June 11, 2004

Sergeant Hook Rocks!

I was finally able to get over to Hook's place last night and the good First Sergeant is writing some really great posts. Jaffy, Mission Day, and Another Day In The Stan are excellent articles about what it's like to be a Soldier in Afghanistan.

If I were a publisher, I'd be very interested in Hook, Missick, and other milbloggers overseas...

June 11, 2004 | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

June 10, 2004


Bryan sent this link to a great story. It provides some counter-weight to the negativity of the last post.

Reagan, the Marines, and a Boy
On a spring day in 1983, Marine Staff Sergeant Robert Menke was waiting for a hot enlistment prospect he had talked to on the phone. Hunched over paperwork in the Corps' Huntington Beach California recruiting station, Menke heard the front door open and looked up. In came a boy in a motorized wheelchair, followed by his father. Menke noted the boy's frail body and thin arms. "Can I help you?" he asked.

"Yes," the boy answered firmly. "My name is John Zimmerman."

It took the startled Marine a moment to realize that this was indeed his prospect. "I'm Staff Sergeant Menke," he said, shaking his visitor's small hand. "Come on in."

Menke, a shy man, uncomfortable with recruiting, quickly found himself captured by the articulate thirteen year old youth with an easy, gap-toothed grin. For more than an hour they spoke -of training and overseas assignments and facing danger. The kid loved the Marine Corps. Not a word was exchanged about the younger Zimmerman's condition or the wheelchair...

You can read the rest of this amazing story here.

June 10, 2004 | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)

If Only I Lived In New Jersey...

Remember Eric Bumrich? Yeah, that guy - the one who made commercials for Dennis Tin-Foil-Hat Kucinich. His latest stunt is to hold a party to denigrate the passing of Ronald Reagan. It's by invitation and I'll be surprised if anyone actually shows up - if only I lived in New Jersey. Here's what Bumrich wrote:

    ...Friday will be the day they finally toss Reagan's lifeless corpse into the ground- traditionally- this will be a day of national mourning. I would like to counter this, with an evening of national celebration.

    I invite everyone who can come, to Tierney's Tavern, at 106 Watchung Avenue, Montclair, New Jersey, at 10:00 PM, to spend an evening celebrating the departure of one of the 20th century's most infamous, destructive, and heartless criminals to the stygian depths of hell.

For some reason, I hear Admiral Akbar yelling, "It's a trap!". I don't know if that place even exists. Bumrich wants people to email him to RSVP.

Anyway, I absolutely do not condone violence so don't go wasting your time trying to give Bumrich a blackeye. If you're in Jersey and you want to really piss him off, it would be interesting to organize a counter-Bumrich party at the same place to celebrate the life of Ronald Reagan - that would really set that guy off.

Oh, BTW, it's radical, left-wing knuckleheads like Bumrich that give liberals a maligned name. The same kind of people that Annika has posted about...

[Thanks to Eric S. for sending the info]

June 10, 2004 | Permalink | Comments (12) | TrackBack (2)

Good News From Iraq

By now, you've heard of rescues, captured terrorists, and other martial successes this week - however, there's a lot more happening that you should know about.

Arthur Chrenkoff has posted the latest installment in his Good News From Iraq series. It's well worth your time to read the whole post.

June 10, 2004 | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)

A Marine Remembers the Reagans

This is an email from a retired Marine who has one interesting observation about the Reagans:

When the Reagan's were in the White House, the President and Mrs Reagan treated all military personnel with the highest respect, without regard to rank. I know this through our long contacts with Marine Barracks Washington, who perform many White House duties, and our relationship with Marine Security Company, NSF.

During every Christmas holiday, for the eight years they were in the White House, the President and his wife would give each Marine stationed at Camp David, eight, personal, White House Christmas cards. They would sign each card themselves, with a ball point pen, to assure they really did sign them, and not a machine.

They would then tell the Marines that they could sell seven of the cards and hopefully get enough money to pay for travel expenses to get home for Christmas. They added that they hoped the Marines would keep one of the cards for themselves, to remember the Reagan's.

Our thoughts and prayers are with President Reagan, his family, and the entire country.

Mr President, you were truly one of the good guys, and Semper Fi

June 10, 2004 | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

June 09, 2004

French *cough* Intellectualism

So, everybody is getting cozy at the G8 summit in Georgia. Here's some comments from Reuter's:

Bush Sees Possible NATO Role for Iraq, Not Chirac <...> We believe NATO ought to be involved," Bush said, but added: "There's going to be some constraints, obviously. A lot of NATO countries are not in a position to commit more troops."

Chirac told a news conference he did not think it was the "mission" of NATO to intervene in Iraq.

"Nor do I think it would be relevant or well-understood in Iraq," he said, adding that he would be willing to consider the idea if the interim government due to take over in Iraq on June 30 requested it.

But Chirac and fellow G8 member Gerhard Schroeder of Germany, who both strongly opposed the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq last year, reported a warm diplomatic atmosphere at the summit.

"There has been a remarkable change in the American foreign policy," said the German chancellor. U.S. officials described Bush's meeting with Schroeder on Tuesday as the warmest between the two leaders in more than a year.

"American colleagues understood they have to play ball and they did play ball," said Chirac.
Chirac said he wanted to be sure that it did not appear to be a G8 attempt to impose Western-style democracies on Arab and Muslim states.

"We feel in France that reform cannot be imposed from the outside," he said...

That's a funny comment about reforming a country by getting rid of a fascist dictator coming from...um...FRANCE!

Hey, Jaques-dude, do you recall June 6, 1944? You just celebrated the sixtieth anniversary. And, what about reform inside of Germany - circa 1945-1955? Perhaps, he should have rephrased his last comment (or added ..."as long as we're getting rich off of the Oil for Food program").

Chirac is absolutely one of the most utterly arrogant men of our time.

June 9, 2004 | Permalink | Comments (9) | TrackBack (1)

You've Been Drafted

There's been a lot of turmoil over the possibility of a military draft. Mostly, a lot of left-wing periodicals are claiming that, if Bush is re-elected, a military draft will be instated. Some politicians have been calling for a draft as a means to generate discussion about the committment of Americans on the War on Terror.

Military draft idea simply will not die
Pauline Jelinek - Associated Press

WASHINGTON - No matter what the Pentagon says, the idea of restarting the military draft never seems to go away.

Defense officials say they don't want it. And polls show the American public doesn't either. So why do lawmakers keep suggesting that conscription be reconsidered?
Analysts say there are two main reasons the idea keeps coming back. One is that even with its 1.4 million active-duty volunteers and thousands more reservists, the United States seems to have too few troops for the wars it is fighting.

The other is a kind of guilt that the cost of the wars is being paid by very few Americans, analysts said...

Ask any combat military person (any branch) if they want a draft. Chances are that they'll say, "Hell no!"

I wouldn't want a draftee in a foxhole next to me. I'd want a volunteer. Why?

You tend to be more motivated to fight and take care of each other if you volunteered rather than were forced to serve your country. If there were a draft, the first thing I would tell any of my friends that were still in the military would be to volunteer for Airborne, Ranger, Special Forces, etc. training. Join a force where everyone volunteers and you're chances of surviving conflict will be much better.

I enlisted ten years after the Viet Nam war ended. We still had left-over draftee dregs. I wouldn't want to see a draft return and ruin our all-volunteer force.

That's beside the point because every last one of us has already been drafted...on September 11th, 2001. Some people just don't get it. The Draft isn't the issue. We must take care of our military - THAT'S THE ISSUE!

A last thought that you should consider in discussing the draft: Do we have a military force that is worthy of us and does our force have a country worthy of it?

The answer must be yes to both questions or we will fail. It's that simple.

June 9, 2004 | Permalink | Comments (23) | TrackBack (1)

Media Bias - Spinning The Good News Into Bad

Stephen Green, the Vodkapundit, was probably first to post about Special Forces soldiers rescuing hostages in Iraq. Still no word about Private Maupin.

Here's a related article that made me think about the media spin...notice the title and sub-title (never mind the reporter's name):

European Hostages Rescued In Iraq
Scattered Blasts Kill Civilians, 7 Troops

By Jackie Spinner
Washington Post Staff Writer

U.S.-led forces freed three Italian security contractors and a Polish businessman held captive at a hideout south of Baghdad on Tuesday, U.S. officials said. It was the first known military operation aimed at rescuing civilian hostages since insurgents began targeting foreigners for kidnapping in mid-April.

A new round of car bomb attacks on Tuesday killed at least 11 Iraqis and a U.S. soldier, the military said. In a separate incident, the Associated Press reported that six European soldiers -- two Poles, three Slovaks and a Latvian -- were killed when munitions they were carrying on a truck exploded on a road south of Baghdad.
This is a great day for the released hostages, for the families, for Italy, for all of us," said Gianludovico de Martino, Italy's ambassador to Iraq.

Adam Wielgosz of Poland called the rescue a "very, very good example of the cooperation in the fight of terrorism also here in Iraq."...

Don't you hate it when the media puts the good news with the bad news? We have a success underlined with a defeat - that happens a lot. Start looking for it and I'm sure you'll see a lot more.

How come we never see it the other way around? - with the titles and sub-titles like these:

    Abu Ghraib Scandal Affects Chain of Command
    Army rebuilds ten Baghdad schools and hires one thousand Iraqis

I think we all know why...

June 9, 2004 | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (1)

June 08, 2004

Voice Of A Blogger - Mr. Green

Mr. Green sends me a voice mail a few times per week. We used to work together in the Information Technology Department at a large Fortune 100 company. Well, I wouldn't call it work so much as acting busy...

For a long time now, I've thought about posting his messages. The latest one is below. Maybe, I'll respond.
[Note01: If you can, please save the MP3 file before listening to save me bandwidth - Right Click -> Save Target As]
[Note02: Foul language has been bleeped - so it's safe]

"We've Got To Stop Killing People, Matt!"

June 8, 2004 | Permalink | Comments (24) | TrackBack (3)

Navy Working In Fallujah

Here's one for the Sailors:

Seabees, Marines Work to Improve Iraqis' Lives

CAMP FALLUJAH, Iraq -- Navy Seabees recently began training young Iraqis through an innovative program called Iraqi Construction Apprentice Program.

The program teaches construction skills the Iraqis can take back to their communities to foster self-sufficiency and a more prosperous future.

Officials say the program, along with more than $100 million in contracts the Marines have awarded or are managing throughout western Iraq, will go a long way in helping to rebuild the country.

Much of the money is going toward improving water treatment plants, city infrastructure, roads and various other structures, including soccer stadiums, schools, and hospitals to improve stability and quality of life for the Iraqi people.

Officials said these contracts provide employment for hundreds of Iraqis.

Seabee operations in Iraq have helped clear rubble and rebuild infrastructure. More than 450 reservist Seabees - about 40 percent of the Seabees deployed in this area - are helping to carry out these operations.

I said before that, when Habib is too tired from working all day to pick up a rifle at night and try to get bounty money for killing Americans, and when Mrs. Habib doesn't want her gravy train to get killed, we will have made real progress towards peace in Iraq.

Looks like we're on the right track in Fallujah thanks to the Seabees, Marines, and Spirit of America.

June 8, 2004 | Permalink | Comments (4) | TrackBack (3)

The Attempt to Diminish a Legacy

John Hawkins at Right Wing News has a post about those (media, bloggers, etc.) who are taking pot shots at Ronald Reagan before he's even in the ground. Pawatwoop sent me the Ted Rall blog piece about Reagan. Ted Rall has the innate ability to make me dislike him more than Michael Moore (and that's tough to do, Ladies and Gentlemen). Russ at TacJammer has some words for Ted. (Ted's site is no longer accessible for some strange reason - but here's the Google cache of his blog if you want to read his drivel.)

A few days ago, I posted Ronald Reagan's last letter to the public. If that letter doesn't show the courage, optimism and class of the man, then I don't know what would...

No matter what these detractors do, they won't reduce the Legend of Reagan. Sure, the man had faults. He was not perfect and he made some bad decisions. I believe that Ronald Reagan was one of the best Presidents of the last century. He was a leader with moral clarity. He was a dreamer who believed in the potential for good in everyone - including Ted Rall.

When Ted Rall's ashes are scattered to the winds, no one will bother to care. So much for Ted's legacy.

June 8, 2004 | Permalink | Comments (10) | TrackBack (1)

Chalupas Don't Kill People, People Kill People!

It's time we had a law to regulate the illegal ownership and use of Chalupas...

Man Charged With Chalupa Assault

DES MOINES, Iowa - A man who claimed he didn't get the taco he paid for has been charged with assault for allegedly pelting a Taco Bell clerk in the face with a chalupa.

Nancy Harrison told police she was working the drive-through Thursday night when Christopher Lame, 24, ordered some food.

He later came into the store, complaining he didn't get the taco he had ordered, police records say. Harrison said that when she asked for a receipt, he went back to his car and brought back the bag.

Harrison said she told him the store was closing, and as she turned away, a chalupa hit her in the face near her right eye. She said she ran into the parking lot and took down the license number as the motorist was driving away...

Okay, it's time we put a stop to the insanity and illegalize the use of Chalupas - there's no reason for a reasonable person to have a Chalupa in their car or their home for anything other than dinner. I also heard a rumor that Colt was going to make an automatic Chalupa slapper. What reason would you have to own one of those except to slap people with Chalupas?!

I also blame violent video games for this, too (I heard Rock Star Games was going to come out with Chalupa Slapper where you rack up points for style and velocity when slapping innocent civilians with Chalupas).

If we don't make a stand against the illegal use of Chalupas, who will?

Update: Per Teresa, I just registered and received my COID - Chalupa Owner's ID (click picture for bigger image).


June 8, 2004 | Permalink | Comments (27) | TrackBack (3)

Welcome Home! - Colorado Springs Citizens Know How It's Done

Mrs. Scott sent an email to tell me that there were about 70,000 to 80,000 people that gathered in Colorado Springs for a Welcome Home Parade for the troops.

Springs streets fill for troops’ homecoming

Tens of thousands of people filled downtown sidewalks Saturday morning, bellowing “thank you,” waving American flags and cheering for troops marching in Colorado Springs’ Welcome Home Parade.

Residents turned out en masse to celebrate its servicemen and women. Organizers estimated 80,000 people lined the streets for the two-hour parade through the heart of downtown.

Spectators wore red-white-and-blue hats, ribbons, shirts and pants. They carried signs for the troops, cried and cheered wildly as each squadron marched by.

The parade under brilliant blue skies featured 6,500 troops, mostly Fort Carson soldiers who fought in Iraq and returned this year. They undoubtedly were the stars of the show, getting wild ovations along every block.

More than 10,000 Fort Carson soldiers were sent to Iraq, and 44 died there.

The parade was appreciated.

“It was awesome,” said Sgt. Daniel Stull of the 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment. “It was a great experience to have this done for us. It’s probably something I’ll end up telling my grandchildren about.”

Continue reading "Welcome Home! - Colorado Springs Citizens Know How It's Done"

June 8, 2004 | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)

June 07, 2004

Who Is Teaching Your Children?

Smash finds out, and it ain't pretty. Two High School History teachers are part of (and leaders of) the International Socialist Organization. Smash met them at an anti-USA rally in California.

Do you want them teaching your kids?

My wife is a History teacher. Her mother is a teacher. The stories that I hear from both of them about how History teachers are ignoring lesson goals and teaching their own virulent anti-Bush drivel is disheartening. I even offered to debate one History teacher about Iraq...in front of his class. He chickened out.

The lesson in all of this is to stay engaged with your kids and their teachers.

June 7, 2004 | Permalink | Comments (36) | TrackBack (0)

The Iraq You Don't Hear About

Since the London Sunday Times articles are mostly subscription only, I'll post the entire article here. It's via US Marine Lieutenant General Fred McCorkle. Thanks, sir!

The Iraq We Don't Hear About Obsessed by bombs and bullets, the West ignores a political renaissance, says Amir Taheri, newly returned from Iraq

In London the other day the Iraqi national football team met a team made up of MPs, mostly opponents of the war, for a friendly match.

The Iraqis won 15-0.

Six months ago the team did not even exist. But in August, after defeating several opponents, including Iran and Saudi Arabia, the men will stand to attention as Iraq’s new flag is raised at the Olympic games in Athens.

Iraq today is no bed of roses, I know. I have just come back from a tour of the country. But I don’t recognise the place I have just visited as the war zone depicted by the Arab and western media.

Continue reading "The Iraq You Don't Hear About"

June 7, 2004 | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack (1)

French *cough* Kindness - Part 1

Ray D. of David's Medienkritik went to Paris to see what the Parisians had in mind to commemorate D-Day (Part 1).

He blogged his experience and took pictures of the protest signs - some affirming solidarity with the Iraqi Resistance (where were these people when Saddam was killing the REAL Iraqi resistance).

Things went well until the police showed up (Part 2) to take away a blogger, Erik of No Pasaran!, singing America The Beautiful.

June 7, 2004 | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)

The Cigar Marine and Don King

A few weeks ago I had posted a story about the Cigar Marine, Staff Sergeant Nick Popaditch.

Britton sent me this great story about Nick Popaditch and Don King, and, since I hadn't heard about it before, I tried getting more information from the US Marine Corps. It looks like the Marines pulled this story (which appears to be legit from several sources). It isn't on their site and google referrals for the title turn up 404 error messages; however, Google has it cached exactly like the email that I received from Britton. Possibly, someone at the fight or Don King himself didn't want it known that the Marines got tickets and the royal treatment?

Anyway, here is the story (I added the photos from the Google cached page) of Marine Staff Sergeant Nick Popaditch, the Cigar Marine, meeting Don King.

Combat Center Marines, Doc, part of the 'Main Event'
Story by Sgt. Jennie E. Haskamp

MARINE CORPS AIR GROUND COMBAT CENTER Twentynine Palms, Calif.(May 15, 2004) -- I am not a boxing fan. Before May 13, I didn't even know who Roy Jones Jr. and Antonio Tarver were. The only fight I'd ever watched was Trinidad vs. De La Hoya-the first time they fought.

That all changed with a phone call from a man who introduced himself as Steve Brenner and said he worked for a boxing promoter named Don King. I said, "Who's Don King?" Seriously, I did. If I told you that I didn't immediately know who Don King was, you might not believe me-unless you know me in which case you're probably laughing.

Mr. Brenner gave me a minute to catch up, and then explained that his boss wanted to invite some Marines to the fight that weekend-the fight in question being the much-anticipated Jones Jr. vs. Tarver rematch (something about it being personal this time?)

I asked how many tickets he had in mind, and he asked how many I wanted. I immediately told him about Gunnery Sgt. Nick Popaditch from 1st Tank Battalion who recently returned from Iraq. After a brief description of Gunny Pop's story, I boldly asked Mr. Brenner if we could have a ticket for the gunny and his wife.

Somewhere in the back of my conscience, I knew that asking for two tickets was rude-but I really wanted the gunny's wife to be able to go too.

Mr. Brenner laughed and said, "Well, young lady we had in mind to give you 200 tickets, but we'd certainly like to do something for your gunny. Can my boss call him and speak to him?"

Continue reading "The Cigar Marine and Don King"

June 7, 2004 | Permalink | Comments (9) | TrackBack (4)

June 06, 2004

The Sixtieth Anniversary of D-Day


    "In the final choice, a soldier's pack is not so heavy a burden as a prisoner's chains." - Dwight D. Eisenhower

Welcome to a MilBlogs And Friends Special Edition of the Sixtieth Anniversary of D-Day! On June 6th, 1944, over 150,000 men landed by air and sea in Normandy to liberate Europe from Nazi oppression. Operation Overlord planned for the invasion of the 50-mile stretch of coast to be completed in just 24 hours.

First, I must thank Greyhawk of the Mudville Gazette who brought us all together and provided the graphic above. He's our Eisenhower (or maybe Patton).

Below you will find links to extraordinary bloggers telling the stories of D-Day from their unique perspectives. Instead of term paper descriptions, you'll see the beaches and cliffs of the Normandy coast, you'll read letters of the survivors and hear about the great sacrifices made by our neighbors to the north...and you'll never forget the Greatest Generation.

Let us begin:

[Edit note: This post will stay a the top of Blackfive through June 6th. More links will be added every day through the sixth.]

June 6, 2004 | Permalink | Comments (9) | TrackBack (101)

Courage And Optimism

Here is the last communication of President Ronald Reagan to the world. In 1994, he personally wrote a letter announcing that he had Alzheimer's Disease. There are so many ways to remember President Reagan. With all of the "tear down that wall" and city on the hill quotes you'll be hearing over the next few days, this is one that might get missed and one that you should read:

November 5, 1994

My fellow Americans, I have recently been told that I am one of the millions of Americans who will be afflicted with Alzheimer's disease.

Upon learning this news, Nancy and I had to decide whether as private citizens we would keep this a private matter or whether we would make this news known in a public way. In the past, Nancy suffered from breast cancer and I had my cancer surgeries. We found through our open disclosures we were able to raise public awareness. We were happy that as a result, many more people underwent testing. They were treated in early stages and able to return to normal, healthy lives.

So now we feel it is important to share it with you. In opening our hearts,we hope this might promote greater awareness of this condition. Perhaps it will encourage a clearer understanding of the individuals and families who are affected by it.

At the moment I feel just fine. I intend to live the remainder of the years God gives me on this Earth doing the things I have always done. I will continue to share life's journey with my beloved Nancy and my family. I plan to enjoy the great outdoors and stay in touch with my friends and supporters.

Unfortunately, as Alzheimer's disease progresses, the family often bears a heavy burden. I only wish there was some way I could spare Nancy from this painful experience. When the time comes, I am confident that with your help she will face it with faith and courage.

In closing, let me thank you, the American people, for giving me the great honor of allowing me to serve as your president. When the Lord calls me home, whenever that day may be, I will leave with the greatest love for this country of ours and eternal optimism for its future.

I now begin the journey that will lead me into the sunset of my life. I know that for America there will always be a bright dawn ahead.

Thank you, my friends. May God always bless you.

Ronald Reagan

This letter displays the courage and optimism of the man that was Ronald Reagan. At this point, he hadn't been President for almost 5 years. No speech writer wrote that letter. No editor checked it first. One word was crossed out and the rest of it stood on it's own.

It's the best indicator of Ronald Reagan's heart and soul...which was filled with Courage and Optimism.

June 6, 2004 | Permalink | Comments (7) | TrackBack (1)

Fitness and Photography In Chicago - Part 2

I'm lucky. I live between Michigan Avenue and Lake Michigan. I am two blocks from miles and miles of shoreline and parks.

When I start my run, I'm not lucky enough to have paved German tractor trails like Greyhawk. After a few stoplights, I hit the lakefront.

I run by one of the Canals that empty into the Chicago River (that empties into Lake Michigan). Here's one of my favorite spots - yes, it's a tourist trap, but where else can you listen to Zydeco and Cajun music and drink out of 32oz. Miller Beer Cans?...Dick's Last Resort. Notice the ducks and boats pulling up for a bite to eat (click on thumbnail for larger picture).


Then, I head down to Ohio Street Beach and the lakeshore.


I love to run through Olive Park. It's right off of Ohio Street Beach and next to one of the biggest tourist attractions in Chicago - Navy Pier - yet, it's difficult to find the entrance to it so there's not a lot of people there. I take little Blackfive there for Soccer practice. Olive Park was named for Private First Class Milton L. Olive who was killed in action in Vietnam while with the 173rd Airborne. He received the Medal of Honor.

The pictures are Olive Park, the memorial to Milton Olive, the view of Navy Pier from the Park, and the view of Lake Michigan at the end of Olive Park.


My path turns south towards the locks from the Chicago River into Lake Michigan and the Columbia Yacht Club. Normally, I would continue towards our Museum Campus (Shedd Aquarium, Field Museum, and Adler Planetarium), but today I decided to cut it short.

Here are the locks, the Chicago Police Station for the River and Lake Michigan, and the Columbia Yacht Club (the big ship in the background IS the Club).


I turn back towards home and head up the paths along the Chicago River.


That's about all for now. It was about 3 miles round trip. Maybe, when the weather's nice again (in a month or so!), I'll head down to Grant Park and the Museum Campus.

June 6, 2004 | Permalink | Comments (7) | TrackBack (0)

June 05, 2004

Fitness and Photography In Chicago

Going for a run on the lakeshore. Taking the camera so there might be photos later.

Hopefully, I'll remember breathing control while shooting...

BTW, in relation to Iraq and the anniversary of D-Day, I just heard Chirac say that history does not repeat itself...that's hilarious coming from a country that was invaded by Germany twice in the last century...and bailed out by the allies twice.

June 5, 2004 | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

Time To Pray

MSNBC just announced (7:39 AM CST) that President Ronald Reagan's health is deteriorating and that his doctors believe that he has just days left on this earth.

I know something about Alzheimer's.

Please pray for the Reagan family and for President Reagan.

June 5, 2004 | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack (1)

New Jersey - Tackling the Tough Issues

It's a scandal, I tell you! An OUTRAGE!

Men have been slighted by tavern owners for decades and it's time we did something about it. At least New Jersey is using their valuable resources appropriately in going after the bastards perpetrating this crime...

Ruling states New Jersey taverns may not offer 'ladies night' discounts
The Associated Press
The state's top civil rights official has ruled that taverns cannot offer discounts to women on "ladies nights," agreeing with a man who claimed such gender-based promotions discriminated against men.

David R. Gillespie said it was not fair for women to get into the Coastline nightclub for free and receive discounted drinks while men paid a $5 cover charge and full price for drinks...

In all seriousness, this IS discrimination...against men who want to meet women and women who want to meet men. This is probably the largest non-issue that tax-payer money has been wasted upon...

If David Gillespie is single-handely responsible for the drop in female customers on the night reserved for them, then Moose and Rocco ought to visit him to show him the error of his ways.

The best part about this story (and not in the above article) is that some women's rights groups are claiming that Ladies' Nights help balance the pay disparity between men and women. That's freakin' hilarious. I always just thought that a lot of women are cost conscious (ever see them divide up a tab? How do they fit calculators in those tiny purses?).

And, for once (meaning that it's only happened once), I am happy to be from a state that told the ACLU to stuff it. Illinois ruled that Ladies' Night does not discriminate against men...the judges were probably single.

June 5, 2004 | Permalink | Comments (5) | TrackBack (1)

June 04, 2004

Some Other D-Day and WWII Links

Just in the off chance that you may not have seen some of these other links, I thought I'd share them with you:

    First, if you don't read Steven Den Beste's USS Clueless every day, what the heck is wrong with you?! Sort of kidding...anyway, this post on a fantasy Bush D-Day Speech is an absolute must read. At this point, I'm all for bringing our heroes back home.

    Next, Bill at INDC Journal went to the WWII Memorial Dedication and has pictures and stories galore - here and here.

    The good bloggers of Silent Running are using WWII news clips and spinning them like the media would spin them today. It's one way to show media bias. Well done, SR bloggers, well done. The intro is here and the first post is Roosevelt's Continuing European Folly. Keep checking Silent Running for more liberal spin on President Roosevelt and our efforts in WWII.

June 4, 2004 | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)

June 03, 2004

The Grim Reality Of War and Filmmaking

American Filmmaker, Michael Tucker, lived with the 2/3 Artillery Battalion (1st Armored Division). They are known as the Gunners and lived in Uday's palace. Mr. Tucker recorded their lives - the good AND the bad - for his film Gunner Palace (link is for the film's blog).

Some of it's not easy to stomach and some of it will break your heart. As most veterans will atest, there are many outlets for dealing with stress of combat operations. Music is a big outlet. One thing's for sure, this Quick Time Movie of a Soldier rapping about being an American Soldier in Iraq is kick ass. It's a 6.16 MB file so download it if you have a fast connection.

Also, there is Specialist Wilfenstein's rendition of the Star Spangled Banner atop a building in Baghdad while Little Birds are flying around him. Very Jimmi-esque, the Soldier rocks with sun setting behind him and AK-47 fire in the background.

If these videos and his blog are any indication, Mr. Tucker has an honest film that the Weinsteins would be better served to distribute instead of Fahrenheit 9/11. But then, no one in Hollywood is interested in the truth...

June 3, 2004 | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (2)

Real Soldiers

    "I’m thinking about 12 guys giving the Army a black eye and I’m thinking here I am saving the life of an enemy that just killed one of our own." - Captain (Doctor) John Shaughnessy - Medical Officer, 2nd Battalion, 8th Infantry Regt., 4th Infantry Division

Here is a story that is a MUST READ. Why? Because it paints the picture of what 139,988 Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines, and Coast Guardsmen are doing every day to save the lives of men trying to kill them. The media will want to focus on the other twelve from the Abu Ghraib scandal, but there are many that want you to know about the REAL soldiers that are out there doing right by us.

Jim B. is one of those people - he sent me this link this morning.

The Right Thing to Do
By Tam Cummings

FORT HOOD, Texas, June 2, 2004 — The patrol assignment for Forward Operating Base Cobra that evening was routine. The soldiers would search the towns of Jalula and As Sadiyah, in the Sunni Triangle of northeastern Iraq, for weapons or wanted insurgents.
“It was very, very dark,” 1st Sgt. Herb Silva picks up the story. “You couldn’t see 15 feet. It was overcast, pitch black, no illumination. We conducted patrols in both towns daily. No set pattern, three times a day, sometimes two in the day and one at night, always mixing it up.”

Silva had been sitting in camp, just outside the command post when the radio call confirmed “friendly casualties. The medics were getting spun up,” he said, describing the speed with which the troops responded. “One of my primary functions as a tactician is to get medics to the point of injury and back to the medical station as quickly as possible.”

Silva’s group arrived at the ambush point within six minutes. “I remember looking through the hatch with night vision goggles as we were driving and seeing the Bradleys’ shooting 25 mms (millimeters) with their ‘toot toot toot’ sound and their distinctive tracers.”

“They were still engaged in a firefight when we drove up,” Staff Sgt. Daniel Pimental, the medic who responded with Silva said. “It was bad. The Bradleys were all spaced out. We were concerned about where the casualties were. We ran to where the first Bradley had stopped after it was disabled.”...

Continue reading "Real Soldiers"

June 3, 2004 | Permalink | Comments (28) | TrackBack (1)

June 02, 2004

The Good Of Abu Ghraib

I know it's hard to believe, but some of the fallout over the Abu Ghraib scandal might actually do the public some good.

Phil C. sends this article about government contractor CACI:

CACI faces potential debarment
BY Michael Hardy May 28, 2004

CACI International Inc. could be barred from future federal contracts, following revelations that Army officials hired prison interrogators for Iraq from CACI using a computer services contract that the Interior Department administered.

Now General Services Administration officials have requested additional information from company officials and could potentially debar the firm, CACI officials said....

One of the good things coming out of the Abu Ghraib scandal (aside from stopping the abuse) is that contractors (and their clients) are being scrutinized a lot more now than they ever were before. The fact that a computer consulting contract was used to hire prison interrogators is damning and ought to be examined thoroughly.

June 2, 2004 | Permalink | Comments (4) | TrackBack (0)

Missed Blackmail Opportunity - "Hello Irony!!!"

Daniel, a co-worker of mine, sent this article link with a regret that no one decided to blackmail this guy (major jack@$$):

Outsourced IT staff fingered porn stash banker
By Lucy Sherriff

Porn-surfing bank supremo Michael Soden was caught with his browser down last week by the very same staff he outsourced to HP at the start of his reign at the Bank of Ireland.

Soden hit the headlines last year in Ireland when staff took industrial action in protest of the department's shift to Hewlett Packard. Staff were unhappy about the prospect of becoming HP employees, as they had enjoyed considerable perks at the Bank of Ireland: favourable mortgage and loan deals for instance. Now it seems that he has been forced to resign thanks to the very department which he sent merrily on its way.

Staff informed the bank that they had discovered pornography on Soden's machine on Wednesday last week, during routine maintenance. Soden resigned his post on Saturday, after the internal investigation into the discovery was leaked to the local press.

It would be disingenuous to suggest that the "routine maintenance" was anything other than that, but it's clear that Soden's machine was thoroughly attended to.

The outsourcing move was Soden's second high-profile decision after his appointment as chief executive. His first was to update the acceptable use policy that prohibits staff from accessing porn using company equipment.

Talk about Irony kicking you in the teeth...

June 2, 2004 | Permalink | Comments (4) | TrackBack (5)

Best Ranger Competition

The Best Ranger Comptetion was finished at the end of April and will be aired on ESPN on July 3rd.


The extreme physical and mental competition is to determine the best Ranger two-man team in the world. It's a gruelling sixty hour event that covers sixty miles and twenty nine combat tasks with no time for sleep. All events are timed and points are awarded for each event and sub-event.

It's the original Eco-Challenge, Survivor, and The Amazing Race (my favorite show on tv).

The Best Ranger trophy is now named for Ranger Captain Russell Rippetoe who was killed when he tried to help a pregnant Iraqi woman who was luring him into a trap - when he was close to the woman, the car behind her exploded.

Usually, teams from the Army, Navy and Marines compete; however, the competition is open to the public and cocasionally foreign military teams enter. For example, the winners in 2001 were a Marine and an Army Ranger who teamed (and trained) together.

Over the last few years, fewer teams from the branches have participated due to on-going operations (there was no competition last year). In 2002, 43 teams entered but only 18 finished.

Continue reading "Best Ranger Competition"

June 2, 2004 | Permalink | Comments (5) | TrackBack (0)

Attention Bob Novak - Read This Letter

    "War on paper and war in the field are as different as darkness from light, fire from water, or heaven from earth" - William Faukner, The Little Brick Church

The following is an email (via Seamus) from a Gunnery Sergeant (Gy or GySgt) in Afghanistan who is training the Afghan National Army. He is the Senior Non-Commissioned Officer (SNCOIC) of his Detachment, and his Staff Sergeants (SSgts) help him train the Afghan soldiers. In light of the recent Robert Novak article about how bad things were in Afghanistan, I thought this would be an interesting read:

There are probably many people who have a significantly greater level of education, and there may be people who have "studied" Afghanistan far more than I; and these may be just the thoughts of a Grunt out in the sand...but I thought I would share some insight into the current Afghanistan – and the current status of the Afghan National Army. These thoughts are not endorsed by anyone, and I am not writing them on anyone's behest, save mine -- certainly not with anyone's permission. (Better to beg for forgiveness than to ask for permission).

I'll start with the Afghan National Army (ANA). As part of the Marine Detachment assigned to the ANA as combat advisors; I have spent time on a daily basis with the ANA since 30 April. It does not take long to
determine if the people you are going to train and fight with are worth your time.

These ANA soldiers of the 1st Kandak (Commando Bn) / 3rd Brigade are like having a Bn of PFC's and LCpl's. They want to learn, they want to train, they are human - just like all of us. They work their hearts out to get the mission accomplished and they do it is the harshest of conditions. It has been a pleasure to see them in garrison and in combat (we have done both already) and to see their eagerness to live up to the well earned reputation they have gained thus far.

Continue reading "Attention Bob Novak - Read This Letter"

June 2, 2004 | Permalink | Comments (8) | TrackBack (2)

Who Reads Blogs?

John Hawkins of Right Wing News decided to find out what well-known conservative writers know about blogs. He contacted 100 and had 28 respond with their favorite blogs.

Polling Conservative Opinion Makers About Blogs

June 2, 2004 | Permalink | Comments (8) | TrackBack (0)

June 01, 2004

Novak Gets Hooked

And I don't mean that in a good way.

Greyhawk finds the story and gets the blogosphere stirred up.

Bob Novak, whacko reporter guy, completely misrepresents the 25th Infantry Division's plans and actions in Afghanistan.

The handful of valiant American warriors fighting the ''other'' war in Afghanistan is not a happy band of brothers. They are undermanned and feel neglected, lack confidence in their generals and are disgusted by Afghan political leadership. Most important, they are appalled by the immense but fruitless effort to find Osama bin Laden for purposes of U.S. politics.
The situation in Afghanistan, as laid out to me, looks nothing like a country alleged to be progressing toward representative democracy under American tutelage. Hamid Karzai, the U.S.-sponsored Afghan president, is regarded by the U.S. troops as hopelessly corrupt and kept in power by U.S. force of arms.

Those arms are not what they seem. The basic U.S. strength in Afghanistan is 17,000 troops of ''straight-legged'' infantry -- conventional forces ill-prepared to handle irregulars. The new unit assigned to Afghanistan is the 25th Infantry Division, which has been stationed at Schofield Barracks, Hawaii, and has not seen combat since the Vietnam War...

MilBlogger Sgt. Hook, who just so happens to be in the 25th Infantry Division as a Company First Sergeant, takes issue with Mr. Novak's callous and vague report on the status of the troops in Afghanistan.

As much as I want to respond, Sgt. Hook is uniquely qualified and motivated to answer Mr. Novak's horrible journalism.

Read his response now.

June 1, 2004 | Permalink | Comments (5) | TrackBack (1)

TRIBUTE - Marines In Iraq on Memorial Day

Amy K. sends this speech (complete with photos of the memorial) given by Colonel Craig A. Tucker, USMC, Commander of RCT-7, gave to the Marines at Al Asad, Iraq, honoring Memorial Day. Amy's husband is a Marine Corps Officer with RCT-7.

31 May 2004 - Memorial Day
RCT-7 Memorial Day Service - Al Asad, Iraq


Americans across the globe pause today to remember and honor our nation’s war dead. Back home, in cities, county parks, farming towns, and backyards amidst parades, picnics and speeches our country remembers millions. We gather here today, in a dusty courtyard on an airbase in Iraq, to remember 23.

Continue reading "TRIBUTE - Marines In Iraq on Memorial Day"

June 1, 2004 | Permalink | Comments (10) | TrackBack (4)

Movie Review - The Day After Tomorrow

Okay, hopefully this won't be a surprise to you - we're all gonna die....Really. But, if climatogical disaster of The Day After Tomorrow would occur, a lot more of us will die sooner rather than later.

Now, to be completely honest, I liked the movie a lot. But I like the over-the-top disaster movies and this one is definitely in that category. Aside from the liberal environmental preaching and overbearing cliches, it was pretty good.

It was directed by the same guy who directed Independence Day...remember the White House blowing up? This movie has more landmark destruction than just about any other movie I've seen.

Here's the synopsis: Dennis Quaid is the only major scientist that believes that the world is headed for another Ice Age in about one hundred to five hundred years. No one believes him, including a Vice President who, amazingly, looks like Dick Cheney. The arrogant VP essentially ignores Quaid's research because it'll affect the economy. You instantly dislike the VP.

So, Dennis Quaid is wrong (by about one hundred to five hundred years) and a worldwide disaster ensues a few weeks after his presentation to the G8. Tokyo gets basketball-sized hail, LA gets massive tornados, Australia gets the Mother-of-All-Typhoons, and New York gets the giant tidal wave. All of the climatic disasters are followed by a 150 degree drop in temperature. The last half an hour of the movie is about the survivors.

Some of the irksome things about this movie:

1. The US is evacuating the people in the disaster areas (um, that means the whole US) into Mexico. An announcer on Fox News says, "Mexico has closed the border in an effort to stop the refugees from getting across the border." The entire movie theatre laughed. Come on, liberal Hollywood, get some common sense. 'Mexico has closed the border'? Right!

2. There are a ton of cliche' actors in this movie. The producers must have looked up standard nationality characterizations in the Screen Play handbook. For example, Ian Holm is a British scientist who's band of merry Brits is doomed and they meet their fate stoicly with some twelve year scotch.

3. Note to Hollywood: We get that you think Dick Cheney is evil. Really. Stop making every evil, tree burning, corporate hugging VP look like Cheney.

4. Note to Hollywood 2: I appreciate that you took out the Hollywood sign with a tornado, but can we stop picking on New York? Please?

All in all, I liked the movie. The Day After Tomorrow was interesting - how people survived or died, what parts of the world were destroyed, what happened to the US...I'm still wondering how we are going to get the guys in the international space station back down to Earth.

One final observation from Mrs. Blackfive: Nerds in the movie survived by their wits, everyone else died. So, her advice to non-nerds is to marry a geek and increase your chances of surviving a ecological disaster.

It's probably safe to assume that a lot of blogosphere folks would make it.

June 1, 2004 | Permalink | Comments (12) | TrackBack (2)

May 31, 2004

Memorial Day - Rememberance Actions

Jarhead Dad send this message about commemorating Memorial Day:

Moment of Silence

Light a Candle

    Show your support for our troops and honor those that have made the ultimate sacrifice by lighting a candle on Monday, May 31, 2004 at 8:00 p.m. Iraq time (Pacific – 9am Mountain – 10am Central – 11am Eastern – 12pm)

I'll add that the day is about those who have made the ultimate sacrifice rather than about those of us who survived. Memorial Day is about remembering the costs of the freedoms that we enjoy. And it's about enjoying those freedoms.

Enjoying our lives is the greatest tribute that we could make to those who gave theirs to America and the world.

May 31, 2004 | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (9)

Memorial Day - Letter From WWII Soldier

The following letter was sent to me by someone who was the cousin of Sergeant William Erikson.

St. Louis, MO. March 1st 1947

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Erickson:

This letter will probably come as a surprise, but the notation of the date will explain. Maybe it is not the thing to do, perhaps open old wounds. Yet I feel sure that you recognize, as I do, that our loved ones live on in the impression they have made upon others.

March 1, 1945, I was awakened at 5:30 A.M. by Sgt. Erickson. We were sleeping side by side between the tracks under the tank we loved. He was William to you, but to us, he was Sergeant Eickson, the man we will ever be proud to say we knew. The sun came up shortly and the ground was covered with snow, much as today. We ate breakfast together, for I stuck close to the Sgt. I knew that big things had been cut out for us that day, and I was scared. He explained to me that after a man saw what had to be done he somehow received the courage to do it. I didn't understand exactly what he meant until several weeks later.

We moved out at 8:30 and soon passed all of the light artillery and finally got up to where there was only infantry. These moved rapidly from place to place, or stayed low on the ground, or behind walls. As we cautiously advanced, elements of the division and battalion kept pulling to the side until we, alone were in the lead. We were the lead of the lead platoon of the lead company of the lead battalion of our division and our chances were very slight. As Sgt. Erickson put it, "Well, somebody has to be out here, and I guess it's us."

We stopped within the protective walls of Berg, Germany and got out of the tank and took a smoke. Lt. Wheeler told the Sgt. to take the platoon lead and gave him the information which he sadly relayed to us, "The 78th Infantry Division has opened a drive to Cologne, and has been stopped at the hill for two days." It was heavily protected by anti-tank guns, tank destroyers and the Infantry. Over it lay Wollersheim, key city to the defense of Cologne and the Remagen Bridge (but we did not know it at the time).

By this time, I was really scared and the Sgt. said, "Zeirs, just keep your eyes and ears open and do as I have shown you and you'll come out on top." Those were his last (personal) words to me, and they are as true today as then, two years ago.

We climbed into our tank and started off when all Hell broke loose. Just before it happened, Sgt. Erickson's voice came over the wire, "Prugh, you had better close your hatch, I smell trouble." His last words were typical, his thoughtfulness of others. There are many who will never forget him.

Charles Ziers

William M. Erickson, Jr., age 34, Staff Sergeant with Company C of the 19th Tank Battalion of Combat Command A of the 9th Armored Division. Having survived the Battle of the Budge, he lost his life in March 1945 when his tank was hit by artillery fire in an attack on Wollersheim, Germany, on the 9th's "drive to the Rhine."

May 31, 2004 | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (13)

Memorial Day - Links

You may have been here before and seen these posts which are under my Bonds category and include posts about Chance Phelps, Aaron Weaver, Mathew Schram, Jason Dunham, Geoffrey Morris, Jakub Kowalik, and Pat Tillman.

Doggerel Pundit has a poem inspired by Chance Phelps.

Winds of Change has a Memorial Day Love Story.

More to follow...

The Laughing Wolf has an articulate post about Memorial Day.

May 31, 2004 | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (1)

May 30, 2004

Photos From Iraq Soliders

The Stryker Brigade News has a new photo site set up for the whole Brigade.

There are tons of cool pictures. Check it out.

May 30, 2004 | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

Soldiers Are Slaves?!

Courtesy of the Denver Post (sent by Dan F.) comes the most assinine column that I've ever read:

Keep our slaves safe
By Reggie Rivers

Our military is one of the last bastions of slavery in the United States. At the moment, our slaves are stuck in a combat zone, getting killed and maimed, and there's nothing they can do about it except hunker down and pray.

Yes, our slaves signed up of their own free will, but most of them were as misled about their job as the rest of us were about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

And I don't think "slave" is too strong a word to describe someone who is not permitted to quit his job no matter how dangerous it becomes or how much he hates it. For most of us, the 13th Amendment abolished slavery and guaranteed that we have the right to withhold our labor. It doesn't protect soldiers...

You can read the whole "piece". Suffice it to say that Reggie should have stuck to football.

You can contact Reggie here and Gary Moore, the Editor of the Denver Post, here.

I sent an email to Mr. Moore. Here's part of it:

    It's especially offensive as you decided to publish it over the Memorial Day weekend when we are honoring the sacrifices of our men and women.

    Yes, they died to allow Mr. Rivers to say whatever he wants to say. Yes, they died to allow you to publish whatever you want to publish.

    And yes, they died to keep us free - and that means that I can choose which newspaper to read. I won't be reading your tactless paper ever again.

Update: Pool of Thought has more (and also sent me the link to the op-ed piece, too). And if you just keep scrolling, he's been having an email debate with Reggie Rivers.

Update: Sgt. Hook and Baldilocks have awesome posts about this letter.

May 30, 2004 | Permalink | Comments (36) | TrackBack (22)

Seven Years

Tomorrow is the Seventh Anniversary of my marriage to Mrs. Blackfive. It's also Memorial Day so we are celebrating our Anniversary today because tomorrow is for remembering the ultimate sacrifices made by our men and women to keep us free.

To say that the last seven years have been a whirlwind would be an understatement.

Continue reading "Seven Years"

May 30, 2004 | Permalink | Comments (29) | TrackBack (6)

Iraqis Honor The Fallen of Operation Iraqi Freedom

Here's another one that you probably won't see on the major media...

You might have read about the Iraqi merchants that had their arms amputated by Saddam Hussein for accepting US currency from customers. They were brought to the US to have prosthetic devices fitted. Now, they are honoring our fallen heroes and meeting the President of the United States.

Iraqis Pay Tribute to U.S. Service Members
By Donna Miles
American Forces Press Service

ARLINGTON, Va., May 27, 2004 — As the sound of "Taps" wailed from Army Sgt. Major Henry Sgrecci's bugle today, seven Iraqi citizens pressed their new prosthetic hands against their hearts at the Tomb of the Unknowns here to honor U.S. service members who have given their lives in Iraq.

Seven Iraqi merchants put their new prosthetic hands across their hearts May 27 while laying a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknowns at Arlington National Cemetery in honor of U.S. service members killed in Iraq.


Photo by Donna Miles

The seven men, all Iraqi merchants, have been in the United States since mid- April to receive their new "bionic" hands to replace the ones amputated by former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein as punishment for trading in U.S. currency. In addition to providing them with new $50,000 prosthetic hands, U.S. doctors in Houston also removed the tattoos Saddam had imprinted on the merchants' foreheads to draw further attention to their misdeeds.

During this week's visit to Washington, D.C., the Iraqis made a pilgrimage today to Arlington National Cemetery, the final resting place for 65 service members killed in Iraq. There, the group laid a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknowns to honor U.S. service members killed while overthrowing the brutal regime under which they and millions of other Iraqis had suffered for decades.

Nasaar Jondi, one of the merchants, reflected on his predicament nine years ago, as he sat in prison waiting for Saddam's doctors to chop off his right hand. The night before his sentence was carried out, Jondi wrote his wife, "Do not be sad. Hopefully Allah will replace my hand with an even better one." Today, as the proud recipient of a new prosthetic hand made possible through donations by U.S. medical facilities, medical staff, companies and citizens, Jondi reflected on his new fortune — personally and as an Iraqi citizen -- and the cost that made it possible.

"Without the tremendous sacrifices of American servicemen and women, we would never have had a new beginning and a new Iraq," he said.

Like nearly all Iraqis, Laith Agar had seen unforgettable suffering and death under Saddam —which he said gives him a greater appreciation for life and an appreciation for those willing to lay theirs down for others.

"Life is the most precious thing for a human being, and these people have made the ultimate sacrifice," said Agar, a resident of Baghdad. "They came to Iraq and died for Iraq and for all humanity. We will never forget the contributions these heroes have made."

Basin Al Fadhly said he wanted to visit Arlington National Cemetery to pay tribute to America's fallen warriors "and to express gratitude to the American people and the American Army that carried out the liberation of Iraq from Saddam."

For Hassan Al Gearawy, the visit to Arlington was a way to express his appreciation to the families — particularly the mothers — of U.S. service members killed in his country's liberation. "I wanted to salute them and express my thanks and gratitude to the mothers of those martyrs," he said.

Earlier this week, the group visited the White House, where President Bush told them he was "honored to shake the hand of a brave Iraqi citizen who had his hand cut off by Saddam Hussein."

The president praised Dr. Joseph Agris, a plastic surgeon based in Houston, who conducted the surgery to put new prosthetic hands on the Iraqis, and Don North, a documentary producer who brought the plight of the seven merchants to Agris's attention.

"These men had hands restored because of the generosity and love of an American citizen," Bush said. "And I am so proud to welcome them to the Oval Office."

May 30, 2004 | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (1)

Washington Post Endorses...

...John Kerry. But it's not what I'd call a "ringing endorsement".

Mr. Kerry on Security
...The emerging Kerry platform suggests that ultimately he would adopt many of the same goals as Mr. Bush. In his latest speech he rightly warned of the terrible consequences of failure in Iraq and, like Mr. Bush, embraced elections and the training of Iraqi security forces as the best way forward. His proposal for a U.N. high commissioner represents a slight upgrade on the deference already given by the White House to U.N. representative Lakhdar Brahimi; his call for a NATO-led military mission already has been aggressively pursued by the Bush administration, with poor results. There are, in fact, few responsible alternatives to the administration's course. Mr. Kerry's argument is that he has a better chance of making it work. It's not a bold offer to voters -- but it's probably the right one.
The Washington Post sees this election as a twenty-inning baseball game. For the first few extra innings, it's exciting. Every pitch is watched, every swing is analyzed.

Eventually, though, the tie is not resolved, it becomes boring and you lose interest. You just want the damn thing to be over.

May 30, 2004 | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

May 29, 2004

Happy Birthday Bob Hope!!!

While we're remembering those who made the ultimate sacrifice this weekend, I thought it would be appropriate to salute the man who did more for the USO and our troops than just about anybody. He entertained America's Defenders during WWII, the Korean War, Viet Nam, and the Gulf War.

Happy Birthday, Mr. Hope, and thanks for the memories! We miss you!!!

May 29, 2004 | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)

Taking Chance Home - Update 2

LtCol Strobl, who's account of escorting the body of Marine Chance Phelps home to Wyoming was featured here - Taking Chance, will be on CNN on "Anderson Cooper 360", Monday, May 31st at 7PM EDT.

May 29, 2004 | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

Kerry Looks For Veteran Support

[Blackfive note: I normally don't mini-Fisk but this is just too damn easy...]

Sorry Senator, but as the saying goes "That Dog Won't Hunt".

Kerry castigates Bush on veterans
Candidate says budget cuts hurt active military, too
By Glen Johnson, Globe Staff | May 29, 2004

GREEN BAY, Wis. -- Returning to a strategy that helped resurrect his primary campaign, John F. Kerry is once again surrounding himself with veterans, as he challenges President Bush on national security grounds and pledges better treatment for active-duty and retired members of the military should he win the White House.

When John Kerry pledges better treatment of veterans, he probably means he won't make blanket statements accusing them all of war crimes.

The presumptive Democratic nominee, on the eve of the Memorial Day weekend, yesterday stood before the train from which Dwight D. Eisenhower commanded allied troops in World War II, and castigated the Bush administration for what he called a rush into war in Iraq, the mistreatment of military commanders, and the consideration of a $910 million cut in next year's Veterans Administration budget.
First of all, 'mistreatment of military commanders' makes you wonder what that's about doesn't it. It's about the firing of a bunch of General Eric Shinseki's cronies once the General retired...in some cases, General Officers were demoted before retirement. They were forced to leave the military for CAUSE. These are the geniuses who decided that, in order to improve morale in the Army, every soldier should wear the black beret - the headgear of the Army Rangers. There was a lot of negligence in the Acquisition Corps during Shinseki's watch. The rub of all of this is that John Kerry wouldn't give a rat's ass about those generals except for the fact that Donald Rumsfeld cleaned house and replaced them. That whole incident happened more than a year ago, when General Peter Schoomaker was brought out of retirement to be the Army Chief. Where was the outrage then?

As for the 'rush into war in Iraq', take a look back at the efforts of Colin Powell and the administration trying to get the United Nations to enforce it's own resolutions. Then, look at our representatives authorizing the use of force in Iraq.

I don't know about the $910 million cut. It might have been something that was programmed long ago. I haven't seen anything or found anything new about a billion dollar VA cut.

...The Globe asked the Kerry campaign for documentation supporting the senator's contentions, and a campaign spokeswoman cited a study portraying the administration's budget requests as falling short of what the VA needs.
So, even the Globe doesn't know what the heck he's talking about...

The Boston Globe article also talks about Kerry's attempts to lure Republican veterans over to his campaign. It's an interesting read.

Update: The Washington Post has a similar article, but calls out the Senator:

...Kerry repeated his charge that Bush under-funded veterans programs by $1.8 billion. Bush has in fact increased the department's budget, though not nearly as much as Kerry and veterans groups have sought. Over the course of his administration, Bush, along with Congress, has increased the agency's discretionary spending -- programs not mandated by law -- by about $7 billion, according to the Department of Veterans Affairs...
This guy is going to get his clock cleaned if he keeps making sh@t up. Next, we'll hear that he said that Bush increased funding before he said that Bush decreased funding.

May 29, 2004 | Permalink | Comments (12) | TrackBack (2)

May 28, 2004

Second Lieutenant Leonard Cowherd

John Donovan at Castle Argghhh! has a post that you should all read about Second Lieutenant Leonard Cowherd.

Friends---below are a series of emails,edited only to delete all the headings, from my good friend LTC(R) Tony Cerri...His son in law 2LT Leonard Cowherd was killed last week in Iraq. Leonard's death puts a face on the growing list of young men killed in Iraq. I think you will find these emails will touch your hearts....

May 28, 2004 | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (1)

Washington Post WWII Memories

Here's a link to the Washington Post Interactive about WWII veterans.

Thanks to Bill of INDC Journal for giving me the head's up on this. It's really cool and shows the caliber of our Greatest Generation.

May 28, 2004 | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

Memorial Day - Marine Lance Corporal Andrew Zabierek - Never Forgotten

I get a lot of emails from the Marines in Fallujah. Some are about Chance Phelps and I haven't posted them in order to respect his family - I don't want them to see new information here first. Suffice it to say that there are Marines on patrol in Iraq with pictures of Chance on the dashboards of vehicles or taped inside their wallets. Even in death, he is an inspiration to them.

I posted a recent email from Marine LtCol. Kyser, Warlord Six, and it was originally posted at a private site for Marine families of his battalion. LtCol Kyser just sent another email and I will post it below. It'll both make you so damn proud of our Marines and it'll also rip your heart out.

I now know several people who are friends of LtCol. Kyser and, to a man, they all think the world of him. No one better could be leading our young Marines. Here's the message from Warlord Six:

Since the letter's mailing we unfortunately lost another of our fine young men. Another amazing story in and of itself. He was a Marine from Chelmsford Massachusetts, a LCpl, with a four year degree who enlisted as a grunt because of his dedication to our great country and because he wanted to make a difference in the war on terror following September 11th.

He considered officer programs, but wanted to be led first and be where the action was. Older than most, he became known as "Uncle Zip(pity)" to his platoon mates because he was so committed that even when he had literally walked the skin off of the bottom of his feet, he never complained and continued to press on.

He was at once courageous, funny and compassionate. His intellect and easy way with people made him one of our first choices to send to additional language training and accordingly, he became one of the platoon's keys to interacting with the locals...especially the children. So as you see, he was a grievous loss not only to his fellow Warlords, but to the people here in Iraq who look to us for hope of a better future.

Andrew J. Zabierek was a young man who had all the advantages of a loving home, the benefits of a four year degree and a comfortable lifestyle, but he chose to serve. He chose to stand when many others remained seated. He died unhesitatingly responding to a mortar attack in order to protect the lives of his fellow Marines. The measure of a man is not just how he dies, but how he lives...and as you can see, this young man made a difference in both ways, and in two languages with two peoples left a legacy in the finest traditions of our Corps and our Country.

As I have said before, I and we as a nation are so incredibly blessed that young men like this answered the call to duty. He represents the best of America's youth. We will miss him, and we will not forget him.

Please remember him and his family in your prayers.

LtCol Kyser

As LtCol Kyser said, please keep the Zabierek family and friends in your prayers as well as all of those who have lost loved ones fighting for us.

This weekend, while you have your BBQs and picnics and parades, please take a moment remember our Marines, Soldiers, Sailors, and Airmen that are still out there fighting the war on terror.

And if any of you are Clemson grads, you could organize something to remember Andrew Zabierek.

From the Chelmsford Independent.

From the Boston Globe - 'True Hero' was committed to service.

May 28, 2004 | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (1)

Colonel James Hickey - Someone You Should Know

The Reluctant Hero

Colonel James Hickey was in the news about six months ago. He led the Brigade that ran Saddam to ground. You might have remembered the story.

Colonel in Saddam raid stays focused on mission
By Alphonso Van Marsh - CNN
Sunday, December 28, 2003 Posted: 2:03 PM EST (1903 GMT)

TIKRIT, Iraq (CNN) -- In the aftermath of Saddam Hussein's capture, the commander of the dramatic raid, U.S. Army Col. James Hickey, has become a reluctant media celebrity.

On a recent return to the farm near Tikrit where Saddam was found December 13, news photographers fawned over the 42-year-old leader of the 4th Infantry Division's 1st Brigade, a steely-eyed colonel from Chicago, Illinois.

"It's a little bit embarrassing," Hickey says of the attention.

Images of the military leader congratulating his troops and celebrating moments after the arrest were broadcast around the world.

"I collected [my troops] together," Hickey says. "I told the soldiers what we had done and the significance of what we had accomplished, not only in terms of the mission here, but also in Army history."

The Virginia Military Institute and Johns Hopkins University-educated colonel has a reputation for talking tough.

"I am a little old-fashioned in doing things in an Army way," Hickey says. "I'm a stickler for detail. I expect equipment and weapons to be maintained to a high standard, for soldiers to perform their duties in a soldierly manner, and I'm clear about communicating that to them."

Not only does he not mince words in English, but he also speaks Russian, French and German. Hickey's communication skills helped him learn to work with local leaders in Iraq. Much of his area of control, including Saddam's ancestral homeland of Tikrit, lies within Salah El Din province.

The Salah El Din provincial governor recently gave Hickey an Arabian falcon as a sign of respect. Hickey says the bird, named Sky Raider, has become somewhat of a mascot at his home base, Forward Operating Base Raider. "We have to exercise him every day and feed him at least a pigeon or dove a day -- he's quite a character," he says...

Col. Hickey is from my hometown, Chicago, and has come here to a hero's welcome. For those of you not from Chicago, a "hero's welcome" is an amazing event because Chicago just doesn't have the same respect for the Military that is in the South or rural America...

In this case, the local media has picked up the story of Col. Hickey, thanks in part to the PR machine of Mayor Daley. Col Hickey will lead the Memorial Day Parade here on Saturday. Unfortunately, I won't get to see it as I'll be in St. Louis visiting the In-Laws and celebrating an anniversary.

He's also the Grand Marshall of the Memorial Day Parade in Naperville, Illinois, on Monday.

Continue reading "Colonel James Hickey - Someone You Should Know"

May 28, 2004 | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)

What Is An American?

This is from the NRO on September 25, 2001. It was turned into an email chain letter attributed to an Australian Dentist. Regardless, Professor Ferrara makes an excellent read two and half years later. It's especially important to remember for Memorial Day.

What Is An American? A primer.

By Peter Ferrara, an associate professor of law at the George Mason University School of Law.
September 25, 2001 9:20 a.m.

You probably missed it in the rush of news last week, but there was actually a report that someone in Pakistan had published in a newspaper there an offer of a reward to anyone who killed an American, any American.

So I just thought I would write to let them know what an American is, so they would know when they found one.

Continue reading "What Is An American?"

May 28, 2004 | Permalink | Comments (6) | TrackBack (0)