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User: [info]ev1ldonut
Name: Ev1LDonuT
Back March 2004
Ev1LDonuT's Journal
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Ok, that's enough... Let me out now please...
I can't do any more today. My brain has completely melted. The guy next to me is driving me insane with his incredibly boring drawl of a voice. I have had people asking me stupid questions all day long. People I need data from have been impossible to get hold of, even though they promised to get it to me by lunchtime today when I asked them on Monday. Every five minutes some different person comes and sits in the empty chair near my groups desks and starts chatting about innane shite with anyone around them.

I cannot concentrate on any more!!!!
I'm just getting more and more pissed off!!
I need to get out and go home!!


Current Mood: annoyed

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Help meeeeeeeeeeeeeee....
For you guys out there who watch Father Ted, you remember the episode where they get lost in the lingerie section of a department store, in that episode is a priest with an incredibly boring voice...

At work today, there are a few auditors, checking up on [classified]. They are all from Dublin (as this is an Irish owned company). One of them is sat at the desk next to mine, and his voice... accent, tone, speed, everything is EXACTLY like the voice of the boring priest in that episode... It's sucking my will to live!!!! and he's sat there for the next WEEK!!!

aaaaarrrrggghhh!! I can't concentrate!!! It's so boring!!! *cries*

Somebody please... shoot me in the head...

Current Mood: distressed

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*silly giggling*
I was just looking at the clock and realised it's nearly time to go, which means nearly time for me to head up to Cheltenham. Then I realised I was getting all excited and having nervous butterflies about seeing [info]kissycat1000 again, and it's only been since yesterday morning when I last saw her!! It's still like when we first started seeing each other for me *grin*

That's got to be good after 8 months of being together :)

There's still an hour of work left for me, so I should get back to it really ;)

Current Mood: happy

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Too much! Can't handle that much!
One flirty confident woman I can handle easily, two not really a problem, three, possibly a bit much for one guy to handle alone...

I just got ganged up on by four of them!!! Caught totally unprepared, first thing in the morning. All I wanted was to get my morning coffee!

anyone would think they hadn't seen a man for weeks... It was like encountering a hen party, the greatest fear of all young men on a night out

Current Mood: flirty

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My first photo post!
And I'm gonna be all soppy with it so ner :p

Me and my love )

It was taken at my birthday thingy at [info]azekeil's house at the beginning of March. [info]flannelcat sent it to me earlier tonight. In a room full of people it's nice to show you love each other from time to time *smile*. It made me go "awwwwww" so I wanted to put it up here and inflict it on you lot *grin*

In other news..
My finger is still hurting. My arse is still bruised (any volunteers to rub/kiss it better? *grin*). On the plus side though, I got my first proper full months pay today, and I have beer, so pretty good *bounce*

Current Mood: loved
Current Music: an episode of "The Tick"

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bloody stupid motorists
Each morning I cycle to work, as I am one of those mad fools in the world who thinks that 4(ish) miles isn't all that far, and the exercise of cycling might actually do me some good (plus it's faster than by car during rush hour). On mornings where I have stayed with [info]kissycat1000 the night before (like today) I have to drive back from Cheltenham, but I still go home first and fetch my bike to ride to work. I actually rather enjoy the ride.

This morning, however, was not so fun.

As I was riding past a t-junction, I can see a car waiting to pull into traffic. At that moment I am between 2 cars (the road was too narrow for them to pass me) and the driver of the car behind me was being very courteous and leaving plenty of room behind me. The driver waiting to pull out apparently did not see it as being courteous to me, but as an invitation to pull out. I think you can see where this is going now can't you...

Yup, pulled out right in front of me, leaving me no chance whatsoever of getting out of the way. I hit the side, went over the bonnet and landed on my arse in the middle of the road, nearly getting hit by a car going the other way.

Bad enough you might think...

The driver then got out and proceeded to shout at me for damaging the side of his car (it was a BMW by the way...). The driver that was behind me got out, helped me up and then he and the woman who was going the other way and nearly hit me when I landed, both turned to this idiot and started shouting at him and calling him all sorts of names and offering to witness for me if I wanted to take him to court. This shut him up somewhat and he suddenly became very apologetic.

Personally I'd had enough and just wanted to get into work, so I told him to piss off and leave me alone, picked up the bike (which happily appears to have suffered no damage whatsoever), and rode off.

Before any of you worry, I'm fine aside from a grazed elbow, an impressive chunk missing from one of the joints of my left index finger (not as bad as that sounds!), and a bruised arse *grin* I do feel a bit nauseous with the come down from the adrenaline, but that is passing already, and by the time I've finished this coffee I should be fine.

Guess the point is that no matter how good on the roads you are, no matter how careful, there's plenty of people who aren't :/

oh, and before I forget...
HAPPY BIRTHDAY [info]winkle!!! Have a great day *hugs*

Current Mood: sore

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It's official... I hate my hair!
Bloody hair!
Not yet long enough to tie back (still some growing to do yet, unfortunately :/)
Plenty long enough to get in my eyes, nose, ears, mouth...

And another thing!!!
Why is it that no matter which way I'm walking, the fecking wind comes from behind me blowing hair all over my face?!?!!?? Even when I stop and turn around rather than blow the hair back off my face, instead the wind just stops!! I mean, I'm starting to suspect there's some git with a fan following me everywhere, and when I turn round he dives behind a pillar or bush or something...


Current Mood: frustrated

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Bored now, need stimulation of some kind!!
This morning has been spent firstly writing SQL queries. Now it is being spent staring at a number of grey windows that say "executing report..."

Given the amount of data, and what I'm asking it to do with it, I expect it'll be at least another hour before it finally gives up and tells me that I forgot to put in a bracket somewhere and have to start again *sigh*

About the only thing of interest so far is that there is a rumour going round that two employees were fired a little while ago when the Chief executive officer (who normally sits in a large penthouse office on the top floor), walked into the toilet and caught them performing "acts of carnal knowledge". Which wouldn't be so bad, except the two in question are both in their late 40's and overwieght (eeeewwwwww!!). Personally, I am somewhat dubious about this... But hey, it's something to gossip about when there's nothing else happening...

Bloody hell I'm bored... I'm gossiping *fear*

Current Mood: bored

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Who likes short shorts?


Current Mood: horny

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a nice lunch with friends
Today I was expecting a lunch hour on my own (again) sat in the park minding my own business and watching the world go by. Instead, as I bought some food from the Tesco Metro in the city center, I was accosted by my friend Rui, just back from Portugal. I chatted to him for a while before he had to head off back to work. Almost the instant he walked away, my old landlord and friend Jacqui walked up and said hi.

Always had a bit of a thing for Jacqui to be honest *grin* and she was looking good, sounds like her life is going reasonably well at the moment, and she was pleased to hear that mine had improved somewhat since we last talked. Didn't get long to chat, but have promised to catch up sometime soon. I said I'd drop my contact details through her door at some point when I'm in the area (I of course know where she lives, as I rented a room off her for a year!).

Tonight I'm of to Cheltenham again, to spend time with the woman I love *smile*

Right now however, I'm a little spooked, as I'm sat in a VERY large office, but I'm the only person here, no-one else is in sight, and I can't even hear anyone at the further reaches of each wing of the floor... Ever have the feeling people may have forgotten to tell you something? *frown*

Current Mood: happy

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Friends and loved ones in need
It has been an upsetting weekend for a number of people I care about, especially for the most important person in my life. It's hard to see those close to you in pain, even harder to know how much support to give, or when to just give space and let them go (which is an incredibly difficult thing to do...) to sort their own thoughts out in peace.

[info]kissycat1000, as I have told you before, you can count on me for whatever support you may need, in whatever form that takes. I love you and will do anything for you *hug* *kiss*

[info]azekeil, I haven't talked to you since Friday, you know where to find me if you want to talk, or need a hug, or want a distraction for a
while (pool & beer*hic*). Remember I was your friend long before I became "the other boyfriend", and I always will be *hugs*

*hugs* to all chez who, I don't really know how you are all doing but the impression I get is that it's strained. Keep smiling, things will be good
again soon :)

Thanks to [info]stuartl, you're a good person to talk at you know *smile* thanks for listening *hug*

For anyone that may be concerned about me, I am fine, my only concern is for those around me, my life is actually still rather good lately *smile*

On a slightly different, unrelated and distinctly cheerier note...

What on earth do you get for a geek who already has all the best gadgets?!
I have only a couple of lunchtimes to find something! Damn you and your obsession with gadgets [info]chocojon!!!

Current Mood: concerned
Current Music: none at the moment, at work (booo!)

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Pretty ladies!
Yesterday was nice, I finally got to meet [info]bex_sgs. So a good couple of hours in the evening were spent in my room with [info]bex_sgs and [info]kissycat1000 on my bed, a guy couldn't ask for more *beams* Been wanting to meet her for aaaages, and she did not disappoint, gorgeous friendly and nice to talk to, and VERY hug-able *grin*. Wanted to keep her!!! Come see me again soon!

[info]kissycat1000 I love you, you know that, but I'm saying it again anyway *hug*
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A silly post to pass a bit of time...
My time since yesterday evening in a series of (probably) meaningless statements )
So, care to make guesses as to what any of that lot is about? Most of it is of no real interest, but some might be *grin*

Current Mood: amused
Current Music: kissycat1000 going *snore* on the sofa

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Well that was a pointless day, but I still get paid for it!
Today was my "Induction to Bristol & West - training day". I had a fair idea of exactly the sort of thing it was going to be before I ever got there, and I was right.

a light hearted rant about training in todays office environments )

Now for some food... and some beer, possibly gaming or a film.
Tomorrow, birthday (yay!)

Current Mood: amused

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Ooooh the next few days look good *grin*
Tomorrow is my induction day at work. Even though I've already been working there for over 2 weeks. Also, talking to the girl who started just before me who's done it already, I've found out everything tey'll tell me already by myself. So basically, this will be a day of doing bugger all, with free lunch thrown in *grin*

The day after (Thursday) is my birthday, so even though it is technically a normal day at the office, I'll be bouncy anyway because it's my birthday! In the evening I'm off to [info]kissycat1000's (of course!!). Once there I'll be getting my birthday present, and I'll be removing the packaging as soon as possible (and I may open the present at some point as well... *grin*).

Friday is my day off... So I get to have a lie in with my girlfriend again (have been missing being able to do that...) and spend the day with her. Then at some point towards evening time, [info]azekeil and myself will be leaving her higness alone for the evening, while we go out and get pissed, hopefully with pool and possibly crap takeout, proper man style!!

Saturday, I get to have [info]kissycat1000 staying at my house (yay!!!) which I've been looking forward to for aaaages. But yesterday I got some news that makes Saturday even better. I get to meet [info]bex_sgs at last!!! *bounce* Don't know what we're going to do with you yet, do you have any preferences? (ooer!!)

Sunday will hopefully be waking up in my bed with my gorgeous girlfriend, then off to the pub for lunch, before she heads back home to Cheltenham and I head back to my home to relax before work and the normal routine starts again on Monday.

Life is good at the moment.... *smile*

Just got a text from my friend Harriet (that I used to work with), saying that her boss is leaving in a month and she's been offered the job!! yay! Even happier now!

Current Mood: excited
Current Music: Filter - Take a Picture