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Congressional Blogs


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19 Points

Posted by jesselee
Thursday, June 10, 2004 at 10:55 AM

LA Times (pdf):

If the November 2004 general election for Congress were being held today, which party would you like to see win in your congressional district: the Democratic Party or the Republican Party?

Democrat 54
Republican 35

Panic time.

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Couldn't happen to a nicer group of people. LOL

Posted by RED MEAT DEMOCRAT on Thu. 06/10/04 at 2:31 PM

For example, there is actually a competitive race in VA-10 for the first time in years. Democrat James Socas is challenging 24-year right-wing incumbent Frank Wolf. There are lots of new voters who have moved into the district since the last real race, presenting a golden opportunity for a pickup. Socas wants to rein in spending and turn around irresponsible deficits which are taxing, in effect, our youngest children. Visit his website at

Posted by Bill Smith on Mon. 06/14/04 at 11:44 AM

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