a man of debts and taste
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in the sympathetic devil's LiveJournal:

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    Friday, June 4th, 2004
    2:36 pm
    looking for an opinion
    last appointment with Dee tomorrow afternoon (sniff sniff). going to get a trim and a refresher on the coloring in my hair. so what color should be streaked in? still the dark red? orange, maybe? or the Asian-blonde streaks again?

    right now, I am leaning towards orange...

    Current Music: Porno for Pyros
    10:52 am
    addendum to yesterday's Stanford hate
    I mentioned the Bush=FDR story to the Sweetie from High School (who went to Stanford) and tut-tutted at her that her school spawned forth such a shamefully self-serving and whoresomely debased intellectual as Condi "Enabler" Rice. her response? "I hated her before any of you bastards did!"

    ah, well. my Stanford rant still stands.

    Current Mood: awake
    Thursday, June 3rd, 2004
    5:24 pm
    from the way-out-of-touch files
    Condi Rice thinks George W. Bush will be compared with FDR and Truman. whoa.

    hrm... let me think...

    FDR = "we have nothing to fear but fear itself."

    Truman = "the buck stops here."
    Bush2 = "Ken Lay? hardly know the guy. terrorist threats? no one ever briefed me on that. Chalabi? I may have met him once or twice in a receiving line..."

    oh BOY.

    Condi's a Stanford product, right? I used to have this delightful five minute rant about the intellectual laziness and insular smugness that the school seemed to encourage. that and their architecture makes it look like a 5000 acre Taco Bell. looks like I was right.

    this Bush=FDR bullshit... the blood of all that slaughtered intellectual honesty is on YOUR hands, Stanford University!

    Current Mood: bitchy
    Wednesday, June 2nd, 2004
    11:29 am
    so, uh...
    no Wednesday updates from anyone on my Friends list.

    did I miss a memo or something?

    Current Mood: curious
    Current Music: Deconstruction
    10:51 am
    CBS found an audio tape of Enron employees talking smack before the 2000 elections... basically, they were saying shit that one with a really negative view of human and corporate nature suspects they'd say... but now there is fucking tape.

    link here

    oh BOY this makes me mad. lord knows I am not afraid of the foul language, but when that language is about "fucking" my home state... when these shitstained, subhuman criminals are discussing how great it would be if their rotten maggot of a CEO got to be Secretary of Energy...

    I don't think it is a mentally un-sound response to want to go to some Enron offices with a flamethrower, is it? am I wrong for wanting to hogtie these fuckers and beat them in the kidneys with bags of oranges?

    Current Mood: pissed off
    Tuesday, June 1st, 2004
    4:43 pm
    until further notice
    I do not know when my departure date will be. roughly last week of June is all I know. and I cannot figure out a specific date until I have a meeting with the guys from the moving company. I need to be here when they pick it up and I need to be there when they drop it off.

    so... please do not ask me what day I'm leaving. I don't fucking know either. when I know, I will post.

    and maybe I can stop answering this fucking question a dozen times a day.

    no, this is not directed at anyone in particular. I am just tired of the question.

    Current Mood: annoyed
    11:45 am
    generally I try to avoid summary of events-type posts, but fuckit )

    Current Mood: lazy
    Current Music: Massive Attack v. Mad Professor, No Protection
    Friday, May 28th, 2004
    4:49 pm
    sudden screeching thought
    I sure as shit hope it's done raining today. I do not want to be rained on at Campus Dance.

    damn, where's a live chicken to sacrifice when you need one?
    12:35 pm
    it must be sweeps week or something
    for you Salon readers, I highly recommend checking out their Kerry coverage. they have the full text of his foreign policy/national security speech in Seattle from last night. they also have an interview with him.

    finally, I am impressed with Kerry. the speech was just dandy. he gets extra points for quoting Teddy Roosevelt, to remind the Republicans of just how far they have devolved.

    the interview was mixed, but mostly encouraging. he remained frustratingly vague about some issues, especially at the end, when he was asked to explain to Joe Barstool or whoever what he would do differently in Iraq. but it is plausible enough to me that he is being legitimately nuanced and circumspect, rather than just timid. or maybe I have just had enough of this dumbfuck "Mission Accomplished, Bring It On" buckaroo horseshit from the current regime that I appreciate someone who hasn't got Political Tourette's.

    there were some high points in the interview, too. he calls out the Saudis as enablers of al Qaeda and other militant anti-American Muslim groups. he convincingly addresses the flip-flopper accusations and reminds us that, however many times he has changed his mind, he's still not as openly and flagrantly hypocritical as the Bushies have been since Day One. and... this is the dirty and jaded part of me talking, but I love the fact that he applies the word "craven" to the Bushies. he did, however, refuse to take the interviewer's bait when he was asked if he thought Bush is just too dim to understand nuance.

    here is my favorite exchange from the interview:

    which I will hide behind a cut... )

    Current Mood: hopeful
    10:15 am
    May 28, 2004 | WASHINGTON (AP) -- The hypothetical pairing of Democrat John Kerry and Republican Sen. John McCain holds a double-digit lead over the Republican ticket of President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney, a new poll finds.

    Kerry-McCain has a 14-point advantage over Bush-Cheney among registered voters, 53 percent to 39 percent, in the latest CBS News poll. The results were released Thursday.

    well well well. Kerry-McCain would blow Bush-Cheney out of the water. oh God, just imagine.

    yes, yes, McCain has said he doesn't want to be VP and he supports George Bush's re-election (though every time he says it he rolls his eyes). but maybe the old soldier could be convinced to do it for the good of the country. I think a joint ticket like that would be a pretty powerful symbol for, ahem, "uniting, not dividing." oh God, I can't even type out that line of distilled snake oil without rolling my own eyes and hissing.

    then again, if McCain pulled out of lockstep in such a dramatic fashion, the Republicans would probably do something to publicly shame him. like maybe all stand up in the Senate chamber and turn away from him, like when the Kumite judges turned away from Chong Li after he killed some dude in the fighting ring in Bloodsport. yes, I just referenced a Jean-Claude Van Damme movie to underscore a point about electoral politics.

    Current Mood: lethargic
    Thursday, May 27th, 2004
    12:26 pm
    omg txt msg wh0rz
    I am getting text message spam on my new cell phone. averaging about one per day. what the fuck? who pimped out my obscure-as-fuck cell email address? I have sent exactly ONE message with the phone: a test message to my work account just to see if it was working. so... did AT&T; Wireless whore me out to tele-text-marketers?

    Current Mood: annoyed
    Current Music: Ministry, live album
    11:07 am
    crises of faith
    so I have recently experimented with going to church on Sundays. without getting too far into torturous personal details, I have not felt passionately attached to the religion of my birth for many years, and I am only now working my way back to the faith. time will tell how this all shakes out, but that is not really the point of this post...

    the onslaught of Catholic bishops and assorted muckety-mucks who denied, or threatened to deny, Communion to John Kerry or any other Catholic politician who supports abortion rights reminded me of a lot of the reasons I fled the Mother Church to begin with. ye fucking gods, I said to myself, not this bullshit again. more talk like that from the pulpit bullies and we'll have people calling Catholics "Papist dogs" in the streets again.

    but I was encouraged during my visit to church at my home parish in LA, where the priest said, in an indirect and politically savvy way, that aforementioned Communion-denying priests were overstepping their bounds. he also implied that this kind of hideous public calling-out and insistence on lockstep political orthodoxy, the spirit of the public inquisition and the "does THAT person belong here?" lines of thought may be all right for OTHER denominations (it may be kind of hypocritical, but hearing a Jesuit, the Old Firm, as it were, talk smack about McJesus fundies makes my blood sing) but that we ought to try to be better-minded than that.

    I was also comforted by the public statement made by the Archbishop of Los Angeles that the question of suitability for Communion ought to be a matter of personal contemplation for the individual, and it is not for any priest to deny sacraments to worshippers.

    but most impressive was the recent essay by Anna Quindlen in Newsweek that addresses the issue. not only did she eloquently and authoritatively articulate a position that I agree with, but she also managed to educate me about some fine points of Church history. I had no idea about the Humanae Vitae encyclical of 1968. fascinating, and quite frustrating to read about.

    Current Mood: restless
    Wednesday, May 26th, 2004
    2:07 pm
    PSA: "The Original" Coupling
    BBC America is going to start airing season 4 of Coupling, starting June 2. yes indeedy, fire up the TiVo...

    they're also going to have a marathon of Season 3 on May 30.

    yay! more Coupling! though one wonders where it will go, what with the engagement and the pregnancy. and I really have to wonder how much I'll like the show now that Jeff has left. advanced word is that he'll be replaced by a new boyfriend for Jane, who also owns a comic book shop or something. pardon me, but the guy looks too cute and well-scrubbed to be a comic book store guy. or, I dunno, maybe comic book fans over in England are generally cuter and cleaner than the American stereotype. the British must have gotten SOME tradeoff for their cuisine and teeth.

    Current Music: Porno for Pyros
    10:55 am
    the asshats who cried "Terror"
    so... maybe I'll be tearfully eating crow in the next few months, but I don't believe a fucking thing the government tells us about terror alerts any more. maybe if those asshats had ever been right about anything or showed any interest in leading rather than just imposing their insecurities on the rest of us, I'd be more keen to listen to them. but right now I am just going to take this as another cynical ploy to scare us into voting the cokehead monkeyboy back into office.

    Jesus Creeping Shit! when will this ugly nightmare end? I don't think that even getting Swift, Orwell, and Kafka together to snort blow and compare notes would have gotten us a vision of government as cynically twisted as the Bush II regime.

    Current Mood: cranky
    Tuesday, May 25th, 2004
    12:10 pm
    not just from leftfield... from the bleachers
    times must be tough for our monkeyboy President if even Maxim magazine is piling in on him. but yeah, there is a surprisingly trenchant and vicious political piece in Maxim about the tough road Son of Bush has had since he had the White House handed to him on a silver platter.

    seriously, this piece was almost as good as the satirical visit from Prince Bandar that was on whitehouse.org a while ago. maybe I should peddle my bitter wordsmithery to Maxim, if they're going to go political.

    good on you, Maxim! )

    Current Mood: cheerful
    Friday, May 21st, 2004
    1:25 pm
    Westward Ho!
    so I made a restricted post about this while it was still in the negotiation stage, and lots of people already know, but I may as well say it publicly. I am leaving Providence at the end of June and re-locating to Los Angeles.

    the company established a studio in LA a few months ago, and they are staffing up projects there. it turned out I had the combination of experience, attachment to Los Angeles, and ability to relocate necessary to get a posting, so they tendered me a job offer (with a promotion) and I accepted.

    I have made no secret of my dissatisfaction with the New England climate in the last few years, and my longing for the town that raised me. well, be careful what you wish for, because... sometimes you get it. I say to be careful because, while there was no way I could turn down the opportunity, this is a huge change for me. a friend told me that the three most stressful events in life are divorce, moving, and a new job -- and I've signed up for two of those.

    I have only lived on my own, as an adult, in one city, and I do like that city a great deal. I have been blessed with a veritable gaggle of smart, funny, warm, and altogether incredible people to call friends, and I will miss my friends terribly. I don't know if I'd be able to do this if my destination were to be some city where I didn't know anyone (and I did, in fact, turn down an offer to move to Phoenix a few years ago). luckily, family and friends await in my new (old) town.

    so there is a good deal of pulse-thumping anxiety surrounding this move. but (my mom tells me this is an inherited trait) I have a restless soul and I need a change. I am excited and afeard, but it is a good fear -- the same kind of fear I had in me when I decided to go to a New England school for college, instead of following my friends to Berkeley. ad astra per aspera.

    there will most definitely be a goodbye party before I take off. stay tuned.

    Current Mood: contemplative
    Current Music: Deconstruction, Wait for History
    9:27 am
    a plea to the holdout Republican Senators
    Dear Senators McCain (Arizona), Snow (Maine), Collins (Maine), Chaffee (Rhode Island),

    I appreciate your principled stand against the tax-cut-wacky budget. Your ability to step past the fratboy taunts and howls of the rest of your party should be an example to politicians on both sides of the aisle. You have also helped deal a juicy, embarassing blow to the President, just after he gave the political equivalent of the "give me 110 percent" locker room speech to lawmakers to try and get the budget rammed through, and it is always nice to see that capering monkey get feces flung back in his face from time to time.

    Now, for the love of God, do not get on any small planes, and think twice before you accept a cup of coffee from Bill Frist.

    Your friend,

    the sympathetic devil

    in related news, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi called Bush incompetent, in wonderfully unambiguous language. her words were impolitic, and perhaps ill-chosen for the Democrats' leader in the House, but finally someone on the Hill is confronting that incontinent elephant in the room -- that Bush is a mediocre caretaker CEO who was never meant for anything important, whose ascent to power should have caused all right-thinking people to take a long, hard look at how thoroughly we have screwed the pooch on Democracy and even on Fairness. he has singlehandedly proven that evolution works backwards in politics. HST described Richard Nixon as a smart man who shit in his own nest, and in the nation's -- Bush is an incompetent, adrift bumbler who shat in the whole world's nest while protecting the eggs of his family and his cronies.

    the funniest part in the Pelosi story is the statement from the White House PR Flack, Scott "Not Weaselly Enough to Be Ari Fleischer" McClellan, who said he would not dignify her comments with a response. Scott, given the man you work for, the man you replaced, and the astonishing number of ways you come up with to lie and obfuscate every day, you don't really have any dignity to spare.

    Current Mood: cranky
    Thursday, May 20th, 2004
    10:42 am
    dick-in-mouth disease strikes another politician
    from CNN:
    In a rare public swipe at a fellow Republican, House Speaker Dennis Hastert on Wednesday questioned the GOP credentials of John McCain, a U.S. senator who has often challenged party orthodoxy.

    Talking to reporters, Hastert pretended not to know who McCain was when asked about a recent statement by the GOP senator from Arizona.

    As other House GOP members stood behind him laughing, Hastert, R-Illinois, then expressed doubt that McCain was indeed a Republican.

    The exchange started when a reporter asked: "Can I combine a two issues, Iraq and taxes? I heard a speech from John McCain the other day..."

    Hastert: "Who?"

    Reporter: "John McCain."

    Hastert: "Where's he from?"

    Reporter: "He's a Republican from Arizona."

    Hastert: "A Republican?"

    Amid nervous laughter, the reporter continued with his question: "Anyway, his observation was never before when we've been at war have we been worrying about cutting taxes and his question was, 'Where's the sacrifice?' "

    Hastert: "If you want to see the sacrifice, John McCain ought to visit our young men and women at Walter Reed and Bethesda. There's the sacrifice in this country. We're trying to make sure they have the ability to fight this war, that they have the wherewithal to be able to do it. And, at the same time, we have to react to keep this country strong."

    wow. the shameless little asshat who served as Sloppy Second for Newt Gingrich is questioning John McCain's credentials. well, it falls in with what I have observed before. that there are two different kinds of Republicans these days, and there is no room in the New GOP for anyone to step out of line. how long will party loyalty keep McCain hanging out with these denatured swine?

    also, in other news, US soldiers have raided the compound of Ahmed Chalabi and were reportedly quite rude and angry with him -- at one point, as it is reported, a gun was held to his head. oh, if only the trigger finger had slipped... no, not enough to kill that dishonest sack of shit, but maybe just crease the brainpan and make him incapable of speech or independent bowel movement. Chalabi is another pig for the meathooks.
    Wednesday, May 19th, 2004
    12:51 pm
    two endorsements
    - on Saturday, I went to Melrose with [info]fusion_waste and [info]blueski to show them the hypster shopping mecca. the mission was fulfilled. fusion_waste got the coolest leather jacket ever. hand-made by the proprietor of the store. just fucking awesome. you have to see it. seriously, homeboy could pilot an Eva while wearing it.

    - the new Neal Stephenson novel is entertaining from start to finish. he is definitely indulging himself pretty heavily, but it is all good. I would definitely say it is worth it to slog through the boring crap in the first book of the trilogy just to get to this book. it is liberally seeded with places and names that will show up in Cryptonomicon. he pulls off some writerly masterstrokes that are so fucking satisfying that they make me incontinent.

    Current Music: Polar Bear, Chewing Gum EP
    11:26 am
    back from Cali
    so yes, I am back from my week and a half or so in Los Angeles. I actually got back on Monday night, and spent Tuesday lazing about the house. I spent a couple of hours this morning wading through six hundred work emails. feeling sort of overwhelmed by a lot of things right now.

    it was a good trip. many adventures were had...

    ah, screw it. I haven't got the time or the inclination to go over all the cool shit that happened out there. suffice it to say that [info]fusion_waste and [info]blueski came to visit. my East and West Coast worlds collided, in a good way. an amazing museum/monument to human achievement was visited. lots of good food was eaten. music was shared and enjoyed. if you would like to hear more about it, buy me a beer some time.

    okay, maybe later I'll have some anecdotes to share. but I ain't promising.

    Current Mood: chipper
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