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Contractors Sued Over Abu Ghraib Abuses
The Legal Intelligencer

Acting on behalf of more than 1,000 Iraqi detainees, a national team of 11 lawyers filed a civil RICO class action in federal court Wednesday against Titan Corp. and CACI International for allegedly conspiring in the abuse of prisoners at Abu Ghraib prison. "These corporations saw an opportunity to build their businesses by proving they could extract information from detainees in Iraq, by any means necessary," says attorney Susan L. Burke.

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Deadbeat Dads Face Ban on Procreation
The National Law Journal

Have your funds clipped or yourself ... snipped. Such, increasingly, are the legal choices facing men who owe child support. A Kentucky family court judge has given repeat offenders who are in contempt the option of a vasectomy or 30 days' jail time. And courts elsewhere in the United States are placing similar conception limits on parents. At least one legal adviser predicts the issue will eventually reach the U.S. Supreme Court.
Higher Recovery Cap Allowed for Funds Lost in Investment Scam
New York Law Journal

Investors who were deceived into buying nonexisting money market funds can make "claims for securities" through the Securities Investor Protection Corp., a federal appeals court ruled Tuesday. Addressing an issue of first impression, the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said the victimized investors, many of them elderly, could not be limited to the $100,000 cash advance cap for "claims for cash" in the Securities Investor Protection Act.

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Tension Increases Between Special Counsel and Conn. Defense Bar
The Connecticut Law Tribune

A Connecticut House committee is in a pitched battle with Gov. John G. Rowland, and tension is nearly as great between Steven Reich and the white-collar criminal defense bar. Reich, the committee's special counsel, caused his first stir by not being a Connecticut attorney. Now, disgruntlement has reportedly grown into full-blown animosity, especially from lawyers whose clients face a grand jury probe. Oh, and did we mention Reich is from New York?
Probe Sought of Fla. Response to Voting Machine Woes
Miami Daily Business Review

What do they know and when did they know it? That's what U.S. Rep. Robert Wexler wants the Florida AG to determine about the secretary of state's awareness of problems with touch-screen voting machines. The congressman also questions the timing of election chief Ed Kast's resignation. Kast abruptly quit two weeks after being deposed for Wexler's suit over the voting machines, which the congressman says violate state law because they can't do recounts.
Sometimes a Cigar Is Just ... Jail Time
A Roundup of Legal News

A lawyer/cigar smuggler's freedom went up in smoke Wednesday: Chicago attorney Richard "Mick" Connors was sentenced to over three years in federal prison for "trading with the enemy" -- i.e., smuggling thousands of Cuban cigars into the U.S. and reselling them during the '90s cigar fad. The judge, noting Connors' familiarity with ways to flee the country, ordered him into custody immediately ... A proposed national ID card allowing extensive records to be kept and tracked on individuals has run into problems in the UK. Britain's Information Commissioner, Richard Thomas, says the amount of information in the cards' database -- including biometric data -- would be taking things an unprecedented step too far, not to mention the fact that that much data would be a "very, very attractive proposition for criminals" ... Lea Fastow won't do time at "Club Fed." The wife of former Enron CFO Andrew Fastow learned Tuesday that she'll spend her yearlong prison sentence in Houston's Federal Detention Center, rather than in a campuslike minimum-security facilty -- which means a grim and confining sojourn working a menial job for 12 to 40 cents an hour, with few privileges and maximim security treatment ... Two news organizations have filed motions to quash subpoenas issued by a special prosecutor investigating the leak of a covert CIA officer's identity. Subpoenaed in the matter, which concerns Valerie Plame, an undercover CIA operative married to former ambassador Joseph C. Wilson -- a critic of the Bush administration's Iraq policy -- were Tim Russert, of NBC's "Meet the Press," and Time reporter Matt Cooper. Due to DOJ guidelines requiring exhaustion of all other avenues of inquiry first, the move to seek journalists' testimony may mean the investigation is near completion. --Lydia Markoff


The Trouble With TiVo
IP Law & Business

Digital video recorders like TiVo are hot. But the eye-popping technology that has made TiVo's name now brings it peril. Faced with heated competition, TiVo's betting big on a high-risk patent infringement suit and some high-stakes licensing deals. At the same time, TiVo risks the wrath of patent owners and content providers who may hamper its ability to innovate and compete. How these matters turn out will most likely make or break TiVo.
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June 10, 2004

Cigar-smuggling lawyer sentenced to three-plus years ... National ID cards' data like catnip for criminals ... Enron defendant to do hard time ... Media organizations oppose subpoenas in CIA leak probe

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Stories at a Glance
   Contractors Sued Over Abu Ghraib Abuses
   Deadbeat Dads Face Ban on Procreation
   Higher Recovery Cap Allowed for Funds Lost in Investment Scam
   Tension Increases Between Special Counsel and Conn. Defense Bar
   Probe Sought of Fla. Response to Voting Machine Woes
   The Trouble With TiVo

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