Because I suddenly wondered what might come up on a search for mariachi monkey, that's why.
Jeff Goldblum is watching you poop.
(via Adampsyche. Also, I can't decide if this should go under "Stupid Internet Memes," "The Art of Poo-Flinging," or "Disturbing.")
Last night after a wonderful keilbasa supper, I sat joyfully waiting for the first weekday of my vacation to begin. Sadly around two A.M. , the teeth on the right side of my jaw began to hurt. Actually it was more like someone was crushing them with pliers. So as soon as I could I dragged my self to the dentist three blocks down, where after writhing in the waiting room for an hour, I recieved the first leg of an emergency root canal. It's all that Pocky and Mars Bars come back to haunt me. I'm also amazed at the calm of dental professionals in these situations.
So here I sit, home alone in my scivvies, numb-lipped and waiting for the company of my fellow monkeys.
Olly olly oxenfree!
Come out come out wherever you are!
We know you're out there, checking in every day--or every week. You've learned our names, our favorite books and movies and drinks. You know our darkest secrets and Jpoulos's most perverse sexual quirks. We know you've been lurking there all along.
Now it's time to make yourself known. Pop in and say hi. For one thread only, we'll waive the humiliating initiation ritual. We won't ask any embarrassing questions, or splatter you with anything...unwholesome. We just want you to make yourselves known.
Let's hear from the lurkers!
Well, the big day isn't until Saturday, but traffic is way down on weekends 'round these parts, and Cowboy_Sally deserves lotsa hits for her very own birthday thread. Best wishes!