Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "britpop".
83 matches:
Interested users
The following users are interested in britpop. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
500 matches:
- 1muse - Hardcore Babycat
- _jeremy - jeremy
- aardvark - mark says
- aaronin - Aaronin
- abbeyrd - Obi Wan Bon Jovi
- adenine - Katharine Magary
- aenimaamnesiac - Meg White
- ahembree - spring chickadee
- ahli - if it's not love then it's the bomb
- aimercat - Average Everyday Sane Psycho Supergoddess
- akaaria - gimme danger little stranger
- albatoudilandau - AD
- alfabettezoupe - sara
- alienesse - Nicole
- amaterasu - goddess-to-be (or not to be)
- amazinggrace - last week's next big thing
- amerikah - Adam Frick
- amgrrr - Amber
- amigosdobelauro - amigos do belauro
- anochecida - echos of reason
- antiochwhore - Jenna
- arien - Guiding the Sun
- asacredwhore - asacredwhore
- asseyez - jeanne
- astrophelle - Mig
- austiop02 - Satin In A Coffin
- awoehler - Comrade Commissar
- axiomatic7 - Drew
- b0red123 - strange and beautiful
- balli - Amanda
- baltimorerain - Job
- beautifultoxin - m. Shakti
- bedtimeswamsong - matte and cheese
- beetlebum - Ming Wu
- bienenjaeger - bienenjaeger
- bigd527 - Doug
- bille - dein hirn is matsche.
- billybudd - Justin
- birdofparadox - Ginger and Cinnamon Snapdragon
- bitterbride - Super Ego
- bjorkdoll - ...the kooky ultrahoney
- bleuglitter - Lesliecat
- bloodcicle - Crying For Days On End
- bloodybliss - bloodybliss
- bluebiscuit - Biscuit Fiend
- bluejam - sVs
- blur310 - Dr. B
- blur_ - jen
- boomtownrat - Cyanide Wit
- brazilian_nut - Sick Sad Girl
- breakbug - meek
- britpop5 - The future Mrs. Kelly Jones
- brknbarbiedolls - mary supergrass
- camstarlet - a long-forgotten fairy
- canadianyams - Bring me the Disco King
- canigetout - Dirty Chris' Paddlin Parlor
- carnte - carnte
- ceiligrace - kelly
- cetigrrl - Cetigrrl
- chaoticerotic - We are as Gods here....
- chelseawintle - Chelsea Wintle
- christmasinjuly - Marjaneh (Marjahuh?!?)
- closelobster - denis
- cnjosephyne - cnJosephyne
- coaxme - Laura
- couplandesque - kris
- crashingcleo - Miss Direction
- crimsonkiss - Isolated Secret
- cris - cris
- cycomonkey - Bea Arthur's Posse
- daedalink - daedalink
- danceofdeath - a former angel; since fallen into the abyss
- dannychaos - Danny Chaos' Chaos
- darcylove - Duckie Dale's Duckette
- davysdiary - David
- dayglo - Sarah Hamblin
- deepbluedream - Something Vague
- deftlystumbling - Ryan Lockhart
- delve - Christian
- detectiveni - T. Afkatc
- dicebumlets - Shelly
- differentclass - whatev.
- divinecomedies - uh-oh vincent van morgan
- djpekky - A Feminist Latin American Hindu
- dmaster - it is now the witching hour
- doctorbob - will the evil genius/crazy bastard
- doctorno - Jimmy Modern
- driftwood - hardcore bean
- dross - dross
- ebbtide - lis
- eclipse69 - Blackout Rides Again
- eelzrool - david lee
- effectivezero - W-w-w-w-w-WIPE OUT!
- ehplus - veritatis simplex oratio est
- eilis40 - the myopic sunflower
- eirephile - eirephile
- elastica - Dagny
- electriccat - Queen Fubara
- engbiao - random_random
- equality53000 - Amanda
- ethereal - stacy
- eurochild - miss jessica
- evilliciousgirl - shy flirt xoxo <3
- evilshoegazer - Blurred Reality
- f15h - keiji-
- farechicken - the slow decent into alcoholism
- febble - astronaut adam
- femmefatality - japanimation creation
- ferretboi - Matthew C.R. Ardill
- fivealive - Julie
- for_now - vicky
- four20 - Joe
- freakforhire - Natasha
- freecupcakes - JeN
- frozenlull - Kristen
- fugacious - cellar door
- futureboy - favourite fallen idol
- fuzzboxboy - bOydecOy
- galaxina - The Effects of Solar Radiation on Moon-Based Girls
- gavinthebrit - Jennifer
- geekber - Amber Nickel
- geminio - Geminio
- germanovich - Наташа
- giddytrace - Gideon
- ginandtonics - Gin&Tonics
- girlvinyl - Cotton Candy Explosion!
- girlyskin - girlyskin
- glam0urpuss - Jordan
- glambat - Hidden Sin
- glimmertwin - i'd rather be dylan mckay
- glitterbrat - sourvelvet
- glitterfox - Daniel
- gothicgeshia - GothicGeshia
- govynda - calluna vulgaris
- graciejs - not gracie
- groupofone - Group Of One
- grrwoo - Music. Mania. Mashed Potatoes.
- gwenhwyfar24 - Gwenhwyfar24
- ha_ha_high_babe - ha_ha_high_babe
- hamachi - grace
- harukalioncourt - A fountain of blood in the shape of a girl
- head_boy - astro boy
- hearnoevil - Mrs. Arnolfini Gets Knocked Up
- hfrogg451 - Parnoid Android
- hifimod - Hifimod
- hoborenee - Renee
- hotpinkglare - w-h-i-t-n-i--------
- hunnyandpumpkin - Hunny and Pumpkin
- ifiwereafish - you might disagree, but it's never been better
- immanentized5 - Robby
- in_my_shoes - pioneer of aerodynamics
- indiecool - P.F.
- indiegirl38 - indiegirl
- indievixen - Cigarette Girl in the Sizzle Hot Pants
- internalxternal - nerdygirl
- internautte - too young to fall asleep
- intheglasshouse - Shoegazer,DreamPop,Indie,Emo,DownTempo,Electronica
- intothedream - Janette
- iramoved - Ira Moved
- irisheyedkris - Kristen
- isolation - James
- izador - Louis
- jabberwocky23 - Casey
- janae - Janae
- javakid - JavaKid
- jaymin - Jaymin
- jeejee - JeeJee
- jeez_louise - louise
- jellyan - gill
- jennever - Jennifer
- jessilicious - NEU!sy
- jhen - jhen
- jjostm - John J. O'Sullivan™
- jnce - velvetongue
- joesbrokenheart - Mellisa
- joevernon - Joe
- jordanleigh - Jordan
- jot - Jess
- jubilee1182 - Veronica
- julieliveshere - Julie
- junkdna - junkdna
- k_wedge - Wedge
- kenicky - Julius Seizure
- kent_s - Kent
- kevininatutu - geometria
- khursten - Khursten Santos
- kimchi_girl - kimchi_girl
- kirk1701 - Chuckles
- kitschy - Stephanie Says
- kittygomeow - meow
- kittykat - Meg
- kmon - Zingo!
- kraex - ywfn
- krystalwrists - KrystalWrists
- kurisuchi - Kurisuchi
- kz - kz
- lacomediedivine - Miss Kenza
- lady_steerpike - six feet under
- lalalaini - laini
- lallabelle - The Patron Saint of Mediocrity
- lava - lowell
- lazaurus - Lazaurus
- lemonzinger - sizzleteen
- lesh - celibate priest
- libralady - i am not permanent
- liferecorder - Christian Arzberger
- likeaclown - Rick Diesel
- lilabailey - Polly Prissy Pants
- lipstickkillers - Boi
- lipstickred - sun child
- listensilence - ListenSilence
- liveinjapan - louise
- lizzka - elle eye double zee
- londonfog - Mrs. Badcrumble
- loria - loria
- lorienbiznitch - another girl's paradise
- lovemaster - Ron W.
- lucinatrivia - Lorelei
- lue - lue
- luffly - Bettie Brass
- lukkke - Adigi
- lunaimee - Beloved Cognac
- lunarpollen - The mysterious pollinator
- lustra - lustra
- m3g - Optimistake
- macgrrl - Zoe
- macslut - Ugee
- madchenfittz - Orlando has returned.
- madglitters - Mad
- maheesa - maheesa
- majikali - The Universe, in my hands
- maniclise - Tastes Like Happy!
- manonearth - Man On Earth
- maribel_muse1 - maribel_muse1
- marineta - Mina Cobarde
- markjumblie - MarkJumblie
- marsden_wall - Drew's Diary
- matadorfuego - Killer Disbeez
- measle - faded seaside glamour
- melo_music - bird about to fire out a sprog
- merrily - Merrily
- mesmerize77 - Mesmerize
- michellerocks - Michelle Suzanne
- midgetpop - midgetpop
- mijafrodust - Erin
- mindloop - mindloop
- minimalism - Your world is made of edges and corners.
- missfox - miss fox
- missjessyjessy - missjessyjessy
- missmodular - Jagged Thoughts
- mistakency - lie in the sound
- mitayai - Will Mitayai Keeso Rowe
- mjrudegirl - Dalana
- mmeclodagh - Lilly
- moderntime - fiofio
- modlass - Leilani
- modworld - Martha Barton
- modysoul - Girl About Town
- mojograham - Captain Seph Rackham
- mondayx2 - Monday
- moriae - Moriae
- morrisseydork - OMGLOLZZZZZZ!!!!!1
- motel6 - Jo
- mrgone - weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
- mslexotan - .::Flavia::.
- mupstasia - Mupstasia
- my_ophelia - Ophelia
- myheartbursts - jennifer
- narcissus - Teek
- nebulae - Nebulae
- nermil - I am … Sancho
- nertles - j-lo
- nikkiij - .::20.::69::.
- ninjabee - ninja bee
- ninostarr - stephen
- nothing - panic manual
- nrdysweaterkid - James
- oasisfan - Xtina 2004 The Musical Experience!
- oasisgal - ~*oasisgal*~
- odd_dog - poetwee
- oochywoochy - Angelique
- ozonatedrain - jen
- paleangel - Arsenic & Apple Pie
- palerecluse - pale
- pampam - pamela
- patty_puke - oceans fall and mountains drift
- pelletgirl - Selina
- peridot - (up yo' nose)
- pierrotlefou - Shining from the North
- pinup - Jenna
- plasticglamour - Count Rockula
- plastixidol - jonathan
- polaroidtrash - edna murray
- politiciandiva - ...i'm the focus of the bring down...
- pop_scene - Manderz Maru
- popbitch - two way monologue
- porcelain72 - The Word Girl
- poshgurl1 - [[ crush ]]
- princessdebbie - Debbie
- prisstine - prisstine
- pulpspy - Bond, Jeremy Bond
- pulptart - The last of the famous international arseholes
- punkfilmgeek - punkfilmgeek
- puzzle - Michael
- qiaosi - Charzie
- quasi_unstrung - J to tha Izzo
- queenitsy - Itsy
- quodlibetic - weather with you
- radiatorhums - Anna
- ragdoll - Pariah Carey
- raisingrrl - ***ms. JULIES'ruined***
- ramaustin - Four More Years: GWB
- rambert - another hog at the internet trough
- raptorgirl - Raptorgirl
- rebelfunkstress - Another girl, another planet
- redsugar - redsugar
- reefhussy - Sotalia
- renwick - Renwick Vel Eros
- revderek - Derek Wildstar
- rheamatic - rheamatic
- rien - ryan michael painter
- rinnie_o - Erin
- riotdorrrk - riotdorrrkz riot
- roasis - rossy p.
- rockunroll - that bitch!
- roquetin - oh! on the run around run around
- roxyfreefall - Radiophonic Oddity
- ryashine - ryashine
- sallycinnamon - the future mrs.I.Brown
- sarahjewel - Sarah Jewel
- sarahshady - sarah's waiting...
- scarlet13 - Scarlet13
- schnookiemuffin - Joy
- secretaffair77 - Michael
- serpent_sky - the scarlet bitch
- seven_starlight - constellation starlight
- seveng - Operator 7G
- sexispersonal - Patsy
- shakespearssis - Shakespear's Sister
- shaktii - Shaktii
- shampu - mireia
- shelovesjurgen - confessions of a pig-tailed liberal constructivist
- sherabob - Chrystyne
- sheva07 - Andriy Shevchenko
- shoegazeca - The Spanglemaker
- shoegazed - ♡ ain't no woman like a southern girl
- shoegazer_78 - Danie| Aaron Trotta
- sickgirl23 - SickGirl23
- silenthalo - Moonbeams and wicked dreams
- simonlebon - gillian
- smampy - Born of frustration
- sockgirl - cornflake girl
- soledad - dujour
- sooooz - Badda Poosan
- soulsav3r - wheels
- soulstylebyrd - You smell like as...paragus
- spa - S.P.A
- spacegirl226 - hayley backslider
- sparkleshine - Amber
- splendor - sweetness and light
- spookysqueaktoy - snow on snow
- spychick007 - the MMC
- squaresnow -
- starblitz - Syat Safran
- starblower - Shira, you're barely alive
- stargazingangel - the enigma, dancing in the poison rain
- starsign - michelle
- starstar89 - [ s t Å r ]
- stereogum - stereogum
- stoppedclock - LalaLindsay
- stoprockroll - alice stevens
- strangegrrl - StrangeAngel
- streetspirit76 - libraries gave us power
- stuckinny - Stuck In New York
- subculture - l'esprit de l'escalier
- sugartwins - oh the cleverness of you
- suki7 - Ashley
- summerb - the wrong girl
- sundaesmile - Emmy
- supermanskivvie - Bluetonic
- sushi_su - Kiri
- tctc_love_me - Rhys
- techn0colour - I am jack's intermitten ambition
- techs - Tony
- teknobitch - 1R3n3 Own5 j00
- the_lonely - princess moodysson
- thea_is_god - Thea
- thebitterestpil - sex and violence?
- thebluegirl - BlueGirl
- thekunkster - A Cosby Sweater
- thelastwonkabar - Winter in Narnia
- thelichen - Jenny
- theobscure - gone but the joke's the same
- trede - Tredanse Brace Saberhagan
- trixigrrl - jessi
- tuffcookie - «(V) ë £ ì § § ª»
- turkishpirate - daddy's little income tax deduction
- twinstar1979 - Twinstar**
- u16_girl - nobody girl
- ubik - Ubik
- uhnu - uhnu
- uko_chan - Uko
- unicut - Венди Мойра Энджела Дарлинг
- unitedflow - _flow_
- unsung - I, Kelbot
- vampiress144 - ♥ 'ello poppet! ♥
- vast91 - the V A S T InterZone
- veganine - Vega 9
- veggierock - havoc
- versonic - Marti
- vintagelife - the boy with the scorn in his side
- violane - Keri
- violetangst - cartoon hero
- virginiaplain - virginia plain
- vital - Lindsey
- vmydarkstar - V
- vvvespagrrrl - the triumph of hope over experience
- wadeinthewater - Wade
- warmheartcold - Warm-Heart Cold
- wazwazwaz - Warwick
- weasledude - adrian!
- weheartshyboys - Amanda and Rebecca
- whattavick - victoria
- wheresjadeyb - _jadey xx
- whirl - Karen Morgan
- witold - witold riedel
- wonderwall - Katja
- writergeekgirl - I'm not obsessing. I'm just curious.
- xenia - Xenia
- xfranticx - Frantic
- xiane - You pronounce it "Zye-ann"
- xpolystyrenex - Runs with Scissors: Jordyn
- xwhyyou - Misanthropy
- xxrobotxx - xxrobotxx
- yellowbrick86 - Christine
- zeppo - Sarah
- ziggymeg - ZiggyMeg