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That story that your Bocce partner just sent to you and forty other people sounds true... Put it to the test here. Take a couple key words from the message, paste or type them into one of the boxes below, and click Search.

Snopes Urban Legends Archives Example: save PBS
About.com Urban Legends search Example: alligator sewer
CIAC Hoax Database Example: bill gates
CERT Computer Security Database Example: Microsoft Outlook ActiveX
Symantec (Real) Virus Encyclopedia Example: SoBig


Apparently used at The University of Iceland 2004-02-04
Given props by OurPC 2003-10-17
Recommended by Editor and Publisher 2003-01-07
Focused on by Earthlink 2002-10-07
Plugged by The Register (UK) 2002-08-12
Propagated by memepool 2002-08-07
Branded "Hot" by USA Today 2002-02-19
Deemed "Cool" by Cool Site of the Day 2002-02-11
Spied by The Scout Report 2001-12-07
Found "Incredibly Useful" by Yahoo! Internet Life 2001-05-09
... and thank you to the hundreds of other sites linking to us
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Copyright 2001-2003 by E-Scribe New Media and Paul Bissex
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Modified 2004-04-01
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