Dean's World
 Defending the liberal tradition in history, science, and philosophy.

.:: Dean's World: Public Service Announcement ::.

June 11, 2004

Public Service Announcement

I would like to make a Public Service Announcement.

Attention black people: You all can carry off all sorts of hairstyles, including the fade or even outright bald, in a way that looks great and makes other people envious. But seriously, the giant 'fro thing? It didn't look good in the '70s, and it still doesn't look good now.

Remember: Just because you can doesn't mean you should do it.

If it's any consolation, I'll never perm my hair to make it curly again (and yes, I really used to do that back in the '80s).

Posted by dean | PermaLink | TrackBack (0)

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You too, huh?

In the late 80s, had a long mullet, permed in the back. It went great with my parachute pants and fishnet muscle shirt. I was definitely "the shit", but sadly not in the way that I thought. :)

Posted by dave on June 11, 2004 at 12:39 AM

Are you QUITE sure you've quit drinking? Or did you not remember that you'd turned off the spelling-checker?

Posted by Justthisguy on June 11, 2004 at 12:40 AM

I will one post my high school pic, if I haven't destroyed them all. Biiig 'fro. Ben Wallace is a piker.

Posted by Juliette on June 11, 2004 at 12:47 AM

"I will one day..."

Posted by Juliette on June 11, 2004 at 12:48 AM

Proof that life isn't fair: I've never done anything to my hair. No hair spray, dyes of any sort, etc... And at age 20, it's already quite grey. I should take all the necessary steps needed to obtain a huge technicolour 'fro, just so I can say I've earned my lack of pigment.

Posted by dowingba on June 11, 2004 at 12:59 AM

I, too, could claim to have never done anything to my hair, but in fact I have braided it and occasionally trimmed it.

I will admit to having trimmed my beard in dumb ways in my youth, including a brief fling with muttonchops.

Posted by triticale on June 11, 2004 at 8:31 AM

Hair? What's that???

Well, unless you count my back. But that ain't braided.


Posted by Jay G on June 11, 2004 at 10:54 AM

I'm just glad that all photos of me from my Jheri Curl days have been destroyed.

Posted by Darmon Thornton on June 11, 2004 at 7:53 PM

I need a crew-cut.

Steven, make that a high and tight. Screw the crew-cut, it's too butch...even for you. Although I wish I could sport corn-rows but alas, my european genes won't allow it.

Posted by Tim the Soldier on June 12, 2004 at 2:22 PM

Black is Beautiful. Condi Rice is so sexy that I may vote for Bush after all, just to keep her up there.





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