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Ronald Reagan, 1911-2004
Reagan The Cato Institute joins millions of Americans in mourning the passing of Ronald Reagan. His stirring words about liberty and limited government called us to the best of the American tradition and helped to change the climate of opinion in the United States and around the world. In a period of malaise and national self-doubt, he revived our faith in economic freedom. His willingness to speak honestly about the evil empire inspired people behind the Iron Curtain to believe that change might come. He used to say that "the very heart and soul of conservatism is libertarianism." We might say, slightly differently, that the best aspect of American conservatism is its commitment to protecting the individual liberties proclaimed in the Declaration of Independence and guaranteed in the Constitution, and Ronald Reagan reflected that side of American conservatism, and of America.

Read more about Ronald Reagan.

Reagan's Budget Legacy
The debate over Ronald Reagan's budget legacy has been revived by the former president's passing. Did Reagan cut taxes or spending? Is he responsible for large budget deficits? In a new commentary, Chris Edwards, Cato's Director of Tax Policy Studies, explores Reagan's budget successes and failures, and his vision of smaller government.

Cato AudioNew CatoAudio Released
The latest edition of Cato's monthly audio magazine features David Salisbury and Casey Lartigue on the state of America's schools 50 years after the Brown v. Board of Education decision, Ambassador Edward Peck on the transition of power in Iraq, The Wall Street Journal's John Fund on the challenges facing American education, and Brink Lindsey on the myths and truths of outsourcing.

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HeadlinesCato in the News
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William A. Niskanen discusses Reaganomics on CNN.
Adam Thierer on the cable TV censorship in the Orange County Register.
José Piñera on the Russian economy in the Moscow Times.
Ted Galen Carpenter on Iraqi soverignty in the Chicago Sun-Times.
Radley Balko on personal responsibility in Time.

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June 10, 2004
Why FDA Regulation Is a Death Sentence for the Terminally Ill
12:00 pm
Cato Policy Forum

Featuring Frank Burroughs, President and Founder, Abigail Alliance; Steve Walker, Regulatory Advisor, Abigail Alliance; and David Price, Counsel, Washington Legal Foundation.


Social Security and Its Discontents
Milton Friedman, June O'Neill, and other leading experts examine the fatal problems of Social Security and offer concrete proposals for reform. This authoritative collection is part of Cato's Project on Social Security Choice.

Educational Freedom in Urban America
Educational Freedom in Urban America discusses the expansion of school choice opportunities for children struggling in failing schools. This volume is essential reading for anyone concerned with the condition of our inner-city schools and the racial and social inequities that still exist in American education.

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June 10, 2004

Fed Considers Raising Interest Rates

Daily Commentary

Reagan: America's Optimistic Advocate of Freedom

by Doug Bandow

Daily Dispatch

Bush Sees Wider Role for NATO in Iraq

1 1 1 1

Clear Channel and FCC Reach Agreement on Indecency

1 1 1 1

Microsoft Appeals EU Antitrust Ruling

1 1 1 1

Cato in the Media

Doug Bandow will discuss the latest events in Iraq on Fox News Fox & Friends on Thursday at 6:20am ET.

Ian Vasquez will discuss the debts of African nations on CNNfn The FlipSide on Thursday at 9:50am ET.

Cato University 2004 Summer Seminar