Tuesday, June 1, 2004
So I'm watching the Miss Universe pageant (it's my wife's fault, I swear), and when they gave away the Miss Congeniality award, co-host Billy Bush explained that the award was for the "best liked."
Do you think he was spelling it out for his uncle George?
Posted by Jesse at 10:50 PM EST
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Kerry's speech today.
Good stuff. Read it.
Posted by Jesse at 04:42 PM EST
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Pass it on
Check out this great Flash game. It's an incredible piece of work -- fun and informative. Make sure you show it to people who aren't convinced about this election yet. It lays it all out.
Posted by Jesse at 09:55 AM EST
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Saturday, May 29, 2004
Word of the Day
Googturbating: Looking yourself up on google.
As addictive and self-destructive as its etymological root.
Posted by Jesse at 11:18 AM EST
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Don't miss this glowing profile of Democratic Illinois candidate for Senate Barak Obama. He's our best chance to take a seat from the Republicans (although there are plenty more), and he has an incredibly bright future. (First black president, anyone?)
One passage offers a humorous aside:
[Rep.] Jan Schakowsky [(D-Ill.)] told me about a recent visit she had made to the White House with a congressional delegation. On her way out, she said, President Bush noticed her "OBAMA" button. "He jumped back, almost literally," she said. "And I knew what he was thinking. So I reassured him it was Obama, with a 'b.' And I explained who he was. The President said, 'Well, I don't know him.' So I just said, 'You will.'"
Every election cycle, 33 or 34 Senate seats are contested, and fewer than a dozen of those are real races. Can you imagine for a single moment President Clinton not knowing the opposition candidate of a top Senate race? Impossible.
Posted by Jesse at 10:45 AM EST
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Friday, May 28, 2004
It's Krugman Day!
(If I'm back, might as well be all the way back.)
The media is finally seeing the truth about Bush, says the Axis of Awesome.
Amazing things have been happening lately. The usual suspects have tried to silence reporting about prison abuses by accusing critics of undermining the troops -- but the reports keep coming. The attorney general has called yet another terror alert -- but the press raised questions about why. (At a White House morning briefing, Terry Moran of ABC News actually said what many thought during other conveniently timed alerts: "There is a disturbing possibility that you are manipulating the American public in order to get a message out.")
Posted by Jesse at 04:57 PM EST
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From the Wage Slave Journal mailbag:
Hello, I think that you have a good site here and people need the info . I have to tell you the truth I voted for George W. and I will not make that mistake again . I really did think that he cared about the little guy I was wrong on that one . Keep up the good work and Thanks again . SYL
Let's hope she lives in a swing state.
Posted by Jesse at 09:14 AM EST
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Thursday, May 27, 2004
Terror alert, but not really
Front pages everywhere are buzzing with the administration's warnings of new threats from terrorism.
But the terror alert system remains at yellow.
So which do we take seriously, and which do we ignore?
Posted by Jesse at 07:44 AM EST
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Wednesday, May 26, 2004
Ignore them and maybe they'll go away
Jesse over at Pandagon is right: these parodies of right-wing bloggers are hilarious.
But is it just me, or do left-wing bloggers spend way too much time reading and refuting right-wing blogs? We get it already: they lie about everything. So why waste our time with them?
Yeah, Kevin: I'm talking about you.
Posted by Jesse at 05:26 PM EST
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Gore's speech
Make sure you read the speech Al Gore gave today in its entirety.
There was then, there is now and there would have been regardless of what Bush did, a threat of terrorism that we would have to deal with. But instead of making it better, he has made it infinitely worse. We are less safe because of his policies. He has created more anger and righteous indignation against us as Americans than any leader of our country in the 228 years of our existence as a nation -- because of his attitude of contempt for any person, institution or nation who disagrees with him.
Posted by Jesse at 04:18 PM EST
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Monday, May 24, 2004
How low can you go?
Can we hold the elections tomorrow? Pretty please?
Posted by Jesse at 04:28 PM EST
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Sunday, May 23, 2004
It's official
I've retired the Scorecard of Evil. Too busy Kicking George Bush's ass to continue updating it. It's still a great resource, and you should keep sending around to everyone you know!
Posted by Jesse at 10:45 AM EST
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