• Transcript for May 30 Guests: House Min. Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-CA, on the Democrats' view of Iraq, former Sen. Bob Dole on the WWII Memorial, plus a political roundtable. |
• May 23, 2004 Guests: Ahmad Chalabi, Iraqi governing council member, leader of the Iraqi National Congress, Rep. Dennis Kucinich, D-Ohio, Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif., David Broder, Washington Post, John Harwood, Wall Street Journal, William Safire, New York Times, Robin Wright, Washington Post |
• May 16, 2004 Guests: Secretary Colin Powell, Department of State; Senator Joseph Biden, D-DE, Ranking Member, Foreign Relations Committee; Senator John McCain, R-AZ, Armed Services Committee |
• May 9, 2004 Guests: Sen. John Warner, (R-Va.), Chairman, Armed Services Committee, Sen. Carl Levin, (D-Mich.), Ranking Member, Armed Services Committee, Senator Lindsey Graham, (R-S.C.), Armed Services Committee, Gen. Wesley Clark (Retired), Fmr. NATO Supreme Allied Commander - Europe, James Carville, Democratic Strategist, Mary Matalin, Republican Strategist |