mind-numbing is changing.
Here's the sitch:
I've never been happy with the way this site has worked. This site has never had a decent (or consistent) identity as my posts have bounced in and out of notes from my life to smatterings of academic drivel sandwiched in between pointless political rants.
Now some would argue that's just how I am: point for their team.
However, that doesn't make for an interesting website to read or run. I'm not 100% on the details, but I'm pretty sure I'll be extracting all the juicy academic bits and injecting them into their own special host, much like a virus replicates itself.
That will leave this humble site for boring personal anecdotes, wrongheaded ranting and cat pictures. Mainly the last one if you behave.
Or this could just be severe lack of sleep and some bad refried beans talking.