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Below is user information for nicole.. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:________haligh (3187894) ________haligh
Location:Plainfield, Illinois, United States
AOL IM:AIM status WHAT UP NO LIVEZ (Add Buddy, Send Message)
Bio:i'm nicole.
i fucking love small brown bike.
when i don't get enough sleep, my knees hurt.
i attract weird happenings.
molly is the weirdiest jerk i have ever met in my life.
i like poetry.
and going into the city.
i like pictures of skylines and late night phonecalls.
taking tests makes me hungry.
i like milkshakes and surprises.
i hate school, but i love my friends.
i wish i could rock out like rod stewart.
i really love popcorn.
i enjoy john cusack films.
i like big hair and lips.
i like to make exciting plans& tell exciting stories.
i make awesome comics.
i eat microwavable dinners.
full house is quality television.


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i enjoy paul oakenfold remixes.
Memories:8 entries
Interests:19: "atableforfour"smallbrownbike, "maybetomorrow"stereophonics, "mr. stupid discin", beck!beck!beck!, big hair/lips, damien fuckin' rice, internet lovee, interpol!., julian casablancas& nick valensi, kissing the lip-less, late night phone calls!., my current favorite bands., nice-slow songs, night time car rides., nights in chicago, romancee., sidewalk confessions., steak'n'shake!., tightpants&theboysinthem.; [Modify yours]
People206:1968xromance, ________prosaic, _______anorexic, ______aids, ______blah, ______electrick, ______sippin40z, _____briefcase, _____rivalry, _____sceneosaur, ____amphetamine, ____amputations, ____scream, ___blowmeakiss, ___construction, ___discourseof, ___heartcrashes, ___metro, ___missunpretty, ___ohcinderella, ___pilot, ___retrospectiv, ___seatbeltsex, ___tekno, ___venom, ___wakeup, __controversy, __helicoptersex, __hopeforheaven, __kindofperfect, __lovespirals, __narcissism, __oh__, __passengerseat, __pinknoise__, __radarlove, __sharkattack, __sweet_decay__, __tonitewedance, _cheapthrills, _curfews, _davidmiller_, _dinomite, _hard_core_, _seventeen28, _show_and_tell, _slowreaction, _talkingwalnut_, _thesilentsky, _xshatteredx_, _xsurrender, adyal15, afternoon_, agent_molly, andloveletters, angel_ov_mans0n, applaud, aquashell, aquashell133, autoswerve, awesoem, baby_oh_baby, beeeeep, biometry___, blueyonderdream, bottledmemories, brainpulp, brighteyes08, buzzers, calculations, carsgoboom_, cementloveriot, cenophobia, certainty_kills, cicatriz_esp_, clapyourhands, coldlikeastar, constantdenial, cuntflap__, deathsexxx, default___face, dehumanization, dollxrevolution, drinkxdrankpunk, driver___please, drop_your_bombs, electro________, eliana_2k, emergency______, execute, fgtz, filaments, flatlinedlove, footstepsfade_, forsaken_fae, foryouillbe, frost19, fuckwhyme, fuckxmyxmakeup, girl_meets_boy, girlleaves_, gunfight__, hardcorexdance, heart__attacks, heart__grenade, hers_, hey_lushxx, i_am_di, i_love_her, i_wont_wait, ileftletters, imso0_ricosuave, incsefrebrkglas, inertia________, jaderrz, janes__utopia, jerkfacex, just_a_mem0ry_x, kickuintheb0x, kill_the_air, killswitch__, kkkiller, kyleownsyou, l__tayl0ve__l, le__________fin, leftonclarmont, letsgetherdrunk, lisaxrowe, locale, lostinamemory, makeit__eletric, makeout_arcade, matt_the_robot, mediocracy, mediocreromance, memoryisahooker, mest_up_mind, modern_movement, morningafter26, moshnroll_bea, motelroom______, mourningmasses, mushylovexsong, muskalove, my____deception, my_brutal_enemy, navaja, nerd519, nocigarettes, noiserevolution, nothinglasts08, nurse_the_dark, occultfigurines, oh______darling, oh_____operator, ohh____disaster, ohso_overrated, okoperator, oooh_its__molly, orgasmochine, oval_surpresor, pastelxkisses, pearlsandscarsx, petit_et_anonym, photofinish676, pinkpunkie, pistol_genocide, pitiful_beauty, ps_i_love_you85, quittingsmygame, redtoxicstar, rhinoceros_, roan_x_irish, robot_angst, romeoagoxgo, sailboat_ruckus, say_u_wont_care, scenarios, silenceforgives, skibby_her, sleepwithdorks, so_________vain, soblackandwhite, soocermom13, stab_twist_pull, suicidalxlust, tabbysays, taintedgurl, tealeyeliner__x, team_cha_cha, tears_of_pearls, telephobias, the_letdown, theapplelevator, thecrazy_8eight, theradiostatic, theunpopular1, thisxgirlxcrys, una_dolce_vita, veggie_bondage, vomitoutlove, what__what, winter_a_go_go, xbreakme, xlipsof_red, yourxrushmore
Communities13:___partymonster, a7x, art_whores_inc, betterthan__you, fucking_worthy, indie_mixtape, ohdear__amazing, radiohead, standardrecords, suicide_boys, the_____stuckup, thestrokes, xfakexbeautyx
Account type:Free Account

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