What are people's highest scores on this?
I got 21,490 last night!!!
I can't stop playing this. I think I'm addicted. Anyone wanna form a 12 step program?
My high score is 16,000
I play a couple of times a day. My best score was in the 9000's.
I hate when you have a bunch of matched jewels on the diagonal! Also, ever notice that when the game suggests a swap, it always picks one near the top? I just ignore its advice. I play the level-one version, by the way. I don't enjoy having a clock ticking. I play to relax, not to have my stress level increased.
pretty colors...
This is someone's super amazing score that was posted at Penny Arcade.
My high score is in the 10,000 range.
I like the luxury of Level 1 as well-- but if you play on Level 1, luck is too much of a factor. If the wrong replacement gems fall down-- game over.
I play L2 mostly, but my top score is only about 9500 or so. It gets to a point where if you're not getting chain reactions EVERY time, you can't click fast enough to gain time on the clock. benjamin
My h
igh Score is 17,345....A played for an hour and 48 minutes, LOL....Wasted a good part of a Saturday afternoon
How about an edit capability drew, LOL
We're no slashdot that's for sure
Only 7k here
yeah, and I hope we don't become one. If you are a person who posts 100+ on slashdot, fat chance anything you say is going to be moderated above 2.
anyways, im not sure what exactly my high score was for it, but it was over 10k i played for a few hours on level 1 and got lucky enough not to blow up.
That posting of a high score at penny arcade is faked. Someone pasted the green numbers into the little score window. My high score is only 8600. Makes my co-workers jealous though.
33140...man I'm sick of that game...
14720 is my high - but it is getting old fast.....
Hi score: about 8000. Got my kid hooked on it too..his score is about 4000.
sorry Estragon...I got you beat....110 baby!
if youre really looking to screw the system you can always take a screenshot and then pause it and open it up and check out your next move. it never fails, when theres only 1 move left it takes me forever to find it.
i hate that when i started playing on L1 i got an 80 before i ran out of moves. i was like wtf was that lol
Limbo Time! How about 70 points?
Sure, there's a limit to how low your score can be (has anyone gotten a 10 yet?), but it's still kinda fun to see how quickly you can force yourself out of moves. --gogo
29,640 *flex*
Estragon: I got a 40...
Shane: I consider the bar lowered :)
I set out today to get a new low, but got a new high instead: 14,590. Not the greatest score, by a long shot, but good enough for me (and 1150 as a highest scoring move was pretty nice). Looks like it's back to SQL and VBS coding for a while. Gotta work so they'll keep me and give me this nice trunk connection. --gogo
my hand is numb :-> now if I can get Drew to help me take a screen shot!
In Win32 hit PrintScrn to copy current screen to clipboard, and paste it into something.. photoshop, paintbrush, etc.
Thanks Phil! Okay, got it. Now how do I post it here on Fark?
gems: 1520
longest chaing: 5 best move: 360 (though I got something like 2200 involving a bonus) total: 11345
BTW, commenting on Timothy's comment, it's good strategy to take one near the top, if you can't set up a chain reaction of some sort. If you've got 2 possible moves, taking the lower one will probably screw up the upper one; but if you take the higher one, nothings gonna happen to the lower.
Estragon: You other guy are nothing. i got a 0. i started and i said no moves. YOU WILL NEVER BEAT ME! HAHAHAHA ! I've gone mad with power. losing power none the less. dear god NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! i got 0 i got 0
Son of jack shiat and ima head, ImJusta shiat-head
IJaSh: All my base are belong to you!
I concede defeat (victory?), and must move on to losing other games. I wonder how quickly I can run myself out of moves in Cabeem...
Personal best 4980 on Difficult #3.
I Tried hacking the scoring system...didn't do much.
When you upload the score a new window pops up with a heading looking something like this: http://zone.msn.com/bejeweled/sp_score_DIMI.asp?game=DIMI&score;=120&time;=7:43:11%20PM&date;=3/8/01&rnd;=405936180&ds;=6f417c6bd1a4aa2829f8fd43773bf5ab bold stuff is the actual score. MSN zone seems to have already uploaded the score to the server, and just wants a confirmation if it should keep it or not. So trying to change the value wont get you no further than an error page. I'm bored.... I love this game but the high scores are just too high to be real.
Estragon: Yes all your base are belong to me!!! IIII suck!
also all your jewels are belong to me son of shiat, imjusta shiathead
71,970. And I'd never scored over 11,000 before. Took a little over two hours. I'm so goddamn tired.
And if it wasn't bad enough sucking all your time away at the PC, it's now availible for Palm OS based handhelds:
I hate this game
Its now availible for your home pc.
it's also available for my palm.
The only game to play here is Level 3, the hardest one. High score is 3625 but I got lucky with a bonus once. Usually average 1500-2000.
Wanted to waste the last half-hour at work playing this game. Got a score of 70. When you want to waste time, it never works.
several months ago i got 47 thousand something [47,000]. it took two hours and i lost just because i sort of got really bored and so stopped trying. once you figure out this one strategy (which i will spare the details off so as not to ruin some peoples lives) you just apply it and losing doesn't really become that likely. it just gets farking boring after a while and your eyes start to sting.i'm sure if you hooked up an IV and got some dexedrine you could get 1,000,000 in a few days (approximately 50 hours).
if someone wants to know what the strategy is i'll tell but it ruins the game because there's no challenge.
78,395. Never got past 10,000 before. And then it locks up on the submit window.. Grrrrrrr!
you knwo whats funny? This has been on the side of fark for liek 8 months, yet there are only this many comments. Hrm interesting.
I thought I posted this two months ago. Guess I didn't:
-he who stacks pork
Need_For_Tweed: I would like to know the strategy.
The strategy I used to get the 122890 point game was to basically make sure that there is at least one move available at the very bottom of the screen. I save that one for the "just in case" scenario, and just concentrate on completing the very top rows. Of course, there isn't always a very top row move to complete, so I just stick with the ones that are the highest up. Good luck!
-he who stacks pork
I played it once so far and i got a huge chain reaction of like 10 or so matches! Plus a big big big bonues!
Did it a second time:
Game duration: 28:18 Gems cleared: 1195 Largest chain reaction: 5 Highest scoring move: 160 (woo!) Total score: 6970 I noticed that i've seen the number 69 quite a bit lately....
based on the high scores list, it's impossible to get past 200,000 points
and someone's played 3 times and gotten 200,000 points in all 3! prolly didn't submit the crappy stuff....
Who's Yer Daddy!!!
Crikey...I can't even break 10K....
This is my best score so far, not too shabby considering I haven't played in a coupla months.
On level 2 I got: Game Duration 13:08 Gems Cleared 1031 Longest Chain Reaction 5 (bleck!) Highest Scoring Move 165 Total Score 7472 BOO-YAH GRANDMA! BOO-YAH!
I somehow managed to score FARK
fark.... it doesnt work with the fark codes
you have to type it in, but it looks funny (props to SEELE) http://zone.msn.com/bejeweled/sp_score_DIMI.asp?game=DIMI&score;=FARK&time;=7:43 :11%20PM&date;=3/8/01&rnd;=405936180&ds;=6f417c6bd1a4aa2829f8fd43773bf5ab
My friend got a 11,875 on his first try.....
my all time high....14,945. All I knew was that when I was finished, I wrote the score on the wall and and my eyes were burning. gaaaaaa <----Homer Simpson style drooling =)
Heh. I got a 99,235 an dgot to 14th stage on windows version. But judging from the Absolute Best Scores up there, I'd say maybe it's scored differently ;)
has anyone worked out why they changed the name from bejewelled to "diamond mine game"? the new name sucks.
Diamond Mine is the original name of the game. On Microsoft's site the game is named Bejeweled. Popcap's official name for the game is Diamond Mine, but since msn.com is where most people play the game, Bejeweled is what a lot of farkers call it.
:-) ps: I'm slanted.
isa: it's still called bejewelled on msn...
First the Palm and now it's availible for Pocket PC too (and just as fun... I played it several hours yesterday on my Jornada =P) http://www.astraware.com/ppc/mine/
Woot! what a game.... #2 on the low score list!
Well this is a superior time vacuum. My hand is numb and my eye are glazed.
score: 130,000 duration: 223.4 gems cleared: 5157 longest cascade: 6 best single move: 1445 level: 16
Hmmmm, scored a 60 earlier today but forgot to snag a screenshot....Hard to believe I am getting worse...:')
This is the biggest time sink game EVER. It rocks. I got 16000 on the home version. |