politically incorrect and everyone represents an equal target. sheesh, instead of getting mad at TSG, why don't we all say what BS it is to blame the result of the game on a fan. Posted by: Brady on October 15, 2003 02:59 PM |
If the Cubs lose tonight this guy **deserves** to get whacked. Posted by: PJ Doland on October 15, 2003 03:21 PM |
I note that The Smoking Gun will not post the name of Kobe Bryant's accuser, though of corse they know it. Posted by: John T. Kennedy on October 15, 2003 11:19 PM |
I should have strangled this punk in high school when I had the chance. Posted by: PJ Doland on October 15, 2003 11:39 PM |
Midday yesterday, had posted an article with this guy's name as well. Posted by: Ryn on October 16, 2003 12:25 PM |
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