[star]The American Mind[star]

September 30, 2002

It's the 1970s all over

It's the 1970s all over again. Back then, climate scientists feared a new ice age. In the 80s and 90s, the fear was global warming. They're now back to fearing an ice age.

"Triggering Abrupt Climate Change: Can Global Warming Cause an 'Ice Age'" [via blogdex]

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 06:48 PM | Comments (0)

Here's more on Congressmen McDermott

Here's more on Congressmen McDermott (D-Iraq), Bonior (D-Iraq), and Thompson (D-Iraq). While they're tooling around Iraq, they said they have total access to whatever they want to look at. "They have not kept us from doing anything we asked to do," said McDermott, who formerly represented Washington state. But Bonior, who formerly represented Michigan admitted "we're not looking as inspectors," so it doesn't matter where these men went. They wouldn't know a WMD even if they were staring straight at one.

To top it off, Bonior then blames the U.S. for increased leukemias and lymphomas in children because of all the uranium (depleated?) used on Iraq in the first Gulf War. He didn't put any blame on Saddam for being an egotistical, expansionistic thug who started this whole mess by invading Kuwait.

These three Congressmen should ease some of James Fallows' fears. Iraq's not even officially the fifty-first state and already they have three Democrats representing it in Congress.

"Democrats Blast U.S. Line on Iraq"

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 06:16 PM | Comments (0)

There are exceptions to everything,

There are exceptions to everything, including Minnesota Nice:

On Saturday, about 16 to 20 Minnesota College Republicans and staff members from Republican U.S. Senate candidate Norm Coleman's campaign stood in the rain in front of the Fine Line, chanting "Deport Baldwin" and waving signs that said "Paul Wellstone, bad for Minnesota farmers" and "Baldwin and PETA -- udderly ridiculous."

I then noticed this paragraph:

"This is so un-Minnesotan," said Randy Schubring, chairman of the DFL party's Fourth District, as a pickup truck plastered with Coleman signs pulled up and a man with a red T-shirt featuring Wellstone as Lenin jumped out.

Did the shirt look anything like this?

Here's a close-up of my favorite t-shirt.

Someone should send Alec Baldwin one. Do you think he'd appreciate it?

"Actor Alec Baldwin raises money for Moe, Wellstone"

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 03:48 PM | Comments (0)

By way of Punditwatch, I

By way of Punditwatch, I found out Congressmen Jim McDermott (D-WA), and David Bonoir (D-MI) are hanging out in Baghdad! Please tell me they're on a secret mission scoping out targets for the air force. No, McDermott was blasting away at his own government while on the soil of his nation's enemy. It's one thing to oppose war with Iraq. It's quite another to go there and appear sympathetic before Saddam. In some circles that's considered treason.

Bonior didn't look any better when he regurgitated Iraq's position on weapons inspections. Iraq would allow "unrestricted, unfettered" access, but the U.N. must have "their sovereignty respected." That doesn't sound like "unrestricted, unfettered" access to me.

Sen. Don Nickles (R-OK) blasted the Democrats. "They both sound somewhat like spokespersons for the Iraqi government." Indeed.

George Will hit it right on the head when he said the Congressmen's yapping was "the most disgraceful appearance in my lifetime." I can't wait for a column on this incident.

"Division Over Iraq Despite Bush Hopes for Unity"

ScrappleFace already has the follow up to this story. If The Onion ever wants a weblogger, Scott Ott MUST be put at the top of the list.

"Rep. Bonior to Host ABC's 'Salute to Neville Chamberlain'"

UPDATE: John Hawkins gets angrier than me:

Could there be any clearer example of why the Democrats can't be trusted to protect America? Here we have Democrats in Iraq, shilling for a maniacal dictator who's seeking nuclear weapons and collaborating with the people who murdered almost 3000 Americans last September. Which side are these guys on? Judging by what they're saying, it doesn't seem to be ours. In fact, as Don Nickles said in the article, "both sound somewhat like spokespersons for the Iraqi government." Can you trust a party full of people with this sort of mentality to protect America? Do you want your life, the life of your friends and family, and even the future of our country, in the hands of people like Bonoir & McDermott when there's a war in progress? The Democrats can complain about 'politicizing the war' all they want, but this issue needs to be in front of the voters in November for the sake of our country.

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 01:07 AM | Comments (0)

When Iraq is freed from

When Iraq is freed from Saddam's tyranny, what should happen to the country? David Pryce-Jones wouldn't mind a break-up into its ethnic parts. Iraq was just a state brought together by the British Empire.

"The End of the Pax Britannica"

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 12:27 AM | Comments (0)

When it comes to the

When it comes to the phrase "The American Mind," Google thinks TAM is more important than a famous book written in the 1980s. I'm flattered even though it's the result of some impersonal algorithm.

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 12:06 AM | Comments (0)

September 29, 2002

121 years ago, a man

121 years ago, a man was born who would turn out to be one of the most important social thinkers of the 20th Century. In 1881, Ludwig von Mises was born in Austria, went to college in Vienna, taught there as well as in Switzerland and the United States. His contributions to classical liberal thought stems from his devastating critique of socialism, his comprehensive exposition of economics, and his students who advanced Austrian economics into a refreshing challenge to orthodox economics.

Mises' most important book is Human Action. From a few basic premises about the way Man acts, Mises built a comprehensive intellectual edifice. It's magnificent in its logic and broad scope.

Mises' second most important work is Socialism. This is his argument against a socialist economy. Mises contends that since a socialist economy doesn't have market prices, such an economy will not be able to function as well as a capitalist economy. Prices contain valuable information that tell buyers and sellers what goods and services are relatively abundant or scarce. By not letting prices freely fluctuate, socialist economies do not allow information to move efficiently. (See this page on the Socialist Calculation Debate.)

In 1956, Mises' most famous student, Nobel Prize-winner, F. A. Hayek had these kind words to say about his teacher:

Professor Mises! It would be an impertinence to enlarge further on your learning and scholarship, on your wisdom and penetration, which has given you world renown. But you have shown other qualities which not all great thinkers possess. You have shown an undaunted courage, even when you stood alone. You have shown a relentless consistency and persistence in your thought, even when it led to unpopularity and isolation. You have for long not found the recognition from the official organization of science which was your due. You have seen your pupils reap some of the rewards which were due to you but which envy and prejudice have long withheld. But you have been more fortunate than most other sponsors of unpopular causes. You knew before today that the ideas for which you had so long fought alone or with little support would be victorious. You have seen an ever-growing group of pupils and admirers gather round you and, while you continue to push further, endeavor to follow up and elaborate your ideas. The torch which you have lighted has become the guide of a new movement for freedom which is gathering strength every day.

To become familiar with Mises' economics, Peter Boettke wrote a paper. In it, Boettke writes, "Mises developed a bold and enduring humanistic project for the study of man that invites our critical attention."

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 11:38 PM | Comments (0)

James Fallows has a "must

James Fallows has a "must read" article on what kind of situation a post-war Iraq could be. He delves into what an occupying American force would have to do from crumbling into anarchy. The possiblities aren't pleasant--having Iran as a "permanent enemy" doesn't sound appealing. Invasion could set back the rising democratic youth movement there. What Fallows' article does is force war advocates to look at the potential downsides to war. This allows for clearer and more nuanced thinking.

"The Fifty-first State?"

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 09:56 PM | Comments (0)

Trent Rezor is a sonic

Trent Rezor is a sonic genius who changed the way Rock music and machines interact. At his core, he knows it isn't how the music is made, but what the music is.

Just because you can buy a box of software now for a couple hundred bucks that can make a great-sounding album that doesn't mean you're going to make a great record. What matters are the songs.

"Trent Reznor's Pretty Hate Machines"

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 07:28 PM | Comments (0)

September 28, 2002

11-year-olds will have access to

11-year-olds will have access to morning-after pills without parental consent. What do you expect? 11-year-olds having sex is just another "lifestyle choice." We don't want to impose our old-fashion notions of right and wrong on the young and impressionable. Instead, we'll drop any moral pretenses and hand out pills so they can kill their children.

"School Offers Morning-After Pill to 11-Year-Olds" [via Drudge]

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 10:46 PM | Comments (0)

This is the music video

This is the music video Plant/Page/Jones should release to get all the kids hooked on Zeppelin. Don't tick off these felines.

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 10:12 PM | Comments (0)

Nick Schulz takes the first

Nick Schulz takes the first shot at The American Conservative. He wonders how conservative Pat Buchanan is anymore since his positions parallel many non-conservatives:

If the folks at TAC believe they can demonstrate that they are truer to some timeless "faith" than anyone else, they have a tough road ahead. Buchanan claims he and his gang speak for genuine conservatives. He's free to make that claim. But let's look at some specific issues. On the question of a potential Iraqi invasion, for example, TAC's positions are indistinguishable from those of Noam Chomsky, Al Gore, former Clinton advisor and Democratic intellectual William Galston, and Lewis Lapham, the editor of the left wing Harper's magazine. Indeed Lapham and Buchanan, in the current issues of their respective magazines, make strong arguments against Iraqi invasions that happen to make the exact same points. Take another issue, such as global trade. It doesn't help matters for TAC that on trade issues, Buchanan's views mirror those of Ralph Nader.

"Standing Pat" [via InstaPundit]

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 12:07 AM | Comments (0)

September 27, 2002

Lynn's fed up with ABC

Lynn's fed up with ABC News. I haven't bothered with Peter Jennings and the gang for years.

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 11:41 PM | Comments (0)

Eugene Volokh's scenario is frightening,

Eugene Volokh's scenario is frightening, yet plausible. The reason to take out Saddam and liberate Iraq is that if Iraq builds a bomb, it will be used against the United States. Either Saddam would use it as in Eugene's speculative fiction, or terrorists will use it. What I fear most is waking up one day and watching on CNNMSNBCFOXNEWS that Seattle, Chicago, or Houston is now a smoking, radioactive crater. Millions of Americans would be dead and soon after millions of Iraqis would be dead too. At its core, invading Iraq is a war to save lives.

"Some Say Deterrence Is Enough?"

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 11:31 PM | Comments (0)

Jim's list of things to

Jim's list of things to do with his new house gives me a whole bunch of reasons never to buy one.

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 11:12 PM | Comments (0)

Webloggers and readers with an

Webloggers and readers with an itch to write, Frontiers of Freedom's OpinonEditorials.com can be your chance to start your new career as the next George Will, Thomas Friedman, or--dare I say it--Ann Coulter. Send them a 500-750 word article, and they just might print it. I see this as the minor leagues of opinion writing. Jennifer Roberts of Townhall.com even wrote, "Columns accepted by OpEds.com will be publicized by Townhall through our What's New section and email, and some lucky ones will make our homepage."

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 10:57 PM | Comments (0)

USA Today has a lengthy

USA Today has a lengthy story on possible war tactics against Iraq, but here's the kicker: the whole story might just be a diversion put out by the military. As Dave Moniz writes,

The war will almost certainly be preceded by a lengthy disinformation campaign designed to keep Saddam guessing about U.S. intentions. That effort, some say, has already begun with the disclosure of plans to move a key military headquarters to the tiny Persian Gulf nation of Qatar and the continued leaking of ''war plans,'' including military training for Iraqi dissidents, to U.S. media. Says one former Gulf War planner: ''It's been wonderful to have all those stories out there to confuse Saddam.''

What you can guess is pretty accurate is that the war will be based on speed and accuracy. Bombers will use smart bombs like they did in Afghanistan with troops sweeping into Iraq from all parts of the world. If the guess of around 100,000 troops for this war is correct, it will an even greater accomplishment than Desert Storm.

"U.S. Aim in Iraq: 'Lightning' Action"

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 10:07 PM | Comments (0)

Stephen Silver didn't like The

Stephen Silver didn't like The West Wing season premiere and hopes the show becomes relevant again.

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 01:27 AM | Comments (0)

Brad DeLong on basic statistics:

Brad DeLong on basic statistics:

I wish the New York Times would talk of confidence intervals and sampling variability, but its editors have made a judgment that such discussions would lose too many of their readers. It doesn't. But this failure to talk about the uncertainties of sample-based estimates leaves the door open for sleazy attacks like Slate's.

I agree with him. Tossing around numbers the way the media does only confuses a public who is capable of understand concepts like confidence intervals and makes them more cynical toward statistics.

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 01:07 AM | Comments (0)

Jane Galt calls The West

Jane Galt calls The West Wing "Touched By An Angel for the political class." She's right. The liberal President and his staff are always right, and the opposition isn't just wrong, but stupid. I still like the show because it's about Washington, D.C. and the dialog is so zippy. A failing with the dialog is that any of the characters could say any of the lines, and it would fit. C.J. is just a female version of Sam, who is a male version of Donna, who is a female version of Josh. I'll still watch it because it's better than just about anything else in primetime, and I need something to pass the time until 24 begins its second season.

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 12:48 AM | Comments (0)

John Hawkins is tired of

John Hawkins is tired of the anti-war crowd's lack of an answer to the Islamist War:

This is the big problem I have with the anti-war people. There is a clear and present danger to the United States that in all likelihood will get worse unless some sort of immediate action is taken and the anti-war crowd's solution to that problem is **sound of crickets chirping**. Until the anti-war crowd has something of substance to say about a SOLUTION to the problem we're facing, there's no compelling reason to continue paying attention to their arguments.

Congress is putting together a resolution on the use of force against Iraq. Now is the time for the anti-war crowd to state their case. No longer can they cry out for a debate. The debate is now.

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 12:08 AM | Comments (0)

September 26, 2002

The agency in charge of

The agency in charge of rebuilding the WTC site has asked for ideas from six architecture teams. Since the state of modern architecture is abysmal, I worry about the resulting plans to be put together by November.

"Six Teams Chosen to Create New Designs for WTC Site"

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 11:08 PM | Comments (0)

Best British weblog, as determined

Best British weblog, as determined by the Guardian: Scaryduck.

"The Duck of the Draw"

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 08:00 PM | Comments (0)

Dawn writes, No one is

Dawn writes,

No one is Pro-Abortion. I am not. I think it is unfortunate and sad, but my desire to keep it accessible comes from the same concern the Pro-Lifers have, preserving the integrity of life.

If no one is pro-abortion then how come so many people scream when even the slightest restriction on abortion is merely considered? How come NARAL hasn't supported any ban on gruesome partial-birth abortion? The only way abortion can perserve the integrity of life is if the mother's life is in danger. That's it. I'm a hardliner. Self-defense is the only moral justification for killing an unborn child.

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 07:56 PM | Comments (0)

The University of California at

The University of California at San Diego wants a student group, the Che Cafe Collective, to remove a link to Columbian narco-terrorist group FARC. The univeristy claims it's a violation of the USA Patriot Act. It's not since, according to the law, supporting terrorists includes "currency or other financial securities, financial services, lodging, training, safehouses, false documentation or identification, communications equipment, facilities, weapons, lethal substances, explosives, personnel, transportation, and other physical assets, except medicine or religious materials." No one should claim that a hyperlink is equal to "communications equipment."

"University Bans Controversial Links"

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 07:38 PM | Comments (0)

In an e-mail, Chris Mosier

In an e-mail, Chris Mosier points out an error in Jacob Levy's post on the 17th Amendment. Levy wrote that before the 17th Amendment "Senators were elected for a stable seven years." A Senator's term has always been six years. The 17th Amendment didn't change anything about the length.

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 06:33 PM | Comments (0)

The the inaugural issue of

The the inaugural issue of The American Conservative, the Paleo/Neo Conservative wars have moved beyond the Internet and unknown magazines.

AC editors Pat Buchanan and Taki Theodoracopulos might be taking the term "Old Right" too literally. There's no real content on the magazine's web site. If they want influence beyond the D.C.-New York media center they need to take after Lew Rockwell and the Mises Institute gang who publish daily.

Bill Kristol may claim to not care about AC (he said, "I don't intend to pay much attention to it"), but don't be surprised to see a feature article in the next few months in The Weekly Standard skewering AC's political philosophy.

"On a Right Wing and a Player"

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 06:12 PM | Comments (0)

Clayton Cramer asserts that the

Clayton Cramer asserts that the Founders intended the Senate to represent wealthy interests. [via Volokh]

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 06:00 PM | Comments (0)

PALEO WATCH: The latest item

PALEO WATCH: The latest item is indirect. Lawrence Auster covers Pat Buchanan's new magazine and wrote this paragraph about paleos in general:

A similar ad hominem methodology can be seen at work among Buchanan's somewhat more extreme allies on the antiwar right, the paleo-libertarians and neo-Confederates whose main hangout is lewrockwell.com. For the neo-Confederates, the evil American empire does not begin (as it does for the Buchananites) with the Gulf War or the Kosovo War or the Cold War or World War II; it begins with the Civil War and Lincoln's unprecedented exertion of national power to suppress the Southern rebellion. The neo-Confederates hate Lincoln's policy both as unjust and wicked in itself and as prototypical of the current American empire and its client state Israel. Just as Buchanan smears the "rampaging bull" Sharon as the fons et origo of Mideast violence, the neo-Confederates rant about "the blood-thirsty Lincoln" as the sole cause of the South's ruin. This "blood-thirsty" slur contains two false inferences: that Lincoln's primary motive was to kill as many people as possible, rather than to save the United States from dismemberment; and that it was only the evil Lincoln (or Lincoln and his band of radical Republicans) who wanted a large-scale war on the South and forced the rest of the country to go along with that tyrannical policy. The truth, of course, is that it was the majority of the Northern people, Republicans and Democrats, who through their elected representatives supported the war; and that their motive was not to shed blood but to save the Union.

Like Buchanan when he blames Mideast violence on the "rampaging bull" Sharon, and like the neo-Confederates when they blame the Civil War on the "blood-thirsty" Lincoln, McConnell when he singles out the "War Party" is suggesting two slanderous falsehoods. First, he is implying that it is only a small group of manipulative ideologues, the (largely Jewish) neoconservatives, who support the overthrow of the Iraqi regime, rather than, as is the case, the majority of Americans. Second, he is implying that those who support a war on Iraq are motivated by a love of war for its own sake ? for what else is meant by "War Party"? ? rather than by a responsible concern for America's security. For McConnell to admit that the majority of the American people agree with Bush's Iraq policy, and that they do so for rational and patriotic ? not ideological or imperialistic ? reasons, would compel him to engage in rational and respectful debate with them instead of trying to provoke fear and hatred of a neoconservative bogeyman. Unfortunately, it would appear that such restraint is beyond McConnell's ability or desire at this point, as it is for many others on the antiwar right.

"McConnell and Buchanan versus 'The War Party'" [via PunchtheBag]

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 05:01 PM | Comments (0)

Lynn Sislo found some links

Lynn Sislo found some links on John Cage's 4'33".

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 04:51 PM | Comments (0)

Christopher Hitchens is leaving The

Christopher Hitchens is leaving The Nation. He also offers a simple reason why attacking Iraq is part of the broader Islamist War:

And a friendly Iraq, free again to trade and to make contact with the outside world, could transform the atmosphere of the Middle East.

To take one small example, Iraq would no longer be supplying the more thuggish elements around Yasser Arafat, or offering subsidies to suicide bombers.

And it might be noticed democratic forces among the Palestinians have begun to insist on a mini regime change of their own.

Take that Brent Scowcroft.

Hitchens also goes after the "war for oil" argument:

Just on the material aspect - I love it when people darkly describe the coming intervention as "blood for oil", or equivalent gibberish.

Does this mean what it appears to mean, namely that oil is not worth fighting over?

Or that it's no cause for alarm that the oil resources of the region are permanently menaced by a crazy sadist who has already invaded two of his neighbours?

"We Must Fight Iraq" [via Drudge]

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 03:02 AM | Comments (0)

Lynne Stewart, radical lawyer, charged

Lynne Stewart, radical lawyer, charged with helping a convicted terrorist release calls to violence shows her cold, inhuman attitude toward the victims of September 11 and civilian casualities in general:

The Pentagon was ''a better target''; the people in the towers ''never knew what hit them. They had no idea that they could ever be a target for somebody's wrath, just by virtue of being American. They took it personally. And actually, it wasn't a personal thing.'' As for civilian deaths in general: ''I'm pretty inured to the notion that in a war or in an armed struggle, people die. They're in the wrong place, they're in a nightclub in Israel, they're at a stock market in London, they're in the Algerian outback -- whatever it is, people die.'' She mentions Hiroshima and Dresden. ''So I have a lot of trouble figuring out why that is wrong, especially when people are sort of placed in a position of having no other way.''

"Terrorist Lawyer" [via David Horowitz]

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 12:39 AM | Comments (0)

September 25, 2002

Chris points out a John

Chris points out a John Dean (of Watergate fame) article on the Seventeenth Amendment. That's the one that allows direct election of Senators. Chris calls it one of the worst changes to the constitution. Dean argues that it allowed the federal government to trample over states' rights because Senators were no longer beholden to the corporate interests of the states. Instead, they were beholden to the impulses of the voters.

Todd Zywicki's research was mentioned in Dean's article and he adds a little more to the discussion.

Jacob Levy responds [via InstaPundit] to Zywicki. He briefly describes other countries' upper legislative houses. Then he argues that the 17th Amendment may have prevented the Senate from becoming a powerless body.

"The Seventeenth Amendment: Should it be Repealed?"

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 01:18 AM | Comments (0)

A Vermont federal judge ruled

A Vermont federal judge ruled the federal death penalty unconstitutional.

"Federal Death Penalty Again Ruled Unconstitutional"

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 12:47 AM | Comments (0)

September 24, 2002

Gerhard Schroeder wins, but the

Gerhard Schroeder wins, but the U.S. government isn't happy. President Bush hasn't called Schroeder to congratulate him and Donald Rumsfeld didn't meet with the German defense minister in Warsaw.

Is Schroeder's use of the U.S. as boogie-man the sign of a trend in Europe? Will other center-left parties, even extreme right ones, use the threat of the "hyperpower" United States to scare voters into voting for them? Pundits pumped out plenty of words over the political burps of right-wing pols Jean-Marie Le Pen and Pim Fortuyn. One only got a small percentage of the vote (17% in the first round of elections), while the other was murdered days before the national election. Will there be as much examination of the long-term consequences of Schroeder's winning tactic and a deteriorated U.S.-German relationship?

One important consequence to examine is the future of NATO. While already on life support due to its irrelevance (no Soviet army to fight), the lack of support in ending Saddam's reign of terror over Iraq is the military alliance's final exhale. Europe sees itself as more of a competitor than partner to the U.S. Ironically, the best friends the U.S. has in NATO are the new ex-communist countries Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic. In all likelihood, the war with Iraq will involve only the U.S. and Great Britain. The rest of NATO will wag their fingers at such awful unilateralism. Then the coffin will be sealed. Eventually, the public will agree with Sen. Jesse Helms (R-NC) that U.S. troops need no longer be stationed in a country where its leaders compare the their President to Hitler.

"Schroeder Faces More US Anger"

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 03:28 AM | Comments (0)

A bunch of historians want

A bunch of historians want a debate over declaring war on Iraq. They don't want a debate over a Congressional resolution authorizing the use of force; they want one over a declaration of war. One problem: a Congressional resolution is equivalent to a formal declaration. Earlier this year, Eugene Volokh was kind enough to point me to a Q. & A. by Sen. Joe Biden (D-DE) where he said,

The answer is yes, and we did it. I happen to be a professor of Constitutional law. I'm the guy that drafted the Use of Force proposal that we passed. It was in conflict between the President and the House. I was the guy who finally drafted what we did pass. Under the Constitution, there is simply no distinction ... Louis Fisher(?) and others can tell you, there is no distinction between a formal declaration of war, and an authorization of use of force. There is none for Constitutional purposes. None whatsoever. And we defined in that Use of Force Act that we passed, what ... against whom we were moving, and what authority was granted to the President.

Could it be that these historians are not as concerned about upholding the constitution as much as preventing a war with Iraq? It's fine to be against a war, it's another to use intellectually dishonest means.

No one should construe that I oppose a Congressional debate over war with Iraq. I would actually like to see Congress have the guts to declare war. It hasn't been done since 1941. They didn't even declare war on al-Qaeda; they authorized the use of force. Declaring war has more moral force and seriousness behind it.

"American Historians Speak Out"

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 03:01 AM | Comments (0)

I'll add to Matt Welch's

I'll add to Matt Welch's comment on supposed U.S. anti-intellectualism by looking at the communications method he's using. Weblogging allows many to read and comment on what "Gore Chomskytag," hawks, doves, and anyone in between has to say. After reading many weblogs for a little bit, you can't help but notice that many of these people aren't mere cranks objecting to thinking. On the contrary, weblogging has given many people the opportunity to sharpen their thinking skills to better take part in the debate.

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 02:14 AM | Comments (0)

If the reviewer can really

If the reviewer can really write, it doesn't matter how bad the movie is. Case in point, uber-critic, Roger Ebert on Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever:

At one point in the movie, a man who will remain nameless is injected with one of these devices by a dart gun, and it kills him. All very well, but consider for a moment the problem of cost overruns in these times of economic uncertainty. A miniaturized assassination robot small enough to slip through the bloodstream would cost how much? Millions? And it is delivered by dart? How's this for an idea: use a poison dart, and spend the surplus on school lunches.

I'm waiting for DVD for this movie, but I laughed out loud after reading the review.

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 01:36 AM | Comments (0)

Is this a joke? Cage's

Is this a joke?

Cage's ground-breaking silent composition, 4'33," was first performed half a century ago. The piano piece, divided into three movements, consists entirely of silent notes and takes four minutes 33 seconds to perform.

Was the Reuters reporter just having fun? You can't call four and 1/2 minutes of silence a "piano piece" consisting or "silent notes." There aren't any notes, and the piece could have easily been played with a flute, trumpet, or kazoo. What makes four and 1/2 minutes of silence a "ground-breaking composition?" Cage didn't do anything to compose it. It's not like he invented the concept of silence.

"John Cage Silence Plagiarism Case Settled"

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 12:57 AM | Comments (0)

Charles Oliver makes a valid

Charles Oliver makes a valid point on states' rights:

But this really isn't about the wisdom of physician-assisted suicide. (I have some doubts about it myself.) It's about the right of states to make their own policies. Under what clause of the Constitution does Ashcroft justify his intervention into Oregon policies?

I don't approve of doctor-assisted suicide, but I don't live (or plan to die) in Oregon. Since I think the nation would be better off if the Supreme Court hadn't dictated abortion law on every state when it ruled on Roe v. Wade, it would be a bit disengenuous (hypocritical?) on my part to back something similar.

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 12:19 AM | Comments (0)

September 23, 2002

Not only is Bob Greene

Not only is Bob Greene a dirty old man who can't have the decency to fulfill his marriage vow, but when his former teenage lover contacts him, he sics the FBI after her.

"FBI Says Contact by Greene Led to Inquiry" [via Media News]

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 08:52 PM | Comments (0)

It's bad enough the Packers

It's bad enough the Packers almost lost to the lowly Detroit Lions--the Lions were only a finger-tip catch away from embarassing the Pack--what's worse is two starters on defense will be out for some time. The defense wasn't playing well even with a healthy Vonnie Holliday and Antaun Edwards. My 12-4 prediction? I'll be really happy with 10-6 and a wildcard birth.

"Holliday, Edwards Sidelined By Injuries"

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 07:43 PM | Comments (0)

Rep. Cynthia McKinney (D-GA) may

Rep. Cynthia McKinney (D-GA) may have lost her her seat in Congress, but she hasn't stopped telling everyone about the evil conspiracy behind the Bush administration. In her CounterPunch article (it appears to be taken from a Congressional committee speech), she claims that war with Iraq is all about oil:

However, just last Sunday, September 15, 2002, the Washington Post's lead story carried the banner headline "In Iraqi War Scenario, Oil is the Key Issue." The article then went on to describe how US oil companies were looking forward to taking advantage of the oil bonanza, which would follow Saddam Hussein's removal from office.

Apparently, so the article says, CIA Director James Woolsey, indicated that non-US oil companies who sided with Hussein would most likely be excluded from sharing in Iraq's massive oil reserves a*" reserves said to be second only to Saudi Arabia.

The first thing that popped out to me was a glaring inaccuracy. James Woolsey, CIA Director? Isn't that George Tenet's job? McKinney sits on the International Relations and the Armed Services Committees and she doesn't know who currently runs the CIA? I know Tenet's been out of sight--no doubt because more people like me would be calling for his firing/resignation--but one would think that a Congressman who deals with foreign affairs as much as McKinney does would know this. While not as sexy a faux paus this public display of ignorance should be placed next to her claim that President Bush knew all about the September 11 attacks before they happened. (McKinney calls her accusation asking "pretty straightforward questions.")

But what really got to McKinney was plans to protect Iraq's oil fields in the event of war. She calls this sacrificing young men and women for the rich oil moguls. Instead of protecting Iraq's most valuable resource, something that could help immediately integrate Iraq's economy with the rest of the world, McKinney would rather have U.S. troops protect "the new parliament, or the schools or hospitals full of ravaged civilians." I'm pretty sure I'm standing on firm ground when I write this. Unless there was a serious military reason stopping them from acting, U.S. forces would not stand aside and watch civilians being slaughtered. In fact, they might be more inspired to intervene in such attacks because doing so would eradicate more of Saddam's forces--the primary reason for attacking.

"Another Oil War"

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 07:32 PM | Comments (0)

Dean Bartkiw offers this comment

Dean Bartkiw offers this comment on the GOP:

"The GOP hasn't done much wrong in the past 20+ years. "

Let's not get carried away. Consider that even this President has sold out the taxpayer in favor of the "family farmer", and sold out the consumer, the longshoreman, the manufacturer, etc., in favor of the highest paid laborers in the world - US steelworkers.

This type of economic liberalism is nemesis of the thinking man, in the GOP. Sadly, we (presumably deep thinkers) are forced to vote GOP, simply for the general move to lower taxes.

Us "deep thinkers" will never find a candidate that perfectly fits our political vision. Dean opposes steel tariffs (as do I) while I oppose the death penalty. If we were to vote for the perfect candidate that fit all our policy positions both of us would have to write our own names in every time.

The goal of the GOP is to win elections. That means they must convince 50% + 1 of voters to pull the lever with the "R" by it. If the voting public moves away from backing GOP issues, then the party will move their position over to capture more votes. The name of the game is politics not political philosophy. It's the role of deep thinkers like Dean and I to constantly let the GOP know that conservative positions are political winners.

Now, let me re-address my point of 20+ years of national GOP leadership. When I wrote that the GOP hasn't really done anything wrong, I meant it in a general sense. During the time of GOP Presidents and a GOP Congress, the country has had continued economic growth (with a couple small recessions), a technological boom not seen since the early part of the 20th Century, and we won the Cold War. Historians will look at these past two decades and notice the peace and prosperity of the U.S.

That doesn't mean everything was hunky-dory. The culture continued to coarsen, and the Culture of Death permeates. But I think it would be a pretty easy case to make that 20 years of GOP leadership is better than 20 years of Democratic leadership. Young people who have lived through GOP leadership know instinctively that things went pretty well and are more comfortable with the Republicans.

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 03:55 PM | Comments (0)

Andrew Sullivan wonders about the

Andrew Sullivan wonders about the Democrats' young male gap. This poll shows men 18-44 support Republicans for Congress over Democrats 55% to 35%. Part of the popularity of the GOP among them is Social Security privatization. They don't believe it will be there for them, so they might as well invest their own money themselves. Another is the fact that those in this group have lived with Republicans in power for much of their lives. There were the Reagan/Bush Presidencies, then the Gingrich Revolution. During that time the country has been rolling. The economy grew by leaps and bounds, and the U.S. won the Cold War. I'll use Orrin Judd's words describing today's young:

They've always known conservatism to be a powerful and popular political movement, frequently wielding the power of government, always and quite publicly challenging liberalism, and to a great degree the sole source of ideas in our recent politics. They've witnessed the victory of conservative ideals in the Cold War and in tax fights and over unionism and in welfare reform. The military actions they've watched have been either won or exited so quickly that dissent has been rare and rather quiet. They've been governed by a Republican Congress. They can easily imagine that soon conservatism will effect reform of education and Social Security and abortion law. In short, they've lived through twenty-two years that have been much different than the preceding fifty, when conservatism was routed and liberalism not only the ascendant ideology of the West but seemingly the only possible ideology of thoughtful men and women[.]

The GOP hasn't done much wrong in the past 20+ years. Also, in a time of war, muscular talk and action are needed, and we don't find much of that from the Democrats.

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 01:41 AM | Comments (0)

An Enron auction starts on

An Enron auction starts on Wednesday. I'm looking for deals. I could use a cheap ThinkPad or a box of hacky sack balls. But Dovebid isn't eBay. To bid in real time they require you to download software AND have an open phone connection. It's kind of hard to be online and using the phone with dial-up.

"Enron Auction Begins this Week"

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 01:30 AM | Comments (0)

With a scribble, Gov. Gray

With a scribble, Gov. Gray Davis codified the Culture of Death into California's legal code.

"California Backs Embryonic Stem Cell Research"

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 01:06 AM | Comments (0)

HUMOR: Scientists discover the cause

HUMOR: Scientists discover the cause of evil: it's the United States. Damn, I hate it when the whiny French, Germans, and Canadians are right.

"Science Discovers Cause of Evil, Cure to Come Soon"

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 12:33 AM | Comments (0)

September 22, 2002

Who would have thunk? Arabs

Who would have thunk? Arabs against Saddam. Cato the Youngest adds some media criticism:

It probably won't get much major media play, because, according to the media, all Arabs oppose action against Saddam. If all Arabs oppose action against Saddam, this couldn't happen, so therefore, it didn't happen.

"Hundreds Show Up For Anti-Hussein Rally"

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 01:15 AM | Comments (0)

Israel will strike back if

Israel will strike back if attacked by Iraq. Bush, Rumsfeld, and the gang don't like that because it could enrage Arab countries. Unless, there's some really slick plan being developed to knock out Iraqi Scuds before they could be launched at Israel, expect Israeli retaliation to complicate matters.

"Israel Tells U.S. It Will Retaliate if Iraqis Attack" [via Drudge]

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 01:10 AM | Comments (0)

If someone really likes me

If someone really likes me and TAM, my birthday's coming up, and I'd love a set of Adam Smith's works. It's the perfect gift for the econ geek in all of us.

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 12:46 AM | Comments (0)

Orrin Judd may have the

Orrin Judd may have the smartest comments in the entire blogosphere (yuck, yuck, awful word!!). Where else would you find a comment like this?

It is not only the comparison to Marxism that is skewed. Rather, his "logic" is more like an impressionist painting full of non-Euclidian twists to produce the image in the artist's mind, than any linear construct.

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 12:16 AM | Comments (0)

September 21, 2002

How about Patrick's great beginning

How about Patrick's great beginning to an interesting discussion:

Considering this, can it really be said that both parties are really alike? Comparative advantage is a reality in all facets of life, and it's just the same in politics. Democrats write for the New York Times and Republicans blog. Democrats know how to emote for the TV cameras and Republicans know how to light up the radio airwaves. Democrats know how to win campaigns and Republicans know how to win wars.

He's trying to find an answer to which political party is more aggressive. My quick two cents is that Democrats/liberals are more stubborn. They may not win an election, but they don't stop the fight. They will continue to press their issues again and again until it becomes the conventional wisdom. Democrats are more inclined to take small victories while continuing on the long march to socialist nirvana, even if they don't realize it's the Road to Serfdom. Right now, Democrats are gung-ho over Medicare funding for prescription drugs. They cornered the issue so well everyone is for the feds paying for grandma's pills. But when it gets into law it won't stop Democrats from continuing to push for more government intervention into medicine. With their efforts they hope to claim the holy grail: "free," socialized health care.

Republicans/conservatives get frustrated over defeats and seek other angles to achieve their goals. For instance, many conservatives have abandoned the moral black hole of many public schools and opted for private, religious education or home schooling. They got fed up with losing battles at school board meetings and at the ballot box. So, they voted with their feet.

How Republicans/conservatives communicate demonstrates their ability to flank the current state of affairs. Conservatives got fed up with the endless liberal blather in newspapers and television. Their response: they jumped all over talk radio and now are some of the loudest, most intelligent voices on the Internet.

To sum up my few observations: Democrats/liberals are stubborn institutionalists while Republicans/conservatives are fickle entrepreneurs.

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 11:51 PM | Comments (0)

Because many of the benefits

Because many of the benefits from our free economy are intangible, quality of life items, they're not counted in GDP. Michael Cox and Richard Alm write,

Inflation-adjusted GDP figures indicate economic growth at an annual average of 3 percent during the last two decades. GDP may be entirely accurate as a tally of how much our farms, factories, and offices produce, but it?s increasingly inadequate as a measure of how well the economy provides us with what we want. Our ability to choose a balanced life is one of the market?s most important success stories.

Throughout their article, the authors describe how well off Americans are. We're living longer, healthier, and in more safety. We have an abundance of goods, and we're working less. Cox and Alm write, "Americans may find themselves pressed for time, but it's not because we're working harder than we used to. We're busy having fun."

"Off the Books"

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 11:22 PM | Comments (0)

How about combining my last

How about combining my last two posts and creating a show called Apple's Board of Directors? Contestants from around the world would compete in contests like "Business Buzzword Scrabble," "Thinking Different," or "Diversify Your Workforce." The winner would not only get a seat on Apple's board but would get a lifetime supply of Steve Jobs-style black turtlenecks.

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 01:16 AM | Comments (0)

I'd jump at this chance

I'd jump at this chance at the Presidency, but, alas, I'm too young. Will I watch the show? You better believe it. Would the show's winner have a chance of winning the whole shabang? Nope.

"A New Political Reality Comes to TV" [via Jeff Jarvis]

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 12:35 AM | Comments (0)

September 20, 2002

Since Larry Ellison stepped down

Since Larry Ellison stepped down from Apple's board, I'm offering my services to represent Apple's stockholders. While I don't use any Apple products (but am willing to switch), I think the iPod is really cool, and I have no connection to Silicon Valley. I would show up for every meeting and would bring a very outside voice to Apple. Steve, I'll be waiting for your phone call.

"Ellison Resigns From Apple Board"

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 10:36 PM | Comments (0)

Milwaukee Police Chief Art Jones

Milwaukee Police Chief Art Jones tried to look tough with his little War on Drugs. On Wednesday, he sent dozens of police officers into three Latino businesses. Their crime: they were selling prescription antibiotics without prescriptions. Antibiotics aren't controlled substances and usually authorities don't send out the S.W.A.T. team to frighten people. Instead, they use get an injuction and ask the businesses to stop selling the drugs.

"Police Raid Outrages Community"

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 12:01 AM | Comments (0)

September 19, 2002

President Bush asked Congress for

President Bush asked Congress for a resolution allowing military force against Iraq. Congressional leaders told Bush that action on the resolution would happen in a few weeks. The sticking point is the wording of the resolution.

This doesn't have to be a slow process. Despite anti-war critics' assertions, there has been a lengthy public debate over the merits of invading Iraq. It started soon after Afghanistan was liberated. After that quick victory, pundits wondered where the next battle in the Islamist War would be. The most obvious answer was Iraq. Saddam has thumbed his nose at the world community for years and yearns to acquire weapons of mass destruction (WMD). You combine that with the Saddam-Bush history and that was enough for any columnist or policy wonk to run with.

In the Spring, President Bush inflamed the debate by calling for pre-emptive strikes against threatening nations. While never saying Iraq, that was the first nation to come to mind.

Then we've had the debate in op-ed pages, on yapping-head cable talk shows, and across the Internet. We've had a Democrat go hawk and people from the Bush I administration go dove. To say that all the words spoken and written for and against war with Iraq don't amount to a serious debate is to ignore the definition of debate.

Why not a Declaration of War? Why not a firm resolution declaring to the world that Saddam is such a threat that the U.S. is willing to pledge its lives, fortunes, and sacred honor?

Is it too politically correct to use such stern language? Would the U.N. and the Europeans consider a declaration of war to be too "unilateral"? Too harsh for the world's "hyperpower"?

In his West Point speech, President Bush said, "Some worry that it is somehow undiplomatic or impolite to speak the language of right and wrong. I disagree." He believes and isn't afraid to acknowledge moral absolutes. So why does he not ask for a declaration of war instead of a Congressional resolution that sounds like the weak-willed wording of a U.N. Security Council resolution?

Last September, after 3,000 people were murdered by Islamist terrorists, Congress didn't pass a declaration of war. Both Houses of Congress passed an "Authorization for Use of Military Force."

Sure, the resolution has the same legal meaning as a declaration of war, but it lacks the same rhetorical seriousness. It's bureaucratic. Congress didn't call for war, it "authorizes" the President to "use all necessary and appropriate force." This is a far cry from President Bush's calls for going after the "evildoers." Some can laugh as Bush's comic book language, but it's morally serious and straightforward.

Maybe I'm overreacting. I support the President and think the war is going well. Afghanistan has been liberated and Iraq will be next. While I'm not as optimistic as some as to the outcome of a new Iraq, great change is in store for the Middle East. It's just that words mean things. Words and the ideas behind them are important for shaping debate and pursuing Truth. What started on September 11, 2001 wasn't a crime spree, skirmish, or military action. Was began that day.

"Bush to Seek Approval for Action Against Iraq"

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 11:21 PM | Comments (0)

Leonard Pitts comments on the

Leonard Pitts comments on the recent claim that the Notorious B.I.G. paid to have Tupac Shakur killed:

I'm not here to defend -- or condemn -- the Times report and have no way of knowing whether Christopher Wallace [aka Notorious B.I.G.] actually did what he's accused of doing. No, what has me shaking my head is that we're even forced to take the allegation seriously.

What does that tell you about the world we have made? ''We'' meaning consumers of American pop culture in general, but African Americans in particular. We've created -- or simply countenanced -- a world in which the line between video fantasy and street-corner reality is all but erased, where thug values and gangster mores demand blood for the faintest slights and we -- still talking African Americans -- walk around acting as if this were as unremarkable as fluorescent lights and traffic jams.

We do not criticize or hold accountable, particularly in forums where whites may be watching, because some of us regard that as an act of racial betrayal. So nobody says the obvious: Pop stars don't shoot each other! There's something wrong when it becomes impossible to distinguish music acts from street gangs.

I understand the corrosive effects of drugs and poverty on the African-American community. I also understand that those effects have been with us for generations. Not to sound dismissive, but that's old news. What's new is these diseased mores and this collective shrug in the face of them.

The Culture of Death has firmly planted its claws in the Black community.

"Pop Culture's Ugly Side"

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 08:27 PM | Comments (0)

Here are some alt-press stories

Here are some alt-press stories Matt Palmquist is tired of reading:

The lionization of Mumia Abu-Jamal. You've seen him on T-shirts, buttons, fliers, posters, radio shows, Web sites, bumper stickers, and flags. You've read his books, heard his tape-recorded speeches, and watched with disbelief as he's transformed himself from a journalist-turned-cabdriver into a cabdriver-turned-political prisoner. But his story must be heard! Again! Ignore the hundreds of other death row inmates whose guilt has been questioned far more convincingly than Mumia Abu-Jamal's -- free Mumia, and the prison-industrial system will crumble!


The war in Afghanistan is really being waged so oil companies can build a pipeline. Come on, does anyone really think the U.S. military is in Afghanistan to chase the terrorists behind the Sept. 11 attacks? If our armed forces were looking for Osama bin Laden, they would have found him by now, right? Don't believe what you hear about the uncaring United States packing up and moving out once the bombing finishes. We're in Afghanistan to stay -- and to build a gigantic oil pipeline without attracting the notice of thousands of journalists, diplomats, human rights workers, and international military personnel. Not to mention Afghan warlords.


How a big media company imposed its CEO's ideology on every single employee of every single affiliate (even janitors). Once a corporation takes over your formerly independent media enterprise, look out! Everyone will drink Starbucks, listen to Jewel, and forget everything he's always believed about editorial free will. Because, as we all know, that's how journalism works: Every story idea and editorial angle is dictated from the top, and even the most experienced editors, station managers, and columnists are powerless to resist.

and let's not forget

The annual unveiling of Project Censored. "We define censorship as any interference with the free flow of information in American society," says project director Peter Phillips in this year's press release. "Corporate media in the United States is [sic] interested primarily in entertainment news to feed their bottom-line priorities. Very important news stories that should reach the American public often fall on the cutting-room floor to be replaced by sex scandals and celebrity updates." And, once every year in the altie press, those stories are replaced by a meaningless list.

By the way, that oil pipeline supposedly going through Afghanistan. It's going through Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Turkey.

"Project Censored"

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 08:10 PM | Comments (0)

Stratfor.com considers an Iraq-for-Georgia deal

Stratfor.com considers an Iraq-for-Georgia deal where Russia accepts a U.S. invasion of Iraq in exchange for a Russian operation in Georgia to root out Islamist terrorists.

If you have a PDA, you can read the whole report by subscribing for free to AvantGo.

"Possible Iraq-for-Georgia Deal Could Seal Baghdad's Fate"

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 07:33 PM | Comments (0)

Finding a Jeff Jacoby column

Finding a Jeff Jacoby column on the Boston Globe web site is a pleasant surprise, since I thought he got axed a few years ago. I was wrong about that. Jacoby only suffered a three-month suspension for failing to properly cite sources in a July 4th piece. Since the weblog world loves Mark Steyn, I would have figured there'd be lots of links to Jacoby. I didn't notice any and forgot about the guy.

"Repentance Comes First"

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 01:11 AM | Comments (0)

The Milwaukee Brewers must read

The Milwaukee Brewers must read this New Yorker article and get everything they can get about "sabermetrics." Billy Beane uses the approach to get quality players on the cheap. It's working for the Oakland A's, and the Brewers really don't have anything to lose.

"The Buffett of Baseball" [via SportsFilter]

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 12:36 AM | Comments (0)

September 18, 2002

The Minneapolis Fed interviewed Nobel

The Minneapolis Fed interviewed Nobel Prize winning economist Gary Becker. In the interview, Becker defines the term "social capital":

REGION: What is the relationship of social capital to human capital?

BECKER: I consider social capital to be a particular type of human capital. Human capital, so to speak, usually looks at a person. It is her knowledge, or her skills. Social capital looks at a person's link to other individuals. If I am involved in AA, I may be obligated to help members who are tempted to drink. In turn, I can call on them if I am having trouble with my alcohol consumption. That is an example of social capital. It is a form of human capital because it is part of me. However, it is very different from the skills I have as an educated person, or the training I have or the knowledge I have. Social capital involves a linkage among individuals. That is why it is "social." It is capital because it has some durability, where depreciation rate may be endogenous. Anyway, that is how I look at it.

Becker along with Kevin Murphy develop this concept in their book Social Economics.

Also in the interview, Becker opposes bank bailouts for "moral hazard" reasons. Interestingly, he also opposed the Fed bailout of Long-Term Capital Management.

"Interview with Gary Becker" [via In the News]

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 11:29 PM | Comments (0)

An odd point about fixing

An odd point about fixing intelligence methods to counter future terrorist attacks is that the public will never really know if it's been successful. If terrorist attacks are few and far between the average person or weblogging pundit will not be able to tell if it's because terrorists aren't trying elaborate attacks or intelligence agencies are stopping them.

"Probe: U.S. Knew of Jet Terror Plots"

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 07:56 PM | Comments (0)

Tunku Varadarajan reviewed some of

Tunku Varadarajan reviewed some of the many, many September 11 books. He recommends Michael Ledeen's The War Against the Terror Masters and Victor Davis Hanson's An Autumn of War. He also liked the haunting pictorial Here is New York: A Democracy of Photographs--a book selling well in my store. While not explicit September 11 books, I recommend Bernard Lewis' What Went Wrong. I'm also curious about Tom Friedman's new book Longitudes and Attitudes. He really delves into the psyche of the Islamic countries and is more right than wrong with his conclusions.

"Hard Times Between Hardcovers"

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 03:26 PM | Comments (0)

HUMOR: ScrappleFace reports Iraq's problems

HUMOR: ScrappleFace reports Iraq's problems with U.N. inspectors: "In Iraqi culture, shampooing is appropriate, but conditioning is taboo."

"Inspectors Allowed in Without Conditioner"

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 01:36 PM | Comments (0)

September 17, 2002

Wow, there's already a grassroots

Wow, there's already a grassroots movement to prepare for a Condi Rice Presidential run.

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 02:05 PM | Comments (0)

How about a new political

How about a new political term: "Knee-jerk Libertarian." I was inspired by this comment from Floyd McWilliams on a set of questions on Iraq from Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX):

Even an isolationist (like myself) believes in self-defense. I don't remember any of the Congressional isolationists raising a fuss about declaring war on Japan after Pearl Harbor. We need another word to describe Ron Paul's head-in-the-sand approach.

Paul has a disease which I have also noticed in the magazine Liberty post-9/11: whatever it is that the government is doing, he is automatically against it.

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 01:54 PM | Comments (0)

Bob Greene: great writer, but

Bob Greene: great writer, but dirty old man?

"Columnist Resigns After Acknowledging Sexual Conduct With Teenager" [via Samizdata]

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 01:37 PM | Comments (0)

John Hawkins reminds us that

John Hawkins reminds us that allowing weapons inspectors back into Iraq is only one of the conditions President Bush set out last week.

"Iraq Is Allowing Inspections? Doesn't Change A Thing"

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 01:00 PM | Comments (0)

September 16, 2002

Patrick plays expensive polling guru.

Patrick plays expensive polling guru. My one sentence summary of The Ruffini Group's memo goes like this:

Webloggers are war-loving, Bush-loving, Republican men who prefer Condi to Hillary.

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 01:54 AM | Comments (0)

I learned from Samizdata's weblog

I learned from Samizdata's weblog glossary that I suffer from a severe case of hitnosis.

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 01:25 AM | Comments (0)

Daypop needs to invest in

Daypop needs to invest in hard drives, and it's still out of commission.

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 12:06 AM | Comments (0)

The Dreamhost moved must have

The Dreamhost moved must have worked out well. It looks like TAM was off-line until 5 a.m. I haven't noticed anything goofy with the site. If you find a page missing or some other problem. Just e-mail me or comment.

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 12:02 AM | Comments (0)

September 15, 2002

That Green Bay Packers' defense

That Green Bay Packers' defense I thought would be the strength of the team is non-existent after two games. My 12-4 prediction isn't looking good.

"New Orleans 35, Green Bay 20"

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 11:54 PM | Comments (0)

September 14, 2002

My web hosting company will

My web hosting company will be moving their servers tonight, so there will be an interruption of your TAM reading pleasure. Don't be scared. TAM should be back early Sunday morning.

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 09:53 PM | Comments (0)

HUMOR: Patience pays off. "Castro

HUMOR: Patience pays off.

"Castro Resigns! Kennedy's Cuba Policy Pays Off"

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 01:25 AM | Comments (0)

Because of movement of materials

Because of movement of materials and personel, analysts think the U.S. could attack Iraq in as little as three weeks. That could be as soon as 10.5. Colin Powell is working on a U.N. resolution and Congress has planned on recessing for the fall elections around 10.4. I won't be surprised if there's a real "October Surprise." I'm just not sure how this report squares with Bush officals saying in July that there wouldn't be an attack around the November elections.

"US Could Strike in 3 Weeks, Some Analysts Say"

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 01:14 AM | Comments (0)

September 13, 2002

How about this idea from

How about this idea from Rich Galen:

Article 5 of the NATO charter contains the following:

The Parties agree that an armed attack against one or more of them in Europe or North America shall be considered an attack against them all ...

Article 13 says:

After the Treaty has been in force for twenty years, any Party may cease to be a Party one year after its notice of denunciation has been given to the Government of the United States of America, which will inform the Governments of the other Parties of the deposit of each notice of denunciation.

If our allies don't support us in the United Nations here's the Mullings Big Idea du Jour:

To: The Government of the United States of America
From: The Government of the United States of America
Re: Denunciation of NATO Membership
Body: Start the clock.

"Iraq and Roll"

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 02:38 AM | Comments (0)

The first big exhibit since

The first big exhibit since the Milwaukee Art Museum's new Calatrava extention opened begins today. "Leonardo da Vinci and the Splendor of Poland" is showcased by Leonardo's Lady with an Ermine.

"Potent Exhibit of Art from Poland Sets New Standard for Future Offerings"

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 02:26 AM | Comments (0)

PALEO WATCH: Thomas DiLorenzo dubs

Thomas DiLorenzo dubs FreeRepublic a "Neo-conservative website." Since most average conservatives think of East Coast (sometimes Jewish) eggheads (think The Weekly Standard and Commentary) as neoconservatives, this label my come as a shock to the fiery voices of the Freepers.


Robert Higgs just gets nasty over President Bush's book selection. First, Higgs is shocked Bush can read and declares, "I know what you're thinking, but the First Shrub swears that he has been reading more than just the funny papers lately." Then he wonders if Bush really did read Eliot Cohen's Supreme Command. Next there's Higgs' insult that Bush has a "childish imagination." (Higgs probably objects to Bush accurately calling terrorists "evildoers.") Higgs goes on to write that Bush "has a mind that never matured, if indeed it had the potential for such maturation in the first place."

It's one thing to oppose war with Iraq because Iraq is "a small, impoverished country halfway around the world that does not now pose a serious threat to the security of the American people." Higgs is wrong, but we can debate his points. It's not possible to have a serious discussion with a paleo who tosses insults and only has contempt for his opponents.

I am very disappointed with Higgs' article. He's a smart man who used to have important things to say. His Crisis and Leviathan is a monumental work of applied political economy. He doesn't need to stoop to the level of Molly Ivins

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 12:32 AM | Comments (0)

September 12, 2002

Applause must go to Fox

Applause must go to Fox News for showing pictures of the planes crashing into the World Trade Towers and the towers crashing down. I didn't watch hour upon hour of tv yesterday, so other networks may have shown those important pictures. What none of the networks did was show them enough.

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 11:38 PM | Comments (0)

David Wynn Miller calls himself

David Wynn Miller calls himself a "sovereign citizen" and says he can get out of court cases by employing a legal language where every sentence begins with "for" and should "contain at least 13 words, mostly nouns."

"'Paper Terrorism' Caining Adherents"

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 11:34 PM | Comments (0)

Bush's U.N. speech ("gambit" in

Bush's U.N. speech ("gambit" in Stephen Den Beste's words) hooked the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel editorial page hook, line, and sinker. They laud that "Bush wisely promised to cooperate with other U.N. member-nations." They also agree with Bush that Iraq's flouting of past U.N. resolutions puts that body's credibility at serious risk. The newspaper calls for one more resolution ordering Iraq to allow weapons inspectors even though they know it's "wishful thinking to suppose Hussein will comply." If Saddam refuses to comply with one more resolution then military force would have to be used to prevent the U.N. from becoming "a forum for the conduct of meaningless debates."

But that begs the question. Hasn't the U.N. mostly been "a forum for the conduct of meaningless debates"? For years, they've opposed the only democracy in the Middle East (Israel) from defending itself while condoning Palestinian homicide bombers. The U.N. organized countless summits and international confabs where rich, prosperous, and free countries are blamed for exploiting the poor who are ruled by authoritarian thugs. Remember, this is an organization that has Libya as the head of its commission on human rights. Since the Gulf War, when has the U.N. actually done something to promote world peace?

"Bush Makes His Case on Iraq"

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 11:19 PM | Comments (0)

The case for an Iraqi

The case for an Iraqi War was made today by President Bush at the United Nations. Iraq ignores calls to account for missing people, allows its citizens to suffer just to build weapons, and thumbs its nose to weapons inspectors who are looking for weapons of mass destruction (WMD). By laying out all the resolutions Iraq has violated, he put the onus on the U.N. to hold Saddam accountable and put substance behind its resolutions. To those who see the U.N. as important to world peace and cooperation, Bush said,

The conduct of the Iraqi regime is a threat to the authority of the United Nations, and a threat to peace. Iraq has answered a decade of U.N. demands with a decade of defiance. All the world now faces a test, and the United Nations a difficult and defining moment. Are Security Council resolutions to be honored and enforced, or cast aside without consequence? Will the United Nations serve the purpose of its founding, or will it be irrelevant?

Bush also took on Pollyanne-ish critics who don't see Iraq as a serious threat:

We know that Saddam Hussein pursued weapons of mass murder even when inspectors were in his country. Are we to assume that he stopped when they left? The history, the logic, and the facts lead to one conclusion: Saddam Hussein's regime is a grave and gathering danger. To suggest otherwise is to hope against the evidence. To assume this regime's good faith is to bet the lives of millions and the peace of the world in a reckless gamble. And this is a risk we must not take.

Now, here's the important part of the speech in regards to U.S. unilateral action:

My nation will work with the U.N. Security Council to meet our common challenge. If Iraq's regime defies us again, the world must move deliberately, decisively to hold Iraq to account. We will work with the U.N. Security Council for the necessary resolutions. But the purposes of the United States should not be doubted. The Security Council resolutions will be enforced -- the just demands of peace and security will be met -- or action will be unavoidable. And a regime that has lost its legitimacy will also lose its power.

Bush isn't saying the U.S. will be beholden to the U.N. The U.S. will "work" with the Security Council, but the U.S. will enforce resolutions already passed and broken by Iraq. As such "action will be unavoidable" and Saddam will "lose [his] power."

Then there's this paragraph:

We cannot stand by and do nothing while dangers gather. We must stand up for our security, and for the permanent rights and the hopes of mankind. By heritage and by choice, the United States of America will make that stand. And, delegates to the United Nations, you have the power to make that stand, as well.

The U.S. has a moral duty to fight Iraq and will do so. The U.N. can join up if it wants, but the U.S. will go it alone if it has to.

"President's Remarks at the United Nations General Assembly" [via The Fat Guy]

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 10:47 PM | Comments (0)

Stephen Den Beste calls President

Stephen Den Beste calls President Bush's speech a "gambit," and thinks the real audience wasn't the General Assembly, but the American public. [via The Fat Guy]

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 10:47 PM | Comments (0)

Bill Gertz had this to

Bill Gertz had this to say about CIA chief George Tenet:

George Tenet should be replaced as part of urgently needed intelligence reforms. Tenet testified before the Senate in February 2002 that there was no intelligence failure and that he is proud of the CIA's record. The first step in fixing the problem of American intelligence is to recognize that there was an intelligence failure on September 11 and before, and then begin rebuilding with new leadership, not just at the top, but at the upper and middle levels. Tenet has been a key advocate of the politically correct approach to intelligence that was part of larger efforts by the Clinton administration to impose destructive policies on government. There is no place for that kind of politics in intelligence, or any national-security components of government. Effectiveness and only effectiveness and results should be the watchwords.

I still am surprised no one has been fired or resigned over last year's attacks. Why President Bush still has confidence in Tenet is beyond me. I've been wanting his head since last October.

"Spy Gap"

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 10:16 PM | Comments (0)

Here are some of Thomas

Here are some of Thomas Sowell's latest "Random Thoughts":

Those who are demanding "proof" before the United States launches a pre-emptive strike against Iraq are demanding the impossible. By definition, a pre-emptive strike means that there is no proof of what you are trying to forestall -- and that you are not going to wait until there is proof, like a mushroom cloud over some American city.


Teachers' unions often say that teachers deserve higher pay because they are doing an important job. But if you are doing an important job badly, you are doing more harm than if you were doing some minor job badly. Many teachers are overpaid for what they are actually doing, even if someone who did the job right would deserve far higher pay.


The next time somebody talks about how we should be guided by "world opinion," just remember those Palestinians and Egyptians dancing in the streets after 3,000 Americans were murdered by terrorists. Remember all the young Americans buried under a sea of crosses on the beaches at Normandy because we had to rescue the terribly clever French, who had blundered their way into a war in which they surrendered after less than two months of fighting. Remember all the tinhorn despots and half-baked intellectuals around the world who constitute a large part of what is called "world opinion."

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 09:10 PM | Comments (0)

John Leo looks at the

John Leo looks at the lack of public anger on the anniversary of September 11.

The good side of this new ethic is that the nation refused to scapegoat Muslim Americans for the 9/11 attacks. The bad side is that to avoid anger and judgment, a normal emotional response was diverted into an orgy of self-examination, much of it revolving around the notion that the United States somehow invited or deserved the attacks.

"Rage is not the Rage"

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 08:09 PM | Comments (0)

Francis Fukuyama and Nadav Samin

Francis Fukuyama and Nadav Samin argue that radical Islamism could eventually lead to a more modern Islamic world. The authors compare Islamism to 20th Century fascism and communism. Both ideological movements "cleared away some of the premodern underbrush that had obstructed the growth of liberal democracy." This is not to say that Islamic modernization is inevitable or that a strong U.S. military is needed, but the article does suggest that good may come out of the violent turnmoil of Islamdom.

"Can Any Good Come Of Radical Islam?"

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 07:26 PM | Comments (0)

Goof-ball Eurowienie artist, Damian Hirst

Goof-ball Eurowienie artist, Damian Hirst said the September 11th terrorists should be congratulated because their murderous plot was "visually stunning." We shouldn't be surprised with this disgusting comment since Hirst is obsessed with shock and death in his art. [Note the animals in the tanks of formaldehyde.] This is Karlheinz Stockhausen redeux.

"9/11 Wicked but a Work of Art, says Damien Hirst" [via jimhart3K]

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 06:49 PM | Comments (0)

Washington socialites may be upset

Washington socialites may be upset with the Bushs lack of partying. W's Susan Watters calls Washington's social scene "near death." Hot dogs, hamburgers, and informal gatherings instead of flashy, fancy, liberal-infested formal balls just drives people like Sally Quinn nuts. I find it refreshing to know the First Couple doesn't need to invite celebrities and power players to the White House to feel important. Also remember, a more subdued White House is in order, since we are at war.

"Bushies Cast a Chill over D.C." [via Drudge]

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 04:19 PM | Comments (0)

September 11, 2002

I've watched a few hours

I've watched a few hours of the anniversary coverage and am dismayed. All that time there was little mention of what happened one year ago. I have yet to see the gripping, horrific footage of the two planes smashing into the World Trade Towers or both structures crumbling to the ground. Instead, there has been a constant stream of average people telling the cameras how they feel and of people crying. Such wallowing misses the entire point of remembering. Unless you knew someone who died during the attacks, this anniversary should be a renewed call to arms. One year ago, radical Islamist terrorists struck a deep and bloody blow in their war against the U.S. Their tactics were barbaric and approach nothing a civlized people would do. 3,000 people died because they happened to be Americans, and we remember them by showing vast amounts of sorrow?

President Bush got the closest to stating the current state of affairs:

This war is waged on many fronts. We've captured more than 2,000 terrorists; a larger number of killers have met their end in combat. We've seized millions in terrorist assets. We're reorganizing the federal government to protect the homeland. Yet, there's a great deal left to do. And the greatest tasks and the greatest dangers will fall to the armed forces of the United States.

I came to the Presidency with respect for all who wear America's uniform. Every day as your Commander in Chief, my respect and that of our nation has deepened. I have great confidence in every man and women who wears the uniform of the United States of America. I am proud of all who have fought on my orders, and this nation honors all who died in our cause.

Wherever our military is sent in the world, you bring hope and justice and promise of a better day. You are worthy of the traditions you represent, the uniform you wear, the ideals you serve. America is counting on you. And our confidence is well placed.

What happened to our nation on a September day set in motion the first great struggle of a new century. The enemies who struck us are determined and they are resourceful. They will not be stopped by a sense of decency or a hint of conscience -- but they will be stopped.

A greater force is amassed against them. They are opposed by freedom loving people in many lands. They are opposed by our allies who have fought bravely by our side. And as long as terrorists and dictators plot against our lives and our liberty, they will be opposed by the United States Army, Navy, Coast Guard, Air Force and Marines.

Bush will not back down. He will not allow the U.S. to be blackmailed and subdued by enemies who terrorize us and seek weapons of mass destruction. A price must be paid for the 3,000 deaths on September 11.

Now, I know what troubles me about Bruce Springsteen's The Rising. It's not the songs, nor Springsteen's focus on empathy over anger. No, my problem with the album is it came out too soon. One year after isn't enough time to capture the emotions of that awful day. It especially isn't enough time when our country has to be dedicated to winning a war. While people cry across the country, troops are rooting out al-Qaeda in Afghanistan and military planners are plotting Saddam's destruction. Now is not the time for closure because we're no where near the end of this war; this is only the beginning.

For the N.Z. Bear, we can view today through the lens of "the cult of victimhood or the brave example of the heroes on Flight 93." If we do the former, we lose "what it is to be an American."

I'll finish with a quote from Samuel Adams. During the Revolutionary War, the public was much, much closer to the war. Instead of battles overseas, British troops were quartered in the cities and moved through the countryside. Nevertheless, Adams' words ring true because Human Nature is an unchanging thing:

Contemplate the mangled bodies of your countrymen, and then say, 'What should be the reward of such sacrifices?' Bid us and our posterity bow the knee, supplicate the friendship, and plough, and sow, and reap, to glut the avarice of the men who have let loose on us the dogs of war to riot in our blood and hunt us from the face of the earth? If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animating contest of freedom, go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen!

We must move past shallow sentimentality to appreciate the important time we're in. Like those brave warriors on Flight 93, any and all of us are willing to make the ultimate sacrifice. For we are Americans and that's what Americans do.

"No Time for the Mawkish"

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 07:22 PM | Comments (0)

Ronald Bailey writes, It is

Ronald Bailey writes,

It is only a matter of time before the "intensely obstinate hatred of foreigners" represented by bin Laden and his followers will capitulate. Modernization, which is to say westernization, will inevitably smash all cultures that don't accommodate themselves to it. They will be smashed chiefly not by bombs and military force but by the choices of their own peoples, who will turn their backs on the traditions and institutions that have kept them so long ignorant and poor.

Bailey is right that eventually the Islamic world will modernize, but how long will that be and how many Americans will die until they modernize? Iran is a country with a large demographic bulge of young people. They're tired of the stultifiying ways of the Shite clerics. Hopefully soon they will rise up and move Iran away from its theocracy and onto democratic capitalism. But that transition could be lengthy and the reaction of the clerics and their supporters could be violent. Many in the weblogging world call for an eventual toppling of the House of Saud, but that could lead to instability and a power base for extremeist Islamists. In both cases, Islamists could attack the the U.S. as part of their jihad and internal political strategy.

While it may be inevitable that Islamdom will modernize, I'm certain it will be messy. The U.S. must remind other groups and nations that any attack will be countered with overwhelming (even pre-emptive) force.

"Can the Terrorists Win?"

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 06:18 PM | Comments (0)

John Hawkins has a fine

John Hawkins has a fine article on truly honoring the victims of September 11:

Honoring America's heroes and innocents lost is worth doing. However, the best way we can honor them is not with ceremonies or with television specials, but by doing everything in our power to prevent another 9/11 from happening.

"Memorials Won't Prevent Another 9/11"

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 05:08 PM | Comments (0)

The Eye, an avid TAM

The Eye, an avid TAM reader and commentor, offered these important words:

It is fine to remember the dead today. But I think to truly honor those dead, we must follow the example of those on Flight 93. We must be defiant to those who would have us cower to their demands, to those who would have us bleeding on our knees begging for forgiveness. We have grieved; we must forever remember, we must always be vigilant, we must be defiant.

God bless those who died, God comfort those who live on, and God forgive those who crossed our paths.

No more wallowing. The dead are dead, and we will never forget them. Let's remember why they died and who killed them. The Islamist War is only one year old with no forseeable end. Pray that our nation has the strength to do its duty and seek victory over our enemies.

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 04:41 PM | Comments (0)

Another site dedicated to Flight

Another site dedicated to Flight 93.

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 05:44 AM | Comments (0)

flight93.org honors the warriors on

flight93.org honors the warriors on the frontline of the first battle in the Islamist War.

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 05:43 AM | Comments (0)

The Washington Times has a

The Washington Times has a listing of those killed in the Pentagon attack.

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 05:38 AM | Comments (0)

Clear Channel has a bunch

Clear Channel has a bunch of audio clips for download. Lots of President Bush clips, including his famous moment at Ground Zero.

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 05:33 AM | Comments (0)

Never Forget

Never Forget

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 04:04 AM | Comments (0)

For today, I was set

For today, I was set to pan Bruce Springsteen's The Rising. I've been listening to the album for weeks to see if the first pop culture artifact inspired by September 11 adequately conveyed virtuous feelings. For most of my listenings, I've been skeptical. The songs tell stories of the victims and friends and family left behind. What isn't there is the justified anger directed toward our enemies. Al-qaeda methodically planned and funded an attack that turned civilian airliners into human-guided cruise missiles. It was brilliant and horrific at the same time. The closest Springsteen gets is the line, "I want an eye for an eye." He has an entire song devoted to the view of a suicide bomber ("Paradise") but not even a line about a special ops soldier helping liberate Afghanistan. (I'm sure Springsteen has the talent to create some lyric around blazing a laser on a target for an on-coming B-52.)

But then there's "Into the Fire." Through that song, Springsteen honors all those heroes who ran into the fiery towers. One line reads, "Up the stairs, into the fire/I need your kiss, but love and duty called you someplace higher." Those people knew they had loved ones back home. They knew they were putting their lives on the line for others, but it was their duty to go in, so they did.

Then there's the title song. It's an anthem. Drums are beating loud. Guitars are strumming hard. Nils Lofgren is putting his all into the slide guitar. Background singers are singing to God as well as the listener. Energy crackles off that song. You want to pump your fist when everyone sings "Li, li, li, li, li, li, li, li, li."

"The Rising" is also a spiritual. Springsteen mentions laying hands; Mary's in the garden. The song is steeped in gospel music, and it uplifts.

Continuing on the theme of upliftment and hope is "My City of Ruins." While everything seems hopeless, Springsteen calls the listener to "Come on, rise up!" Even in the darkest of moments there's hope. Even though the towers fells, the Pentagon was scarred, and a field is all that remains of Flight 93, the American Idea survives.

I can't pan a work of art that honestly expressed hurt, sadness, sorrow, and hope. Do I want more artists to take on the myriad of emotions from September 11? Absolutely! We need someone to put America's anger and sense of justice to music, and it has to be more sophisticated than Toby Keith's "Courtesy of the Red, White, & Blue (The Angry American)." As well as proper physical memorials, we need musical pieces to live on long past all of us.

Here's some other reactions to this anniversary:

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 04:01 AM | Comments (0)

September 10, 2002

I don't feel bad about

I don't feel bad about my revulsion with the words "blog" and "blogging." Colby Cosh hates them too:

I'm sorry I came along too late to prevent us from being stuck with this word "blog". If you held a contest ten years ago to form the ugliest possible random concatenation of phonetic units, "blog" would have walked off with the Palme d'Or and the plaudits of a grateful universe. I feel like a transsexual Liberal-voting urophile just performing an activity that can be described by the verb "blog."

Matt Welch only used the word blog as a punchline. It's just an ugly, ugly word.

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 03:21 AM | Comments (0)

The "sinister cabal" that's Blogcritics

The "sinister cabal" that's Blogcritics has a sleek, stylish look. And there's an interview with Frank Black.

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 02:29 AM | Comments (0)

The Bear on American's way

The Bear on American's way of dealing with the horror of September 11:

China, perhaps, might set a National Mood, and ensure that all public remembrances; all media commentary, followed it faithfully. Cuba, I'm sure, celebrates its holidays similarly; with a firm consensus across the land as to How To Feel; with compliance ensured at the point of a gun.

That, of course, is not our way.

Our way is noisy; it's messy, and chaotic and tacky and somber and inspiring and revolting and dramatic and insipid; it's full of genuine heroes and puffed up nobodies; it's crass and commercial and giving and charitable and is guaranteed to showcase the absolute best and absolute worst in our society.

Our way is to have no one way. It is to have millions. One per citizen, as a matter of fact.

He then takes an anything goes approach to the one-year anniversary:

Program the most sentimental, cult-of-victimhood survivor profiles you can find. Write the most blustery, jingoistic let's-kill-'em-all columns you can produce. Program hour after hour of airbrushed, santized remembrances, full of waving flags and slow-motion firefighters. Do some hard journalism and show us the facts of what really happened; and what threats still face us out there. Give us celebrities telling us where they were when it happened, somberly reflecting on How They Were Moved. If you're in Big Media, do exactly what you think will boost your ratings highest. Or say screw it all, and do a week full of programming that feels right to you without giving a damn about Neilsen. If you're a CEO, sponsor some commercials on Wednesday --- or don't; whichever helps you sleep better at night. Or whichever helps your bottom line. If you're a blogger, let fly your deepest raw emotion and reaction without sanitizing it for public consumption. Or write the kind of piece you know everyone wants to hear --- make a play for those big links --- even if it isn't really what you're feeling.

Pander. Offend. Inspire. Challenge. Inform. Manipulate. Provoke.

It's "all part of the dialogue," but that doesn't make it virtuous. Remembering the terrorist attacks by some intellectually dishonest lesson plans uncritical of our enemies is no honor to the victims and heros of that awful day. Building a sterile, post-modern memorial like the monstrosity in Oklahoma City will allow the memory of those killed to fade away. There are good and bad responses to September 11. I'm a fan of dialogue. It's both entertaining and thought-provoking. Nevertheless, every voice shouldn't be considered equivalent.

"Strength in Chaos"

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 02:23 AM | Comments (0)

In The National Interest is

In The National Interest is a new online weekly published by The National Interest and the Nixon Center. Like the quarterly, the online journal will "provide insight and analysis of American foreign policy and world events from a realist perspective."

Adam Garkinkle looks at the debate between neocons and realists, the old Reaganites and the Bush 41 gang.

"From the Raspberry Patch"

Then Richard Perle has this to say on France and Iraq:

He can be managed, with respect to France. The French manage him by collaborating with him, by taking up his case. He can't be managed, however, with respect to the United States. And the important point is that the situation of the United States is very different from that of France or Germany or any other country. You don't see Saddam standing up and saying how he despises France, but you do hear him talking about the United States in vicious and really unlimited terms. We tend to dismiss that as hyperbole, but I do not believe that it is wise to ignore it. We have misread him in the past. Everyone we've been able to talk to, who know him, agree that once Saddam becomes "nuclear", he is perfectly capable of using the weapons.

"Saddam and the World: Time is Not On Our Side: A Conversation with Richard Perle"

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 12:19 AM | Comments (0)

September 09, 2002

Jonah Goldberg's suggestion to President

Jonah Goldberg's suggestion to President Bush would certainly freak out the UN General Assembly.

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 11:53 PM | Comments (0)

The UPI headline may say

The UPI headline may say "Bush: Post-Saddam Iraq not US job" but that's not accurate. In the story, President Bush said it "was up to the international community to help set up what follows" in a post-Saddam Iraq. The headline makes it sound like Bush wants to topple Saddam and let the rest of the world pick up the pieces. I'm sure such a thought resonates with anti-U.S. Europeans who despise the U.S.'s courage to act militarily with or without international approval. What the statement is is Bush reaching out to the international community. It's his way of including others in having a part in the final outcome in the Middle East. He's engaging other nations--something his critics have complained he wasn't doing. If he feels it's necessary, Bush will attack Saddam alone, but trying to give other countries a stake is his way of building a coalition against Saddam.

"Bush: Post-Saddam Iraq not US Job" [via Drudge]

[UPDATE: Robert Prather at The Neolibertarian News Portal has a much different take on the story. He takes the story literally and has "serious reservations about the President's judgement."]

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 11:35 PM | Comments (0)

Jeremy Reynalds delves into the

Jeremy Reynalds delves into the NEA September 11 lesson plan controversy.

"The NEA's at it again!"

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 11:20 PM | Comments (0)

Sorry for my weblogging tardiness.

Sorry for my weblogging tardiness. I took a nap, ok?

Steven Martinovich review's Bill Gertz's Breakdown calling it "a step in fixing the intelligence community's problems and restoring their luster."

"Mission Failure"

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 11:16 PM | Comments (0)

I have a day-time shift

I have a day-time shift today. Look for posts late in the afternoon or evening.

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 01:27 AM | Comments (0)

Powell has gone back to

Powell has gone back to being President Bush's good soldier. When talking about pre-emptive strikes, Powell said, "It is always an option for the United States, and for that matter, it's an option for the United Nations. I think it has risen in the hierarchy of thinking these days because it's a different world after 9/11."

"U.S. Cites New Evidence Saddam Seeking Nuclear Bomb"

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 12:30 AM | Comments (0)

September 08, 2002

T-minus nine days until 24

T-minus nine days until 24 comes out on DVD. A bonus feature is the alternate ending where Jack Bauer's (Kiefer Sutherland) wife lives.

"Slain 24 Character Gets New Life"

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 01:27 AM | Comments (0)

This goes in the Unintended

This goes in the Unintended Consequences File: some parents are complaining about a Harry Potter toy from Mattel. The Nimbus 2000 has "magical swooping and whooshing sounds," but it also has "vibrating effects." Parents are concerned that their daughters have grown to love it a little too much.

"Potter Broom Rattles Parents"

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 01:21 AM | Comments (0)

For the record, the John

For the record, the John Birch Society doesn't think we're at war with Islamic extremists. We're at war with Communists using Islamic fundamentalism as their cover. Occam's Razor pretty much slices up this argument.

"Terrorism's True Roots"

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 12:25 AM | Comments (0)

To any conspiratorial paleos or

To any conspiratorial paleos or card-carrying members of the John Birch Society, the Trilateral Commission's website (they're so secretive and cunning to be publically available to anyone on the Net with a simple Google search) has a FAQ page. Here a a couple Q and As:

Is the Trilateral Commission trying to establish a world government?

A. Not at all. The Trilateral Commission has tried to encourage international cooperation on many issues, but this is a far cry from promoting a world government. There have been no Commission reports in which it has been proposed that our national governments be dissolved and a world government be created. Individuals or organizations who believe the Trilateral Commission has intentions to form a world government, however well-intentioned they may be, are unfortunately ill-informed.


Is the Trilateral Commission a conspiracy to control the U.S. government?

A. No. President Carter was a member of the Trilateral Commission before he became President, and many members of his Administration were members of the Commission before taking on their government jobs. Some members of the Reagan and Bush Administrations were Commission members in earlier years. But these facts do not indicate control of the U.S. government by the Commission.

First, members must resign from the Commission upon accepting an Administration post.

Second, as noted earlier, the Commission has a very diverse membership in terms of both geography and occupation. It is also fairly evenly divided in the United States between Republicans and Democrats, and it does not take an institutional position on particular issues. Aside from its general emphasis on consultation and cooperation with Western Europe and Japan, there is no ?Commission line? on policy questions. Task Force reports do not prescribe day-to-day actions; and the Commission does not lobby for particular legislation or for candidates.

Third, the men and women who join the Commission are of outstanding ability, receive their information from many sources, and think for themselves. For many members, participation in Commission activities does not extend beyond attendance at the annual plenary meeting. The Commission, through these conferences and its publications, does hope to provide an additional educational experience for its members, while simultaneously contributing to the general policy debate in this country and elsewhere, but it cannot and does not attempt to do more than this.

Some individuals believe that the Trilateral Commission somehow arranged President Carter?s election in 1976. This is a far-fetched misconception. The Commission is entirely non-partisan and has never supported any candidate. In the case of President Carter, one need only recall that he received his party?s nomination after a very demanding primary process. This was clearly not some kind of ?backroom deal? that could be arranged by a few persons. David Rockefeller is usually cited as the person responsible for ?making Carter President,? yet he voted for and supported President Ford.

In the case of later presidential campaigns, many members undoubtedly supported particular candidates Republican, Democrat, and Independent but the Commission was not, and by its nature could not be, committed to any candidate.

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 12:18 AM | Comments (0)

September 07, 2002

PunchtheBag has inspired me to

PunchtheBag has inspired me to start a new feature on TAM: Paleo Watch. I will occasionally point out a strange comment from the paleo-libertarian/anarchist crowd. The inaugural PW features Burt Blumert, president of the Center for Libertarian Studies. While promoting an upcoming gold conference, he wrote, "When we planned the conference, we never thought about the insanity of Iraq, this craziness, this hurtling train of destruction" (emphasis mine). To Blumert, there's no possible reasonable basis to support attacking Iraq to preserve the U.S. and the West. People like Glenn Reynolds, Andrew Sullivan, Brink Lindsey (a scholar for the libertarian Cato Institute), Stephen Den Beste, and myself are irrational loons or neoconservatives desiring warfare to increase government and somehow grant us power over other people. (Paleos like to follow in the footsteps of their patron saint, Murray Rothbard, who near the end of his life worried excessively about the Trilateral Commission and anything related to David Rockefeller.)

A rational case for invading Iraq can and has been made my many writers. My reasoning is based on liberating Iraq now because it's inevitable and the total loss of life would be minimized because the U.S. wouldn't be going to war after a nuclear attack. Now, it's perfectly valid for war opponents to go after my assumptions and reasoning, but I'm pretty confident a reasonable person would declare my argument to be rational. No reasonable person would call me insane.

"Gold, Liberty, and War"

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 11:48 PM | Comments (0)

September 06, 2002

In Andrew Marr's analysis of

In Andrew Marr's analysis of Tony Blair's political trouble with an Iraqi war, he ends with

One thing was absolutely clear from his press conference here.

If it comes to a choice between endless negotiation and conflict - what they used to call jaw-jaw or war-war - then you'd better believe it, it's going to be the second.

Something pretty substantial and serious is going to happen this winter.

Does this mean Blair may be abandoned by the Labour Party or is war imminent?

"Blair's New Iraq Strategy"

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 11:14 PM | Comments (0)

A coalition against Iraq is

A coalition against Iraq is starting to form. Kuwait doesn't consider the Gulf War I to be over and will support the U.S. Then Tony Blair is willing to pay a "blood price" in the special relationship between the U.S. and U.K.

"Kuwait Breaks Ranks on Saddam" [via C-Log]

"Britain Will Pay 'Blood Price' - Blair"

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 10:59 PM | Comments (0)

While covering a little too

While covering a little too much inside baseball stuff in D.C., this story on Hollywood vs. Silicon Valley over digital copying is well worth the read.

"Digital Divide"

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 10:32 PM | Comments (0)

A banner reading "Guns save

A banner reading "Guns save lives" will fly over tomorrow's Wisconsin/West Virginia football game.

"Mountaineer May Carry His Black Powder Rifle"

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 10:05 PM | Comments (0)

Daypop has been down for

Daypop has been down for a few days, but Dan's in Italy and can't fix it until he gets home. Bummer.

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 09:22 PM | Comments (0)

PunchtheBag (scroll down to September

PunchtheBag (scroll down to September 3) offers a challenge to paleolibertarians and ararchists (i.e. the Anarchy Lew crowd):

How are you going to "Pepsi and McDonald-ize" your movement for maximum mass appeal? I?m not saying that you have to go politically correct but you might think twice before producing a short that shows neoconfederates, Hans Hoppe, and pictures of 19th century guys and gals.

If you go too edgy, then people say, "What the hell was that?" You want to make them at least think for a few minutes (or maybe just a minute) after it?s over. Plus you have the added burden of trying to sell "anarchy." Most average folk gravitate towards safety and security. Don?t blame the public education system for that, it?s just human nature. How do you turn that perception around?

If all you do is flash a picture of the Capitol in Washington with a middle finger pointing at the dome, you?re not going to get much of a reaction. All you?re doing in that case is saying "ha ha ha look at us" and then you dance and prance and congratulate each other. But you?re just preaching to the choir. You haven?t made the sale, instead you?ve sprayed graffiti under a bridge.

I?m sure some of you creative types might jump at the challenge of producing at least a storyboard that you could upload to your websites for the rest of us to take a gander.

Let?s see how you persuade the great-unwashed using imagery or do you just want to be an isolated, stale country club?

Punch combines humor and seriousness into a potent concoction.

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 09:10 PM | Comments (0)

Admitted libertarian Ralph Reiland spanks

Admitted libertarian Ralph Reiland spanks Anarchy Lew on Gulf War II:

On most matters, I'm on the same page as Rockwell. I?m enough of a libertarian to agree that we're over-taxed, over-manipulated, over-sued and over-regulated, and enough of a libertarian, in fact, to have been published a dozen or so times by Rockwell's Mises Institute. But on this one, I've got to break rank.

Let?s start at the bottom and work our way up. First, it?s my bet that Taliban John won't be killed in a gun battle with Dick Cheney. Second, after we won, did the U.S. "war machine" turn the Japanese, Germans or Russians into hostages? Third, after decades of holding our fire while under attack, how much "peace" did we get on September 11? Fourth, it?s not about whether they "like us"; it?s about people who want to kill us. Fifth, Iraq was impoverished by Iraq's policies. And sixth, the business at hand is to stop the killing, to stop a nutcase from delivering a suitcase nuke to Manhattan.

"A War of Words" [via PunchtheBag]

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 09:02 PM | Comments (0)

Thomas Sowell notes that years

Thomas Sowell notes that years of affirmative action has actually cost people their lives. Poorly educated black doctors allowed to graduate from medical school because of racial preference lead to patient's deaths. Lowing standards doesn't have to be done. In Sowell's experience "black students would meet higher standards if you refused to lower the standards for them." In the words of Frederick Douglas, "Do nothing with us! Your doing with us has already played the mischief with us. Do nothing with us!" Guilty white (not necessarily Southern boy) liberals have already done enough.

"'Friends' of Blacks"

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 12:02 AM | Comments (0)

September 05, 2002

Patricia Owen got Borked by

Patricia Owen got Borked by Senate Democrats. Orrin Judd now declares the party of the donkey (I know, I'm being nice) the "Party of Death."

But today the Democrats reached a new low as they rejected the appointment of Texas Supreme Court Justice Priscilla Owens to a seat on the United States Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals for just one reason: she is insufficiently pro-abortion. Democrats are now so captive to the extremist pro-abortion forces that any limitation whatsoever on the killing of a fetus is unacceptable to them. Democrats voted against Ms Owens because of one single court case in which it was her opinion that a minor did not have an absolute right to abort her child. Period. End of story.

Having reached a point in our politics where the attempt to limit abortion in any way shape or form makes a persion unfit for the bench in the eyes of every Democrat on the Judiciary Committee, it is sad but true that the Democrats have become the party of death.

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 11:53 PM | Comments (0)

Funny stuff from ScrappleFace: CBS

Funny stuff from ScrappleFace:

CBS News anchorman Dan Rather hijacked a Boeing 757 over the weekend and flew it to an undisclosed location in "the Dakotas". The hijacking was part of an "up close and personal" investigative piece about flaws in the transportation security system. No one was harmed in the incident.

"CBS Hijacks Jetliner to Prove Security Flaws"

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 10:46 PM | Comments (0)

The Senate voted to let

The Senate voted to let pilots bring guns on planes after the White House dropped their opposition. However, officials want to implement a training program that would cost $900 million to start and $250 million per year afterward. Unfortunately, they also say the money for training isn't available. Why would it cost $900 million to train pilots? Many pilots have military backgrounds and have experience with guns. This bogus number sounds like a way for the Transportation Department to not oppose armed pilots but prevent them from actually being armed.

"Senate Approves Plan to Arm Commercial Pilots"

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 07:02 PM | Comments (0)

Tonight the NFL season starts.

Tonight the NFL season starts. So, it's time for my NFL predictions. First the Packers: they came off an outstanding season, surprising many (including me). While going 12-4, they didn't win enough to claim home field advantage. That turned out to be key because the Pack had to play the NFC championship game against the Rams in St. Louis.

On offense, Brett Favre comes off a 32 TD, 3921 yard 2001 season. Fine numbers, but the story was the emergence of Ahman Green as a dominant running back. Green almost had 2000 combined rushing and receiving yards along with 11 TDs. The biggest question on offense is the wide receivers. Terry Glenn is suppose to be the saviour and Favre's favorite target, but he only played one pre-season game due to injury. Antonio Freeman is now with Philadelphia because of salary cap reasons, and Corey Bradford and Bill Schroeder left in free agency. In there stead are first-round pick Javon Walker, who has shown glimpses of big-play talent, Donald Driver, who must be more consistent, and Robert Ferguson, who is big but has impressed little.

The surprise in this year's team may be their defense. During the pre-season, the first-team defense gave up 20 points. While they lost safety LeRoy Butler to retirement, Darrin Sharper--arguably the best safety in football--comes back with pass rushing phenom Kabeer Gbaja-Biamila. Hardy Nickerson brings veteran leadership.

So, how will the Packers do? They were 12-4 last year, and they're better this year. I predict 12-4 with home field advantage throughout the playoffs. As for the Super Bowl, the Packers will meet and beat--drum roll please--Miami.

Now, are you ready for some football?!?

"Rams are the Best, but Packers will be Super"

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 06:53 PM | Comments (0)

Is it a coincidence that

Is it a coincidence that someone broke into the Deseret Chemical Depot and someone tried to kill Afghan president Karzai on the same day?

"Intruder Warning Sounds at Utah Munitions Compound"

"Karzai Survives Attempt on Life"

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 03:21 PM | Comments (0)

I saw the conversation between

I saw the conversation between Phil Donahue and MSNBC editor-in-chief Jerry Nachman where Phil wondered about how long his show would last given the abysmal ratings. I was astounded that such insider shop talk was being aired. The candor was refreshing.

What piqued my curiosity is Nachman wanting to give Donahue's show up to two years. "You don't think we get two years? Do we get a year?" Nachman's the editor-in-chief of the network, yet it doesn't sound like he has much say in the survival of a show. Is Nachman only in charge of news production? What's the extent of his role at MSNBC besides his interesting talk show? And if his role is limited, what's with the title "editor-in-chief?"

"Donahue Says His Show is on Thin Ice" [via Right Wing News]

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 01:18 AM | Comments (0)

September 04, 2002

Rob Dreher went on an

Rob Dreher went on an ugly-church rampage. Many of the ones he posted took the theme of flying saucer/silo/cylinder. There's St. Patrick in Armonk, NY; St. Hilary's in Fort Myers, FL; and St. Mary's in Rockledge, FL. These churches harken back to Frank Lloyd Wright's famous (infamous?) Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church in Wauwatosa, WI. Compared to the others, Wright's is most distinctive. The blue dome, stained glass, and hut-like edge set it apart from being just a circular mold of concrete.

It seems to me that the popularity of the circular church rests in a rejection of hierarchy and an embracing of egalitarianism. In your standard church, the minister presides at the altar before the congregation. At the front of the church is the cross. There's an order there: God, then the minister, then the congregation. With a church in the round, such layers are flattened. The altar is in the center surrounded by the congregation. The minister moves in and out performing the service yet keeping his place among the people. While not radical in its design, the renovated St. John the Evangelist Cathedral in Milwaukee, WI incorporates the circular, egalitarian theme by moving the altar and bishop's chair into the congregation. (Here's a picture of the cathedral in 1942 in its traditional arrangement. Also, note the ornateness of the cathedral before a 1935 fire.)

Last year, the controversial cathedral's renovation was questioned by the Vatican who wrote to the then Archbishop Rembert Weakland, "[The design] fails to respect the hierarchical structure of the Church of God that the Cathedral by its scheme is to reflect."

[On an aside: Despite its gaudiness, the copper covered St. Boniface in Mequon, WI still retains the traditional church seating arrangement.]

Circular churches are perfect for those denominations where self-improvement and self-esteem replace rigorous theology. For churches that try to maintain a more traditional (dare say conservative?) theology, round, egalitarian worship spaces are an anathema.

As for me, my preference in a church can be summed up as "height and light." I love grand structures that are larger than life. Their bigness shows a seriousness to worship. After one brief look at Notre Dame in Paris you know it's an important building devoted to the transcendent. Churches also need to use light to express the beauty of God. Gorgeous stained glass can not only tell a biblical story, but it can awe you in the magnificent way it was done. Santiago Calatrava's Cathedral of Christ the Light has the potential to use light in such a way as to bring church-goers closer to God (the auditorium-style interior leaves much to be desired). Ultimately, that's the purpose of churches. They're houses of God. Missions like community center and concert hall should be secondary.

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 11:13 PM | Comments (0)

Ladies and gentleman, your 2002

Ladies and gentleman, your 2002 Green Bay Packers. Later this week, I'll offer my NFL predictions. Last year, the only prediction I got right was St. Louis in the Super Bowl. I must do better.

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 06:47 PM | Comments (0)

The West Virginia football team

The West Virginia football team is coming to Madison this weekend to face the Wisconsin Badgers. Madison was welcoming of the players, coaches, trainers, equipment, and fans. They were welcoming of anyone and everything connected to Mountineer football except the musket of West Virginia's mascot. UW associate athletic director Jamie Pollard tried to justify the decision when he told a reporter, "They asked if they could bring in a musket and shoot it off in the stadium. And there is a UW System policy that prohibits weapons on the campus."

Wisconsin is the first school to ban the musket from a sporting event in the 65-year history of the WV mascot.

Common sense prevailed this afternoon. UW athletic director, Pat Richter got a reversal of the decision from the chancellor

So, even before kick-off, West Virginia has already scored over Wisconsin.

"Mascot Can Shoot Musket at Wis. Game"

"UW Takes Issue with Mountaineer's Musket"

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 05:45 PM | Comments (0)

September 02, 2002

The post-Cold War U.S. thought

The post-Cold War U.S. thought so little of air attacks that the Northeast Air Defense Sector only had four armed fighters available on Sep. 11.

"U.S. Mulled Ramming Jets In 9/11 Huddle"

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 04:23 PM | Comments (0)

Last night, Joe Queenan was

Last night, Joe Queenan was on Book TV (He'll be on again at 4:30 am EDT. Set your Tivos.), and I don't remember ever laughing that hard at something on C-SPAN. He made a valiant effort reading passages from his book Balsamic Dreams and answering questions, but he always ended up going off on some hilarious tangent. His endless thumping of Jimmy Carter was priceless. According to Queenan, Carter was the third worst President ever, but he couldn't think of the two in front of him. After watching him, Queenan may have vaulted above P. J. O'Rourke and Chris Buckley as the funniest writers in America.

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 12:29 AM | Comments (0)

September 01, 2002

Rudy Gulliani on what to

Rudy Gulliani on what to do with Ground Zero:

If it were up to me, I'd devote the entire 16 acres to the memorial. A soaring structure should dominate the site, taking its place along New York City's wonderful skyline. It should be visible for miles to demonstrate the spirit of those who gave their lives to defend freedom. There should be a museum and a library. Those who visit should be able to relive the experience in a way that does justice to the enormity of the events. The memorial should echo the goals of the city's Museum of Jewish Heritage, which sits a stone's throw away. The purpose of that museum is to demonstrate the horror of the Holocaust as well as celebrate the survival and strength of the Jewish people. Done correctly, the memorial at ground zero will commemorate the horror and the heroism of Sept. 11.

A "soaring structure" "visible for miles" demonstrating the soaring spirit of the American Ideal is crucial to make any memorial transcend the memories of those who were living at the time. But making the entire 16 acre area off limits to anything but a memorial may be too much. Pearl Harbor is also a site of American calamity. Thousands died there in a brutal sneak attack, yet the entire base and bay isn't reserved as a memorial. Battleship Row wasn't shut down to memorialize the sailors who died in those waters. The area was kept active in its mission to win World War II. Space for commerce, living, learning, and entertainment wouldn't necessarily devalue the memory of September 11. One could argue that returning a portion of Ground Zero to its previous state would honor the lives of those who lived and worked there.

"Getting It Right at Ground Zero" [via Drudge]

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 11:28 PM | Comments (0)

Another reason to ignore the

Another reason to ignore the Johannesburg: you don't have to bother with goofs hating flush toilets; and you don't have to put up with ignorant fools calling capitalism "sinister."

Ex-Greenpeace member, Patrick Moore nailed it on the head when he told CNSNews.com, "The environmentalists try to inject guilt into people for consuming, as if consuming by itself causes destruction to the environment. There is no truth to that. You have the wealthiest countries on earth with the best-looked-after environment." And the wealthiest countries have flush toilets.

"Introduction of the Flush Toilet Deplored at Earth Summit"

"Capitalism's Allure called 'Sinister' By Environmentalist"

Posted by Sean Hackbarth in at 12:34 AM | Comments (0)