Dude, where's my stash?
i'd hit it /see kids, it's not just for boobies
Shoulda killed him - lesser punishment than for possession.
How many times has this happened now? Don't people ever THINK? Oh wait... Seriously though, how dumb do you have to be to report an illegal substance stolen?
beginning: //// attention //// .420. //// close section //// :end ! the god hour approaches !
He should have just gone to the soccer game in Lisbon.
4th pot related link today. I love fark.
The real DUMBASSES are the people who think the stuff should even be illegal.
But he stole my weed! /some things you're just not supposed to bug the law about and this would seem to be one. Hot chicks nude sunbathing is another.
I didn't do it.
Yeah, yeah, whatever.... was that Scott Baio I saw in the procession at the Reagan funeral
How stoned do ya hafta be to...? Oh. Never mind.
Uhm...what were we talkin' about?
Good Game
http://blogs.salon.com/0001996/images/2003/03/11/towlie.jpg "That's my last J asshole!"
drug induced panic attack /it happens
The REAL REAL dumbasses are the ones who call other people dumbasses for having an opinion that differs from theirs.
Why is there no news from Iraq?
LagBeast is a dumbass
Did you just say something?
Oh yeah, para is much better than poss. They know it would cost them a ton o cash to prove it. Just be nice and get a nice lawyer. Eat your weed.
Why can't stupidity be fatal?
Whoa....that's totally not cool. The cops should , like , help a person out when their shiat gets stolen , y'know?
Fecal Pandora: No, the real dumbass is the loser who thinks it is a crime to steal an illegal substance and then thinks he will get justice by reporting it to those who's job it is to bust people who possess said substance. Put down your bong and come back to reality. /thinks drugs are stupid /thinks those who take drugs are stupid /thinks it typically is not illegal to be stupid except in the case of drugs /thinks that makes no sense /thinks government is stupid for thinking it should legislate stupidity unless being stupid will kill, maim or damage the property of anyone except the stupid asshole in the act of stupidity
Am I the only one who thinks we need a "Moron reports stolen weed-jailarity ensues" tag? Or not....
Droppedaschild : No , but I read your quote as "Mormon reports stolen weed-jailarity ensues" Which I think would be even funnier.
For all you pot smokers!!
direvarg why should the government ruin the fun for everyone else just because you think something is stupid? And why is drugs the exception to stupidity should not be illegal rule?
Preemtive retort to LagBeasts retort to my...er, ummm, retort. Someone calling someone else who has a diferent OPINION a DUMBASS is expressing an OPINION and it is therefor as much their right to have and express their OPINION that the person who's OPINION differs is a DUMBASS as it is for the person who has the differing OPINION to have and express said OPINION. Just as it is your right to hold the OPINION that I am a DUMBASS for expressing my OPINION that all parties involved in this story are DUMBASSES (except the cop who is simply doing his job as defined by the legislators, dumbasses, who where were elected to represent the majority of citizens who voted for that office) as well as a few posters on this subjest. /logic police
~=dementia+~: Are you smoking pot right now, thus proving my point? Reread my post. It is very clear, even if your comprehension is not.
Can't we all just get along? No. People shouldn't be ashamed to be dumb asses. Embrace your dumb assitude. Remember, if you are old enough, when Boy George became part of Nancy Reagan's war on drugs and he said "Drugs are stupid." Then, not too many years later, we found that he was addicted to heroin. That is more ironic than rain on your wedding day.
Anybody who thinks that people don't have the right as human beings to do whatever the fark they want with their body is insane. I've never had a drop of alcohol, smoked a cigarette, smoked weed or taken any other mind-altering drug, but I'll defend to the death EVERYBODY'S right to their own body. Hell, my friend's grandma feels the same way.
Amen , Mrwizard. If someone wants to drill holes in their feet while snorting lines of powdered bathroom cleaner while listening to Christian rock , more power to them. As long as they are adults and not hurting anyone else , good on them.
I think its ass backwards that they can suspend his license for activities completly unrelated to driving a motor vehicle
ScubaDoo Christian rock? Let's not go nuts. /THAT should be illegal //pseudo-sarcasm
mrwizarrd: You got it! Logic award. I would reiterate however that should the commission of the act of stupidity interfere with another's right and ability (i.e. kill, maim, or damage of property) to be smart or stupid then the government should step in and laydown the smackdown.
mrwizard: Kudos again /christian rock is an intolerable form of stupidity /smirk
If we 'ban' weed we should 'ban' alcohol and cigarettes too. If you make those illegal to posses i will agree that weed should be illegal as well. Yes I understand that person have right to do to their bodies what they want. I'm just picking at this from 'government' side of view. If they put alcohol and cigarettesas legal and put weed as illegal something is wrong with that. With all my experience ONLY drunk people do stupid shiat.
still waiting 4 thay DAMN FOOL tag
ScubaDoo: /would have gotten a logic award had it not been for the christian rock thing. Heh.
All right...I retract the Christian rock statement and replace it with Polka music.
ScubaDoo: Sorry, not good enough....d'oh ok. Logic Award!
direvarg, I think you should be illegal.
I've never had a drop of alcohol, smoked a cigarette, smoked weed or taken any other mind-altering drug, but I'll defend to the death EVERYBODY'S right to their own body. Hell, my friend's grandma feels the same way. Somebody's Grandma feels that way? Case closed.
bbcrackmonkey: Hold on now, I have advocated everyone's right to have and express opinions (no matter how stupid and ill informed they may be) as well as everyone's right of self determination (i.e. as long as peoples' acts of stupidity do not interfere in the well being of other people they should have the right to be as stupid as they please, for instance taking drugs). Now, if you are against these ideas, and you most certainly have the right to that opinion, then I would submit that you are a fascist who would quell free speach and self determination in order to try to make society reflect your own puny f'ed up view of right and wrong. /in MY opinion.
just blazed 5 min ago
How much would have to be in your stash before you even considered reporting it stolen?!?! Was this loser reporting an 1/8th missing?!?! Was it a QP??? Or was he just begging for 3 hot meals a day?!!?
RoguePixie: I laughed so hard that I about shat myself! Good post!
Can the prove possession if he didn't actually have it? I mean, he just said that it was stolen, and we know we can't trust a pothead.
This dude is a farking retard. Next thing, OJ's gonna say "I've lost my glove and steal knife!" Also, have the mods ever considered a "RETARD" label for stories? Just asking
Yeah, this guy's a retard all right... but he's got spunk! (huh?) Weed!
I have had no reefer experience, yet I EVEN KNOW you don't report something that is illegal as stolen!!
This is probably the same guy who would narc out his friends to save his own ass. He deserves what he gets.
Heh, he must have been drunk.
There's no shortage of dumbasses related to this thread, I think we at least agree on that. To ensure this remains the case, I shall even contribute a word or two. Not all "opinions" are equal. I have a big problem with people who believe they have a right to govern what other people do in the privacy of their own home- in cases where the "crime" is an act that harms no one. Voicing a belief that harmless behavior should be illegal isn't "just an opinion." It is, to the contrary, an overt harmful act against other citizens, an act that deprives others of personal liberty.
That happened in Ontario during the time when there were no marijuana laws (now sadly over). Some girl was robbed of two dimes, and went to the police. I don't think they ever caught the robber, but they did look, and she wasn't charged. Big media bit about it. /I love this country.
sunlion This is true. I've forgotten who came up with the system of positive and negative freedoms, but it's beautiful. Positive freedoms are your rights to do things (drive cars, buy homes, etc.), while negative freedoms allow you to be free from the actions of others (free speech, criminal laws, drugs). I'd have to say it's better to be free from the control of others than be able to have more control over what you can do to them. /Or is positive/negative the other way around? Damn law ckass.
This is why people shoot eachother. They can't get any help from LEO, so they have to take the law into their own hands.
Put down your bong and come back to reality. The state of mind most healthy human beings are in while not intoxicated or under stress is simply the one that was most effective for propagating one's genetics in our ancestors. This doesn't mean other perspectives are less "real" or valid. Carry on.
direvarg I totally agree. You deserve the Golden Logic Award. Unfortunately, many on this thread may be a little too ripe already and are an example of the enforcement aspect of your logic.
Is anyone else getting tired of seeing this type of post? I am perfectly willing to accept that people who smoke marijuana occassionally turn themselves in accidentally. Do we need any more posts about it?
ortho tricyclin. insulin. alcohol. nicotine. caffeine. asprin. zinc oxide, for fark's sake. Look up the dictionary definition of a drug. We take these things to change something about our physical, mental or emotional condition. Whether you NEED it or just WANT it is immaterial. If you feel that doing so is wrong or unnatural, then don't do it! Let those who wish to alter how they feel do so in peace. Snicker, point, and make all the snide, self aggrandizing comments you want. There are worse things to become addicted to than drugs. Sex, fast food, the internet... When are we going to set federal regualtions on these heinous villains?
This reminds me of harvesting season in my hometown. Around March everyone would burn off their land and plant the pot. In September someone else would come in and steal the pot. It was hilarious. Why set the stuff out yourself and take a chance on the cops finding it on your property when you can just go in and steal the other dude's crop? Strangely enough, no one ever reported their crop stolen to the police. They generally dispensed justice on their own.
Lets get a poll going, I vote for "Drugs are for simple-minded idiots". Anyone else?
What was the question again?
I vote for blue. Yep, yellow is definitely my favorite farm sport.
He should have just paid the taxes on it. |