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Career Clinic

Time to shut up
01 June 2004

Q I always say the wrong thing in interviews. Last time, I blurted out how the receptionist looked like Ruby Wax as I sat down and the panel just stared at me.

Careful what you ask for
01 June 2004

Q If I ask my bosses for family-friendly hours, could I make up the time at lunch, or are they likely to reduce my money?

Sacked with a smile?
01 June 2004

Q I've been promoted and almost immediately told that I will be involved in implementing job cuts. Some of the targets are colleagues I've worked with for years. Is there a 'nice' way to tell someone they've lost their job?

I (don't) know my rights
26 May 2004

Q I want to find out more about unfair dismissal, not because I have a grievance, but something dodgy happened to a friend recently and I'd like to be better informed.

Employment Market

Industry lobbies for 'get-out' clauses in Pensions Bill
22 May 2004

A group of leading business trade bodies, led by the National Association of Pension Funds and British Venture Capital Association, is to work towards securing a House of Lords amendment to the Pensions Bill, after it spotted several clauses which could leave shareholders and directors responsible for under-funded company pension schemes.

Passport to see the world
20 May 2004

Although tourism took a knock after September 11, the industry is growing again. Pamela Townsend explains how you can train for a job in travel

Can I help you help yourself?
20 May 2004

Occupational therapists can transform people's lives. Caitlin Davies looks at what you need to enter the profession

Lights! Camera! Action!
13 May 2004

For most people, getting into the movies is as much about chance as talent. But next year, a network of academies will provide a way in, says Jim Kelly


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