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User:mojo_iv (9130) mojo_iv
a dimensional nexus...
LIVE from the Immortal City of Fresno
Name:The SQuishy BOgSLug
Location:Fresno, California, United States
AOL IM:AIM status SQuishyBOgSLug (Add Buddy, Send Message)
Yahoo! ID:Yahoo status mojo_iv.rm (Add User, Send Message)
Bio:Some quotes:

"Beware the war dance of salty-tongued slugs. Their ways are unexpected and
unpredictable. They are known to worm their way into moist, dark corners and
take up residence in the backs of minds and appear at odd moments in odder
places with very entertaining results. What may appear erractic and sluggish
gets the job done down."
--[info]ghost_, 07/31/94

"One violent death yields more energy than a cancer ward."
-William S. Burroughs

"Nothing makes sense, and if it does make sense then its all gotta stop!"
-Sara,The Maxx #5 (Bill Loebs)

"As societies grow decadent, the language grows decadent, too. Words are used to disguise, not to illuminate, action: you liberate a city by destroying it. Words are to confuse, so that at election time people will solemnly vote against their own interests."
-Gore Vidal

"Our only political party has two right wings, one called Republican, the other Democratic."
--Gore Vidal

"It is by the goodness of God that in our
country we have those three unspeakably
precious things: freedom of speech, freedom
of conscience, & the prudence never to
practice either of them."— Mark Twain

"The Founding Fathers would have found this [the USA Patriot Acts I and II] to be despotism in spades. And they would have hanged anybody who tried to get this through the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia. Hanged."
--Gore Vidal

"Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the president or any other public official, save exactly to the degree in which he himself stands by the country. It is patriotic to support him insofar as he efficiently serves the country. It is unpatriotic not to oppose him to the exact extent that by inefficiency or otherwise he fails in his duty to stand by the country. In either event, it is unpatriotic not to tell the truth, whether about the president or anyone else"
- Theodore Roosevelt, 26th President of the United States

"I wake up thinking this country is in the grip of a President who was not elected, who has surrounded himself with thugs in suits who care nothing about human life abroad or here, who care nothing about freedom abroad or here, who care nothing about what happens to the earth, the water, the air. And I wonder what kind of world our children and grandchildren will inherit. More Americans are beginning to feel, like the soldiers in Iraq, that something is terribly wrong, that this is not what we want our country to be.

More and more every day, the lies are being exposed. And then there is the largest lie: that everything the United States does is to be pardoned because we are engaged in a "war on terrorism." This ignores the fact that war is itself terrorism, that the barging into people's homes and taking away family members and subjecting them to torture, that is terrorism, that invading and bombing other countries does not give us more security but less security."
--Howard Zinn

"We have become Nazi monsters in the eyes of the whole world - a nation of bullies and bastards who would rather kill than live peacefully. We are not just Whores for power and oil, but killer whores with hate and fear in our hearts. We are human scum, and that is how history will judge us...No redeeming social value. Just whores. Get out of our way or we'll kill you.
Who does vote for these dishonest shitheads? Who among us can be happy and proud of all this innocent blood on our hands? Who are these swine? These flag sucking half-wits who get fleeced and fooled by stupid little rich kids like George Bush? They are the same ones who wanted to have Muhammad Ali locked up for refusing to kill gooks. They speak for all that is cruel and stupid and vicious in the American character. They are the racists and hate mongers among us - they are the Ku Klux Klan. I piss down the throat of these Nazis. And I am too old to worry about whether they like it or not. Fuck them."
--Hunter S Thompson

"A brief digression: I realise that for Noam Chomsky, a U.S. citizen, to criticise his own government is better manners than for someone like myself, an Indian citizen, to criticise the U.S. government. I'm no patriot, and am fully aware that venality, brutality, and hypocrisy are imprinted on the leaden soul of every state. But when a country ceases to be merely a country and becomes an empire, then the scale of operations changes dramatically. So may I clarify that I speak as a subject of the U.S. empire? I speak as a slave who presumes to criticise her king."
"The loneliness of Noam Chomsky" by Arundhati Roy

I am Mojo IV, SQuishy BOgSLug, 53rd AMongst EQuals, and LOver of BLonde RAzors.
I am a MOllusk, and thus superior to all VErtebrates.
I am SQuishy, by which I mean paralell demarkations yank hopscotch penitent trophies.
I am my own, personal POpe. (FNORD)
I hate LLamas.
I command legions of SCallop SHock TRoopers.
I am the High Chaplain of the Dry Cleaning MAfia.
I was once a DArk LOrd of the SQuisk.
I am an egomaniacal cypher being blown around by fate in order to add colour to the background of more significant lives.
I live in a hole in the ground, next to the BOg.
And I am HAPPY.


(a gift from [info]poetryslamming)

I am the moderator of the following insignificant communities:

[info]squishiness = For posting bizarre bits of prose and poetry
[info]touchdbyamogwai = the [info]acpizza
Appreciation Society
[info]cam_refugees = for those who escaped Camarillo and lived to tell the tale
Memories:2 entries
Interests:142: 1993, ace hard rubber combs, anti-war protests, audioslave, australia, automatic writing, banjo patterson, bbc america, black rebel motorcycle club, broads, building computers, cat shows, cats, civil disobedience, civil liberties, claustrophobia, compound eyes, crackhead banshee polygamists, crayons, crippling baby monkeys, democrats, depeche mode, discovery channel, drug withdrawal, dry cleaning, dulcimers, dvds, dystopia, east timor, emperor nero, eyestalks, farscape, fascism, flag-burning, footrot flats, free speech, fresno dusk society, gastropods, george lucas, geriatric opium addicts, ghandi, goomaling, gorillaz, green party, hefalumps and woozles, hunter s. thompson, hysterical blindness, impeachment, jimmy buffet, julius caesar, julius caeser, kevin smith, kitty pryde, legalizing marijuana, lesbians, libertarianism, libertarians, liberty, maenads, man or astroman, man-eating salad, marijuana, masturbation, mechanix, meg white, milo, miss finster, mitochondria, mollusks, momentary blindness, monty python, mormons, myopia, natalie portman, neo-liberalism, new left, new right, new x-men, nirvana, obfuscates, obfuscation, olliramac, outright anti-social liberties, palmettos, panthers, passive resistance, patriotism, peace, peace movement, pensive moments, peroxide, perth, pink elephants, pizza, plague, planetary mineral extractors, plaque, plasma donation centers, police states, pommies, post-capitalism, post-liberalism, powdered toast, progressives, psuedopods, public enemy, puma abuse, quaker oats, quakers, queen amidala, rocketmail, root canals, shadowcat, silver jews, simpsons, spine-tingling toast, spinsters, squishiness, stanley kubrick, star trek, star wars, sub pop, surreality, sweet adelines, the big lebowski, the pixies, thrilling head gear, timor, toothbrushes, transients, trifids, ugly goldfish, uncivil liberties, vainglorious bastards, vanilla coke, varmints, vast right-wing conspiracy, violent golf, wendigos, white stripes, william s. burroughs, x-treme x-men. [Modify yours]
Friends:215: 21yo_curmudgeon, _blackandwhite_, _failedabortion, _from_within_, _huh, _pryde, abderhazy, abetterdaughter, acpizza, agent099, amarettochick, americaneyecon, amitainet, angelflame3, antiwar, antiwarlinks, aphrodiet, arnold_sucks, ass_, autowriting, awakedreaming, awfultruthnet, bbcnewsworld, bbsers, big_brother, bloodredrosev, borris_42, bowtomecha, bronhoffer, bstring, bugfish, bush_sucks, c_c_c_cucumber, cam_refugees, candystriperz, captaincorey, cas_one, cerul, cerulgalactus, chatlogs, cherrylane, chumley, cicyl, cleanlikegod, coldreason, comeondieyoung, comic_getfuzzy, cool_ljs, crayolacrime, cryingstar, cryptic_posts, cwastrel, cyochi, dark_goddess_, darksoul, degeneratemite, dethbunny, deviatednorm, deviouspixie, dimethirwen, dimonix, dirtydevotchka, disconscious, dmlaenker, doctorliberal, doink, dykelicious, early_90s, earthlingmike, edgeofdawn, elynne, englishmartyr, erzulie_eardrum, evilbeard, farscapeproject, fighttheright, first_amendment, fleshhead, forsakenheathen, free_america, frenchmartyr, funnyoldcatlady, ghost_, godtokes, godyousuck, grunge_rock, guerillanews, gynocide, hackman, have_no_life, hep_kitten, hepkitten, hollowhearted, hpana2, hug4miles, hyksos, ideaspace, ifni, ilovesynthsound, imaliberal, infinities, insanegerbil, invertebrates, iraq_war, isiliel, j03j03, jadedunoir, jebus, justinsane, kennfusion, killhamster, languidlanguage, leogryffin, levelheaded, liberal, lilmissmeg, ljfresno, lonelysadness, lordrexfear, lure_x, marieofroumania, mcsnee, michaelmoore, mikester, mistressxenobia, modrnwrld_comic, mojo_iv, mollyivins, n6vfp, najacheese, nancymccoyhicks, nexusogoo, nonexistent, nowar, nyxakrasia, other_self, overstim, paidmembers, paint_skystars4, papakat23, paradys, paulobrien, penguin001, penguin_parlour, penguintotem, peterdavidblog, philoticjane, phrenic_tangent, plug_in_tomato, pouk23, princessashi, psifi, punchbear, quantumbitch, quote_freaks, rachelslivecam, raindrops, redliner, religiousdebate, rilkemonkey, rootbeer_sneeze, rs_musicnews, rubypython, saintdog, scapers, sept11truth, sixtwentysix, skywalkerchick, smilin_jack, sos_usa, sosiouxme14, speedball, spooktress, spoonfeeding, springheel_jack, squishiness, sstormwatch, st_ranger, stephaniekaye, striogi, sydelbow, tellura, the_ferret, the_guardian, the_tsm, the_unique, theashifaction, thefactory, theferrett, thegoddessnim, theleftunited, themouse, theonionfeed, thestraightdope, thewhitestripes, tjefferson, tomthedog, triplegemini, ttingle, unpatriotic_act, usa_traitors, utter_failure, viddy, vireoibis, warprotest, washuboy, wearingabeanie, wefuckindareyou, whatthehello, whitestripes, with_gusto, worldpolitics, write_on_this, xbooks, zoethe
Friend of:127: 21yo_curmudgeon, _failedabortion, abderhazy, abetterdaughter, acpizza, amarettochick, angelflame, angelflame3, aphrodiet, ass_, awakedreaming, baphomoose, bloodredrosev, borris_42, bowtomecha, bronhoffer, bugfish, c_c_c_cucumber, captaincorey, cas_one, cerulgalactus, cherrylane, chumley, cicyl, cleanlikegod, comeondieyoung, crayolacrime, cryingstar, cwastrel, cyochi, dark_goddess_, degeneratemite, dethbunny, deviatednorm, deviouspixie, dimethirwen, dimonix, dirtydevotchka, dmlaenker, doctorliberal, dykelicious, earthlingmike, edgeofdawn, elynne, englishmartyr, erzulie_eardrum, evilbeard, fiercerose, fleshhead, forcedapathy, frenchmartyr, funnyoldcatlady, gaslamptramp, ghost_, godtokes, gynocide, hep_kitten, hepkitten, hollowhearted, hyksos, ideaspace, ifni, ilovesynthsound, insanegerbil, isiliel, j03j03, justinsane, kennfusion, killhamster, leogryffin, levelheaded, lilmissmeg, lonelysadness, lordrexfear, madprofessor187, mcsnee, mikester, mistressxenobia, mojo_iv, najacheese, nancymccoyhicks, nexusogoo, nonexistent, nyxakrasia, other_self, overstim, paint_skystars4, papakat23, paradys, penguin001, penguintotem, philoticjane, plug_in_tomato, pouk23, princessdiablo, punchbear, quantumbitch, rachelslivecam, raindrops, redliner, rilkemonkey, rubypython, saintdog, sixtwentysix, skywalkerchick, smilin_jack, spooktress, sstormwatch, st_ranger, stephaniekaye, stormer23, striogi, tellura, the_tsm, theashifaction, thegoddessnim, themouse, tomthedog, triplegemini, ttingle, viddy, vireoibis, washuboy, wearingabeanie, whatthehello, with_gusto, zoethe
Member of:60: _from_within_, _huh, _pryde, about_poetry, agent099, americaneyecon, angrywomen, antiwar, arnold_sucks, autowriting, awfultruthnet, bbsers, big_brother, bog, bush_sucks, cam_refugees, candystriperz, changeyourworld, chatlogs, coldreason, community_promo, cool_ljs, csuf, damngirl, doink, early_90s, free_america, godyousuck, guerillanews, hobopa, imaliberal, invertebrates, jebus, languidlanguage, larpers, liberal, ljfresno, mediocrity, michaelmoore, nowar, paidmembers, penguin_parlour, phrenic_tangent, quote_freaks, rage_against, religiousdebate, scapers, sept11truth, sos_usa, squishiness, thefactory, theleftunited, thewhitestripes, touchdbyamogwai, trendyradicals, unpatriotic_act, utter_failure, warprotest, wefuckindareyou, worldpolitics
Account type:Early Adopter

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