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June 07, 2004
Exit Strategy Succeeds: 12,000 Troops Leaving Korea

(2004-06-07) -- Just 54 years after President Harry Truman sent U.S. forces to invade the Korean peninsula, his exit strategy is showing early signs of success with the announcement that the U.S. will withdraw 12,000 troops from South Korea by the end of this year.

The move will leave just 25,000 U.S. military personnel in a post-war situation which critics in the Senate have called "a quagmire."

Senate Democrats, however, hailed President Truman's foresight and contrasted his foreign policy triumph with the Bush administration's poor planning in the month's leading up to the Iraq war.

"You can't just go storming into a country without a plan to get out," said an unnamed Senate Democrat. "Maybe now Bush will get a clue and learn some lessons from President Truman."

by Scott Ott | Donate | TrackBack (2) | Comments (172) | More Satire | Printer-Friendly
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Posted by: First at June 7, 2004 05:24 PM


Posted by: andrea at June 7, 2004 05:29 PM

I don't think much of Mr. Truman's planning phase. These Korean vets must be in their seventies. They will be nothing but a further drain on the economy, collecting social security, using the G.I.Bill to sponge off of the government and such.

Posted by: Papertiger at June 7, 2004 05:30 PM

What... going home so soon?

Brilliant again Scott!

Posted by: Vradic at June 7, 2004 05:30 PM

We didn't invade South Korea, preemptively or otherwise.

Posted by: Mike at June 7, 2004 05:33 PM


Posted by: fat kid at June 7, 2004 05:37 PM

Now we just need to get our troops out of Germany and Japan. The occupation must stop!

Posted by: Algore at June 7, 2004 05:38 PM

top 10 woo hoo.

can't move from Germany. who would keep the fierce French from invading?

Posted by: mephitis at June 7, 2004 05:46 PM

Top 10? Loved the comparison. Quagmire indeed.

Posted by: Nebraskaboy at June 7, 2004 05:47 PM


Posted by: PanamaRed at June 7, 2004 05:47 PM


Posted by: Randy at June 7, 2004 05:51 PM


Posted by: gwiz at June 7, 2004 05:52 PM

Hilarious! Keep up the good work.

Posted by: Matthew at June 7, 2004 05:55 PM


If we didn't "invade" Korea, then how in the heck did we get there? What would you call our entry into Vietnam? Or the beaches of Normandy? I believe if we arrive without an invitation of the occupying government, then it's technically an "invasion". I don't think North Korea invited our troops, just like Hitler and Hussein.

Posted by: Cheap Fur Coats at June 7, 2004 05:55 PM

We were asked to observe and Gen MacArthur had specific orders...he could not take the agreesive stance...NorK invaded SouK and MacArthur went to work.

Truman's booboo was allowing the UN to give back NorK to the NorKs after we conquered the whole country. His first booboo was to fire Gen. Mac.

I hear they are selling cat fur in NorK for top yuan. Go peddle yourself.

Posted by: La Femme Crickita at June 7, 2004 06:02 PM

Thanks, Scott. I needed a good chuckle today.

Now, as has already been said, if we can just get out of that quagmire in Western Europe. 60 years of antagonism and guerilla warfare...Geeze Louise!

Posted by: Possumtrot™ at June 7, 2004 06:05 PM

After ChIraq's backhanded slap at the D-Day memorial ("we know all about occupation"), I was guessing Mr. Ott's next thread would headline:

Bush Reluctantly Bows To France's Wishes: U.S. Will No Longer Support Allies

But this is better, and not quite so enraging.

Posted by: bahabuddha™ at June 7, 2004 06:13 PM

So, we'll be out of Bosnia in, oh, 49 years then?

Posted by: CreaTed at June 7, 2004 06:29 PM

We didn't invade South Korea, preemptively or otherwise.

Posted by Mike at June 7, 2004 05:33 PM

If we didn't "invade" Korea, then how in the heck did we get there? What would you call our entry into Vietnam? Or the beaches of Normandy? I believe if we arrive without an invitation of the occupying government, then it's technically an "invasion". I don't think North Korea invited our troops, just like Hitler and Hussein.

Posted by Cheap Fur Coats at June 7, 2004 05:55 PM

Gentlemen! You are BOTH right. We did NOT invade South Korea, North Korea did. We DID, however, invade North Korea after North Korea invaded South Korea. However, I do believe the people of SouthViet Nam asked for our assistance against North Vietnamese agression, hence that was not an invasion, *per se.* Now when the Union invaded the Confederacy, that was a...

long long time ago.


Posted by: spd rdr at June 7, 2004 06:38 PM


Brilliant analysis.

Oh, BTW anyone notice that we're still in Kosovo and that the Muslims we put the "white hats" on in order to bomb the capital of the Christian "black hats" are now burning down churches and ethnically cleansing at a prodigious rate? Course, that's not a "Quagmire" because the UN is making sure that everyone who gets burned out of his home gets a lift out of the neighborhood in an APC and their own brand new 10X10 Tarpaulin. Ain't progress grand?


Posted by: Seagoon at June 7, 2004 06:44 PM

21! That makes me legal

Posted by: Ms RightWing at June 7, 2004 07:07 PM

Do we have an exit plan for Ft. Knox?

Posted by: Ms RightWing at June 7, 2004 07:13 PM

Ugh! White Man have exit strategy for America? Inquiring Indians want to know.

Posted by: Ms RightWing at June 7, 2004 07:16 PM

"I hear they are selling cat fur in NorK for top yuan. Go peddle yourself."

The reason we avoid eating dogs and cats in the west isn't because of PETA. We avoid eating dogs and cats because they are carnivores, and the return in nutrition doesn't justify raising them for food.

My understanding is that the pig qualifies as the smartest domestic animal. Until pork is banned or unless you are a member of PETA, Americans really aren't in a position to criticize an ethnicity for eating animals they don't even consider pets. You're just being self-serving.

Posted by: Mike at June 7, 2004 07:18 PM

Top 25. WHO'S THE MAN??

I'm sure S. Korea would have been much better off if we had pulled out earlier. Maybe we can do the right thing in Iraq and leave NOW! (sarcasm/ON)

Posted by: NeoFascist? at June 7, 2004 07:21 PM

Does the human race have an exit plan for the earth. Look at the quagmire the dirty, rotten, polluting, environmental ninny, homo-sapiens have created. Just go away and leave me alone. I don't want to talk about it.–algore

Posted by: Ms RightWing at June 7, 2004 07:23 PM

Using Korea as the baseline time interval, and applying its 54-year period for withdrawing troops from the locations of their current deployment, it follows that, were the JoKe to be elected in '04, he would run out of both life and Botox before he had to make any decisions on troop withdrawals during his term(s) of office.

Dig up Kerry in 2058!

Posted by: The Great Santini at June 7, 2004 07:26 PM

LOOKOUT WORLD !!!! Ms Right Wing is careful, nothing worse than trying to avoid a wheelchair swervin' in your lane !! Could this be top 25 ??

Posted by: mindknumbed kid at June 7, 2004 07:29 PM

Roast Quagmire is stupendous with a few potatoes, some carrots, sea salt, a few herbs and spices and slow roasted for 12 hours with a nail. Serve warm on a bed of brown rice and a sprig or two of parsley to feed the eye as well as the stomach.

Posted by: Chef RightWing at June 7, 2004 07:32 PM

Or 30, if your dial-up connection is ssssssssslllllllllloooooooowwwwwwwwwwwww.

Posted by: mindknumbed kid at June 7, 2004 07:33 PM

mindknumbed kid

You betchya. And I learned how to disconnect the governor. Waa hooo!

Posted by: Chef RightWing at June 7, 2004 07:37 PM

54 years later and God knows how many lives, the buck stops here :)

We've been in Kosovo longer than we were in Vietnam...

But Iraq is a quagmire?

Go figure...

The Democrats: poster children for Ritalin.

Posted by: Cassandra at June 7, 2004 07:41 PM

Mmmm... roasted quagmire.

Posted by: Homer Simpson at June 7, 2004 07:43 PM

When did I mention eating cats? Hhhhmmmm????????? If the NorKs are eating kitties, it is more likely that they are starving and will get their protein somehow.

Posted by: La Femme Crickita at June 7, 2004 07:43 PM

It took 54 years because Truman was consulting with the U.N. before making such a huge decision... he even came back from the grave to get Kofi Annan's advice. Now there's an example!

Posted by: Josh P. at June 7, 2004 07:47 PM

rough crowd here talking about skinning and eating dogs and Cats! geeeeez! Of course Mike is the only one talking about eating family pets--WHICH by the way are OMNIvores! Another advantage we have over humans, we never choose to terminate our 'pregnancies'.

Lets raise our glass of Metamucil in a toast to our 12k troops finally withdrawing from SK. And for the welcome parade we won't do any raisin hail...we'll use Geritol tablets instead....well, I guess it Depends™.

Posted by: CoLoRaDo KiTtY cAt at June 7, 2004 08:00 PM

1. 1/3 force reduction in Korea. A kick in the groin to the "Yankee we hate you , go home, but don't, seriously" - faction of Korean whipping boy politics. N Korea has always been a Chinese proxy state. Close Walmarts to Chinese imports and N Korea will kow tow the next week to end their WMD program and appease billionaire ChiCom Party officials and generals who worry about their Bush contributions and enlarging their Vail ski chalets.

2. 2 Divisions out of Germany. A Huge Message to the EU that the US will not be their substitution for low military spending.

3. Zionists and Arabs in Egypt, Jordan - demanding 10-15 billion a year so the ME does not go Soviet also face a day of reckoning.

Posted by: Ranbutan at June 7, 2004 08:02 PM

"When did I mention eating cats? Hhhhmmmm?????????"

I didn't say you did.

My point was that Koreans aren't deviating from any principle we are keeping to, when it comes to the treatment of animals. We don't eat animals we consider pets, and neither do the Koreans.

Arbitrarily citing a controversial animal when you chose to was inflammatory.

Posted by: Mike at June 7, 2004 08:07 PM

Thanks, Scott, I needed that!

We here in the occupied Confederacy take deep umbrage that the Union interfered in our internal affairs. End the occupation! Make all yankees go home. (Okay, Atlanta will be unrecognizable and Florida unoccupied, but we'll manage.)

Imagine this: President Lincoln, the South just wants to be left alone, why should we send our young men to die to make them un-secede?

How long will it take?

How much will it cost?

The South is not an imminent threat, what's the rush?

Yearning for the days when reporters understood the BIG issues,

Posted by: Miss Virginia at June 7, 2004 08:09 PM

"Of course Mike is the only one talking about eating family pets--WHICH by the way are OMNIvores!"

No, (1.) the teeth and digestive systems of dogs and cats classify them as carnivores, and (2.) the expense of cereal pet foods still supports my point. Nice try.

And you're misquoting me on anyone eating family pets. Americans don't eat animals they consider pets, and neither do the Koreans.

Posted by: Mike at June 7, 2004 08:20 PM

I never said one thing about eating pets, you brought that up. And it is known in the fur trade that the NorKs were, at one time, and may still be doing so, peddling cat skins.

Whether they eat the cats is a matter of speculation, and was not brought up by me, but by you because you wanted to have something to be offended about.

It is also known that Kim Men Ta Li Il has starved his people, so even if they don't eat pets, what will stop them from breeding cats for meat? Speculation on my part because YOU raised the issue of eating pets.

You need to quit being easily inflamed.

Posted by: La Femme Crickita at June 7, 2004 08:26 PM

Although this is WAY off thread & a ridiculous topic of banter---ask my pets that eat meat, veggies and even fruit and cereals if they're omnivores or carnivores...nice try.

Were you that "Mikey" in the Life™ commercial that hated everything? The disagreeable "Mike" from the Reagan thread sure could be.

Oh and La Femme Crickita was talking about cat fur not who eats or considers which animals pets. It appears pretty obvious you jumped tracks, FWIW.

peace OUT

Posted by: CoLoRaDo KiTtY cAt at June 7, 2004 08:35 PM

I read recently (I can't remember, but it was a legit source I swear), that North Koreans' BABIES are disappearing. When their children die, they wait until night to bury them so no one will see and dig them up to have for dinner the next day. I'll bet they eat cat, dog, rat, bugs, ANY kind of protein they can get to survive! And so would you MIKE if you lived the pitiful life those people do.


Posted by: MargeinMI at June 7, 2004 08:42 PM

Scott, this one is really choice! And to all you responders... you folks crack me up big time! I do want to mention something though. Cassandra, you mentioned a comparison to our time in Vietnam. I can't swear to this as being true, but in the back of my high school history book was a list of important moments in American history. One of them was that our first advisors were sent to Vietnam by ol' 'Give 'em hell Harry', I believe on Sept. 14, 1950. I'm thinking (not too well, but we all do what we can) that Vietnam was a French colony back then. We moved in, the French moved out, and the rest is some really nasty history.

There was one good thing to come out of the French/Vietnam thing: food! I don't know if anyone on this list has ever eaten any Vietnamese cuisine, but if it's done well it is delightful! It is a sort of combination of French and Chinese cooking, as near as I can figure. I used to eat at a Vietnam place in Atlanta called Chi Gio (it means spring rolls, I think) and it became one of my favorite places in town to eat. I don't have much use for the French but I gotta hand it to 'em: some of those wimps can really cook!

Posted by: Alph at June 7, 2004 08:45 PM


Posted by: mindknumbed kid at June 7, 2004 08:59 PM


Posted by: mindknumbed kid at June 7, 2004 09:01 PM

"I read recently (I can't remember, but it was a legit source I swear), that North Koreans' BABIES are disappearing."

Do you know who Andrea Yates is? Susan Smith? Medea? What do the disappearance of babies have to do with anything?

"I'll bet they eat cat, dog, rat, bugs, ANY kind of protein they can get to survive! And so would you MIKE if you lived the pitiful life those people do."

I don't know what you're getting self-righteous about. Americans don't eat animals they consider pets, and neither do Koreans.

Koreans eat dogs and cats because they don't consider those animals pets. If I was raised a typical Korean national, I wouldn't have an opportunity to consider those animals pets, and neither would anyone else reading this.

And as I said before:

"Arbitrarily citing a controversial animal when you chose to was inflammatory."

I didn't arbitrarily cite a controversial animal, I simply addressed the issue when it came up, and I think I did so appropriately.

Posted by: Mike at June 7, 2004 09:04 PM


Vietnam was indeed a French colony. The Vietnamese lived first under Chinese rule and then under nearly a century of French rule.

In the 1860's the French took Saigon and the south Vietnam. They extended their control to the north in the 1ate 1880's.

The Vietnamese put forth a petition for independence at the Versailles Conference in 1919 - among them was a very young Ho Chi Minh (although he didn't go by that name then).

If I remember correctly, the big watershed was Gen. Giap's artillery attack on Dien Bien Phu in 1954 - he forced the French to withdraw from their base to a a position south, the country was divided in two, and south Vietnam essentially became a US protectorate.

We didn't really go in big time right away though - I think '65 was when Johnson started sending major troops in. We had people over there before that, but not in great numbers.

Of course, I may be wrong on some of this stuff- someone correct me if I am. I'm pretty close to perfect, but I am getting on you know...

Posted by: Cassandra at June 7, 2004 09:11 PM

Well darn...

If we're going to talk about eating pets...

Where's my main man Lil Kim Il?

No conversation about eating pets would be complete without Lil Kim Il. It has been entirely too long.

Posted by: Cassandra at June 7, 2004 09:14 PM

Josh P.:

You wrote: "...[Truman] even came back from the grave to get Kofi Annan's advice...."

So, you're saying that stiffs seek cadaverous Kofi's advice? Sounds like Kerry's foreign policy prescription to me!

Posted by: The Great Santini at June 7, 2004 09:23 PM

What about getting to the real "meat" of things, someone find Al Gore and see if he actually invented dogs/cats/pets. Then I want to know the SKerry position on this subject, when was he for and against eating these animals ? Somebody wake them up and get their input..... and ask Ran if the animals are neocons or Zionists.

Posted by: mindknumbed kid at June 7, 2004 09:23 PM

"Of course, I may be wrong on some of this stuff- someone correct me if I am."

Uh, yeah, the Koreans aren't eating animals they consider pets. Like us, they eat animals they don't consider pets.

*cough* *cough* *racism!* *cough*

Posted by: Mike at June 7, 2004 09:24 PM

Cass, I have often wondered about Lil Kim Il, myself! He was TOO much fun. Maybe like with him whose name shall not be named, we could "vibe" Lil Ill Kim back here.Ü He could still be busy working on that Babs NosetraStreisand nucleus missile delivery.

I personally have been looking forward to comments from A Former Europeans on the Reagan tribute thread. Maybe now it will happen.Ü Usually HE shows up when we talk about him. However, he is not to be confused with the 'he' whose name shall not be named.

mindnumbed kid,
The story I got was that someone had offered to wok the dog. I dunno.....

Posted by: CoLoRaDo KiTtY cAt at June 7, 2004 09:36 PM

Recipe: LA FELINE TRUFFE (Truffled Kitty cat)

The famous feline truffée is prepared in the French suburbs of North Korea and Vietnam is served on festive occasions.

1 cat weighing about 8 pounds
1 1/4 pound pork fat
2 lbs of truffles
4 Tbl Brandy, 3 Tbl. Madeira, 1 Tbl salad oil
a sprig of thyme, 1 bay leaf, a pinch of mixed spices, salt and pepper.
Wash and peel the truffles carefully. Keep 2 or 3 of the largest ones and slip under the breast of the cat. Cut the remaining truffles in quarters.
Soak the remaining truffles in the wine, madeira, oil and spices and let soak while preparing the pork fat.

Cut the fat in small pieces, pound in a mortar, and warm slightly. Then rub through the sieve with the pounded peelings of the truffles. Now put in a saucepan over a low fire and when it is barely warm and the truffles and the marinade of wine and spices. Mix well and remove from saucepan. When cold and set stuff the cat with the mixture. Roast the cat basting with melted butter.

Posted by: Chef RightWing at June 7, 2004 09:44 PM

And as I said in my first post, we didn't invade South Korea, preemptively or otherwise. The troops we are withdrawing from South Korea weren't placed there by an invasion.

Posted by: Mike at June 7, 2004 09:49 PM are confusing me, which is never a good idea. I am confused enough as it is :)

Why are you responding to my "correct me if I'm wrong" statement on the history of the French in Vietnam with a response about eating pets?

I don't think I ventured an opinion about Koreans eating pets, did I? If I did, I must have Tourette's or something because I completely missed it.

Posted by: Casserole at June 7, 2004 09:51 PM

Chef RightWing,

We're here to pick up a cat. We've received some complaints about the sounds of cleavers dropping and cat screams coming from your residence.

Posted by: ASPCA at June 7, 2004 09:53 PM


Maybe if we say his name 3 times and I dangle Sausage enticingly in front of the monitor...

[running away]

Now Mike is going to come after me....

Posted by: Cassandra at June 7, 2004 09:53 PM

(Sigh) Mike is proving again his comments are arcane as well as irrelevant.

Great post Scott. The Korean War was a quagmire while most Democrats were still wetting their diapers. Come to think of it, wasn't Julius Caesar involved in a quagmire in the Brittania?

Posted by: Hankmeister© at June 7, 2004 09:56 PM

Ah, true to his liberal dimentia, Mike plays the race card. What a classic!

Way to go Mike, you haven't disappointed any of us so far, so why stop now?

Posted by: Hankmeister© at June 7, 2004 09:59 PM

"If we're going to talk about eating pets...

Where's my main man Lil Kim Il?

No conversation about eating pets would be complete without Lil Kim Il."


"I don't think I ventured an opinion about Koreans eating pets, did I?"

You didn't? It kind of looks like you did. Do you wish to clarify?

Posted by: Mike at June 7, 2004 10:00 PM

La Femme Crickita & Cassandra:

The following Communistque from Pyongyang, directed to the two of you, was received at 1830 hrs, Zulu Time, today. Translated by the NSA from NorKor Propagandese, it says,

" Achtung, Capitalist Running Dogs posing as Chirping Woman and Capitalist Profiteeress: No running dogs exist in NorKor Workers' Paradise! All have been eaten! Cease war-mongering slander of Maximum Leader at once, or, like NorKor, risk grave consequences!

It is demanded you call Maximum Leader by his correct proper name--NOT 'Kim Men Ta Li Il', but 'Kim EAT DA YONG Du Tu Men Ta Li Il'! Send 1 million lbs. of dog/cat steaks with groveling, capitalist running-dog confession/recantation as token of abject surrender! This first/last warning!"

Watch your backs.

Posted by: The Great Santini at June 7, 2004 10:03 PM

Isn't Sausage grrrr-ing at you about now? shame on you! (;

If Sausage is game to play along as the part of "temporary bait", I think you should do it. Just promise him some Greenies™ or one of those special chew toys (The Unit brought him) for his services.

Remember Lil Kim's grandma: Make Yu Il? She had/has a restaurant. Perhaps he ate there one too many times. I have often missed him.
Another thought: go out around the neighborhood late at night where you know the neighboors have pets. We may find him that way.

Posted by: CoLoRaDo KiTtY cAt at June 7, 2004 10:04 PM

Please, stop this insanity !! send your contributions to the Wokking Rover Memorial Fund c/o many more doggies and kitties must suffer ?

Posted by: mindknumbed kid at June 7, 2004 10:07 PM


You can calm down now. For clarification. Cass was referring to a LONG time AWOL Scrappleface poster "Lil Kim Il". That's all. No harm, no foul OR fowl or pets. Ü (except for Lil Kim Il--he wanted them and BTW--Sausage is the name of Cass's dog) Now we can all go back to our happy place, yah?

Posted by: CoLoRaDo KiTtY cAt at June 7, 2004 10:08 PM

Pyongyang's main square has a Taco Fido, McKitty,
and Long John Chihuahua. On the side street there is a Puppy Hut.

Posted by: Chef RightWing at June 7, 2004 10:09 PM

Stuffed gerbils with jalapeno and cream cheese are now being served in the Korean Room

Posted by: Chef RightWing at June 7, 2004 10:14 PM


You can calm down now."

I asked a question. I don't know why you're telling me to calm down.

Posted by: Mike at June 7, 2004 10:19 PM

Does that McKitty's serve those Kitten Nuggets ? I love those !!

Posted by: mindknumbed kid at June 7, 2004 10:24 PM

What pet mean?

Posted by: EVERY Chinese Restaurant EVER at June 7, 2004 10:24 PM

Please rise for the North Korean National Anthem:

[Tune: "Git Along, Little Dogies"]

As I was out scavengin' food--it's just treasure,
I saw Kim Jong Il just a-amblin' along,
His coke-bottle glasses,
An' crewcut wur a-tinglin',
An' as he approached, he wuz singin' this song:

"Whoopee ti-yi-yo!
Git along, cats an' doggies,
Y'know yur misfortune
Ain't none o' mah-ah own!

Whoopee ti-yi-yo!
Callin' all cats an' doggies,
With you North Korea's
A hunger-free zone!"

Posted by: The Great Santini at June 7, 2004 10:28 PM

If you guys are nice to Mike he might buy us lunch at Taco Fido, if he won't come on in anyhow and lunch is on me.

Posted by: mindknumbed kid at June 7, 2004 10:28 PM

Where I come from folks ate groundhog, and that wasn't just another name for sausage neither. In a recent survey, 99.634% of all humans preferred eating over starvation.

Posted by: mindknumbed kid at June 7, 2004 10:34 PM

The Great Santini
Please don't annihilate a good cowboy song on Kim Jong Il

Posted by: Ms RightWing at June 7, 2004 10:34 PM

Ah, true to his liberal dimentia, Mike plays the race card. What a classic!

Way to go Mike, you haven't disappointed any of us so far, so why stop now?

Yes, Hankmeister, I'm still here.

Your post implies that there's no such thing as racism. I think that's inaccurate, and let me show you why:

What pet mean?

Posted by EVERY Chinese Restaurant EVER at June 7, 2004 10:24 PM

Scott Ott's forum has been sheltering posts like this since the topic of Korean trade in controversial animals was introduced in this thread arbitrarily.

I addressed the introduction of that topic appropriately, and now this thread has nurtured categorically racists posts -- like the one I've just quoted implying that the staff in Chinese restaurants can't adopt the values of the country they are local to.

Congratulations, Scott Ott. You're a credit to sheltering hidden agendas.

Posted by: Mike at June 7, 2004 10:36 PM

Here are the rules: No eating cats or dogs. That's it. Everything else is fair game. End of discussion.


Oh grow up!

Posted by: Garp at June 7, 2004 10:40 PM

Please forgive the double post. I blew the marks around the quotes I cited to make my point. I'm going to want to show this around:

Ah, true to his liberal dimentia, Mike plays the race card. What a classic!

Way to go Mike, you haven't disappointed any of us so far, so why stop now?

Yes, Hankmeister, I'm still here.

Your post implies that there's no such thing as racism. I think that's inaccurate, and let me show you why:

What pet mean?

Posted by EVERY Chinese Restaurant EVER at June 7, 2004 10:24 PM

Scott Ott's forum has been sheltering posts like this since the topic of Korean trade in controversial animals was introduced in this thread arbitrarily.

I addressed the introduction of that topic appropriately, and now this thread has nurtured categorically racists posts -- like the one I've just quoted implying that the staff in Chinese restaurants can't adopt the values of the country they are local to.

Congratulations, Scott Ott. You're a credit to sheltering hidden agendas.

Posted by: Mike at June 7, 2004 10:43 PM

Guys... can't we all just get along?

Actually Mike, saying that no discussion of eating pets would be complete without Lil Kim Il is still not venturing an opinion, is it? You still don't know if I think Koreans eat pets, or whether I approve, disapprove, whether I'm Korean, or whether I, in fact, have ever eaten a pet.

Hardly worth throwing out the "racism" card - I think you might want to wait for something just a tad bit more concrete before bringing out the tactical nukes, n'est pas?

I think that might be why people are asking you to calm down. It just seemed like a bit of an overreaction.

If you asked 10 people on the street how they would react to being described as racist, I'm pretty sure 10 of 10 would be offended, don't you think? Especially if they hadn't actually said anything that was racist yet?

And even if I said they ate pets, I don't think that would be a racist remark. However, I didn't say that.

Posted by: Cassandra at June 7, 2004 10:48 PM

someone wrote:

"...[Truman] even came back from the grave to get Kofi Annan's advice...."

I think if the dead could come back to visit Kofi, Truman would have to wait in line behind a couple of million Rwandans and at least a few hundred thousand Iraqis.

Posted by: twalsh at June 7, 2004 10:51 PM

One man's pet is another man's dinner.

Posted by: Ms RightWing at June 7, 2004 10:51 PM

ChefRighWing, Mindnumbed Kid, GRRRRRRR8!!,
ROFLMBO! Although you're all despicable! Ü

For a donation of $100 to the ASPCA you can choose between a hardcopy book or audio book of "101 Ways to Wok Your Dog" or "101 Ways to Wok Your Cat"

Every Chinese Restnt--
Pet not mean. YOU mean!!

My buddies that run this AMAZING Thai Restaurant I frequent here would be on the floor laughing their bums off at some of these posts. I should copy/paste these posts and bring them into them.

Mike, If the heat where you live is anything like it was here today--it could explain what appears to be a massive humor meltdown on your part. Saying ANYTHING to you seems to be a case of da*ned if you do, da*ned if you don't.
I doubt that it was anyone posting here that...uhm....."visited" your Wheaties this morning.Sheesh.

Posted by: CoLoRaDo KiTtY cAt at June 7, 2004 10:57 PM

Hidden agendas ? Get real....

Some folks must just live to be offended, like Robert "D" used to say on the John Boy and Billy Big Show, we are the United States of the Offended. Maybe he still says that, but I moved too far out west to listen anymore.

People poke fun at those that are different than they are, but that isn't limited to race. I grew up a hillbilly, lots of folks poked fun at us and still do, it is not mean-spirited. But if anyone wants to get offended, go ahead, I ain't gonna change for ya.

Posted by: mindknumbed kid at June 7, 2004 10:59 PM

Mike, Mike,'re starting to make E. Strict look like a prime Mensa candidate. You've engaged in a non sequitor. It doesn't follow that my mention of you playing the race card means that racism doesn't exist, but rather you find it convenient to claim racism where none in fact exists. If PETA were to make fun of me eating veal, does that make them racist - even if they were the oriental wing of PETA?

Tsk, tsk, tighten up your thinking or we may be forced to ask to see some I.D. to make sure you aren't a chimp randomly typing on a keyboard, otherwise we run the risk of being sued by PETA for verbally harassing zoo animals. (-¦]œ

Posted by: Hankmeister© at June 7, 2004 11:03 PM

It's called HUMOR,and either you recognize it or you don't. Sorry for those who have no clue.

Posted by: mindkmumbed kid at June 7, 2004 11:05 PM

A wise story for Mike

A fly was buzzing along one morning when he saw a bicycle someone had left out in their front yard. He flew over and sat on the handle, watching the children going down the sidewalk on their way to school.

One little boy tripped on a crack and fell, spilling his lunch on the sidewalk. He picked himself up, put his lunch back in the bag and went on. But he missed a piece of baloney.

The fly had not eaten that morning and he sure was hungry. So he flew down and started eating the bologna. In fact he ate so much that he could not fly, so he waddled across the sidewalk, across the lawn, up the wheel of the bicycle, up the handle, and sat there resting.

There was still some baloney laying on the sidewalk. He was really stuffed, yet that baloney sure did look good.

Finally temptation got the best of him and he jumped off the handle of the bicycle to fly over to the baloney. But alas he was too full to fly and fell straight to the ground... splat!

The moral of this story is simple... don't fly off the handle when you are full of baloney.

Posted by: Ms RightWing at June 7, 2004 11:17 PM

Goodnite Folks, my wife brought home a replacement Rover from the pound, we are going to wok him and hit the hay.

Posted by: mindknumbed kid at June 7, 2004 11:18 PM

Ms RightWing - ROFL

Posted by: mindknumbed kid at June 7, 2004 11:22 PM

Ahemmmmm! La la la!

a-one ana two,

I'm looking over,
my dead dog rover,
that I over looked before!

One leg is missing,
another is gone,
the third one is scattered,
all over the lawn!

No sense explaining,
the one leg remaining,
is spinning on the carport floor!
(all together now)

Oh I'm looking over,
my dead dog Rover,
that I over ran with my power mower!!

John "Toro" Deere

Posted by: Woodstock Willie at June 7, 2004 11:23 PM

Gawd, Ms RightWing, glad I wasn't drinking milk when I read your punchline. Mike is making it too easy for us. Nobody can be that thin-skinned, can they?

Can you make that one into a farm-themed moral? You know, dungbeetles and cowchips? I may be a southern boy but you're a better story writer than I am.

Posted by: Hankmeister© at June 7, 2004 11:23 PM

Mike, on behalf of every chinese restaurant ever I am instructed to inform you: We have a sense of humor.

Do you have a clue? Have you ever watched how different races interact with each other? Enjoyed a laugh?

I've lived in the "culturally advanced" northeastern parts of the US to my current "Third World" home and several places in between, and I will state one thing categorically:

The slimiest most insidious racism that threatens America today is hidden up north of the Mason-Dixon line. IMHO Superficial PC ethos have soured race relations far worse than Truly Tasteless Jokes vol.I-X. No chinaman worth his weight in sprecial flied lice would be offended by my earlier comment. (Oops I did it again)

If I owe anyone an apology, it's to all the stray dogs and cats which I didn't rescue and ended up down at the Peking Moon

Posted by: bahabuddha™ at June 7, 2004 11:23 PM

Miss Virginia:
I was thinking along the same lines. I have a friend who is a reenactor (2d SC Rifles) who jokes that if these Yankees don't like [something, anything, fill in the blank], that highway that brought them here (I-95, I-85, I-77, I-81, whichever) has both a south and a NORTHbound lane!

As for the rest of y'all....dang, I'm staying out of this one! But I'll be looking for y'all if my cat comes up missing!

And Mike, leave Scott Ott out of this! Last I heard, free speech was still the rule!

Posted by: PalmettoGrimmerReaper ™ at June 7, 2004 11:26 PM

good one, Ms. Rightwing

Posted by: Woodstock Willie at June 7, 2004 11:28 PM

mindknumbed kid:
I resent that! Hay gets offended too, you know!

Posted by: hay at June 7, 2004 11:35 PM


Excellent website that Peking Moon. Thanks for posting it. You guys gotta click on it.

Posted by: Hankmeister© at June 7, 2004 11:36 PM

Peking Moon is NOT an excellent website. It and YOU all are Categorically specist, doggone you!

[Rant Mode: ON]
And another thing: the Politically Correct term for being Politically Correct is "Anal Retentive". And its just bananas for you to think it's anything but a binding truth forever inscribed in the annals of the Liberal Constipa..err Constitution. Furthermore, so let it be written, so let it be said: PC-ers are some of the most skilled diamond cutters known to mankind!
[rant Imodium: OFF]

Posted by: CoLoRaDo KiTtY cAt at June 8, 2004 12:05 AM

ya by yimminy, dat moon ting is funny fo sure, you betchya.

I hear the whistle down at the funny mill blowing, so it's time to clean off my desk and call it a day.

Night shift;
Lots of delicacies in the fridge, don't quite know what they are. Caveat emptor.

National Anthem


Posted by: Ms RightWing at June 8, 2004 12:07 AM

Delayed reaction to Mike's 5:33 post where he said: "We didn't invade South Korea, preemptively or otherwise."

By liberal definition, the evil military industrial complex we know as America did indeed "invade" South Korea, preemptively so, in 1945. You have to get your story straight. This is another excellent opportunity to excoriate America for being imperialistic adventurist pigs beating up on weak nations. Koreans eat pigs, right?

You can Google this stuff yourself but I'll save you the trouble.

"The division of Korea into two halves had come about at the end of World War II. In August of 1945 the Soviet Union invaded Korea, which had been under Japan's control since 1910. Fearing that the Soviets intended to seize the entire peninsula from their position in the north, the United States quickly moved its own troops into southern Korea. Japanese troops surrendered to the Russians in the north and to the Americans in the south. In an effort to avoid a long-term decision regarding Korea's future, the United States and the Soviet Union agreed to divide Korea temporarily along the 38th parallel, a latitudinal line that bisected the country. This line became more rigid after 1946, when Kim Il Sung organized a communist government in the north---the Democratic People's Republic. Shortly after, nationalist exile Syngman Rhee returned to Korea and set up a rival government in the south---the Republic of Korea (ROK). Each government hoped to reunify the country under its own rule."

The short version is in 1948 we began withdrawing troops but the North Koreans subsequently started a multi-column attack across the 38th Parallel in 1950. And after a 9-0 UN security council vote we and several other nations began pouring troops back into the Korean peninsula. And that, my historically challenged omnivore, is how we became embroiled in the Korean Conflict. Is it a case of invasion or a case of helping a friendly government being invaded by its cousins to the north? You decide. I'm sure the North Koreans, Soviets, and Chinese didn't want us there on their front porch.

Goodness, our own War of Secession could be cast in the same light! Northern invaders violating the sovereign borders of Virginia to pre-empt the South from engaging in wholesale secession.

I think my family ought to sue the federal government for reparations for the land we lost around Atlanta, no thanks to thet Sherman feller. Dagblasted blue bellies an carpetbaggers. Thar went them property values ifn ya had eny propertee left to speek uf that iz!

Posted by: Hankmeister© at June 8, 2004 12:08 AM

Oh, and if there is any question to the on topicness of my earlier post--

The thread IS: "Exit strategy Succeeds" unfortunately that's hardly often the case in the PC as it is in the WC.

I know, I know...I'm just being a mean poopyhead.

Posted by: CoLoRaDo KiTtY cAt at June 8, 2004 12:23 AM

Scott's piece here is pretty much the same as the Op/Ed piece attached to my name. Why is it that the left wing kooks cannot see their party is guilty of FAR worse things? Blind leading the blind!

Click my name to read an opinion article by another liberal shill. Her gripe is that at a Republican fundraiser that the current Governor, was portraited as a cartoon character. This "shocks" and "out rages" her, that at a GOP fund raiser a Dimocrat would be made light of! With ther crimal activity in the government run Child care departments, the scandals at the BMV, and the misuse of Build Indian funds by Democrats that some of are STILL in office, he is lucky to be called a "comical" character.

Now for President Bush to be called a liar, and say he is worse than Hitler, and to be shown pushing an elderly lady down a flight of stairs EVERYWHERE, in cluding on a left wing kook web site, is alright.

Also, The Indy Star, which has become a liberal rag, stated the other day that the Indiana GOP owes Joe Kernan an apology. Funny, I never saw them say the DNC owed President Bush an apology for ANY of the lies they have told about him.

While they will probably not print my letter, (they only allow one per month), anyone can click the "Send letter to the editor" link at the bottom of her santimonious tripe and be printed if you have a responce.

BTW, Mitch Daniels, (President Bush's former budget director) is the Republican running against Kernan, and the Indy Star is doing EVERYTHING in their (Gannett Press) power to see he doesn't get elected!

Posted by: RAM® at June 8, 2004 12:28 AM

RAM©®™ (and anything else I left outÜ)

Obviously, the...ahem... "protected species" liberals have declared EVERY day as open season on Conservatives.

Have you seen their new chain of resource centers? --"Hypocrites R US". Their "team members" are referred to as "Blind Guides"
It's a load of fun to keep rearranging their furniture. hehehe

Posted by: CoLoRaDo KiTtY cAt at June 8, 2004 12:38 AM

CoLoRaDo KiTtY cAt,

Thar be no exit stratygee of the northurn armies frum the South, deer lady. The South be an occupied land fur the last 130 odd years, dont ya knowd! Too bad when Lincoln got shot 'cause the exit strategy must have died with him.

Thet Johnson feller had no idea 'tall how to fix up the South after thet Sherman feller broke and burned it awl up! And givin away legally owned land left an' right as forty acres and a mule, wall thet jest violates any civil man's sensobilities regardin fairness! We be still under occupashun bye northurn invaders. Speakin uf still, I better be checkin mine at ta moment.

Posted by: Hankmeister© at June 8, 2004 12:41 AM

Whoops, that was supposed to be "Build Indiana Funds!"

Sorry about that!

Click my name again, and scroll down to the fifth story.

Just another one of Joe Kernan's buddy's in the Indiana legislature who doesn't mind raising taxes, because he didn't intend to pay them unless he got caught, which he did!

Even then, they only slapped his wrist.

Posted by: RAM® at June 8, 2004 12:43 AM

People Eating Tasty Animals.

Koreans may not eat THEIR pets (Crickets and the like) but they have no qualms about eating YOURS. Next to kimchee, dog stew is a national dish in south Korea. Dog is also eaten in Vietnam and the Philippines.

So, I wonder, with this exit strategy, how many soldiers are coming back with a yen for dog stew, kimchee and rice?

Posted by: La Femme Crickita at June 8, 2004 12:46 AM


It is the 4th story in the link. Sorry!

Posted by: RAM® at June 8, 2004 12:47 AM

Me a mensa?

No, try as they might to recruit me, their parties are a bore and sorely lacking in blonde hotties.

Posted by: E. Strict at June 8, 2004 01:16 AM

Who was it that said Reagan barely won his first term? Somebody up there did.

Click my name for how bad he beat Carter. 489 electorial votes to 49!

Of course he beat Mondale worse. Mondale's BIGGEST mistake? Picking Geraldine Ferraro as the person to be a breath away from being President.

There were many people, (including other women), more qualified. I still wonder why the Dims picked her.

I also wonder why FOX News thinks ANYONE cares what she thinks now? I think it is just that we Americans have a short memory. We had forgotten what a sorry job Jimmy Carter did, until we are reminded what a great job Ronald Reagan did as "clean up" batter!

Same with Ferraro. She was a big part of causing the worst defeat of a political candidate in history!

While President Reagan would have beaten probably ANYBODY in his second run, Mondale/Ferraro made it TOO easy!

Kind of like Kerry, (when he starts showing his real self to the public), will make it TOO easy for GWB!

Posted by: RAM® (Detroit in 6) at June 8, 2004 01:19 AM

Having nothing better to do I went back through the thread and found out, to my horror, that Mike derailed himself by jumping to conclusions about "pet food."

It started with La Femme Crickita posting, "I hear they are selling cat fur in NorK for top yuan. Go peddle yourself." June 7, 2004 06:02 PM

Mike subsequently posted making direct reference to LFC's earlier post, "The reason we avoid eating dogs and cats in the west isn't because of PETA. We avoid eating dogs and cats because they are carnivores, and the return in nutrition doesn't justify raising them for food." June 7, 2004 07:18 PM.

Clearly a logical faux pas and tactical error on Mike's part since that launched the hilarious parries and ripostes concerning "pet food". And being the good PC liberal that he is he finds himself unable to take reponsibility for starting the whole "pet food" sub-thread.

So he tries to recover with by subtley shifting the debate again by introducing the "pet" angle: "I didn't say you did. My point was that Koreans aren't deviating from any principle we are keeping to, when it comes to the treatment of animals. We don't eat animals we consider pets, and neither do the Koreans."

And then attempts to put the blame on LFC in his June 7, 2004 08:07 PM post: "Arbitrarily citing a controversial animal when you chose to was inflammatory." Slick but not slick enough.

La Femme Crickita at June 7, 2004 08:26 PM correctly states, "I never said one thing about eating pets, you brought that up. And it is known in the fur trade that the NorKs were, at one time, and may still be doing so, peddling cat skins. Whether they eat the cats is a matter of speculation, and was not brought up by me, but by you because you wanted to have something to be offended about."

And CoLoRaDo KiTtY cAt at June 7, 2004 08:35 PM confirmed the actual record by stating, "Oh and La Femme Crickita was talking about cat fur not who eats or considers which animals pets. It appears pretty obvious you jumped tracks, FWIW."

To which Mike dutifully and liberally ignores. And as to his claim "Americans don't eat pets", I guess it depends on what your definition of "pet" is, if I may be so Clintonesque. Obviously Mike has never lived on a farm because I've heard of any number of "pet" goats, chickens, sheep, pigs, rabbits who found their way to the dinner table. Strike one, two, three - you're OUTED! Too bad Mike's not here now to appreciate this abridged but accurate dissection.

Posted by: Hankmeister© at June 8, 2004 01:36 AM

Vienamese cooking is great. There is a place here in Tac-town that is run by a Chinese Vietnamese (an overseas Chinese lady who came to America after marrying a GI.) It has super food. It is a Tong hangout though - they use local Crips to do a lot of their dirty work - though that may be ending as the Crips and the Asian street gangs seem to be at war now on the east side of Tacoma.

The place definately doesn't cater to mainstream America, probably has some PROC spy contacts too, but it does have great food. The owners were busted once, but got control again after manipulating and fleecing a young Vietnamese couple to be fronts. There sure are a lot of interesting characters there. It is amazing to me with all the stories to tell here in Tacoma - like the one I just related or the control that the Puyallup Indian tribe is gaining through bribery and intimidation that our local press can't seem to focus on much more than who will be our next city champion (manager) they hope will usher in an even greater level of fascism to the City of Destiny.

RE: Scott's post - I like this SK exit strategy better than the one the Senate imposed on SV. Pull our troops out, then starve the SV of ammunition - great plan by the McGovern wing of what has become the party of treason. But the writing is on the wall for SK - it will fall from within to the Kings of the East.

Posted by: Jericho at June 8, 2004 01:41 AM

As for the rest of this thread - Some of you are being a little petty don't you think?

Posted by: Jericho at June 8, 2004 01:45 AM

Oh HankMeister,
My "exit strategies" post wasn't in direct relationship to "geography" as it was, how you say---uhm.....medi-political..???.
Unlessun's you be funnin' back with me.
Emboldeing such words as "binding" and "bananas" and such should have made it obvious. WC vs PC? get it? Again, maybe you's just funnin with me, or maybe if'n's you climb back yonder up this here yeller wall a piece you's can re-read it. Jes keep in mind that in this here neck o' the global woods we read from left to right! Ü [now I'm jesta funnin' wit-CHU!]

Posted by: CoLoRaDo KiTtY cAt at June 8, 2004 01:47 AM


Hey you ain't talking agout me or my boy Kyle are you?

Posted by: Richard Petty at June 8, 2004 01:49 AM

On Koreans and dogs [click link]

BTW, spare me the anti-"Yankee" bias, Y'ALL.

Posted by: camojack at June 8, 2004 02:08 AM


Eating dogs? Just try to put hands on my Yorkies and you will find out what kind of gun I keep in the house.

I do understand the cullinary differences, since the mid east does not eat lobster as well as pork and think it is disgusting.

Way back when I was a little kid and we lived in Germany, our house keeper would not cook corn for us since she considered it pig food.

That's what makes the world go 'round, aside from gravity and centripetal force, and Newtonian physics.... (BORING! OK)

Posted by: mikey at June 8, 2004 06:24 AM

1st hand witness to a resteraunt in Pusan that did indeed serve dog AND had a sign that basically said NO CAUCASIANS OR AFRICANS.

korea would be a land of whoop ass if they ever united.
Kimchee is what we're eating if we get sentenced to hell.

Posted by: Mike G at June 8, 2004 07:21 AM

No Jericho, we are not being petty. We are practicing troll stomping.

Posted by: La Femme Crickita at June 8, 2004 07:59 AM

Hey! I happen to LIKE kimchee...

Posted by: camojack at June 8, 2004 08:01 AM

Just to clarify my sweeping generalization earlier (about racism being up north):

FWIW, I should add 'based on personal experience' and that it obviously does not encompass everything north of M-D line. I just happened to find a particular 'brand' I considered most offensive there. I regret including all and sundry in my hasty response.

BTW - camojack, that was an interesting article re: dog chow. It was not far from what I imagined.

Posted by: bahabuddha™ at June 8, 2004 08:35 AM

I don't like food that bites me back.

Posted by: Mikey at June 8, 2004 08:37 AM

Mr. Hankmeister, we find your use of our organization to disparage another poster bigoted and equivalent to racism. Next you will be suggesting that we dine on the stupid at our meetings. To dispell your misconceptions of us, we would like to make you the guest of honor at our next meeting.

Posted by: Mensa at June 8, 2004 08:47 AM

Okay, I admit I was a little harsh pontificating about the cat/dog/other assorted pets for food campaign.

I shall take back the gerbil stuffed with jalapeno and cream cheese idea .

From now on I will use chipmunks for poppers.

I meditated on exit policies while I pretended to sleep and considered the Civil War. I thought of a humorous lead in for my morning post, well as things would have it Hankmeister© beat me to it.
:( That will teach me to go to bed at night.

Posted by: Ms RightWing at June 8, 2004 08:59 AM

Dear Sir or Madam,

Please accept my hearfelt apology for unintentionally disparaging you honored society. You're culinary preferences were never the intent of my letter(s).

I appreciate your offer to be guest of honor at your next meeting. It is a decided honor to be so considered. However, I may have problems with coordinating with Mensa because my evening and weekends are presently taken up by my participation in the unlimited class of the Cowchip Tossers of America.

Please accept my regrets and you will be the first to be informed when my schedule has been cleared of such important commitments. I look forward to!

Ol' Hank, Esquire

Posted by: Hankmeister© at June 8, 2004 09:04 AM

Oh by the way Japanese Benny Hana (doubt that is the right spelling) really do use Weiner dogs in their food. I learned that in Chef School, so it is not an urban legend. They use another name, which also is not in my brain at this time. Guess I should wait and get the facts straight first before I post this, but I won't.

Posted by: Ms RightWing at June 8, 2004 09:06 AM

Compliments to all analogies and especially to "cleaning-up" the story about the fly. When you are really hungry, you will eat anything! There is a "baby-eating" story in the Bible. "Invasion" should have been "Annexation". As in Mexicio after WWII(for spite). Canada(for loan repayment by the Brits). We should have made the Phillipines, Puerto Rico & Cuba states when we had the chance.

Posted by: Packrat at June 8, 2004 09:49 AM

Cuba as a state? Bill would like that. Think of all the good cigars he could of had. Why not do it now. I heard there is a good market for '53 Chevys.

Posted by: Ms RightWing at June 8, 2004 10:08 AM

You roundeyes can make all the funny you want. It's true everyday on my way to the corner grocery store I look longingly at the dog run in the park like a lobster tank.

Posted by: An Americanized Korean at June 8, 2004 10:15 AM

And '57 Chevys, too!

Posted by: Hankmeister© at June 8, 2004 10:16 AM

HAHA! Our evil plan is coming together. We withdraw our troops, thus goading North Korea into attacking the South. Then WHAMMO!! We strike back, taking their land and their oil. I love it when a good plan comes together. Soon we shall rule the world.


Zionist Neoconservative working at Haliburton who is among the wealthiest 1%.

Posted by: zionistneoconathaliburton at June 8, 2004 11:14 AM


Saaaaave Meeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Bennihana is after me!

I thought Scott Ott would help, but he's too busy sheltering racists in the labrynthine threads of ScrappleFace...

And please, don't anyone bring up The Peking Moon again - last time Cassandra brought it up, I ended up on a Bun.

Posted by: Running Dog at June 8, 2004 11:21 AM

Benihana? Ah yes, that is the name and they sell daschounds by the pounds. He he that rhymes. Now that I have consumed mass quantities of coffee, I kin tink agin. I tink.

Posted by: Ms RightWing at June 8, 2004 11:39 AM

That is barbaric...

How speciest of them.

Posted by: Running Dog at June 8, 2004 11:59 AM

Catch up, it is no urban legend that Korean folk eat dog and cat. Operation "Team Spirit 1998" taught me the hard way that they not only eat dog but serve it to guests.

We had been in the field living on MREs for about two weeks when local folks set up stands and sold us hot food.

When we asked the ROK Marine Gunnery Sergeant what we had been eating he translated it as "Dog and Grass," explaining that these folks were selling us their best dishes with pride.

Welcome to Tok Sok Ri beach.

Posted by: Mack at June 8, 2004 12:04 PM

Can't we all just get along?

Lee Min Bok, a genetic engineer sent to prison after a failed escape attempt from North Korea, said starvation conditions led to widespread cannibalism.

"A woman who had just given birth was so hungry that she ate her own newborn baby," he said. "Brothers ate their own brothers in order to survive."

Posted by: Ms RightWing at June 8, 2004 12:04 PM

Makes kitty cats and chipmunks sound a little better.

Posted by: Ms RightWing at June 8, 2004 12:06 PM

The Chinese have an old saying:

"If its back faces Heaven, it's edible".

You do what you need to do to survive.

Posted by: Casserole at June 8, 2004 12:22 PM

Ms RightWing wrote:

"The moral of this story is simple... don't fly off the handle when you are full of baloney."

Nice way to clean up that story. I heard a version of it based around meadow muffins.

As long as we're all way off topic, this thread reminded me of a joke too.

What do you call a dog with no legs?
Doesn't matter, he's not gonna come anyway.

Posted by: Just Ranting at June 8, 2004 12:26 PM

PETA just called. They are organizing a protest in front of the Scrappleface office. I'll supply the Weber grill if someone else brings the weenies.

Posted by: Just Ranting at June 8, 2004 12:30 PM

Oddly enough MsRightWing hasn't mentioned her cat lately....hmmmmm?....or was that last thing SHE said about him: "mmmmmmm.....'good kitty" ??

It's all strategic that I'm not declawed OR keep up to date on my rabies shots...hehehehe.. Go ahead punks....try to drag me into the kitchen. I hope you like full body "red pin stripes". And I"m not referring to "on your 57 Chevy" [off guard momentarily] (although Hankmeister--that IS like the coolest car of cool cars. I've always thought I'd like one of those bubbly top type 40's cars, just for fun--OR an ooold pink cadillac convertible--NOT to be confused with a Mary Kay™ car Ü)
[on guard mode: Full Volume....phhhhtt phhhttt]

Posted by: CoLoRaDo KiTtY cAt at June 8, 2004 12:47 PM

Weber grill indeed.... hmmmmpppphhht.

You, sir, are a cad.

Posted by: Running Dog at June 8, 2004 12:51 PM

I like kimchee and rice. I like dogs as pets. Same with kitties.

I have heard of Chinese restaurants in CA being shut down because they served Kung Pau Meow, and while I can believe that Chinese eat cat, (as in civet) I just didn't believe it until one eatery in my hometown was shut down because of kitty carasses in the fridge.

We used to go to San Francisco to a particular restaurant in Chinatown. They did not serve cat or dog, but the usual barnyard assortment of chicken, pork, beef, seafood, etc. The food was superb and the service stellar. They did serve Bow wow Mein and KPM to their Chinese customers on request.

Long forgotten memory...Now that the soldiers are coming home, will the dogs and cats be liberated too? "Let my people go..."

North Korea is so pitiful. Here is a dictator with all he has ever wanted, and his people are starving to feed his excesses.

A good cigar? According to Clinton, that was all Monica ever got!

Or maybe it was a nickel cigar...

Kitty Cat, you run here if they start after you with the meat cleavers. I like kitty cats as pets not chow.

Posted by: La Femme Crickita at June 8, 2004 01:00 PM

Wait, I forgot, PETA protesters are the weenies!!!

Posted by: Homer at June 8, 2004 01:01 PM

MMMmmmmmmmmm.....PETA weenies

Posted by: Homer Simpson at June 8, 2004 01:03 PM

(Maybe I'm late to the party, but....)Just saw on FOX news:
European Hostages in Iraq Rescued

The "Exit Strategy" carried out by American Special Forces! 3 Italians and 1 Pole FREEEEED! ASFs Iraqin' The House!!!

But there are still others being held like the Turkish hostages and has ANYONE heard anything more about 20 yr. old Pfc Keith Maupin? I've heard nothing except for what lasted 3 days past when he was seen on video in captivity (back in early April) by the islamaniac thugs! The media has been completely silent about him and he simply should NOT be forgotten!! THis young soldier has a wife and child also.

I did find this though in my search:
"Please contact his Representative Rob Portman and demand that he do everything in his power to effect Pfc. Maupin's immediate release!----
Call his Washington, DC office NOW. 202-225-3164

[temporary hijack: ended]

Posted by: CoLoRaDo KiTtY cAt at June 8, 2004 01:07 PM

Ms RightWing:

You wrote (much earlier): "Please don't annihilate a good cowboy song on Kim Jong Il."

You're right--a thousand pardons. Next time, I'll use either "Happy Trails" or "I'm Back in the Saddle Again", OK?

Oh, wait. Maybe "Yellow Polka Dot Bikini" or "Night Train" would be better for Kimmy.

Meanwhile, can I have a chipmunk popper?

Posted by: The Great Santini at June 8, 2004 01:15 PM

CoLoRaDo KiTtY cAt,

I envision you in a red 1959 Cadillac Eldorado Biarritz Convertible, wings and all. Has to be the coolest land yachts ever made. You're drivin' and Ms RightWing is riding shotgun with wheel chair stowed in cavernous trunk. Cruisin' 80 on the interstates.

Some young acquaintances from Georgia had one and when they stayed in the Houston area for about three months over summer vacation (we were all late teens and early twenties still in college in 1974) we ended up in El Paso for a week at a Christian conference. Top down, wind blowing through a full head of hair doing 85 on Interstate 10 with clear blue skies overhead. That was when gasoline was still 45 cents a gallon even after the '73 oil embargo. One of the coolest things I've ever done.

My youngest has a 1996 convertible Mustang GT and that's fun too but not as classy. Yep, gotta be a '59 Caddy but you won't find many of those in Cuber.

Posted by: Hankmeister© at June 8, 2004 01:20 PM

Just a quick comment about "eating pets." I was raised on a small farm, and we often considered our meat cow and slaughter hog as pets...right up until the time that the sledgehammer sent them to herbivore heaven.

Posted by: Grey dog at June 8, 2004 01:33 PM

Speaking of eating dog, Ta-Rah-Zah says Heinz ketchup makes an excellent condiment for braised terrier. Personally, I prefer Grey Poupon. That's how we ate it in Viet Nam. Did I mention I served in Viet Nam? I received a ribbon for my recipe there.

Posted by: John Fickle Kerry at June 8, 2004 01:50 PM

Grey dog,

Thanks for the confirm...see my 1:36AM post earlier on this thread.

I notice Mike hasn't been back. Maybe he can play the sacrificial lamb again when he takes on Scrapplers this evening. Figuratively speaking I'm like Pavlov's dog slavering for more liberal read meat.

Hey, I just thought of something. I only say this to advance the art of comedy, but good thing Pavlov wasn't Korean or we'd be reading about his salivatory response to the sight of the dog rather than the dog's response to a bell. Is there a moral in that?

Posted by: Hankmeister© at June 8, 2004 01:54 PM

Reading this thread I'm inching closer and closer to full on vegetarianism! Ü

Sounds like fun times. I really do think I pink 59 caddy would be sweet. When I was a junior high kid one of my best friends lived out real near by a car salvage yard and there were some oldies out there like those 40's cars,etc. I used to go climb in them and see if the radio, etc worked...which with some it did. I LOVE the head and tail lamps, grill, hood ornaments, interior of the old cars. I especially like the rope like fabric door puller shut handle thingies, too and the classic dash board, radio, etc. with all the chrome and design. In the 80s I had an ugly 63 Chevy and some kid ran into it with his Trans Am. He was so apologetic as I kept looking back and forth at his crunched in fiberglass bumper and my unscathed, indestructable heavy duty metal fender. That car had the best A/C you could want. I rented it out for a meat locker. HA..just kidding.

On Topic: those 12 K troops that have been in S. Korea for 54 years DARN WELL BETTER GET A WELCOME HOME PARADE...prune juice smoothies, gold plated walkers, free AARP cruises and ALL!

La Femme Crickita (the "new" LFC--hehe) I'm headed your way. Thank you. This room full of pet eating gangstas is beginning to feel like getting caught standing between a "meeting" of the "Clips and the Bruds".(spoken w/Asian accent)

Posted by: CoLoRaDo KiTtY cAt at June 8, 2004 01:58 PM

Groovy little gal has a low rider, lead sled wheelchair. No poodle skirt, I hate food on my clothes. Wear my denims rolled up capri style and still got my ponytail.

My dream car is/was a 1964 Studebaker Golden Hawk with a 289 paxton blower. If I ever win lifes lottery I woll buy one and a new computer and give the rest to animal research at General Mills.

When I went to Sam's Club yesterday they were giving away samples of chipmunk poppers.

Never met a Chevy I liked. Bought myself a used 63 Impala SS for graduation and got rear-ended by a 57 Chevy doing 65 mph. Hospital, braces, pain meds, that is three things I think of when you say "Cheby." Although I must admit I wish I had that Cheby and I would take it to East LA and sell it to the Latinos.

Been a Ford gal most of my life, sprinkled with a few neat Dodges, but love them Studebakers. You go Aunt Sarah!

Maybe should by one of them Korean cars (Kia). I hear they use human skin for seat covers. Yu go Ed Gein!

Posted by: Ms RightWing at June 8, 2004 02:13 PM

I see Scott started a new thread. I guess he got tired of all the cat and dog recipes on this one.

Posted by: Hankmeister© at June 8, 2004 04:28 PM

Hey, I'm a chef and I like it here.

Posted by: Ms RightWing at June 8, 2004 07:22 PM

Sorry Ms. RightWing:
F fix
O or
R repair
D daily

F found
O on
R roadside
D dead

Have owned both, though not of the classic vintages. I still hate Fords. The only ones I like are the 65-7 Mustangs. My dad had a 66 Mustang GT. VERY COOL.

Posted by: Chevy Man at June 8, 2004 08:40 PM

Chevy Man,
10-4 on the acronyms!

One BIG mistake I made in my life: Trading in 63 Chevy--

A MUCH BIGGER mistake: trading it in on an 86 Ford Taurus (in 87).

Some people name their cars. My Ford basically named itself:
"a messenger of satan sent to buffet me"!!Ü

I went thru hades with that pile o' "bull" (hehehe. Taurus...bull...get it?)
With ONE car payment left on the car that owned me-- right before moving out of Kansas to here (YIPPPPEEEEE) The MOSSTBM was totaled in a hail storm. That car wasn't the only thing that went through "hail"!

My 2 "friendly cars that say 'HI!' that I've owned have been berry, berry good to me! PT Cruiser would be fun. The new Crossfire sure caught my eye. Mercedes SUV can't be improved upon, now can it?

Posted by: CoLoRaDo KiTtY cAt at June 8, 2004 09:30 PM

Well, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I have been very lucky with Fords and am on my fourth one. I do agree with you about the Mustangs. I have a friend who has a 64 1/2. Lovely black with chrome and red leather interior.

If I were to drive a Chevy, it would be any of the corvairs or a Suburban. The old Chevy three on the tree standard pick up trucks were just so much fun to drive.

We have a standard shift Jeep and the Lovely Liberal Leveler aka The Precious, or my gold Excursion. There is a Hummer who also does Liberal Leveling too, and has tire floss.

Posted by: La Femme Crickita at June 8, 2004 09:36 PM

CKC, we didn't have a Taurus but we had a Tempo. It was the Model Car. Never gave us any trouble. We also owned an F-150 PU truck, an E-150 van and none of them gave us fits. We had a 78 Toyota Corolla in Germany that we had to leave, as well as a Chevette. Icky poo.

Posted by: La Femme Crickita at June 8, 2004 09:40 PM

I guess I am a Chevy lover too, but I have owned about everything . The worst one was a 1985 Merc Grand Marquis, a real close second is an Acura Integra that I bought on E-bay, but I suspect it had a hard life, maybe street racing, the best would have to be an '87 Dodge Grand Caravan, rode it 240,000 miles, sold it to a young couple that was down on their luck for $400, they drove it until about a year ago and they had to have had over 300,000 on it. I think that most of what is built today will do well if it is taken care of reasonably. My brother-in-law even has a Kia Sephia that has been trouble free. I love my Suburban, half the fun is irritating the SUV haters !!

Posted by: mindknumbed kid at June 8, 2004 10:07 PM

La Femme Crickita,

When I said a MOSSTBM. I realize it was most likely an isolated thing with major lemon car! Another thing I learned. I VOWED (and have KEPT that vow) to never buy a new model car the first year it comes out. Let some other poor suckers who can afford to have the kinks worked out on their "account" cha-ching!.

I really have had MINIMAL probs with a Neon. I've been pleased with both I've had. The first, a lease car, I liked "cosmetically" better than the 2nd because it was a black 2Dr. I'm still not at all UNhappy with the one I have now.

I'm going to the big Dodge Gala next Thursday for the showing of their brand new models.Ü ( A friend's dad owns and my friend runs the dealership, too. I'm going for some freebies too..and to look for a Viper..woo hooo!)

If only they'd bring back the Gremlin and the Pacer! *(faux) sigh*

Speaking of driving....time to go let the dog take me for a WALK. (-;)

OH and speaking of walking--did you know John Kerry was a Vietnam Veteran that may have wokked his dog?

Posted by: CoLoRaDo KiTtY cAt at June 8, 2004 10:09 PM

La Femme Crickita - My brother abuses every vehicle he owns, and oddly enough the only cars he could not destroy were Chevettes, he's had nearly a dozen of them things. Drives the toothpicks out of 'em.

Posted by: mindknumbed kid at June 8, 2004 10:13 PM

CKC - SKerry tried to wok his dog but it ran away, apparently scared by all of the flip-flopping around.

Posted by: mindknumbed kid at June 8, 2004 10:18 PM

My first car was a 1959 Ford Galaxy. Likewise I could not destroy that car. It eventually would have succumbed to the salt bucket cancer. I traded that for my 63 Cheby SS, which was a suicide machine. After that I bought an Opel Rally with the insurance money and boy did I ever love that car.

During my first marriage we had a garage full of old Volvos that looked like 1948 Fords. We had two that ran and the others were parts cars. Our best friend had a Lotus Super Seven that he built (that's the way they came) with a Ford twin-cam engine. Whoopee that was a fast, fun car.

My ex was into sports car racing and we had everything from Mini-Coopers to Formula Fords. Every month he had a new toy. I had my Opel but bought Nikons for revenge. He he.

Better stop here because there is another ** years of cars that have crept in and out of my life including a 1954 Cadillac.

Posted by: Ms RightWing at June 8, 2004 10:31 PM

My dad bought his first new car in 1952. An Oldsmobile 98, every car he has owned since then has had to be compared to his Olds 98, and according to him, all have been inferior. Wish I had the wherewithal to buy him a nice '52 for "Olds time" sake.

Posted by: mindknumbed kid at June 8, 2004 10:39 PM

What a sweet son you are to your mom and pop, mindnumbedkid! That would be so cool if you could do it and I imagine the thoughtfulness behind it would blow your dad away more than the car itself!

I think my 63 Chevy was an Impala Super Sport. My oldest bro had a white 67 396 Impala which my nephew is now driving. I hope he can get the interior fixed up. It's a cool tank of a car. If memory serves it's also a stick shift. (talk about an "exit strategy"...especially from a stop light or sign..hehehe!)-- WOO HOO. The only kind I'll drive. 5 on the floor and I feel like a psuedo NASCAR Cat. hehehehe. I guess that means I am OBLIGATED to vote for Bush now, huh?.

Posted by: CoLoRaDo KiTtY cAt at June 8, 2004 11:37 PM

Oh CKC I agree with you about prototype first year cars! Lemon machines deluxe.
But Taurus had an especially evil rep for all it's years of manufacture. Even the Germans hated them. Tempos were pretty decent.

My brother turned grease monkey to put himself through law school. My dad brought home a 1966 Jaguar XKE for him to fix up and sell. The problem? The door on the driver's side had been nearly shorn off. It was a big kitty and purred like one too.

Posted by: La Femme Crickita at June 9, 2004 07:27 AM

How we got from Korea to cars I have no idea. But since we are talking car talk I will chirp in about my last new car. It was a 1998 Ford Contour twin cam and that baby was fast. After I bought mine they came out with the SHO version (drats).
You could cruise at 100 at easy as 55. Of course, it would do much more than that. I had it up to 125 across nowhere Nevada playing cat and mouse with a Porsche.

I have no idea why Ford took it off the market. It was a very fine car. Later I bought a rusted up Ford Taurus station wagon for a work car because I needed a station wagon for the restaurant. Early Taurus's had a major rust problem) After the body fell off I bought a Subaru which ran and ran and ran. Had over 200,000 miles on it when I quit driving.

Posted by: Ms Right Wing at June 9, 2004 12:08 PM

oooooo baby oh baby!...a 1966 Jaguar (Jag-U-Wahr).

The correct pronounciation has now made its way across the big pond. I voiced some spots for a Jag dealer in California a year or so ago and it was then still pronounced "JAG-war" If you'll notice most any ads you hear anymore it is a distinct 3 syllable car (-;).

As I reflect back on that Taurus (with ONE payment left on it) being pummelled in that wicked Kansas hailstorm, I realize it may have been the car itself reaping what it had sown. It sure put me through "hades". I watched as the abundant, golfball sized hail "downsized" that thing into a car of Fiat "stature". I heard that just a couple days after a businessman friend accompanied me to the insurance office (I'm no negotiator..he was) to collect my $$$--my old crippled up car was seen being puttered around in with plastic on the back windows, etc. (how the driver (sans a new windshield) saw out of the front window, I'll never know! It looked like mini mosaic.

Does anyone every own a car? I think they mostly own us. I feel quite blessed with my very well behaved Neons I've had.

Posted by: CoLoRaDo KiTtY cAt at June 9, 2004 12:57 PM

Our Jeep is 11 years old. It has a happy disposition, as does The Precious. We bought our Jeep brand new, drove it off the showroom floor. It is the only car we ever bought new as a couple.

Posted by: La Femme Crickita at June 9, 2004 02:35 PM

My first car was a 1964 Plymouth Fury, 318 V8 if I remember right, with a push button tranny. It was snow white outside with a powder blue interior. It was cherry, and had rocket sled pick up. I da*ned near killed myself and a friend drag racing it one night after taking our dates home. I swore I'd never do anything that stupid again.

Some girl broke my heart that summer, and about 3 weeks after that I rear ending some guy. Broke my heart twice in a month.

Took the insurance money and wound up buying the biggest disaster of a car I ever owned, a 1972 Chevy Vega. It was a rust bucket death trap with a heater that only worled in July. It had a combination aluminum and cast iron engine that was so poorly designed it burned a can of oil every week. The only thing that worked well was the radio, and that fell out of the dashboard one day when I crossed some railroad tracks.

CKC, you never really own a car, just the payments.

Posted by: Just Ranting at June 9, 2004 02:52 PM

Just Ranting,
I hate to laugh at your misery, but you Chevy Vega story reads quite comedic...unfortunately.Ü

Adding insult to injury with my sob story: A few
years after I "appeased"my Taurus (aka: paid off the car that clearly owned me) I was attempting to finance another vehicle (my 1st Neon---my first New car). Seeings that I refuse to "do plastic" (Pretending to have more money than I actually do and paying off a credit card purchased hamburger for 20 years isn't my idea of the high life!Ü). I called re: credit records, et c. and had NOTHING show up. Now I was DAGGONE proud of myself for feeding that Ford monster all those years. Eventually they were able to dig up the credit info, but I was NOT going to be slighted AGAIN by that daggone MOSSTBM!(;

La Femme,
I suppose because it IS mountain country that it's probably more exclusive to my neck o' the woods, but there's an ad campaign going on right now that's humorously done about people trading in their old Jeeps so other Jeep lover/wanna-be drivers don't have to go without. It's sort of done like a sob story. "I promise I will love it and take care of it......just PLEASE can I have one" sort of attitude to the spot.

Posted by: CoLoRaDo KiTtY cAt at June 9, 2004 03:33 PM

Hey, you guys are having all the fun on this thread while we're hammering away on the up-threads.

Chevy Vega! My brother had a Chevy Vega after he had an AMC Gremlin! What a loser when it came to picking cars. That's when he went to pickup trucks.

My first car was a 1968 Plymouth 340 Formula S 'Cuda. What a kick butt car. I could only afford to drive it because premium leaded gas was only 23 cents a gallon at the local self-serve. Remember those days! I rebuilt the engine twice before I gave it to my youngest brother who proceeded to trash it in grudge races. Did a lot of racing with that car at sanctioned NHRA dragstrips running in E/Stock class. Won my share of class trophies and one stock eliminator trophy.

I was a big-time Direct Connection Mopar man but now I tool around in a 1970 350 smallblock Chevelle that's pretty quick. Chevy old metal is a lot cheaper. Ever priced a Mopar muscle car lately? Forget it.

BTW, my middle brother's Gremlin did have a pretty decent 304 engine backed by a Chrysler automatic tranny, that is until he warped the heads when he ran it dry of coolant one day!

Posted by: Hankmeister© at June 10, 2004 09:21 AM


A 304 engine in a Gremlin? Wow, its a wonder the engine didn't take off and leave the car behind. That's like marrying Halle Berry to Steve Erckle. It probably wans't your brother's fault. The engine probably did itself in just to get away from the rest of the car.


In hindsight the '72 Vega is pretty funny. My older brother's first car was a '61 Corvair. Nader made his reputation by trashing that car on the national stage over saftey issues. The Corvair had its engine in the rear and trunk in the front. We lived in New Jersey as teenagers, and my brother was into surfing. (Blond haired Beach Boys were the rage back then.) He and his surfer dude buddies were cruising home after braving the 2 foot swells at Sandy Hook. They were headed Northbound on the Garden State Parkway (GSP) with their boards strapped to the roof. The GSP has a steep bridge going over the Raritan river; about 200 feet in the air. They've got the windows down, blasting their music, eyeing the Clearasil'd cuties passing by, when they crest this bridge and hit an updraft. The boards on the car roof caught the updraft, and the front end lifted right off the ground. They were at the mercy of God and the laws of physics for about 100 yards. Needless to say, they didn't pick up the chicks that day.

Even with that being said, if given my choice, I would still take the Corvair over the Vega in a heartbeat. The Vega was just that bad.

Posted by: Just Ranting at June 11, 2004 10:04 AM

Just ranting,

I say an AMC Gremlin build-up where the guy dropped the 343 engine in with the standard Chrysler 904 three-speed auto tranny. I think it turned mid 13s in the quarter with street tires! Pretty impressive. I was always partial to the 390 AMX when it came to American Motor musclecars. When I was racing at Houston International Dragway, there was a local who would occasionally bring his AMX 390 Pro-Stock to the track and lay down some mid-9 second runs. This was around 1972-73. It was awesome.

My little 340 used to toast the 440s and street Hemis in the quarter mile on street rubber because I could get the horsepower to the ground and they couldn't because their tires would go up in smoke. The only car I couldn't beat that was a street legal daily driver was a friend who had a 440 six-pack Challenger that he and his dad blue-printed the engine. We estimated he had to be close to 450 horsepower at the time. He was running high 12s and I was running mid-13s when I could hook.

And just think, dinosaurs died to make this all possible! I would do it all again in a heartbeat. What fun we had. All three of my sons now have cars faster than my 'Cuda! And two out of three of them get over 24mpg as compared to my 'Cuda's 13mpg - that is if they can keep their feet out of the throttle.

Posted by: Hankbloviator™ at June 11, 2004 02:43 PM

OOPS, I got deleted for saying what folks back in my neck o' the woods eat. I am scratchin' my head over this, I was sure it was clean !!

Posted by: mindknumbed kid at June 11, 2004 08:59 PM
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