, voted #1 online CLE provider by TechnoLawyer, is the fastest,
easiest and most convenient way to fulfill your CLE requirements in more than 25 states.
Already enrolled? Convenient access to Your Seminars Sign In
Take your CLE courses anytime and anywhere you have access to the Internet.
View seminars on video, listen to audio programs, download documents from robust seminar libraries,
and participate in interactive discussions between expert panelists and attendees. Your personal CLE Advisor will help you get started using online technology, track your credits, and answer
all your questions.
Choose from three options:
Good value - Register for an individual seminar. Seminars are priced from $29 -- $69
depending on the number of credit hours earned. Visit the CLE catalog and choose from more than
100 programs, including courses that fulfill hard-to-find sub-specialty requirements.
Great value - Earn CLE credits on for less than $15/hour with’s CLE bundles.
Best value - Enjoy access for multiple employees with's
group pricing. Valuable discounts start with purchases of just 100 hours. Seminars is proud to announce partnerships with the
New York City Bar, the Illinois State Bar Association and Law Journal Seminars.
For a complete list of seminar partners click here.