Eureka! (Pancake) [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Eureka Pancake

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As If... [Mar. 4th, 2004|10:16 pm]

Which Legendary Actress are you?
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How True! [Feb. 22nd, 2004|06:32 pm]

This space for rent

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Headlines and Headlights [Feb. 10th, 2004|04:38 pm]
I totally missed the unveiling of the boob during the Super Bowl.

And I, for one, am mortified, absolutely, that Americans (and maybe even some foreigners) had to suffer through 1.5 seconds of that boob. I'm sure some children were emotionally damaged from the experience. I was emotionally damaged and I only heard about it.

It really was the boob heard round the world. In fact, it has already changed TV as well know it. It will be a while before we actually have live TV. Everything will be on a five-minute tape delay so that we can all be protected from more emotional damage.

You know, if they say it was an accident, believe them. I do. And I believe her brother is an excellent father. And that's his natural nose, really it is.

If it was on purpose...geez, Miss Jackson must really need a shot of B12 in the career.

Can we all just get along? Can't we just show our disapproval at the box office, ticket office or record store. Why the big deal? Geez, there's more explicit stuff on NYPD Blue or L & O SVU.

And although I think it slightly obvious. I'd much rather see some dancing and a boob flash than padded helmeted guys smashing each other...not that there's anything wrong with that.
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Let The Faxing BEGIN!!!! [Jan. 27th, 2004|08:28 pm]
I finally found, bid on and WON one of those fisher-price cameras that use the fax process to take pictures. I've seen those puppies go for $75, but I was extremely lucky to find one that was $25 and included several rolls of film.

Now I just need to steel myself for that annoying, cloying tune it plays as the picture ever so slowly rolls out.
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Bizarro World [Jan. 24th, 2004|08:33 am]
[mood | amused]

Yes, there IS a Live Journal bizzaro world.

Check out

It's where we all can go, if live journal gets too, too, mundane.

I'm scared, hold me!

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[Jan. 19th, 2004|07:12 pm]
put together my new bed, bolts missing (after all it WAS from the scratch and dent area of the very very pompous furniture store, was "handywoman" and got them at home depot. Now drying my new egyptian cotton sheets. Found an art print I had been searching for, for YEARS. Confidences by

Visited mars tokyo's new indexed website...floated through many theaters, drifting through glorious-ness and genius.

steam cleaned my carpets, everything smells delightful! bought a portable upholstery steamer, next weekend...the SOFA!

networked my house (by myself)----WIRELESS! Now there's a laptop that can be anywhere in the house, including the porch and get that super fast broadband access. got a wireless optical mouse too. feeling very techy.

got acid reflux...or something like it...for the first time and thinking maybe it's from having the world's most wonderful steak last night at 9 p.m.

Walked 2 miles on Saturday, 3 miles on sunday.
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Hooray! [Jan. 9th, 2004|05:19 pm]
[mood | cheerful]

It's the weekend!

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Something About A House [Dec. 31st, 2003|06:12 pm]
Home, home, home. I am a home owner. It's a new experience for me. I've owned this house for 2 1/2 weeks and although I've rented this house for two years...there's a totally different feel to it.

Mine. Mine. Mine.

I've already made some changes and in the process discovered that I am pretty handy and that I have a good sense of what looks right.

I don't miss Jackie, the ex and now friend. I don't miss how I felt here with her and certainly don't miss the tension. Even the good moments can't compare with what I am feeling now. A growing sense of wholeness.

Soon I'll post pictures of my bathroom project. Turning a 1960s style bathroom into an bathroom.

I am beginning to get a sense of the whole house and how each room should be used. I intend for this place to be the kind of home that people want to visit because it is comfortable, soothing, interesting and vibrant.

One day, there will be a special person here...but right now, I am making this home perfect for ME.
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One Of My Metal Paintings [Dec. 30th, 2003|08:37 pm]
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Amazing! [Dec. 30th, 2003|08:05 pm]
It works...I have to open nothing...just the little LJ icon and type and bit and then click post and it's THERE!
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The World is at my keyboard [Dec. 30th, 2003|08:02 pm]
Broadband is ROCKING my world! I'm experimenting now with posting from the LJ download program on my desktop.
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Broadband or Bust [Dec. 30th, 2003|01:13 pm]
[mood | hopeful]

DSL, no go. Broadband workers arrive in an hour.

All I want for Hanuka is fast access.

All I need for the New Year is fast access.

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On the fourth day of Hanuka... [Dec. 24th, 2003|02:23 pm]
[mood | good]

Earthlink DIDN'T give to meeeeeee!

Earthlink has asked for another chance. They are going to strap a remote box on a hamster or something. And while I was disappointed not to have DSL and Earthlink, I did all the emotional work needed (17 minutes worth) to switch my desire and loyalty to broadband. THEN, Earthlink asked for another chance. And I gave it to them. If nothing happens between now and Friday, then I'm on my way to Broadband.

Meanwhile (and of course) Earthlink billed me for the first month's usage. (Which equals NO USAGE and NO USE!). They will happily refund it...but it was just another little brick in the wall.

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DSL---Darn Slow Liftoff [Dec. 22nd, 2003|04:38 pm]
[mood | determined]

After my initial excitement at going seems that there is a problem with my "line loop." Whatever that means. Technicians are being dispatched to my home and an earthlink engineer is "taking ownership" of my trouble ticket.

Both the engineer and I suspect that my local phone company is playing hard to get since they'd rather sell me THEIR DSL service. Should the technician not be able to repair things, then I am going to go undercover as an innocent DSL service requester...when my local phone company "assures" me I have DSL capabilities...BUSTED!

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So close...and yet.... [Dec. 19th, 2003|03:15 pm]
[mood | grateful]

Computer has been upgraded with an ethernet port. I wish I could say that I did installed it completely on my own...but I was supervised by my work's computer specialist. And as a bit of a "gift" he inserted another memory card boosting me to 256 MB of RAM.

Next step, go home and hook up the DSL modem, insert more Earthlink software and then wait for the magic. That or call tech support.

More memory, faster downloads, I can feel that I'm ready to touch the sky...also to finally buy "web design for dummies."

I'm finding that many things-- home improvement, computers, recipes and life--- seem so much more difficult than they really are.

Soon I'll be posting my step by step picture of my bathroom remodeling project.

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Why I Miss My Toy Camera [Dec. 17th, 2003|08:38 am]
[mood | contemplative]

Several years ago, I had a Fisher-Price Creative Effects Camera. I do not know how it worked per se, but I can tell you that the "film" was actually that thermo-fax paper. And upon taking the picture, slowly (and not always surely) a 2.5" x 2.5" black and white picture would chug its way out. I actually contact Fisher-Price and bought rolls and rolls of back-up "film." One of the benefits of playing with the camera was that photocopying became an art form for me. In fact, if one did not eventually get around to copying the picture, one would soon be left with a nice blank thermo-fax paper bit.

I got an incredible piece of art from an internet/mail art friend who photographed her old dolls...and then reduced the photos to slide size and mounted them in slide mounts. She send me about ten of them housed in a little plastic bell jar.

I began to photograph body parts (don't ask and I won't tell) and sometimes I photographed images from the TV. It was wonderful fun.

So, of course, after a while my camera broke, the company stopped making them and now every once in a while, they appear on e-Bay. I bid on one before, but chickened out when the bidding went past $75.

Of course, I have other toy cameras, blah-za-blah...., but I miss that ONE toy camera. I guess it's time to do a search on e-bay.

Meanwhile, I patiently await the arrival of my 99 cent Polaroid iZone picture SCANNER!!!!!! I still love my iZone. And now I can scan the photos right into my computer.

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Turning a creative corner [Nov. 29th, 2003|06:03 pm]
[mood | creative]
[music |CSI in the background]

I started one of my torn magazine collages. Last night I worked for a couple of hours and finished about 1/4 of a large postcard sized one. That's pretty good considering the largest piece of torn national geographic is about 1/4 inch square.

Then this afternoon I found myself really wanting to get back in there to work on more...I mean REALLY wanting to get back in there.

That feels great. And that's a feeling that I haven't had for a while.

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Words we should use more often.... [Nov. 28th, 2003|09:38 am]
[mood | mischievous]

I plan to use this word (and its definition) until my friends run away screaming.

zeugma \ZOOG-muh\ noun
: the use of a word to modify or govern two or more words
usually in such a manner that it applies to each in a different
sense or makes sense with only one (as in "opened the door and
her heart to the homeless boy")

Examples, my friends?

Me first!

I may be spending too much time and money on eBay.

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it's not my fault, the world is conspiring against me [Nov. 27th, 2003|11:34 am]
so i'm checking out the TV this's a marathon of "dinner for five"....five actors/directors,writers, sit around a table eating dinner and talking about their experiences.

they vary the age and genres of the group enough to make it interesting. i enjoyed watching peter bogdanovich chatting with liev schrieber and penelope ann miller. So that's taping...

meanwhile...there is a new and FREE service on my cable.

video on demand. free, did i mention that?

i can watch HBO series when i want to, at the touch of a button and fast forward, rewind, pause as i please. it's cool and a little weird.

they give you like two hours for each hour of video you want to watch.

actually some of it has a fee, depending on what you already subscribe to.

i am not a TV junkie...i do like television and this really falls in line with my belief that i should be able to watch what i want, when i want and not be dependent on a schedule. so...i'm pretty happy right now...and yes, i know, TV may be the root of all evil...but give me TV and eBay and two dogs to snuggle with and I'm happy.

Yes, i know we need to discuss that further...but for today...i maintain that i am happy.
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Where I Was A Year Ago Thanksgiving [Nov. 26th, 2003|03:44 pm]
Jekyll Island, Georgia
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