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Thursday, June 10th, 2004
1:33 am - Cute story
This is thanks to [info]levysjeans.

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Wednesday, June 9th, 2004
9:21 pm - Rumors
Rumor has it that I will be going to 3rd shit. I'll be very pleased if this pans out.

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11:32 am - Hmm
I was up late last night, 3:00am or so, yet I just woke up. Argh.

But at least I have enough time to get ready for work and such today.

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1:57 am - A recent event
I took part in this tonight [info]the_demon79 explains the situation much better than I could. If you want more informaton read back on a few of his previous entries as there are more details there.

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Tuesday, June 8th, 2004
2:00 pm - Fish
I built a new fish filter today. With luck it will work well, and if it does I'll be putting one in each of my tanks.

Note that the total cost per filter is around 7$. The main cost is in the pump.

So now we wait. It will either work out very well and I'll have clean water, or I may end up with dead fish.

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10:22 am - Odd
This would be an email I just got. Spam? I think so. So strange though.

From: "Irvin Benjamin" <swbkpsnjipme@mail2julie.com>
To: <greed@inebraska.com>
Subject: The party
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 2004 15:13:38 +0200

wait patiently to attack you one by one... dancing around in a threatening manner until you have dispa
All bombs are fitted with electronic timing devices with large red readouts so you know exactly when t
Once a week, I usually feel hot all over.

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1:19 am - Hahahaa
You are a lumber jack! I bow down to your greatness :D
I bow down to your awesomeness. You truly are a
Knight of the Round Table, ready to defend
yourself against the Knights of Ni, use the
Holy Grenade of Antioch, and RUN
AWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!! from the horrible monster
barber who truly desires to be a singing
lumberjack. Or better yet, you are Brian,
fighting off the misguided crowds and wondering
what on earth you did wrong to wind up singing
"Always Look on the Bright Side of
Life" while hanging on the cross. Well
whoever you choose all I have to say is Go

How big of a Monty Python fan are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

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Monday, June 7th, 2004
4:10 pm - Bath time fun
So, I was in the bath smokeing when I heard the doorbell chime. Not expecting anyone I ran to answer it while still quite naked. As it turns out it was some Mormens trying to convert me. Great I thought. Then I pointed out that I was already a Reverend for a diffrent religion, and that while I was thankful for their visit could they please bugger off?

It should have been obvious that I was in the middle of something, but they wanted to chat anyway.

On the bright side, I've now had my weeks fill of naked fun time with strangers.

I should have invited them in to watch some porn or something. I think they would have liked it very much. Next time I will, I'll convert them! Muhahahaha!

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3:08 pm - Heh
Did you see this?

It made me laugh. All these warnings without any proof. How many times are they going to cry wolf? Too late, I don't care. Blather on.

Keep an eye out, I expect this sort of thing to get more attention as the election comes up. That bush guy may have a few tricks left. Watch out.

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12:59 am - Ram
I added 512 megs of ram to my Sun Ultra 1, but one of the sticks was damaged.

I messed with it, and kinda got it working, but not right.

Now my system still detects 768 megs of ram, even though only 512 are installed. I've run tests, and all 768 megs work, even though 256 of it is sitting on the desk (not installed). To test, I used all avaliable memory twice. *confused*

Can someone explain this to me? The only thing I can think is that the first four dimms (64 each) are really 128 each and for some reason were not reading right before.

Failing that theroy I have devised a new way to use memory without plugging it in.

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Sunday, June 6th, 2004
1:59 pm - Work
I was late for work again today.

When I woke up, I noticed my phone was in my right hand. I looked at the display and a torrent of profanty followed. My cats must think I'm some kind of awful person for saying those things. Some of the things I yelled caused me to blush.

So then I called work, threw my uniform on, and drove very quickly.

I'm still blushing.

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Saturday, June 5th, 2004
2:09 pm - Silly quiz thing, laugh.
Ignore me! )

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3:22 am - Another day
After pretending to sleep for a couple hours I must now get ready for work. Poo.

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Friday, June 4th, 2004
1:20 pm - Mail
This is one of the coolest little mail readers I've used.

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Thursday, June 3rd, 2004
5:25 am - 5am
And for no apparent reason I was up at 5:00am.

I'm going to do some reading, and then go back to bed for a while.

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Wednesday, June 2nd, 2004
12:41 am - YES!
You need this!

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Tuesday, June 1st, 2004
10:54 pm - Test post
bwaha! )

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Monday, May 31st, 2004
10:34 pm - The Day After Tommorow
Good movie, very preachy though. You have been warned.

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Sunday, May 30th, 2004
9:02 pm - Today
Work went well. I didn't go to sleep, and no terrorists came by.

After work I went to spend the afternoon with my father. We had a great time. Several projects were put together, cats were fed, and fish were pet.

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Saturday, May 29th, 2004
10:38 pm - Flood
Crap, my house flooded.

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