
Feb. 5th, 2005 12:19 am I noticed that I've been posting too many quiz things and not enough actual updates. So here's an update of the last couple of days.
Yesterday, I go to take a shower in the morning and when I start adjusting the shower curtain to draw it closed, the curtain rod comes down and one of the ends lands square on my right big toe. It hurt a lot and continued to hurt onto Friday but is feeling better now.
Today, I got up around 9am and went to the bank to take care of my paycheck before I forgot about it. On my way home, I stopped off at the main store McDonald's in town to sample their Steak Bagel since the one I work at in Wal-Mart doesn't carry it. One word: delicious! If it becomes a permanant thing, I can definately see myself getting those for breakfast in the future.
When I got home, I decided to play some World of Warcraft. I'm really addicted to this game... probably because it actually feels fun instead of a grind when I'm working on leveling. I abandoned my Hunter in favor of a Rogue. I'm really happy with this incarnation of Azymyth in the game. There isn't a 'bard' class so I've had to poke around to find what works. He started out as a Night Elf Warrior but at the time the Warrior rage system didn't really click for me so I deleted him and remade him as a Human Paladin. That was okay but still didn't feel right. So I went with Night Elf Rogue and now I can't see him as anything else. I'm going to work hard at getting him up to the level my Hunter is at (26) and beyond so I can actually play WITH Ditty and not just follow along as she 'babysits' me.
At 5:30, I left for work with the intention of bringing some movies I had rented at Blockbuster afterwards (I only worked until 8:30) and see about renting some more. When I got there after work, however, I wasn't really feeling that good so I just dropped the movies off and went straight home. I think I was dehydrated because I was feeling much better after drinking a lot of water. I got home and watched part of a show on the Science channel about projectiles was rather interesting but near the end, I was feeling tired so I decided to take a nap. Nothing much has happened since I woke up from that. Leave a comment | |

Feb. 4th, 2005 11:58 pm In rememberence of me. If you read this, even if I don't speak to you often, please post a memory of me. It can be anything you want, so long as it happened.
Then post this to your journal. See what people remember about you 3 comments - Leave a comment | |

Feb. 1st, 2005 07:26 pm We vote in favor of... SUPER AMERICAN PARTY! 8D
*Re-enacts the Elements combination sceen from Xenogears before climbing into his giant mech*
*Then proceeds to crush things with his giant club*1 comment - Leave a comment | |


Jan. 30th, 2005 03:42 am
You Are a Dreaming Soul |

Your vivid emotions and imagination takes you awy from this world So much so that you tend to live in your head most of the time You have great dreams and ambitions that could be the envy of all... But for you, following through with your dreams is a bit difficult
You are charming, endearing, and people tend to love you. Forgiving and tolerant, you see the world through rose colored glasses. Underneath it all, you have a ton of passion that you hide from others. Always hopeful, you tend to expect positive outcomes in your life.
Souls you are most compatible with: Newborn Soul, Prophet Soul, and Traveler Soul
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Jan. 29th, 2005 01:34 am Well, it feels good to be driving again, even if it is in my mom's heap of a car in which I feel incredibly paranoid when I cross 97 because the car has almost no initial accelloration. So I take the back roads if I can help it. Sucks though because that furmeet is tomorrow/tonight and I wanted to go but I really don't have any reliable means of getting there. I probably could have arranged a ride but being the absent-minded idiot I am, the thought didn't occur to me until tonight, which is obviously too short notice.
Aw well... at least I've been managing to get my lazy ass out of bed earlier as of late, which is good because I work at 11:30am today so I should be heading off to bed soon. I'm feeling rather tired anyway. So I'm going to head off to bed here.
Goodnight. Leave a comment | |


Jan. 26th, 2005 11:51 am An amusing email I just got RE: Listen up bs time is over.
Listen fuckers.
I aint going to bullshit you. We both know that you dont have a girlfriend. We both know you dont have much luck getting women in bed. Getting laid is another story altogether. What would you say if I told you have I the key to you finally getting laid?
Go to the website below. There is a bunch of hot women who are desperatly seeking a good fuck. This might be the only chance you have at actually getting some pussy.
[web address removed]
Quite the selling point: "We all know you're a dateless loser so come to our site and look at our porn." Current Mood: amused
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Jan. 25th, 2005 08:04 pm It's amazing how someone you've never even met can affect you inside.
Lately, my message box on Sheezy has had a noticable drop in volume which in of itself isn't surprising given Sheezy's new policy. As I look through my watch list, I notice the name of someone who had just sort of disappeared awhile before that change. Her userpage is mostly bare and her status is set to invisible so it's impossible to tell when she was around last. I remembered she had a friends only journal on another site which I had made an account there just so I could see it. Her account there was gone.
I wonder if she's okay. She was such a nice person but got lots of flak on Sheezy which is why she distanced herself somewhat from it. After awhile, she stopped appearing on MSN too... I hope she's okay.... Current Mood: sad
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Jan. 24th, 2005 12:45 pm STOLEN!! Got this meme from schivnorr
Decided I'd post it and see what happens...
1. Post a comment to this entry. 2. I will draw a picture in MS Paint that I believe PERSONIFIES you, and will post it in a reply. 3. Acknowledge my awesomeness. 4. Post this meme in your LJ.
NOTE: #3 is MERELY NOT OPTIONAL. 14 comments - Leave a comment | |

Jan. 23rd, 2005 11:49 pm If there is at least one person in your life whom you consider a close friend, and whom you would not have met without the Internet, post this sentence in your journal. Leave a comment | |

Jan. 23rd, 2005 01:27 am Reid Cooper lordrexfear is someone I've known for a couple years now. We first met on the sorcery.net IRC server. We both went to an RPish channel run by taleraris and her boyfriend, Adam. While I don't believe I ever roleplayed with Reid or saw him in character (hell, I can't even remember his handle. My memory sucks), I saw him as a rather knowledgable guy. In casual conversations, he seemed to always know his stuff. Perhaps to an extent that put him at odds with Adam a lot. I unfortunately can't remember the exact circumstances as to why he stopped coming onto IRC (or at least that channel) but it was a shame to see him go. We've stayed in touch via LiveJournal here and occasional chats on AIM. All in all, I have to say he has a pretty good head on his shoulders. Leave a comment | |

Jan. 21st, 2005 01:56 am You know what I hate? Artists who take this 'holier-than-thou' attitude when they look at artists of different genres. Recently on Sheezy, I've been seeing those kind of journals from non-adult/porn artists in reference to adult/porn artists. Just because you don't draw porn/naked stuff doesn't mean you're a better person than those that do draw that stuff is. There are just some people that enjoy drawing that stuff and aren't the isolated, perverse dateless trolls you think they are. When they post their artwork up on a site like Sheezy, they're doing it so they can receive the the comments/critiques/advice that I'm sure you love to hear as well. While I won't deny that there are some out there that draw really nasty stuff just to get rises out of people, the vast majority of the artists that have been so recently laughed at for thier complaining about policy changes because they've been stripped of privilages you take for granted. I'm sure you wouldn't like it Sheezy just suddenly became an art dump site with no commenting, forums or even flashy userpages.
This rant has been brought to you by Azy Rant Inc. 3 comments - Leave a comment | |

Jan. 20th, 2005 09:02 pm I must be bored or something...
The Great LiveJournal Outage of 2005
During the outage I emailed myself entries to be posted into LJ once it came back.
What did you do?
Brought to you by geek-foo
Interestingly enough, I did do something similar: I vented on my DA page, heh.Leave a comment | |

Jan. 20th, 2005 08:46 pm C'mon. Do it. 1. Reply to this post if you want me to tell you how cool you are! 2. Watch my journal over the next few days for a post just about you and why I think you rock my socks. 3. Post these instructions in your journal if you like, and give your friends a much needed dose of love and adoration! 2 comments - Leave a comment | |

Jan. 20th, 2005 08:24 pm Blar... I tried to do some drawing earlier and it just didn't seem to come out right... I need to practice more but whenever I sit myself down to do so, I end up getting distracted somehow... I think I'm too much of a slave to the internet...
I think I need new icons too. The 8-bit Theater guard is getting sort of old...
On a more interesting note, I got invited to a furmeet in Edina at the end of the month. I have to say that I'm curious though I'm not sure if I'd have reliable transportation by then so I'll have to see. Leave a comment | |

Jan. 20th, 2005 02:49 am Porn Well, I found myself a site to host my porn. It seems furry based for the most part but I'm hoping it'll allow general stuff. Just have to see what happens with my current submissions. I probably will be only using it to host my porn, and since my adult pictures are even more infrequent than the rest of art, it may or may not get much use... but it's there. 1 comment - Leave a comment | |

Jan. 19th, 2005 02:48 pm Blarg I -still- haven't been able to get my last paycheck reissued and it's getting me rather ticked. Yesterday I called the number my store manager, Michele, gave me. They told me they don't deal with that sort of thing and gave me a different number. Well, I call them, and after much time on hold, I find out THEY only deal with W-2 stuff. I'm not sure why I didn't call up work yesterday and see if I couldn't get things straightened out, but oh well. I called earlier and talked with the morning manager, Carrie. She said that Michele is probably the one that should be doing this but Michele is the one that gave me the number because she said she can't request it for me. There's something fishy here... Anyway, Carrie gives me another number to try... which doesn't even work and I'm sure I copied it down right. SO, when I go into work at 5, I'm going to see if Michele is there so I can -hopefully- get this BS sorted out. If not, I'm calling again tomorrow... Current Mood: annoyed
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Jan. 18th, 2005 04:39 pm Shaun of the Dead Well, I just finished watching Shaun of the Dead a little bit ago. I have to say that it's an odd movie. Funny but odd. What's funny is how the characters were all so casual. I mean when the outbreak first starts, the title character Shaun is just walking around, not even seeming to notice it happening. Then, when he DOES realize what's going on and how to stop the zombies (the typical remove the head/damage the brain sort of thing), his methods of trying to overcome the zombies are rather comical, in the form of throwing records, silverware and anything else available... as long as no physical contact was involved. :p He soon realizes that he needs to get his mother and ex someplace safe... in this case the pub! That way they can all relax, have a pint and wait for this whole thing to die down... or so he thinks.
So, it was all in all enjoyable and fun with a rather interesting ending.
Definately a must see.
Now, I'm hungry. Leave a comment | |

Jan. 18th, 2005 12:19 pm Well, I'm happy because I managed to get up before noon today. Let's see, this week hasn't been all that interesting really. Still don't have a working car which is rather annoying. The weather in general has been a constant below zero which has caused problems for our water so currently I can't take showers or do laundry at home. Still haven't gotten in touch with people about getting a new copy of my last paycheck. Well, I talked to my manager and she gave me a number to call since she said she can't request it for me. Offices were closed over the weekend and apparently still on Monday. So, I'm going to try again in a bit here.
Artwise, now that Sheezy's adult art purge has gone on and they have an incredibly skewed/unclear concept of what constitutes as "tasteful" nudity, I think I'm fairly done with the site other that watching the people that still go there that aren't on Deviant Art. Still looking for someplace to put up my occasional adult artwork. VCL isn't an option because the majority of my art isn't furry related. I've seen a couple sites being advertised but one is rather buggy and the other isn't user friendly unless you know something about HTML, which I don't. I guess I don't want anything flashy but I -would- like to be able to recieve critiques on my work. I know I could get my own site to post all my work and put up my own forums, commenting section, etc. but 1) I just don't know how to set those sort of things up and 2) there just isn't enough people that are interested in my work to make that worthwhile. I still intend on getting a paid Deviant account soon since it's fairly cheap.
I am happy that I managed to get a drawing done for some one on DA/SA though. Well, I'm not quite sure if it would be considered gift art or a trade yet, but I'm leaning towards the first. Here it is, either way.
I had inked this awhile ago and finally decided to color it.
And here's an old picture I did and got some help putting together from synjari that I thought I had gotten rid of.
In other news, I've had a declining interest in World of Warcraft lately. I think it stems from me not completely sure what class/faction I want to play and the overall feeling that when I do play, I'm playing by myself. Not to mention the servers have been having problems because Blizzard seems to have cut a lot of corners... Oh well.
I'm going to give McDonalds payroll another call about my check then watch Shaun of the Dead, so see ya. Current Mood: contemplative
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