Hello, Spring!


I have no idea what this means, but...

"passion, awareness, aliveness"

You exhibit an excitement and enthusiasm about life as well as multi-faceted creativity. You have the gifts of perception, extended vision, insight, and intuition and display an eagerness to display your full creative expression. You have the ability to fully express yourself, free of lies and masks and falsehoods. You can overcome your fears using your creativity, as shown by the woman on the card.

which major arcana of the thoth tarot deck are you? short, with pictures and detailed results
brought to you by Quizilla

Picked up at caughtintheXfire!

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Tools and sweat

...bbbbzzzzzzzz...Baffled by work that doesn't seem to happen no matter how hard I try, I took to the yard this morning in a vain attempt at mowing some inspiration into the old noggin. It took an hour and a half of sweating to complete both the mowing and the weed eating in brain baking heat.

By the time I'd washed off and stowed the tools I was ready to drop. The sticky heat is really getting to me for some reason. The only thing that saved me from falling onto my face was the Toll House ice cream cookie that The Man had brought home with him last night. The ice cream cookie restored me to a former glory previously only known to people looking through the big plate glass window at night, and The Man's position as personal Saint is once again secure.

Anyhoo, I was thinking about tools. My father was a mechanic, so I've always been around them. I've always understood them to be very useful things and always had my own. When I was single I had my own toolbox, replete with hammer, nails, pliers... just the minimum anyone should have. The Man was actually quite taken with my little box, especially when I served up a curve ball and pulled out the hex keys. Men can't seem to resist a woman who can maintain her own Schwinn. Don't ask me why.

My current frustration stems from having the proper tools yet falling short on materials and creativity. If I were building a table, I'd have the hammer, saw, nails and level, but not the wood. I'd have to manufacture the wood - which I don't know how to do - and I'd still lack the knowledge to properly assemble the dadgum thing! So I can sit here with my tools all I want; it's not happening.

Yes, I could pursue an education in manufacturing wood, but the creativity involved cannot be taught.

And there I am. Believe me, you'd be frustrated too.

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Happy Birthday Tess!


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While we're on the subject...


...from email - origin unkown...

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Don't hold back now, Al!

...tell everyone how you really feel!

AlGore just can't let go of the past. He's now accused Miami-Dade mayor Alex Penelas, also a Democrat, of being the "most treacherous and dishonest person" that AlGore dealt with during the 2000 Presidential campaign. Accused? He emailed it to a major newspaper.

It's strange that Mr. Gore should wait until Mr. Penelas runs for the U.S. Senate to uncork this hilarity.

All the infighting. Tsk, tsk.

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My heart's at half mast.

I know it was many years ago, but I remember clearly that during President Reagan's time in the White House my friends and I felt like we were protected by an administration that really cared about America. He gave us much, but one of the President's greatest gifts to this country, IMO, was his positive outlook. Not just about us as a nation, but it was the way he looked at the entire world.
I salute you, sir.

Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.

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Texas Trivia

Harvey trumps the list with one of his own [making?]!!

Beaumont to El Paso: 742 miles

Beaumont to Chicago: 770 miles

El Paso is closer to California than to Dallas

World's first rodeo was in Pecos... July 4, 1883.

The Flagship Hotel in Galveston is the only hotel in North America
built over water. welcome.gifThe Heisman Trophy was named after John William Heisman who was the first full time coach for Rice University in Houston.

Brazoria County has more species of birds than any other area in NorthAmerica.

Aransas Wildlife Refuge is the winter home of North America's only remaining flock of whooping cranes.

Jalapeno jelly originated in Lake Jackson in 1978.

The worst natural disaster in U.S. history was in 1900 caused by a hurricane in which over 8000 lives were lost on Galveston Island.

Wait! There's more!! »

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I'm so confused.

kerry speaks, but what comes out defies common sense.

Sen. John Kerry promised yesterday to add 20,000 combat soldiers and 20,000 support troops to the U.S. Army and to double the number of Special Forces as part of building a 21st-century military, which he said he would pay for in part by cutting from the missile-defense program.

"Instead of over-relying on weapons and tactics to fight the battles of the past, against enemies out in the desert or on open seas, we must build mobile and modern forces to prevail against terrorists hiding in caves or in the heart of a city," Mr. Kerry said. "We must broaden our capabilities to create a military ready for any mission, from armored battle to urban warfare to homeland security."

He also said by issuing "stop-loss" orders preventing some troops from retiring or leaving when their service time is up, the Pentagon has essentially reinstated the draft.
"They have effectively used a stop-loss policy as a backdoor draft," Mr. Kerry said.

In addition to the 20,000 combat troops, Mr. Kerry wants another 20,000 support troops: civil affairs, combat support and military police personnel.


A month ago he was going to pull all our troops out immediately upon taking the White House. Then he'd leave them in for a few weeks... And now?

How would he add the 40,000 new troops if he doesn't even support a stop-loss policy, let alone a draft?
Why does he want to increase the troop size yet take away the weapons they use? The man has voted against funding for every weapon and additional supplies for our troops... Does he want an unarmed military? Does he want us to return to the days of yore, when troops fought with knives and swords? He wants to get rid of our technological advances?
When he talks about fighting a new war against people in caves, doesn't he realize that the 'bunker-busters' that he wants to get rid of are the weapons we use to help clear those caves before our troops go in to secure them?

I'm so confused, and wonder about the people that actually support the man. Are their ears bleeding yet?

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Weather Dominatrix

sunny.gif It's so hot I got up at 5:30a this morning.
Our rainy season is overdue and the everglades is on fire. I really hope this doesn't turn into a drought. I've seen incredibly severe dry periods, both in Texas and Florida, and they're not fun.
Last time I lived in Texas it was during a drought.
When we lived in central Florida there were fires because of the drought, and the lake we were on was almost dry. As soon as we put our house on the market the rains started, and by the time we moved out the water was up to our fence line.
I'm starting to see a pattern here.

Anyway, my grass is toast, along with a lot of other people's. You can understand now if the neighbors descend on my home with torches; I must be some kind of drought magnet.

Of course, my neighbor across the street, he who must water all night long, has a beautiful lawn.... Two months ago he tilled up every blade of grass and trucked in 3 pallets of beautiful St. Augustine sod... and it's really taken hold nicely. St. Augustine, given the right conditions, is like a weed. It can meet all comers, so to speak. But one of those 'right' conditions is water.
Now, to say that it would give me a vicarious thrill to see this guy's lawn go the way of others... ashes to ashes, dust to dust, and all that... would be stretching the truth a mite. And after living with strict watering restrictions for years, I'm not ready to do it again...
Maybe I'd feel more kindly toward his lawn if he was nice.
A HA! That's what it's all about, eh? Ugh.

After living here for 2 years now, I don't know any of my neighbors, and that's fine with me. I'm sick of being in a place for a couple of years, getting to know the people around me and then leaving them. That just sucks. So I don't personally know these people and that seems to work for all of us. Everyone smiles and waves at everyone else, even the cops driving by. How friendly!

Except yard guy, he who walks the curb like he's a soldier walking a parapet, watching for... cinch bugs? He has never smiled back or returned a wave. He stands there and stares at you if you wave at him. For a year we wondered if the boat in the driveway bothered him somehow. We wondered if he'd been friends with the people we bought the house from. We wondered a LOT of things, but finally accepted that he wasn't going to return a damned wave.
That's when you start getting pissed that he's standing in his front yard staring at you. Ugh.

Then one day I was out walking and went past their house. I came from the opposite way, as I'd walked around several blocks, so I guess he had no idea who I was.
I smiled and threw my hand up out of habit, saying 'Morning!' and dammit to hell if he didn't grin, wave and yell back 'How are you doing today?'
I almost fell onto the sidewalk, but made it across the street to my house, looked back... and the smile was gone from his face.
It's never returned.

So. If it turns out that I'm some sort of weather dominatrix, and droughts follow me wherever I go... I'm glad I'm living next door to this guy.

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Frigging Moonbats

The ACLU wants the tiny cross on the Los Angeles County Seal removed and has threatened to sue if it remains.

They could care less about the Pagan Goddess on the seal, or that all the images on the seal are there to form a historical reference point.

In a May 19 letter to each supervisor, the ACLU of Southern California argued that the "Latin cross" on the seal is a "sectarian religious symbol that represents the beliefs of one segment of the county's diverse population."

I think the "goddess" represents the beliefs of one segment of the population - Wiccans, which are supposed to be an ancient religion. Get rid of her!

There's a cow on the seal as well, originally meant to represent the agricultural segment of the county, but damn, aren't there people that worship cows???
Get rid of that sucker, too.

The fish should go, too, because that carries overt religious conotations... Jesus was a "fisher of men". The fish was an early symbol of Christianity.

The oil derricks...? Well, I'm not sure, but oil is extremely un-PC these days. All those idiots screaming for electric cars and "blood for oil". Um..no. The reference to oil must go as well.

The ship? That must have been a slave ship, one of many that brought to our shores the indentured servants that were to build the missions...
Oh, what a tangled web we weave....

The tools call to mind the classic communist hammer and sickle on red, don't they? Don't want to go there!!

So, we are left with water. I'm pretty sure that there's still water over on the Left Coast, so it's appropriate. I'm also slightly sure that there are some sects of some whacko religion out there that worship water, but we've got to have something to look at, right?

They were talking about put a mission on the seal, but so far nobody's pointed out that missions were religious institutions, you freaking morons!

It hasn't gotten as bad as Pakistan yet, but Christianity is under fire in this country, and every day they eat away at it more and more.

Below are the regular, and 'new' seal. The new one is very PC.


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Never forget

Senator -or is that a largely ceremonial title, since he hasn't voted since MARCH? - kerry has been very busy of late. Whether it's flipping off Vietnam veterans at the Wall in an immature, impulsive move, or suddenly taking off on a Palm Beach county Sheriff's deputy's Harley, to tool around the tarmac... in an equally immature, impulsive move. Busy.

Hey, anyone who is honored at the Vietnamese Communist War Remnants Museum in Ho Chi Minh City as an anti-war activist... well, let's just say that we don't expect too much from him on a national level, anyway. Right?
Right. Voting? Busy. But maybe that's a good thing.

In grand kerry tradition, considering he's voted against funding for every piece of military equipment during his tenure... He now wants to stop building weapons. Is this news to ANYONE? And do you really think it's only the nukes he wants to stop?

Touted as the major national security speech of his campaign so far, the presumptive Democrat nominee said that as his first order of business as president he will abandon plans to build new nuclear weapons, including “bunker-busting” nuclear weapons advocated by the Bush administration.

“As president, I will stop this administration's program to develop a whole new generation of bunker-busting nuclear bombs,” Kerry told a crowd of supporters in West Palm Beach, Fla. “This is a weapon we don't need. And it undermines our credibility in persuading other nations. What kind of message does it send when we're asking other countries not to develop nuclear weapons but developing new ones ourselves?”

The Bunker Busters that served us well in the Afghanistan underground bunkers and caves? How clueless is he?

Kerry's statement for a unilateral U.S. nuclear arms moratium also coincided with the U.N. inspection agency's announcement that Iran continues to procure material to make nuclear weapons.
Ah. The U.N., those useless ass kissers who can't stop mice from eating cheese, let alone countries from doing any damn thing they want. Sanctions don't do SHIT, just ask Saddam.

How stupid does he think we are? Sure, we'll disarm; meanwhile the rest of the world will ramp up production. Russia and China would LOVE for us to do something that stupid. Why do we have to go here time after time? Why do some people not understand the concept of Peace through Power? Why have we been hearing about the nuclear 'threat' for so many years yet johnnyk chooses now to pull it out of his ass? Because he's got nothing else, that's why.
He's an impulsive asshat with nothing to sell.

Let me correct that: He's an impulsive, MANIPULATIVE asshat... Wishful thinking is how I'd classify this, but if you go to the official Waffles website, it seems he thinks he IS President!
Thanks to Right Voices for the tip.

Never forget where he comes from, who he is, what he has done, who he donates to and what he stands for.


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Eleven years

It's no coincidence that today is the start of Hurricane season as well as our 11th wedding anniversary.

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Thank you!

Freedom is NOT free!

Please visit Castle Argghhh! this Memorial Day.

I don't have words adequate to express my gratitude and respect for those who have stood for the United States to ensure our freedom, and those who will in the future. My prayers are with them all today.

Just... thank you.

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I've been reading about the horrible treatment of Pakistani Christians by Muslims through persecution.org, but now the stories are breaking through to other news outlets.

Basically, you cannot be a Christian in Pakistan. It doesn't work; there's no acceptance of any religion other than Islam; that's not just a spiritual law, it's a civil one as well. The small 'blasphemy that Masih performed was enough to land him not just in jail for 2 years but a sentence of death.

Samuel Masih was buried in Lahore, Pakistan, yesterday following injuries he received from a Muslim policeman who beat the 27-year-old Christian with a hammer as he lay in his hospital bed recovering from a bout of tuberculosis.

Masih had been in jail since Aug. 23, 2003, awaiting trial on charges of blasphemy under Pakistan's strict "Law 295" – which forbids desecrating the Quran and "defiling" the name of Islam's prophet, Muhammad. On the day of his arrest, Masih was collecting garden rubbish, which he heaped temporarily against the wall of a mosque in Lahore's Lawrence Gardens section while collecting more that he planned to burn later. This action brought the blasphemy charge, which carries a maximum two-year prison sentence.

He had been held in the Lahore Central Jail for nine months when he had a severe tuberculosis attack and was transferred to a local hospital. According to reports in the Lahore Daily Times, the constable assigned to guard the prisoner's room at the hospital, Officer Faryad Ali, savagely beat Masih with a hammer used for cutting bricks after learning he had been accused of strewing garbage near the mosque's walls.

Faryad Ali, who has been jailed and charged with murder, reportedly told investigators it was his religious duty as a Muslim to kill the Christian man. According to Voice of the Martyrs, he is reported to have said, "I have offered my religious duty for killing the man. I'm spiritually satisfied and ready to face the consequences."

These are the people that hate us and want us dead. These are the people who have said that they will infiltrate and conquer us one way or the other, they don't really care how...

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Roads of Home

I put this in the extended entry because it's just personal bs.

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The Man and I are dreamers. We've produced a full scale plan to be put in effect the moment we win the lottery.
I was thinking about that this morning as I walked. Damn, it's hot. At 9:30am it's already so hot and humid it reminded me of home. [Houston] I always thought the climate there must resemble Southeast Asia; the steamy 100% humidity, the heat that climbs to over 100. But of course I've never been to Asia, so I wouldn't know.

Walking has been sporadic of late, but this week I can report a full dance card; as of today I've walked 5 out of 6 days!
Monday when I went out it felt as if my legs didn't want to work, let alone be in charge of hauling my ass around with them. It took real effort to put one foot in front of the other and move out. That happens, the older you get. If you don't use it, you truly lose it...
But today the gams took turns trying to outdo each other, and I was free to think.
Deep thoughts aside, I thought about really winning the lottery. A big one.

Aside from that first call to our attorney, we wouldn't tell anyone for awhile. Is that crazy? We'd hire the appropriate people and have this house secured, get all the legal stuff taken care of, then rent a bus and take off.
Sure, there are lists of thing we want to do; take care of our Mothers and other family and friends, but I want to see the U.S. before we decide where to buy another home. I want to see the Redwoods and Grand Canyon again, visiting friends and family along the way.
Pure fantasy? Probably...

What would you do??

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This is my cluebat, acquired in October of 1985 at the Texas Renaissance Festival. A little over 16" long and made out of hard wood by Flick Stick, these were given out free of charge to [women] friends of Sheriff's deputies.
As it turns out, I didn't know my deputy at that time. I got mine because my best friend was a social worker who had friends in the department... so I had an in. It served me well before I got my revolver.

It's cracking a little here and there and I'm wondering what might be the best course of action to protect it...? Anyone?

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a different sanity

Radical* talk show host Mr. webb calls for the death of President Bush, nailing the humiliation at Abu Ghraib his fault. Ah, yes. Let's not punish the guilty, but lay the blame at the feet of the innocent.

algore, demented radical, delivered his own kind of gospel, sponsored by the equally radical MoveOn.org. Mr. al has been riding the shame spiral since losing the Presidential election in 2000, though he won't admit it - either the loss or the shame of it. Instead it tends to manifest itself in long silences and facial hair or ranting screams calling for the resignation of most of the current administration.
No, al, we won't let you back into the White House. You didn't win, you can't come in. Could someone call Dr. Phil, please? Uncle al needs to learn about acceptance... and common sense.
He was part of an administration that did nothing when we were attacked time and time again, not to mention the total lack of honesty and honor; if he were President now? [shudder]
I made a sweet little graphic for Castle Argghhh! yesterday featuring Mr. gore.
Give it a gander.

The radicals are grabbing onto anything they can to perpetuate their own bullshit. They can't handle the truth so their heads are firmly up their asses.

I'm getting pissed, and part of it stems from liberal radicals who refuse to open their eyes to the truth. I've no patience left for the asshats who come here and comment "Bush lied", "blood for oil" and the like. You cocksuckers do your due diligence before coming to my site with ridiculous bullshit you've been spoon fed by the liberal media and accepted without a thought.
I used to be able to tolerate it, but that's come to an end.

Another part of my anger stems from being made afraid. It's a normal reaction, but I don't live in fear. Not anymore. As a matter of fact, I like to slap it in the face. I'm the sort of person who will stare it down rather than continue to fear. The Rottweiler encounters? I make myself walk down that street every day, and every day deep down I still confront that fear and deal with it and every day it's a little less.
If I hear a noise in the night I reach over and grab my gun as I slip out of bed to investigate, tamping down the fear that I might actually have to use it.
But I can't walk past the terrorists' homes or go investigate. I must put my faith in others, and I do. I put my faith in the thousands of highly trained men and women protecting all of us, and in President Bush and his administration who have made it all possible.
So when you come to this site and denigrate the people that protect us all, THAT makes me mad. Got it?

I'm also pissed because we haven't closed our borders and thrown out all illegal aliens in a time of war. I don't care if they're Mexicans, Syrians or Finnish. Out. Resident Alien? Go!
I think ALL Islamist aliens should go.
I used to think that there was a difference between Muslims and Islamists, and a basic difference between traditional and radical Islamists. But apparently there's not. They all want to either convert or kill us, and I'm getting the feeling from listening to them that killing is the preferable method.

I don't care what religion people choose to pursue as long as it's not one that wants to kill people that believe differently. That's all.

I am myself a Christian, and I can handle the truth. The truth is the United States was founded, for better or worse, on Christian principles. There's another truth: that has changed, resulting in chaotic pessimism.

Since the beginning of time nations have battled for land, and the hearts and minds of the people inhabiting same. sittingbull.jpg
When the Europeans came to these shores they squeezed out the native peoples by whatever means necessary. They killed them, displaced them, took away their land and humiliated them.
And our nation flourished.

The time has come again, like it has before, to defend ourselves, but this time it's been brought to our shores, just as was done to the indigenous population of this country so very long ago. And if you're not willing to fight, you'll end up just like they did; dead or displaced.

Are you ready?

Apostle's Creed:
I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord; Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried, He descended into hell; the third day He arose again from the dead; He ascended into Heaven, sitteth at the right hand of God, the Father Almighty, from thence He shall come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting. Amen.

*There are liberals and there are radicals. I'm calling 'em like I see 'em.

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