100 Years of Medical Robbery |
Dale Steinreich explains the twin goals of the AMA-shaped medical industry: artificially elevated incomes and worship by patients. To achieve this, the AMA used the coercive power of the state to limit the practices of physician competitors, and restricted entrance to the profession through control of medical schools. Technology, however, might be breaking up the labor cartel.
Live Free, or Be Killed |
Frum and Perle have identified with great clarity a system of belief that threatens the world, writes David Gordon.
The Myths of Reaganomics |
Everyone seems to agree that Reagan slashed the size and scope of government. Murray N. Rothbard exposes the truth.
The Silent Partner in Family Decline |
There are many reasons for the decline of the family, lifestyle choice among them, writes Per Henrik Hansen.
The Human Impact of Factor Mobility |
If we were to restrict American companies to only hiring American programmers, writes Clifford Thies, the obvious response of the rest of the world would be to forbid American companies from selling their software and related products and services to their consumers.
Housing: Too Good to be True |
What the prophets of the new housing paradigm don't discuss, writes Mark Thornton, is that real estate markets have experienced similar cycles in the past.
The Rivers Run Through It |
Erich Mattei explains that reformist measures do not address the fundamental problem afflicting the nations waterways: river socialism.
The Fed Cannot Fix Itself |
The Fed is always claiming to come up with new ways to make monetary policy less damaging to the economy. But Frank Shostak argues that this isn't possible.