I'm regularly and kindly invited to talk to various organisations, summits and conferences, usually on the subject of the Semantic Web, or the technicalities of RSS and other syndication formats. Some of these presentations are on this page. The slides below accompanied the lectures, and so probably make little sense without my accompanying prose. Nevertheless, they're there for memory-jogging, and perhaps some entertainment. Some have video, it's true.
This lecture was supposed to be on the subject of "Mailing List Bots", but was somewhat hijacked by the dominant meme of the month: ThreadsML. I talk about the way that mailing lists and message boards are perfect test beds for Semantic 'Web' software. Here's the presentation, starting at slide 1, and here is a video: Part 1 and Part 2.
The Reboot is a great one day conference in Copenhagen, and in 2003 they invited me to introduce them to the concepts around the Semantic Web. This is a great presentation to see if you've no idea what that phrase means. Here's first slide and there are links on each to the next. The video is coming soon.
The News Standards Summit was a meeting of people interested in all of the major news syndication formats, as a way of introducing each others' work to, erm, each other. Here's my slideshow on RSS 1.0 Currently incomplete.
The BBC, being a wise and glorious organisation, invite many an internet luminary to speak to them. Obviously late in the season, they invited me to talk about RSS. Due to Keynote's funky Apply goodness, there are no slides, but a video (of the slides). You need to click on the movie to move to the next slide. There's one of my dogs at the end. Nice.