June 08, 2004
I just heard a talk-show caller [yes, Sera and I *do* listen to some crazy shit while hosing down the barn] say with perfect seriousness thatAbu Graib will have more effect on the world than 9-11. His tone indicated that this is something he really, actually, truly believes.
I got to thinking what a feat that statement represents. He didn't mention Saddam's version of Abu Graib, nor the slave trade in North Africa, nor any of the other genocides, wars, famines, etc. going on in the world now or recently. Which leads me to understand that, to him, it is not the acts at Abu Graib that are important so much as it is that America committed those acts.
Look at what that says about his expectations of America -- that she be above all wrong behavior, better than all other countries and peoples with superior ideals and perfect restraint. Sort of like a child expects perfection of his parent...
That attitude is apparent in all the criticisms of the situation in Iraq. Instead of "Wow, what a wonderful thing that there are so many elections being held where none have been before," it is, "Why aren't there elections everywhere and everything isn't perfect already?!" Instead of, "Gee what sacrifices you are making to prevent civilian casualties," it is "Why can't you make these people stop being violent?!"
Unrealistic expectations and magical thinking. I'm not sure how to respond to that, or if there even is a response that would make sense to those who think this way...
yarbroughs dot org continues the discussion with You shouldn't be hating the big dog...
Watcher of Weasels continues the discussion with Submitted for Your Approval
Don't nip the Big Dog
Jim has written an open letter to "everybody in the world who is bitching about America," which covers rather a lot of people... His letter covers a lot of ground, too. Go See . . .
June 07, 2004
Proudly Announcing *cue trumpets*
I will be guest-blogging over at Dean's World while he and the ever-lovely Queen of All Evil are off gallavanting around the country side having fun and refreshing themselves.
My fellow guest-blogger is the effervescent and Knowledgably Powerful SondraK, so things oughta be rather interesting and amusing. Please drop by Sunday through Tuesday and join the fun!
June 06, 2004
Caution -- Duck-Blogging Ahead!
We have added some new members to our household and, because I am so taken with them, I would like to brag introduce you to them.
[in the EE so as not to drive those with slower connections to distraction]
You want more ?!? »
June 05, 2004
Cannot Be Slimed Without Your Permission
Happened upon Ms Perky-in-Pink Couric interviewing the big, bad... gent-about-town, OJ the other nite. Explored how many ways there are there to say, "...uh, EWW."
Ms C looked somewhat stunned in the first place [due, no doubt to that bad lip job she got. makes her look like her make-up artiste is drunk...] and when OJ shut her down in classic abuser style to ramble on about the "real killers," ...uh, e. w. w. And she let him ...uh, E.W.W.!
Like I needed to be reminded why I never watch these BS "news" shows. Disgusting, embarrassing and revolting as well as being reliably unreliable. I remember being a kid when Rather or one of them took on the beef industry and did one of those Michael-Moore-prototype chase-em-down "interviews" of someone my family knew. Made the guy look like the biggest liar and cheat, ever, when we knew the truth to be quite the opposite. That is when I learned the concept of the question, "When did you stop beating your wife?" That was the end of my belief in anything "because it's on TeeVee," and the start of a skepticism that has worked quite well for me over the years.
I am completely mystified as to why the media-whores are lining up to lick up the dribblings of this murdering sleeze bucket. What can they possibly think -- fantasize that he might have to offer to anyone anywhere, anytime? He was never interesting, or amusing, or even newsworthy in any way [off the athletic field, which, in itself interests me not at all.] Not even Leslie Neilson could make him humorous -- and Neilson can make a newspaper funny. OJ? - stale butter on white bread. Zzzzzz.
So the only, only thing OJ has to sell is his "status" as the black-man-who-did-and -then-killed-a white-girl-*and*-killed- a-white-guy-and-got-away-with-it. Lovely. If we buy it, the joke, and the slime, is on us.
Let's not and be proud we didn't, eh?
June 04, 2004
Hey! NYT -- The hour is nigh...
And what is this I spy on the horizon?
The Committee on Arrangements (COA) for the 2004 Republican National Convention is considering the option of creating an on-site bloggers
station at this year's Convention...
Go! Michele!! Go!
June 03, 2004
The Council Has Spoken ! ! !
This week's winners are:
INDC Presents: National World War II Memorial Dedication Weekend by IJDC Journal, [congratulations!] and
Pictures, Pictures, Pictures by Iraq the Model
Full results of the vote are over at The Watcher's, along with week's entries! Lots of good reading: Go See . . .
"Michael Moore is a Screwed Asshole..."
...according to author Ray Bradbury, from whom Moore stole the title of his Palme d'HorseOr - winning "flim." [nope, not a typo. "flim" being half of "flim-flam"]
"Michael Moore is a screwed asshole, that is what I think about that case. He stole my title and changed the numbers without ever asking me for permission.
...Do you disagree with his opinions...
-That has nothing to do with it. He copied my title, that is what happened. That has nothing to do with my political opinions.
Bradbury said that he had tried to discuss the issue with Moore, but that the director avoided him.
- I called his publisher. They promised he would call me the same afternoon, but he didn't.
He who lives by the sword bullshit, dies by the sword bullshit.
ThanQ! Dean
yarbroughs dot org continues the discussion with Ray Bradbury on Michael Moore
Iron Monkey continues the discussion with The Numbers Game
Department of the Obvious
Besides the laryngitis, I mean...
Updates on Life in The Country™
Went to talk to the duck-doc today about Larry and his broken leg. Apparently the leg is coming along fine and the duck-doc could find nothing to explain his enui. [Larry's, that is. The duck-doc's ennui is his own business.]
Maybe he's just sick o' bein' sick -- like me. He seems to *like* it when I hold him these past coupla days... Usta be that's what I'd threaten 'em with when they were being dicks -- "Knock it off or I'm gonna hug you!" Now, I don't know *how* I'm gonna make 'em duck back in line...
So more rest is on the schedule. And digging up some woims to see if I can tempt his palate. His duck-buddy, Hunter, will not leave his side. Larry is convalescing in a large dog kennel on the porch and Hunter would be in there with him all day If I let him. I kick Hunter out in the am to have a little wash-up and wander about. He is right back at the door wanting in within the half-hour. Loyal, that little fella. When I carry Larry out to sun on the lawn, Hunter is quacking behind me or flying out in front, "Don't you take my duck -- Larry is *my* duck, you put him down!"
This afternoon, I'm making Hunter stay out of the kennel to see if Larry is poopin' good -- hard to tell with the two of 'em in there. Hunter is sitting right outside the door looking in. A good, loyal friend. I'm proud to know him.
UPDATE: Larry left us on Friday around noon. He will be sorely missed.
Rant Runs Rampant
This thought began with this post at Dean's World. It began as a comment and took on a life of its own, having tapped into a well of frustration and aggravation I had only dimly been aware was growing. Go See . . . and c'mon back and yell tell me what you think, m'kaaay?
The term "reaction" with all the snark and innuendo wiped off, describes an action that is more automatic while "respond" describes a more thoughtful deliberate action -- in my experience. All this quibbling and emotional squabbling on both right and left is reactionary. No points are considered, no options discussed, no decisions taken -- getting us no where fast.
I remember when "liberal" included "open-minded" and "willing to consider other points of view." Now it seems that the word has been taken over by socialists and the like who are all afraid of the Republican under the bed...
There are so many people about who want to make everyone live like they think is Right; whether it be forcing a burka down your throat, preventing people from doing things because the Bible says they're are wrong, to having the state make all the child-raising, health and safety decisions. And very few seem to be even aware of the possibility of a discussion between/among people of good will and differing opinions who want to reach an acceptable solution for all. Phrases like "the loyal opposition" garner only blank looks as everyone goes whole hog for the absolute manifestation of exactly their positions and ideas.
Do we hafta force everyone else to live as we think they should because, then, we won't hafta work to arrange things as we want them to be, ourselves? If I think kids ought to be educated in a certain way, I am perfectly capable of setting up a school that does things my way. It is a lot of work and maybe no one will join me. Maybe I'll lose money. Maybe my kids will be the only ones who be educated that way. Is that any reason to try to force my way into becoming the way of the state so that everyone else can pay the bills and do the work for me?
Whatdahell happened to the basic [American] agreement that we all, being of varying beliefs and approaches to Life, want to have the freedom to live as we see fit with little interference from our neighbor?!? The agreement that when we did happen to interfere with our neighbor, we could work it out so that everyone had the room they needed? Where did all this righteousness come from, such that every POV believes itself to be as indisputable as Revealed Knowledge? What about what we could learn from our neighbors' different views of Life?
Frankly, it's getting tiresome. Sure, I believe those things I believe for very good reasons -- reasons I worked very hard to check, cross-check and recheck until I believed them to be as valid as I could make them, with periodic re-examinations for holes and worn spots and places that have passed their sell-by date... Of course I am sure that I am right. I am also able to contain the possibility, contradictory as it is, that you, in your different opinion, may be right as well. I respect your honesty and dedication to doing just as careful a check and recheck of your beliefs as have I. Just because we didn't reach the same conclusion only goes to show that Life does have some mystery to it and it is not possible as yet for humans to Know It All. I can live with that.
Is it something in our education system, something in the water, that makes us -- world wide -- l
decreasingly able to grasp contradictory views simultaneously? I was taught that that is an indicator of a mature and educated mind, the ability to grasp and hold paradoxes. Am I incorrect?
Am I uncommitted -- or just plain lazy -- that I am unwilling to pick up a cudgel or a gun to force you to live the way I think is right? Am I a selfish boor because the only time I will pick up a gun is when someone tries to force me to live by their beliefs?
I realize that there are currently people in the world who are actively picking up guns to try to force us to live by their beliefs. Still and all, that is no reason to allow them to galvanize US into reacting by polarizing and solidifying our own beliefs so that we lose the one belief that made us the greatest experiment in history -- the belief that people of differing approaches to Life can live peacefully together with freedom and respect.