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Act fast on chest pain to preserve heart
  Quick treatment needed for common, severe attack
Air pollution linked to heart disease
  Soot from traffic is a serious risk factor, study concludes
Another artificial heart implanted
  Patient in critical but stable condition
Should cholesterol drugs go over-the-counter?
Gene variant may reduce risk of heart problems
Study: Blacks, high blood pressure
Study: Cholesterol levels change with seasons
Heart disease an overlooked global problem
Off-pump heart bypass surgery effective
Hormone may cut risk of heart attack
Girl who received heart pump implant dies
Heart patients have shorter hospital stays
Defibrillators now required on airliners
Inside the 'first family' of heart disease
New drug may fight deadly heart rhythm
New drug may boost good cholesterol
In an emergency, skip mouth-to-mouth
Software may predict heart attack risk
Latest heart disease test may not be helpful
New treatment for congestive heart failure
Stress can trigger fatal heart rhythm
Moderate drinking may lower heart death risk
Medicare may cover implanted defibrillators
FDA advisors recommend artificial heart
Questions remain about artificial heart
Women's heart attacks tied to blood pressure
Women get less aggressive heart treatment
Cutting cholesterol improves heart attack odds
Drug-coated stents aid in angioplasty
Folate may reduce heart disease, strokes
Group seeks ban on cholesterol drug
Tantrums linked to male heart problems
Home blood pressure tests may have benefits
Ten grams of fiber daily cuts heart risks
Study may lead to new cholesterol drugs
Cholesterol drugs may fight heart failure
Chocolate gets to the heart of the matter
Deadly gene linked to heart attacks
New guidelines on women and heart disease
New marker may help identify heart risks
Melatonin may lower blood pressure
Drug may boost cardiac arrest survival
New risks associated with bypass surgery
Air pollution increases heart risks
Blood protein linked to hypertension
FDA against broader aspirin use
Aspirin found cost-effective for heart
First heart attack gene found
Statins may soon be sold over counter
Hidden stress underlies heart attacks
Public defibrillators saving lives
Body’s own cells can repair heart
Doctors fail to give basic heart care
Ephedra diet pill may raise heart risk
Improving heart health for the poor
Is chemical a sign of heart disease?
New surgery may help heart ailment
Fatigue an early sign of heart attack?
Caring for grandkids


Heart attack
Anatomy of a heart attack

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