Explosively Unique...

June 08, 2004

Blog Republished

One month of Brainstorms, Brian Dear's weblog, will be published in the San Diego Reader this Thursday. The publisher seems to be pretty blog savy as he's pegged his price to the rate that Nick Denton is paying Wonkette, Gawker, Defamer, etc... - $2000 for a month of posts.

All this brings to mind an idea I've been swirling around in my head for the past week - a blogging news service (like AP or Rueters) that offers publication rights to selected blog posts to newspapers and magazines. I'll have more information on that later.

Via: Buzzmachine

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Posted by Kevin Aylward at 09:51 AM
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Vote Against Jim Moran Today

VoteTuesday reminds us that today (Tuesday, June 8) is primary day in Virginia which means it's the day to for the 8th district (Alexandria, Arlington,Reston) for get out the vote for Andy Rosenberg and rid Congress of the poster boy for corruption and anti-Semitism, Jim Moran. Go read Vote Tuesday to see links to the the likes of the USA Today, Washington Post, New York Times, Newsday, etc. covering the election.

Red Letter Day reminds us that Virginia allows crossover voting in the primaries, it is possible that Republican voters could help swing the election towards Rosenberg. The Republican candidate (Lisa Marie Cheney) was selected at a convention, so there is absolutly no reason for Republicans not to turn out and vote against Moran (by voting for Rossenberg). If you know anyone who lives in the Alexandria/Arlington/Reston area (8th District voting map) call them and remind them to vote for Rosenberg today.

Update: From the Andy Rosenberg for Congress site:

According to internal data garnered from a telephone survey of 5,000 likely Democratic primary voters in Arlington, Reston, Vienna and Falls Church, the battle for the Democratic nomination is a virtual toss-up (29%-24% Rosenberg) with roughly 47% of district voters still undecided as Election Day approaches. The internal data confirms Rosenberg's claims that Moran lacks the support of Democratic voters following years of reckless behavior and irresponsible comments.
Proof of how the mighty have fallen - Howard Dean gives a last minute endorsement for Moran. Who's Howard Dean again?

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Posted by Kevin Aylward at 09:17 AM
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This Blog Is Full Of Crap linked with Give Moran the McKinney treatment

DC Notebook - Funeral Notes

The U.S. Army Military District of Washington has issued a day-by-day calender of the events this week for the State Funeral for Former President Ronald Reagan.

The opportunities for public participation are limited. The Formal Funeral Procession to U.S. Capitol is probably your best bet.

About The Formal Funeral Procession to U.S. Capitol

The Old Guard Caisson Platoon of the Military District of Washington's 3d U.S. Infantry Regiment will transport the remains during the Washington, D.C., phase of the funeral. The caisson consists of six horses of the same color, three riders, and a section chief mounted on a separate horse. The caisson itself is a converted transport wagon for a 75mm cannon.

A riderless horse follows the caisson (known as a caparisoned horse). A pair of boots are reversed in the stirrups of the empty saddle to symbolize that the warrior will never ride again.

The casket transfer will occur at 16th and Constitution Avenues NW and the procession will go east on Constitution Avenue to the Capitol. This will take place between 6 and 7 p.m. Wednesday June 9.

About The Rotunda Viewing Area

That evening and all the next day the president will lie in state in the Rotunda of the Capitol so that the public may pay their respects. The Rotunda viewing area will be open around the clock, meaning you can pay your respects anytime between 8:30 pm Wednesday - 7am Friday. Security will be strict - cameras and bags will not be allowed in the rotunda.

Update: If you're in town look for the flyover!!! There will be a rehearsal flyover on Tuesday at 6:25 PM by 12 F-15's. The flyover for the official State Funeral for President Reagan will take place on Wednesday at 6:25 PM. The flyover will consist of 21 F-15's. Both flyovers will pass in front of the Capitol building from South to North.

Posted by Kevin Aylward at 08:20 AM
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Bonfire Of The Vanities - Week 49

The Bonfire is upon us again!

Bonfire of the Vanities Week 49

Click the image to visit this weeks edition of the Bonfire hosted at IMFO.

Posted by Kevin Aylward at 07:46 AM
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June 07, 2004

WaPo Ombudsman Fumbles

Placed in a no win situation The Washington Post's Ombudsman Micael Getler manages to do nothing but do a little ass polishing for reporters (Dana Milbank and Jim VandeHei) of the explosive May 31st piece - From Bush, Unprecedented Negativity; Scholars Say Campaign Is Making History With Often-Misleading Attacks. The Washington Post is not known for taking a critical look at their own coverage, unlike the "new look" New York Times which has at least dropped the concept of NYT infallibility as an excuse for lack of introspection.

If you would like to read a more credible assessment of the Post piece, try Byron York's examination at the National Review Online. He shreds the underlying arbitrary dates used by the Post and exposes the inherent dishonesty of their calculations:

In fact, Bush officials say, the total number of Kerry negative ads is significantly higher than the Post reported. The paper counted the number of negative ads each side has run since March 4, which was when Bush began his ad campaign. But Kerry's ad campaign was up and running long before that. Citing CMAG figures, the Bush campaign says Kerry ran 15,327 negative ads in the six months before March 4. In all, the Bush campaign says, Kerry has run 28,663 negative ads - still less than the Bush campaign, but more than twice as many as the Post reported.

In addition, Bush campaign officials strongly disagree with the Post's decision not to include anti-Bush ads run by so-called "527" groups which have spent tens of millions of dollars toward Kerry's election. Again citing CMAG figures, the Bush campaign says that since the summer of 2003, those groups have aired negative ads targeting Bush 66,087 times (47,791 of those have aired since March 4). If those anti-Bush ads are combined with Kerry's total, then Bush has been the target of more negative ads than Kerry. (There have been comparatively few third-party ads run against Kerry by pro-Bush groups.)

Later he goes on to point out that Milbank himself penned an article criticizing the criticism of negative ads (at least those that were not ugly personal attacks).

How much of this information did the Post Ombudsman address? None...

Posted by Kevin Aylward at 11:20 PM
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How Low Can JLo Go?

Jenifer Lopez unfathomably marries the freshly divorced Marc Anthony this weekend. The ink wasn't even dry on Anthony's divorce (from a 1993 Miss Universe). How fresh was the divorce? Defamer notes that pictures of his wedding on the official Marc Anthony web site are NOT of JLo.

It all clicked for me this evening when I heard that Anthony, convieniently, will be performing on the Today Show tomorrow morning to promote the release of his new album this week. WTF? She whored herself out to pump up his sagging career? Feh...

Ben Affleck suddenly looks like a genius for hopping of the crazy train...

Update: JLo is on the case, the first wife has been erased.

Update 2: Richard Johnson, of the New York Post's Page Six, is reporting that the real reason for the quickie wedding is that JLo is pregnant.

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Posted by Kevin Aylward at 10:45 PM
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Spot On linked with So, J.Lo is pregnant?
Legal XXX linked with Matt Labash--Nostradamus of Our Times

An Interview With Michael Berg

Bill at INDCJournal stopped by the ANSWER protest in DC this weekend, and was able to get an interveiw with Nick Berg's father. Michael Berg fits himself for a tin foil hat quite nicely with is own tape recorded words.

"My son was a member of the Socialist Workers Party, yes he was, my son David, not my son Nick, my older son David. I supported his efforts working with the Socialist Workers' Party, and I went with him to the headquarters in NY and I attended the rallies and I supported his trips to Cuba and... I don’t really want to say (gestures to me) because he’s (got a recorder)."
Later as to why he had referenced Dr. Martin Luther King in his speech.
“Let me put it to you this way, I don’t think that Dr. King's murder was solved, and I don’t think that my son’s murder was solved, if you know what I’m saying ..."
It's a must read.

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Posted by Kevin Aylward at 03:57 PM
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Slant Point linked with Nick Berg's Father... continued

Stepford Children

Your children belong to the state welfare agencies, they're just on loan to you. From ABC NEWS:

When Chad Taylor noticed his son was apparently experiencing serious side effects from Ritalin prescribed for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, he decided to take the boy off the medication. Now, he says he may be accused of child abuse.

In February, 12-year-old Daniel began displaying some symptoms that his father suspected were related to the use of Ritalin.

"He was losing weight, wasn't sleeping, wasn't eating," Taylor told ABC News affiliate KOAT-TV in New Mexico. "[He] just wasn't Daniel."

So Taylor took Daniel off Ritalin, against his doctor's wishes. And though Taylor noticed Daniel was sleeping better and his appetite had returned, his teachers complained about the return of his disruptive behavior. Daniel seemed unable to sit still and was inattentive. His teachers ultimately learned that he was no longer taking Ritalin.

School officials reported Daniel's parents to New Mexico's Department of Children, Youth and Families.Then a detective and social worker made a home visit.

"The detective told me if I did not medicate my son, I would be arrested for child abuse and neglect," Taylor said.

There's an old saying that when your only tool is a hammer everything looks like a nail. It's no different with Ritalin. ADD, ADHD, and behavior problems are all multifaceted problems that require individually created and diligently applied solutions. Ritalin is the "magic pill" that the system is rigged to prefer, because it's easy not because it's the best solution.

Mandating that parents drug their children with Ritalin is not a new phenomenon - Overlawyered noted a similar case in July 2000 - it's just an ominous one...

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Posted by Kevin Aylward at 01:11 PM
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Overlawyered linked with Parents yes, governments no
Zero Intelligence linked with School knows best.
Caerdroia linked with It Takes a Village to Drug Your Child
Say Anything linked with Child Abuse

Shadow Government

Taegan Goddard notes that A Pretext for War by James Bamford includes an interesting revalation - the secret location were VP Cheney and other government members went in the days after 9/11. I'm sure it's where they keep the black helicopters, aliens, and other X-Files material.

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Posted by Kevin Aylward at 11:09 AM
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Bush Trails Badly In Illinois

How badly? As of today he is at 0%.

Bush is not on the ballot in Illinois and due to a conflict between Illinois election law and the late date of the Republican National Convention he's not going to get on the ballot without changing the law or court order. Attempts at a legislative solution have failed miserably as Democrats try to capitalize on the precarious position Republicans by loading up bills with pork, which Republicans have been wise to avoid voting on.

Jeff Trig is an excellent source of news on this situation. He has a piece of advice for Bush/Cheney troops in Illinois:

June 21st is the petition deadline if the IL GOP wants to make absolutely sure the voters can put a check next to Bush/Cheney in 2004. I'd suggest they get really, really busy and collect those 25,000 valid signatures before June 21st, plus an extra 25,000 in case the Libertarians think turnabout is fair play. At least the Republicans won't have to worry about Libertarians using state employees on the clock to challenge their petitions like the IL GOP and George Ryan did in 1998 and Judy Baar Topinka has been accused of doing in 2002. Funny how things come back to bite you.

The IL GOP might also consider a lawsuit to extend the deadline for turning in petitions to give them more time to collect them. Most states have deadlines well after Illinois', typically in late August, and allow a petitioning period of a year instead of just 90 days. We'd even help with that lawsuit to give the IL GOP more time to get those signatures so Bush is absolutely sure to be on the ballot. Too bad the IL Supreme Court is ruled by Dems. Democrat Lautenberg was lucky in NJ in 2002 that his state Supreme Court was ruled by his party, a luxury the IL GOP doesn't have.

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Posted by Kevin Aylward at 10:19 AM
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Ramblings' Journal linked with Bush NOT on Illinois election ballot
Taegan Goddard's Political Wire linked with Bush Still Not On Illinois Ballot

Those Who Don't Learn History...

Are doomed pass history with a B.

Tiffany Charles got a B in history last year at her Montgomery County high school, but she is not sure what year World War II ended. She cannot name a single general or battle, or the man who was president during the most dramatic hours of the 20th century.

Yet the 16-year-old does remember in some detail that many Japanese American families on the West Coast were sent to internment camps. "We talked a lot about those concentration camps," she said.
I guess they just sort of glossed over the concentration camps were 6 million Jews were exterminated.

Update: Smash finds that there are plenty of motivated teachers passionate about teaching your children just not what you would except. He interviews the lead speaker at a Los Angeles anti-war rally:

But it turns out that Gillian [Russom], the spokesperson for the Los Angeles chapter of the International Socialist Organization, is no “little girl.” Her chapter of the ISO was one of the sponsors of Saturday’s anti-war rally in Los Angeles, where she had the "pole position" as one of the final people to address the crowd of about two thousand demonstrators preparing to march through the heart of downtown LA.

..She’s a high school teacher. In fact, she’s an active member of the United Teachers of Los Angeles, and Progressive Educators for Action

...[Smash] “So, do you try to get your students involved in activism?”

[Russom] "Oh, definitely! I teach the required World History course, but I also teach an elective course on Revolutionary History. Those students are really receptive to new ideas. We cover the Russian Revolution, Chinese Revolution, French Revolution, Mexican Revolution…”

[Smash] “What about the American Revolution?”

[Russom] “Oh, they cover that in US History,”

[Read the rest]

I'm betting she doesn't bother to mention to her students that communism was one of the most spectacularly failures economic system ever created by mankind, and ranks up there in practice as the most brutally oppressive in human history...

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Posted by Kevin Aylward at 07:40 AM
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Legal XXX linked with Who Won WWII? Rosie the Riveter of course
Evilwhiteguy's Blog linked with There Was A War?
Say Anything linked with What They're Teaching Our Kids

Skeletons In The Closet

Before running for elected office it's best to shutdown your wifes used and soiled panties erotic web site (link goes to news article with one mildly not work safe picture well down the page).

Update: Rob at Say Anything has a link to the web archive version the includes the graphics (NSFW).

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Posted by Kevin Aylward at 07:27 AM
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Cranial Cavity linked with Porn & Politics
Say Anything linked with Whoops

Weekend Caption Contest™ Winners

This weeks Weekend Caption Contest™ challenged the masses, especially those not keeping tabs on MTV style pop culture. The winning captions for this photo are shown below:

1) (Rodney Dill) - "Over time it became apparent, even to the media, that the support for the Dennis Kucinich presidential campaign had been nothing but an elaborate hoax."

2) (McGehee) - "I've heard of "phoning it in," but these clowns are faxing it in!"

3) (CGHill) - "Dude, where's my seat filler?"

Until next Friday...

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Posted by Kevin Aylward at 12:31 AM
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June 06, 2004

There’s a reason they’re called “stereotypes,” son…

This morning, before breakfast, I realized I was nearly out of milk. I schlepped down to the neighborhood sCumberland Farms (it’s a skosh over a block away) and grabbed a gallon, then got in line to pay – there was one guy ahead of me.

He was an older guy, maybe mid-40’s, with a craggy face and graying hair. He was buying what looked like a 32-ounce bottle of malt liquor.

The clerk behind the counter, while he could obviously tell the guy was of age, was sticking to the posted policy of “we card everyone.”

“Do you have an ID?”

The guy just smiled. “Sorry. Speak English very little.”

(More slowly) “When – were – you – born?”

More smiling and shaking of head. “No unnerstand.”

“What – is – your –age?”

Smiling still “No unnerstand.”

Finally the clerk, in frustration, took the guy’s money (paid in quarters) and sold him his booze. He took it and left.

Here’s a guy who can’t even speak enough English to understand a request for his ID, buying booze at seven on a Sunday morning.

And I thought I was screwed up…


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Posted by Jay Tea at 03:55 PM
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Energizer Bunny Would be Envious

We still have two functional Rovers on Mars, though media coverage is pretty much non-existent at this point, unless you know where to look for it. CNN is reporting that the rovers are on a new mission due to their extended longevity in the Martian environment. NASA has been given the go ahead to put the Opportunity Rover on a mission of no return (within a mission of no return) by having the rover enter the 'Endurance' Crater.

There are a number of tantalizing targets of study inside the crater, including a rock called Karetepe. But mission scientists say they're still deciding whether to risk a trip inside. Engineers have been conducting experiments in a test bed facility at the Jet Propulsion Lab to see how steep a slope the rover can climb on sandy and rocky surfaces.

"If we go in, there is a possibility, independent of how much testing we do, that we might not come out," Wallace said. "So the risk/benefit equation is still being worked. We're spending a lot of time talking about it, and hopefully that will converge and we'll end up making a decision."

A needed link for most of the news is the Mars Exploration Rover Home page.

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Posted by Rodney Dill at 10:38 AM
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Bonfire Of The Vanities Reminder

Bonfire of the Vanities entries are due by Monday at midnight EDT. Send a link to your worst post along with any self serving excuses or clever self mocking to: bonfire at wizbangblog.com. If you are new to the concept of the Bonfire of the Vanities read a few of the previous editions or check out the initial call for entries.

This weeks edition (Week 49) will be hosted at IMFO. You can always find a link to the latest edition as well as past editions at the Bonfire Archive. To sign up for the reminder e-mail list click here.

Upcoming Bonfire Stops

Week 50 (June 15) - Spot On
Week 51 (June 22) - Available
Week 52 (June 29) - Wizbang (One Year Anniversary)

If you're interested in hosting the Bonfire contact me via e-mail.

Posted by Kevin Aylward at 09:36 AM
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Bush vs. Clinton - The Haters Weigh In

Oliver Willis notes that Bush hating is approaching Clinton hating, but he claims it's not quite there yet. Quoting Oliver, "I don't doubt that the hatred of Bush has reached absurd levels with a few members of the left, but before we reach Code Starr there are a few things Democratic leaders in congress have to do first," then he lists provides a list of unique charges against Clinton. I've reprinted the list below and added links to Bush haters satisfying his conditions.

There you go. Expect to see any or all of those at the next Nancy Pelosi press conference.

Extra Bonus: Now the MoveOn.org slogan Bush=Hitler can safely be amended to Bush=Clinton=Hitler...

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Posted by Kevin Aylward at 08:26 AM
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One Fine Jay linked with Poli Sci 101
Oliver Willis: Like Kryptonite To Stupid linked with Not So Fast

Burning Down My Master's House

Kevin has given all us guest bloggers an extraordinary amount of latitude since we started guest blogging. So I feel like a double smuck for doing this, but I feel I really must (very, very ;-) respectfully disagree with his Limbaugh post. (I've been fired from higher paying jobs ;-)

Everybody is piling on, but let's slow down. (And when I have to be the voice of calm reason, you folks are sunk.)

First, the post is titled "Rush Limbaugh Is A Big Fat Thief." At the risk of pointing out the painfully obvious, it is highly doubtful Limbaugh made the graphic. In fact, it is doubtful he has even seen the graphic. So calling him a thief is, IMO, is a little off base.

Second, if you look at the graphics, they are not the same. Look at the top of the drop shadows. That in an of itself does not prove his web folks did not save the graphic and edit it. It does however prove it was not a simple cut and paste as it has been claimed. My gut says they cleaned up Jessica's work, but it does give them plausible deniability. (But is it reasonable doubt?:) So basically, at worst, they stole an idea. If that is banned, there'd be no blogosphere.

Third, how can Limbaugh get "tired" of the thief story when he has not had time to reply? He will not be on the air until Monday. It would be different if this were a 2 week story. It is HIGHLY doubtful Limbaugh even knows this "controversy" exists.

I think the way Limbaugh responds to this will say volumes more than what one of his web dweebs may or may not have done. Why not let the guy reply before we hang him for something he obviously did not do?

(a personal note below)

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Posted by Paul at 12:06 AM
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June 05, 2004

Former President Ronald Reagan Dies At 93

Ronald Reagan


From the Associated Press:

WASHINGTON - Ronald Reagan, the cheerful crusader who devoted his presidency to winning the Cold War, trying to scale back government and making people believe it was "morning again in America," died Saturday after a long twilight struggle with Alzheimer's disease, a family friend said. He was 93.

He died at his home in California, according to the friend, who spoke on condition of anonymity.

Rest in peace Gipper.

Scroll down for commentary or click here. View the extended entry for more photos.

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Posted by Kevin Aylward at 09:13 PM
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INDC Journal linked with Rest in Peace, Gipper
Right Moment linked with The Great Communicator. Silent Forever.
PoliBlog linked with Ronald Reagan, 1911-2004
Ramblings' Journal linked with Let the mudslinging begin...
BoiFromTroy linked with Ronald Wilson Reagan: RIP
Ghost of a flea linked with Understanding
Legal XXX linked with Ronald Reagan Dies--DU rejoices
Outside the Beltway linked with Ronald Reagan, R.I.P.
The Politburo Diktat linked with Ronald Reagan Passes - R.I.P. Gipper

Remembering the Gipper

I’ll let others recap Reagan’s life and accomplishments, his successes and failures. I am an expert on exactly one area of Reagan’s life and legacy, and that is in my memories of him. It is to that I will speak.

From an early age, I was interested in politics. I remember being in elementary school and pulling fiercely for Carter. Then, four years later, just as fiercely for his removal. In 1980, at the tender age of 13, I pushed for George Bush, then supported Reagan when he defeated my guy, then took him on as his veep.

I know exactly where I was when I heard President Reagan had been shot. I was on the bus, coming home from Junior High School. I raced off the bus to my mother’s car, and demanded she turn on the radio so I could hear the latest. I obsessively tracked down the news magazines for more information. I analyzed every single diagram I could, committing every detail of the shooting: John Hinckley firing the shots, wounding Reagan in the armpit. Others were also hit: Press Secretary James Brady in the head, Secret Service Agent Timothy McCarthy in the stomach, and DC Police Officer Thomas Delahanty in the neck. Reagan seemed to make a full recovery, but some of those closest to him said he was never quite the same after being shot and nearly killed.

I saw the video of the shooting over and over, and can still see it in my mind. Two elements are permanently branded in my brain: McCarthy, at the first sign of danger, spinning to face the shots head-on, making himself as big a target as possible, and crumpling when he succeeded in his mission; and a second agent, whose name I never learned, who pulled a submachine gun out of nowhere and was instantly taking command of the situation.

That showed me just what amazing people we have in the Secret Service. Here they were, being shot at, and they still kept their focus on two key points: protecting the president, and taking the assailant alive. They did both.

Then a couple years later, President Reagan came to give a speech in Concord, New Hampshire, and my school (along with a lot of others) bused us all down to see and hear him. I had to demonstrate that my camera was actually a camera, so I took a picture – promptly pissing off the Secret Service agent whose picture I took.

I couldn’t get any closer than a couple hundred yards of Reagan, but it was powerful nonetheless. While he stood on the steps of the State House, I was outside the main gate, trying to explain some of his statements to an exchange student from Norway. The main one I remember was the graduated income tax, and what it meant when he said he wanted to lower the tax rates.

I never got a chance to vote for Reagan. I turned 18 in October of 1985. I wish I had had the chance.

I think Fox News is saying it best: Mourning In America.

Love him or loathe him, one cannot diminish his tremendous role in our history. Bow your heads, for a giant has fallen this day.

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Posted by Jay Tea at 05:28 PM
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Suburban Sundries Shack linked with Ronald Reagan Has Died
The Argus linked with RIP--Ronald Reagan
The Politburo Diktat linked with Ronald Reagan Passes - R.I.P. Gipper