10th June 2004 | Permalink | Comments (3)
When you buy anything at the deli counter they always try to recommend something else as well, so if you buy ham they say Can I recommend some cheese to go with that, sir?
, or if you buy cheese they say Can I recommend some ham to go with that, sir?
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10th June 2004 | Permalink | Comments (4)
Next Guest please!
Hello, can I have some of this Honey Roast Ham please?
Sure thing. How much do you want?
Um, all of it, please.
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7th June 2004 | Permalink | Comments (23)
Three very gay guys at Cafe Flores:
I don’t think I could sleep with him, you know?
Uh huh.
I mean, like, I like him, and he’s really hot and everything, but he’s also kinda trashy, and I don’t need trashy, you know?
Oh, totally.
View this post in full (185 words).
1st June 2004 | Permalink | Comments (28)
If he read my site (and he weren’t dead), Norris McWhirter, co-founder of the Guinness Book of Records, would be able to tell you that the thirteen days silence since my last post is not the longest time you lovely people have had to go sans Dunstan; that record stands at seventeen days, back when I first started this blog. Close, but no cigar…
View this post in full (236 words, 6 images).
1st June 2004 | Permalink | Comments (31)
I met you only briefly last weekend, but in that short time I ascertained that you are a dedicated follower of the mantra ‘prepare early’. There is no doubt that such a philosophy has its place in many aspects of life; any good tennis coach, for instance, will encourage his or her charges to “get the racquet back early and prepare”; and Domestic Goddess Nigella Lawson is always speaking of the need to prep things ahead of time. It’s common sense, and I applaud you for your dedication to this way of thinking…
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19th May 2004 | Permalink | Comments (26)
About four times a week I get an email from someone keen to know how I coded my blog archive page — the headings and nested lists approach seems to be a decent way of presenting the information, and people wonder how the page is constructed. I usually reply to these emails saying that it’s a bit too complicated to explain, but today I’m relenting…
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16th May 2004 | Permalink | Comments (18)
When I was a child the newspapers were always filled with stories about excesses in EU agricultural production: Butter Mountains, Milk Lakes, and Grain Hills were a part of everyday news reports.
San Francisco, it seems, has a similar problem, but in this case it’s with shoes. They might not put it in their guidebooks, and you sure as hell won’t see Governor Schwarzenegger talk about it on TV, but take it from me, this town has more shoes that it knows what to do with…
View this post in full (281 words).
A collection of miscellaneous links that don't merit a main blog posting, but which are interesting none-the-less.
At 7′4″ and 500 pounds, Andre the Giant could have been famous for his size alone.(2)
value in your MySQL table, and more. (0)A selection of blogs I read on a regular basis.